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Questions tagged [google-drive]

For questions specifically about the now-depreciated computer client for the file synchronization and cloud storage service from Google. This tag should not be used if your question is about Google Backup and Sync or Google Drive File Stream.

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50 votes
4 answers

Google Drive is saying "Sorry, Backup and Sync needs to quit."?

I'm using Google Drive privately. Since today, I'm receiving the following error message on my computer: Sorry, Backup and Sync needs to quit. Something went wrong. Backup and Sync needs to ...
Marco's user avatar
  • 613
48 votes
5 answers

Why is Google Drive so heavy on my CPU?

As the below screenshot shows, despite the fact that Google drive doesn't appear to be doing anything (it's not syncing any data) it's using over 12% of my CPU (a core i7). The official documentation ...
JMK's user avatar
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42 votes
11 answers

How to synchronize directories outside the Google Drive directory

I installed Google Drive and want to use it in order to backup some data scattered across my HDD. I cannot get it to use these different directories because I can set only one folder in Google apps. ...
Darqer's user avatar
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35 votes
10 answers

Google Drive won't let me download my files

I Recently uploaded a .PSD file from work to my personal Google Drive so I can download and work on it at home. Today when I went onto my Google drive to download this file, when I pressed the ...
Ben Franchuk's user avatar
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31 votes
4 answers

Google Drive grays out with "Unable To Connect" error after computer idles

I've been using Google Drive for a while, but recently I have a strange and very annoying problem: After the computer has been idle for a while, the Google Drive icon grays out and hover over it ...
Oz Solomon's user avatar
29 votes
7 answers

Downloading from Internet directly to google drive [closed]

I download a file from the Internet to the google drive folder on my local computer. In this case, the file is first downloaded to my local computer and then uploaded to google's servers from my local ...
ctlaltdefeat's user avatar
28 votes
5 answers

Windows 7 Index Search does not work in Google Drive folder

I recently installed Google Drive on my Windows 7 laptop and began syncing all my files a few days ago. All was well until I needed to search for some documents in my local copy of Google Drive using ...
Joel's user avatar
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28 votes
3 answers

How do I get Google Drive to open text files with arbitrary extensions as text files?

I have text files on Google Drive that do not end with the .txt suffix (such as: .r, .bas, .awk...). I want to view them using the Drive Notepad app, but it does not recognize the files as text. Is ...
eliavs's user avatar
  • 343
26 votes
2 answers

How to open doc, ppt, or xls files with Google Drive with double clicks from my desktop?

Google Docs is handy for editing documents online, and can serve as a complete MS Office alternative. However if you don't have MS Office installed you can't view those files without right click it ...
Freedo's user avatar
  • 750
22 votes
6 answers

Change local Google Drive folder

Is it possible to change the Google Drive folder from the default to something that is not on your desktop? For example, I want to use D:\Data as my local Google Drive folder.
Erik's user avatar
  • 221
20 votes
3 answers

Google Drive: Remove a folder linked to two locations from one of them

There's a little known feature in the new Google Drive where you can select a folder, click shift+z and then "add" it to another folder. From there on, the folder is located in both places. This is ...
Jonathan's user avatar
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20 votes
5 answers

View rendered html of html document in new Google Drive

In the old Google drive—before the material redesign—one could open an HTML document and that would show the source in a modal (pop-up window with an overlay behind it). Then when you pressed open ...
irfan's user avatar
  • 201
19 votes
8 answers

Download all folders from a shared Google Drive folder

Is it possible to download all folders from a shared Google Drive folder? I don't want people to have to download > 300 files individually. I am sending this to people that don't have Google accounts, ...
tobias47n9e's user avatar
18 votes
5 answers

Google Drive with a .gitignore like option

With git and hg, etc, you can define .gitignore file that will prevent certain folders/filetypes from being saved to the repo. Is there anything of that nature for Google Drive? In the preferences, ...
Sam Hammamy's user avatar
17 votes
2 answers

Google Drive terminates without error on startup

I've used Google Drive for awhile now, but it won't start up after installing on my latest system re-build. I'm still using the same OS, hardware, and basic software load (antivirus, firewall, etc.) ...
Iszi's user avatar
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17 votes
2 answers

Google Shared Drive sync to my PC

I have the Google Backup & Sync installed and it syncs my personal Drive to my PC with no problem here. But I also have access to some Shared Drives which I also want to sync my PC so I can work ...
Finiox's user avatar
  • 283
15 votes
7 answers

Google Drive with proxy authentication

I'm unable to connect the Google Drive application to the Internet. I'm quite sure it's because of the proxy authentication. How can I fix this problem? Windows 7 64 bit, proxy with authentication.
Urban's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

Right-click context menu in Windows Explorer is always slow/hanging

I noticed that whenever I click on any folder in Windows Explorer (and many times on files), there will be a noticeable lag. I discovered that the cause of this turned out to be Google Drive and that ...
patricknelson's user avatar
14 votes
7 answers

Setting Google Drive to open Google Docs files with Chrome

By default, Google Drive opens Google Docs files with the default browser, which is Firefox in my case. Can I set Google Drive to open Google Docs files with Chrome?
snakile's user avatar
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13 votes
5 answers

Sync Google Drive when not logged in

I have installed Google Drive on Windows Server 2008 R2. When I login to the server, Google Drive starts automatically and synchrnoizes files, pulling changes down from the cloud. All good so far. ...
njr101's user avatar
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13 votes
8 answers

Can I use Google Drive with two accounts?

I know I can switch between two different accounts with Google Drive on the web, but, can I use two Google Drive accounts at the same time in Windows 7?
Tu amigo Invisible's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

How to change the UI language in Google Drive?

There is currently no option to change the UI language in Google Drive. Is it possible to change it somehow?
Matija Grcic's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

Dropbox and Google Drive syncing the same folder at the same time, is it posible?

I am interested in using Dropbox and Google Drive to sync the same folder at the same time... Is there any special consideration to be taken into account? Any help is apreciated.
rraallvv's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

Map network drive for Google Drive to appears as a normal drive in Windows Explorer

Is it possible to "map network drive" for Google Drive so it appears as a usual Windows drive in Explorer? (And on a Mac and Linux?) Update 2023 This is now built in to the Google Drive ...
therobyouknow's user avatar
12 votes
4 answers

Can I sync network folder with a Google drive?

The brand new released Google drive allows to sync a folder which resides under My Documents (on Windows systems). However, I would like to sync a folder that resides on a network-mapped drive. Would ...
Alexander Abramovich's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

Google drive app not working in OSX Yosemite

Just upgraded to OSX Yosemite. And the google drive app seemed not to be working. Anyone else experienced the same issue? It seemed to be able to sync the documents in my folder in OSX and the folder ...
JustinBieber's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Map Google Drive as a Windows 7 network location

Like many people, I have a Google Drive account, which syncs with a folder on my personal laptop, located at home. I would like to be able to map that Google Drive as a folder on my work computer, as ...
Shane Andrews's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

Portable Dropbox/Google Drive

I am planning to buy a new external harddisk, which will hold my project files using XAMPP Portable, my contacts, documents etc, as this thing is dealing with sensitive data, and I cannot rely on a ...
Mr. Alien's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

TrueCrypt container in Google Drive

I have a TrueCrypt file container in the Google Drive folder. I add stuff into it, make sure TrueCrypt changed the timestamp of the container. Google Drive syncs with the server, but it seems it ...
Terry's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

How does the desktop application of Google Drive work?

I've seen all the demo videos on how google drive works but some things still don't make sense: I downloaded the app and the folder appears on my computer. Does it sync everything automatically or ...
dukevin's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Is there any way make comments on a Google Docs document that only I can see?

I have access to a collaborative Google Docs document on which I would like to make notes in preparation for a meeting (I am not the document owner). I would like to avoid wasting paper, so I would ...
smp7d's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

File filters in Google Backup and Sync

Google Backup and Sync provides continuous online backup of selected folders. However one key feature that I'm missing coming from another backup solution is the ability to set exclusion filters for ...
dotNET's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Change user associated with Google Drive account (OSX) when old account does not exist

I've got Google Drive installed on Mac OSX 10.8.4 -- I no longer work and company X and want to associate Google Drive with company Y account. I no longer have access to the old account so I can't ...
John Paul Ashenfelter's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Google Drive File Stream cache not cleaning up

I finished uploading my files to Google Drive using File Stream and don't have anything marked to be kept local. Still, GDFS keeps around 40GB of cache files. Here are the things I tried to make it ...
Roberto's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

How to prevent sync of files from the root of Google drive folder

I have the following issue: I only need to sync some folders from google-drive to one of PC: But there is a problem if I create any files(exactly files, not folders) in the root of google-drive ...
Alex Kulinkovich's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Opening .pdf's on Google Drive using Adobe Acrobat

Note: this is a question about Google Drive, not Firefox options. I've been using Google Drive and Docs a lot, so I tend to keep .PDFs on Drive as well just for convenient storage. But I don't like ...
Kate's user avatar
  • 83
8 votes
1 answer

How do I save a pdf file to Google Drive?

If I have opened a PDF file in Chrome with its plug-in Chrome PDF viewer, how can I save it to Google Drive directly instead of downloading it first and uploading it? Is there an extension that could ...
hgajshb's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Can't double-click to open Google Sheet document (Windows with File Stream)

I use Google Drive File Stream on Windows. I used to be able to open a Google spreadsheet from an explorer window just by double-clicking on it like any other file. Now I can only open them by right-...
Herb Caudill's user avatar
8 votes
6 answers

Copying Google Drive folder to new computer

I am shifting my files to a new Mac, including my Google Drive folder. I could just set up Gdrive on the new computer and let it sync with my Google Drive folder on the cloud, but this will take ...
Daniel May's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

How to sort Google Drive search results by title?

I find Google Drive very convenient as an online notebook to store my diary and records, that I can access anytime, anywhere. Now when I want to search for a particular string of text, the only ...
tech's user avatar
  • 347
7 votes
1 answer

How do I update my password in Google Drive Desktop after I have changed it?

I have changed my Gmail/Google Apps password for safety reasons. The desktop client of Google Drive cannot synchronize anymore. If I log out and log in again, it might want to download again all the ...
Jean-Francois T.'s user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

Hidden folder called “.tmp.drivedownload” keeps getting bigger

This hidden folder named ".tmp.drivedownload" - which seems to be used by Google Drive's Backup and Sync desktop app - is taking up quite a bit of space on my SSD and with files as old as 2001. This ...
Lucian's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

How can I change the default google account in google chrome?

I've been using Google Chrome on Linux since forever and I use Google products for pretty much everything: mail, calendar, contacts, docs. My company also uses Google for internal apps and I've been ...
Riccardo's user avatar
7 votes
6 answers

How to force a Google Drive sync from windows 7 command prompt

I am using Google Drive to sync personal documents when I am at work and need to update a file at home quickly for personal purposes. I have tasks at home running under task manager, which uses these ...
MelBurslan's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Downloading the google drive backups from the Backups folder

In my google drive I have a folder called Backups. In the Backups folder I have 2 backups. How do I go about downloading these 2 files onto a local backup external drive so I can delete the backups ...
oshirowanen's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

NPM modules make Google drive chrash - how to exclude NPM modules from sync'ing?

Im using google drive as my cloud based "sync/backup" service for all important work related files. This has been working perfect and very sufficient until I started using NPM modules (node_modules) ...
user1231561's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Google Drive (googlesyncdrive) preventing PC from shutting down or hibernating

Everytime I try to shutdown or hibernate the PC I have this nag screen that comes up telling me that Google Drive is shutting down and the system is waiting for it. The problem is that the system can ...
Mugen's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

Which is the best and simplest Windows Subversion client I can install to get the Google Client Library for PHP?

My operating system is Windows 7. The google-api-php-client is made available on GitHub, and can be downloaded with Subversion. The documentation provides the exact command line command to download ...
Alan Wells's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

truecrypt container not syncing to google drive

I have a truecrypt container located in my Google drive. I mount the container, add a few files and then dismount it. However, the file won't sync as the timestamps remains the same. To prove that I'm ...
Ciguli's user avatar
  • 65
6 votes
1 answer

Google Drive files not appearing in Spotlight and Alfred after update

I recently updated to the newest Google Drive app for macOS (, which replaces Backup & Sync and Drive File Stream (the one for G Suite/Google Workspace customers). After updating, I can ...
slhck's user avatar
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