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Questions tagged [github-desktop]

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3 answers

git add ignored files from within Github Desktop

I would like to add a file that matches .gitignore therefore does not show up in Github Desktop. Normally, git add -f ignoredFile will do it, but I would like to do it from within Github Desktop. Any ...
hyiltiz's user avatar
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2 answers

GitHub for Windows not working after install

Today I have installed GitHub For Windows. I had installed GitHub for Windows earlier and at that time it worked fine, but due to some reason I had to uninstall it. Today when I installed GitHub ...
Kartik's user avatar
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1 answer

Github for Windows unable to locate Git on my system when opening the command prompt

I have Windows 10 (German) and installed Git for Windows 2.13.2 (64 bit) at "C:\Program Files\Git". I installed Github for Windows 0.6.2 (64 bit), the desktop version. I can pull changes from my git ...
NoDataDumpNoContribution's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How does GitHub Desktop launch straight from the browser? And how can I implement this?

How does GitHub launch its GitHub Desktop application directly from the browser? It works even when using Google Chrome. I thought that this was impossible outside of Internet Explorer.
cascading-style's user avatar
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1 answer

Why is GitHub Desktop not letting me interact with it?

It's been a while since I've used my GitHub Desktop, on Windows 10, but when I decided to try and open it again I ran into a weird issue: GitHub Desktop wouldn't let me click on anything except the ...
Felanrod's user avatar
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What to do when you get "DiscardVirtualMemory could not be located" error once GitHub Desktop is installed

This will happen to those who are still using Windows 7 for whatever good reason. Full error message will be, The procedure entry point DiscardVirtualMemory could not be located in the dynamic link ...
HolyResistance's user avatar
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2 answers

Home Network Crashes with Git Push

Whenever I run the command git push origin home network locks up as in ONLY git works (it completes the push). Defining home network locks up: NOTHING else will work on the network ...
Matt's user avatar
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1 answer

How does certain applications bypass UAC for a non-administrator user in Windows 10?

I created a new user account on Windows 10 whose type is "standard user" and in which the User Account Control (UAC) setting is set to "Always notify". To test the privileges, I ...
luispauloml's user avatar
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git: 'remote-https' is not a git command. See 'git --help'. Error when cloning a repository

I experience this error whenever I try to clone a repository. The error comes regardless if the repository is private or public. As a result, I cannot clone any repository. The same error comes if I ...
Vivek Singh Negi's user avatar
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Fastest way to clone a github repo to computer without having to delete older versions, just update the changed files?

I'm using Github desktop but whenever I try to sync to get the updated files it tells me syncing would overwrite my uncommited changes (probably the config file) and either to commit or discard them. ...
user620762's user avatar
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Did I just delete 2 Months of Work?

I was about to back up my local work to github today (1,100 commits). Not sure what I did but all of a sudden it says no commits, and all my Xcode files are now red. It seems to have synced my local ...
KingPolygon's user avatar
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1 answer

Github Desktop branch selector shows branches from upstream AND origin?

I'm learning to contribute to open-source projects on Github. I want to try fixing an issue that applies to the 3.x branch, but I'm confused why Github Desktop is showing me branches from both origin ...
Clonkex's user avatar
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How can I find repos of my GitHub account repos from GitHub Desktop, once a local repo takes all the place in the app?

I started to use GitHub Desktop, and see some repositories from my GitHub account. Then, once I draw a local GitHub repo to the app, all those repos disappear and I am stuck with the local GitHub and ...
zell's user avatar
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1 answer

Github desktop not allowing push to github repository owned by myself

I connected my gitHub repository to gitHub desktop and have it running through IntelliJ. Everything works fine on IntelliJ; it allows me to add files and class no problem. Then when I update and and ...
Levi's user avatar
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Can't sign into Github Desktop on arch linux after power outage -- "Cannot create an item in a locked collection"

So I recently had a power outage, and it affected the whole neighborhood, but what made it worse was it (almost, thankfully) corrupted my external hard drive somehow (that was fixed, again, thankfully)...
ChrisNonyminus's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

how to edit summary of old commits in Github desktop

I want to edit summary of old commit in GitHub desktop. There looks no option to edit. I hope there is a way with GUI. But please let me know commands if there is no way without it.
HelpMePLZ's user avatar
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"This branch is 6 commits ahead of original:master" but 0 changed files

I am trying to resolve an issue with old commits persisting through new pull requests from my personal forked repo to the original repo. I am using the GitHub website, not command line. When I look ...
Corey Rae McRae's user avatar
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1 answer

How to get the "github" CLI to open the new GitHub Desktop beta?

Since updating GitHub Desktop to the new beta version, my github CLI command has gone. How do I get it back? Is there some kind of alias I can add to my shell config? (The CLI simply opened the CWD ...
callum's user avatar
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How to ask Github Desktop to launch x64 powershell when click "Open in Git Shell"

In the options, I choose Custom shell and point to C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe. But it still launches 32-bit powershell for me. What should I do for now?
Elderry's user avatar
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Github for Windows won't start

The error log generated after the installation when i try to open the application reads : PLATFORM VERSION INFO Windows : 6.1.7601.65536 (Win32NT) Common Language Runtime : 4....
Somenath Sinha's user avatar
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1 answer

Add a repo to GitHub Desktop from command line

Is it possible to add a new repo to GitHub Desktop's repo list from a command line API of some sort? Searching has largely led to results about adding a repo to GitHub via command line, which is not ...
zzzzBov's user avatar
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Github Won't Open [duplicate]

Similar to this issue: GitHub for Windows not working after install When I install the Github desktop on Windows 7, it opens briefly in the task manager and shuts down. I have re-installed numerous ...
Jafo's user avatar
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1 answer

Git overwrote local with remote when reverting a push

Using github desktop I committed and tried to push local code to master. I hadn't been updating the remote repo much so my local version had about 2 months worth of work. I made the commit and tried ...
Tanner Ducharme's user avatar