I use the the ssh -R command to create a ssh reverse tunnel in the client side:

ssh -fNR 3389: user@remotehost

In the client side, I can use the ps and netstat commands to find the ssh connection and the corresponding pid, local port and remote port behind the reverse tunnel by

sudo ps aux | grep "-fNR 3389:"

I was wondering if is there a way to find the same local port and remote port from the server side ? Thanks a lot for any suggestions.

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1 Answer 1


You could use

ss -tulpn | grep ':3389'  # Get the pid of the connected process

You get something like

tcp LISTEN 0 128* users:(("sshd",pid=9959,fd=7))

Use this pid in

ss -tp | grep -E 'pid=9959'

You get something like

ESTAB 0 0 users:(("sshd",pid=9959,fd=4),("sshd",pid=9952,fd=4))

Your sudo ps aux | grep "-fNR 3389:" only shows the executed command with parameters, but this wouldn't work if you use a script or ssh/config for forwarding.

  • Thanks. But the first command only shows which programm is listening the port 3389. I want to know which program hold the ssh conncetion that "supports" the port listening since sometimes I must kill the port listening program and restart it agian but the ssh connections are not killed. My server has only a little RAM and a lot of ssh connections will exhaust it.
    – wangwei
    Commented 2 days ago

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