I'm trying to have inside VScode for Windows 10 (Microsoft Windows [versão 10.0.19045.4474]) options to change the terminal from default to another one such WSL2 Ubuntu 24.04. I have installed powershell 7.4.2 MSI version:
Checked with:
Get the following output:
I have checked WSL version:
wsl -l -v
Checked the default distro (padrão=standard - PT-BR - US):
wsl --list
I have saw the default one with the following command:
wsl -l -v
Set to default Ubuntu 24.04 and listed:
wsl --setdefault DISTRO-NAME
wsl --setdefault Ubuntu 24.04
wsl -l -v
Checked if changed to Ubuntu 24.04 and worked fine!
Have done a list again:
wsl --list
Now I figure about a recommendation to install a VScode extension:
Have done the install:
I have discovered the down arrow in the output section and you can choose to Ubuntu 24.04 (WSL):
Have done some bash commands:
The problem I facing is that show Windows directories.
In the Windows explorer you can see linux folders and files:
Would like to open a terminal similar this image bellow inside VScode terminal like a native distro (the same way you that you can see in the image above of windows explorer):