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Questions tagged [gnu-screen]

GNU Screen is a command line utility which allows the user to create multiple shell sessions on one connection. These sessions are decoupled from the primary connection and so maintain state for the user, even if the connection is dropped.

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Having JetBrains WebStorm open regularly kills screen session in PuTTY

I have a very odd and very frustrating issue. Summary I have my Linux environment set up to automatically reconnect to any existing screen session on log in, which when combined with the WebStorm IDE ...
Eric Shields's user avatar
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How to use Mobaxtem plugins (screen one)

I'm a mobaxterm user in windows 10. I saw in their plugins web that I could use a screen plugin But, even if I download the file from https://mobaxterm....
FueraDeServicio's user avatar
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gnu-screen command to re-split screen after unspltting

Is there a way to return to split screen after unsplitting (to focus on one window)? When I need to focus I use Ctrl+a+Q, and this closes all except current window. BUT to return to split screen as ...
rawat89's user avatar
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making a new background window in screen?

I am running screen. If I enter the command screen sleep 5, the current region is replaced by a new screen showing the empty output of sleep. After 5 seconds, it goes back to the command line. I ...
David G.'s user avatar
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gnu screen title cannot be configured

I use shelltitle command in the .screenrc, but no matter what I set it, the new windows created are always having a default title, in the form of shell prompt, user@hostname:cwd, what is wrong with ...
fluter's user avatar
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GNU 'Screen' clears some or all of the output history displayed in the terminal when attach to the screen

I use autossh and also screen on my Ubuntu server, because of the poor internet connection I have, I use both to keep my connection alive even when my internet connection is lost... But I experienced ...
TuanHaxor's user avatar
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Starting a Screen Sessions Upon Reboot and Executing a Script in It

I would like to have a certain script run in a screen session when an Ubuntu 22.04 system starts up. The command I came up with is as follows screen fauxpilot -dmS sh ./fauxpilot/ However, ...
MadPhysicist's user avatar
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vim under gnu-screen can't take shift-left/shift-right keymap properly

I recently started using gnu-screen. In vimrc, I have 2 keymaps as below to help easy navigation between vim split windows nmap <S-Left> <C-w><Left> nmap <S-Right> <C-w>&...
c10's user avatar
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How do I end screen -x?

I am using screen -x to monitor the process of a rsync. Now I am scared I will end the rsync process in the terminal. Is it safe to end screen -x with CTRL-C or CTRL-D? Thank you
der-mali's user avatar
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What means "bind c screen" in .screenrc config?

I only want to understand what the lines in this .screenrc config does: bind c screen 1 bind ^c screen 1 bind 0 select 10 screen 1 I found the config here: Through this my ...
Senkel's user avatar
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Mouse Wheel scrolling in Screen session via Command Prompt/Powershell

I want to scroll via Mouse Wheel in a screen session I run in the Command Prompt or Powershell. I already uncommented termcapinfo xterm|xterms|xs|rxvt ti@:te@ in my .screenrc. I can scroll when I use ...
Skyy1337's user avatar
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How to set the size of the window in GNU Screen in Linux

I am a new user of GNU Screen. I'm trying to launch a GNU Screen window with a pre-specified number of rows and columns. I am running Red Hat Linux where the command "xterm" is not ...
fireblood's user avatar
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Byobu nested sessions - hide second bottom bar

When nesting Byobu sessions, how can I hide the parent bottom hardstatus bar? For example, if I SSH from Pi1 into Pi2, I should only see Pi2's bottom bar. Please note I am using screen backend, and ...
p1r473's user avatar
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Run command on detached screen session attached to /dev/ttyUSB instance

I've been manually sending AT commands to a cellular modem connected over USB using screen by starting the session like so: screen /dev/ttyUSB0. I'd like to automate the commands I send to the device ...
nitrocoldbru's user avatar
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Does a shell script wait for commands executed in a different screen?

I'm on my first baby steps writing a scheduled shell script. The goal is to write a simple backup script for a Minecraft server. The server is running in it's own named screen. I assume if my script ...
Roland Deschain's user avatar
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Debian Loding Linux 701... error: invalid magic number

Yesterday before going to bed debian wanted make an update when I tried to close my computer. When I about to do the update the computers battery died, and I went to sleep. Today when I tried to boot ...
Turgut's user avatar
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GNU Screen in XTerm resets cursor shape

In my .bashrc I use printf -- '\x1b[6 q' to get blinking bar cursor in my xterm(1)s. When I run screen(1) then it resets the cursor to non-blinking block and also seems to be ignoring all variants of ...
mjf's user avatar
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Execute a bash function inside a detached screen

I want to execute single function from the whole script into a detached screen session rather than to run the whole script inside screen. Can someone tell anyway how can I do it? Like for example #!/...
ph3ro's user avatar
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Screen fails to properly load when called with crontab

What I'm doing I've been migrating one setup to another, copying configuration and installing dependencies, I was about to be done until screen didn't work as intended. I have a script that I keep ...
Tronikart's user avatar
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Why does GNU Screen's "-X stuff" stop working after 84 lines?

Edit: it's probably a bug (that it doesn't print any error and return 0), i have notified screen-devel about the issue. This script works fine: screen -S foo -dm sleep 1 # workaround https://...
hanshenrik's user avatar
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Is there a method to list the open windows in /usr/bin/screen to the terminal?

TLDR: Is there a way to list screen windows to text via some screen option? First, some background. I am logging in to a linux server via SSH through Windows RDP. This is an automated login via ...
Jared Still's user avatar
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read characters at specific position in screen session

Is it possible to read characters on screen (precise: in a screen session, coming from legacy software w/ ncurses interface)? Unluckily, the (quite simple) API of the software we are running in a ...
dexamenos's user avatar
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How to tell Minicom to translate CP437 characters to Unicode equivalents?

I am using a Raspberry Pi (running Raspbian [based on debian]) to act as a sort of adapter between UTF-8/SSH over TCP/IP and CP437/TTY over RS232/DB9. The RS232 side is a black box that we cannot ...
Wisteso's user avatar
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How do I get a quick peak at a detached session in (gnu-)screen?

Let's say I have a detached session in (gnu-)screen: $ screen -ls There are screens on: 3629.pts-0.confusion (03/11/22 15:50:21) (Detached) 1 Sockets in /run/screen/S-root. Is there a good way ...
con-f-use's user avatar
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Change session name in screen

I am running multiple programs with different values for some variables in "screen". I want to change the name of the screen-sessions so I can identify them with "screen -ls" to ...
Caeleste's user avatar
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AWS Linux Stuck due to screen command - blank screen - how to get out

I am using AWS Linux (Amazon Linux 2 AMI) and I am totally stuck after using the basic "screen" command. I was following an installation guide and one of the steps was to use just the ...
Rebelde2's user avatar
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Why does GNU Screen cause me to have to press Esc twice in Vim?

When I launch GNU Screen and then open Vim, to get out of "insert mode", I have to press the Escape key twice, whereas in Vim outside of Screen I only have to press it once. Why does this ...
Julius Hamilton's user avatar
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Scroll pages with "screen" in a putty window

I am connected with Windows putty to a Linux computer, and inside this SSH session, I use screen (similar tu tmux). I know that, in order to scroll with PG-UP / PG-DOWN, one has to do this before: ...
Basj's user avatar
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Console text editor and Ctrl+S within screen

I cannot use any console based text editors because my Ctrl+S is blocked by console output control -- Ctrl+S normally means stop scrolling under console or terminal, and my screen is eating that key, ...
xpt's user avatar
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using tmux and screen via ssh [duplicate]

I am using tmux on a local laptop to connect to a server via SSH in a pane. On that server, I am running several computations via screen. The issue is that the server's screen key bindings such as C-A ...
Ilia's user avatar
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Screen as a service on systemd wont start

I'm trying to run screen on a systemd service as startup, so i can check on it later if needed, on an interactive shell, but the session wont stay up, and apparently it doesn't even start. This is my ...
TeeJay's user avatar
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Create new screen with correct environment and at pwd

It's been brought to my attention from my users that the screen command can be made a little easier to use. Initially, calling screen creates a fresh bash environment at the pwd of wherever the user ...
Jeff's user avatar
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Can't record or share my screen

Hi guys I face a problem, I can't share my entire screen on discord or any platform. It just goes black and no one can see anything except my mouse pointer! The problem is not on discord only but I ...
M.T.W tutorials's user avatar
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How to use tmux between local laptop and remote server

I am currently in a VPN using RStudio which is installed on my local desktop to do some analysis. However, to do analysis, I extract data from my database which is installed on a remote server. What I ...
The Great's user avatar
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Start detached screen over SSH with bash command

I am attempting to start a screen session in detached mode over SSH that executes a bash command inside screen... #!/bin/bash set -e ssh [email protected] "screen -wipe" sleep 1 ssh ...
Jeffrey L. Roberts's user avatar
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"Maximizing" a pane in gnu-screen

Similar to "Maximizing" a pane in tmux is there a way to maximize a pane using screen?
pellucidcoder's user avatar
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How can I stop or interrupt an accidental gnu screen paste "ctrl-a ]"

I am using gnu screen (byobu really but it seems the keybinding was from screen) and was trying to enter scrollback mode with "ctrl-a [" but I accidentally did "ctrl-a ]" which ...
resnak's user avatar
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Incorrect cyrillic symbols representation in the GNU screen program

I use screen program to run a game server on a VDS. Sometimes I need to see what happens in the game and open SSH session via Putty and then run screen -x ... as usual. Recently I faced with weird ...
Volt Amperoff's user avatar
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Key caching in SSH forwarding

What I want to achieve is to connect to server A and execute a script that connects to multiple other servers (serially) and perform a task on each. While I can perform that task using ssh -A, the ...
jimkont's user avatar
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How to map the escape sequence of Gnu-screen to an arbitary key remapped with xmodmap?

so i remapped some keys using xmodmap, specifically i remapped one key to the ±-sign. I want to have this key as my escape for GNU screen. I tried adding the following lines in my .screenrc: escape ± ...
IjonTichy's user avatar
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GNU Screen 'ctrl+a w' doesn't show any information

I am using GNU screen and used Ctrl+a c to instantiate multiple windows. However, when I press Ctrl+a w to list the windows at the bottom of the screen, nothing happens. (I am logged into a Linux ...
jenn's user avatar
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Saving Screen Region Configuration

I was wondering, as I couldn't find it in the man page, if there is a way for the linux screen command to remember the configuration of regions when you disconnect and reconnect. Basically if I run 4 ...
b-rad15's user avatar
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Make ssh LocalCommand set GNU-screen window title only when used interactively?

Setup I run screen on a local machine and use different screen windows to connect to different hosts. It would be nice to change window names to the host names automatically during the ssh process. ...
Karolis Koncevičius's user avatar
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Reattaching a screen in a crontab to wait until the screen closes returns "Must be connected to a terminal."

I use a bash script to backup a minecraft world, which is called from a crontab every day. Though the backups are made just fine, I've found an error message in the output: Must be connected to a ...
Jaïr Paalman's user avatar
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quit qemu ... inside screen inside tmux

I used too many levels of indirection and now I can't get out. I used Tmux from my jump host to get into the dev host. Then I used screen to keep track of what I'm doing on the dev host. Finally I ...
Alex Shroyer's user avatar
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Execute a command on screen termination

I have been using screen for a while, but the process I am running seems to terminate at times, closing the screen out. So I have to reopen the screen again. I was wondering if it was possible to ...
Blaine's user avatar
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Is there a way to see all output in PuTTy using screen?

I have a linux server that is connected to my ec2 instance and I'm trying to do some debugging when I'm in screen. The issue I'm facing is that sometimes I get big long error messages that fill up ...
Michael's user avatar
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Linux Screen command passed to wrong screen

I have two screen session(eg: A & B ) for GSM modem, However, I am facing a problem where I sent AT commandscreen -S A -X stuff 'AT\r' to both screens(same port) but I have no idea why the command ...
Anonymous's user avatar
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Screen issue: getpwuid can't identify your account

I am trying to run the static binary screen. I have created /etc/passwd and /etc/group. When I did ls -la /etc/passwd /etc/group I didn't get any errors, but when I am trying to run ./screen I get: ...
Евгений Камнев's user avatar
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How to add colours to GNU Screen

This might seem like an odd/silly question(and I'm not entirely sure this is the right place to ask?), but I have some server programs running on a machine and I'd like multiple terminals to monitor ...
Architect's user avatar
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