I would like to better run a media player on my Linux (Ubuntu 16.04), connected via HDMI to a TV.

Today I use Kodi:

  • it is started via a systemd service (ExecStart = /usr/bin/xinit /root/.xinitrc)
  • /root/.xinitrc is simply exec /usr/bin/kodi

This is not an ideal setup but it works.

I would like now to switch to Emby (which runs in a browser) and at the same time have a more robust setup.

Specifically, I would like to:

  • use a minimalist window manager, which would only start Chrome in kiosque mode
  • make sure that exiting Emby restart it (by restarting the session)

How to do that in a modern way?

  1. There are no security constraints - the only goal I want to achieve is to have Emby starting when the machine reboots, and then if it is closed by mistake have it restart.

  2. There are no other GUI applications/windows which run on the machine (it is otherwise a server which provides web services and APIs). Emby is the only graphical program supposed to be used on that machine.

1 Answer 1


Tell your minimalist window manager, upon startup, to run

chrome --kiosk http://localhost:8096/web/home.html

That starts the Emby client within Chrome.

For example, for the Awesome window manager,
in ~/.config/awesome/rc.lua or /etc/xdg/awesome/rc.lua, append
awful.util.spawn("chrome --kiosk http://localhost:8096/web/home.html")

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