After hours of research, it seems that in windows Pro/Enterprise there is not way to remove the Recommended section in the Windows 11 Start Menu.
With that in mind, I have computers and users managed by an AD and Group Policy is Enabled. We also have VMWare DEM installed for our virtual floating assignment (non persistent) machines.
Using Scripts, GPO, DEM, anything, is there a way that I can remove the "Get Started" program from the Recommended section of the Windows 11 Start menu?
I have compared Registry exports on the HKCU before and after unpinning the app and found nothing. Most blog posts that I found also state that the Get Started application is embedded into the user experience appx and can't be removed. If you try, you'll break stuff. I have tried Windows Configuration designer and found no policies i can exploit through CSP. I'm at my whits end.
I'm hoping I can use a script or something to unpin it at login, or add other items to the list to push it out of view, or something.
Any ideas would be appreciated. Thank you!