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Questions tagged [fullscreen]

Fullscreen is a display mode in which a particular application occupies an entire screen, usually without any visible controls, title bars or other UI elements.

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87 votes
3 answers

How to exit from fullscreen mode of Putty?

This annoyed me for a while, but as usual; really annoying problems have quite simple solutions. Some sw I just don't use often enough to remember its hotkeys, like PuTTY. So I end up using the ...
Superole's user avatar
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69 votes
13 answers

Don't exit full screen when pressing escape in apps like Safari on Lion

In OS X Lion, pressing the ESC key exits full screen mode. Unfortunately, and especially when using Safari, ESC is used for other functions, such as in Javascript keystroke event handling. I don't ...
Fadi's user avatar
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57 votes
16 answers

How can I get VirtualBox to run at 1366x768?

I'm trying to run Windows 8 in VirtualBox. My laptop's display is exactly 1366x768. Windows 8 disables some of its features if the resolution is less than 1366x768, so I need to run the guest OS ...
Joe White's user avatar
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57 votes
7 answers

Show tabs in Chrome full screen mode?

Firefox can do it, can Chrome? Here's what I'm looking for: Firefox - always show the tabs in fullscreen mode
snitzr's user avatar
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53 votes
2 answers

Firefox - always show the tabs in fullscreen mode

Full screen can be more fun if I can always see my tabs (by default you can see when you hover your mouse around that area) and my taskbar. I know how to make taskbar always appear. Any idea how to ...
Lazer's user avatar
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53 votes
1 answer

Two-page view in full screen for Adobe Acrobat

Since i'm using a wide screen, i want to view two page in full screen while reading PDF. I can view two page in Reading Mode or normal view. however, whenever i switch to full screen mode, acrobat ...
Chan Le's user avatar
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47 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to make VirtualBox use a specific monitor when going full-screen?

I am running VirtualBox on a dual-monitor Windows 7 x64 system. When I put a VM into full-screen mode it always appears full-screen on my primary monitor even though the VM window was on the secondary ...
Ferruccio's user avatar
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42 votes
10 answers

How can I take screenshots of YouTube videos in full screen?

I am trying to take a screenshot of a YouTube video in fullscreen. When I pause the video and wait a moment, only the bottom UI bar (play/pause/seek) disappears. The top UI bar (Like/Share/More Info) ...
SemMike's user avatar
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37 votes
10 answers

Windows program to remove titlebar, frame, etc from a window?

I like playing computer games in windowed mode, as opposed to full screen. I don't like staring at the title bar, frame, and other UI junk. I also don't like seeing other stuff on my desktop around ...
Nelson's user avatar
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28 votes
12 answers

Remote Desktop doesn't maximize to fullscreen

I have a problem with Remote Desktop connection in Windows 7. When I connect to remote computer I would like to switch to fullscreen like I did in previous versions - just by clicking maximize. When I ...
kubal5003's user avatar
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27 votes
3 answers

Disable firefox fullscreen warning with html5 stuff?

Whenever I go fullscreen in html5 things it puts a message at the top saying you're now in fullscreen, the problem is that this message totally stops you being able to do anything else until it ...
Levi H's user avatar
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26 votes
4 answers

How can I make full-screen desktop applications only cover the snapped desktop?

In Windows 8, you can "snap" two apps next to each other, and one of those apps can be the legacy Windows desktop environment. A convenient application for this (or so I thought) would be to ...
nhinkle's user avatar
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22 votes
8 answers

Break free of a fullscreen app on Mac OS X

How do you break free of a fullscreen app on Mac OS X? There are some, mostly games, that when they become unresponsive won't allow you to switch to another app with Command-Tab, and I know no ...
Petruza's user avatar
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22 votes
2 answers

Can I make Google Chrome allow fullscreen by default? [duplicate]

On the Google Chrome permissions page, it says that you can change Fullscreen permissions. However, when clicking the permissions, I can only change to allow on this page or ask: I want to be able ...
Jon's user avatar
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22 votes
4 answers

Force fullscreen games to in window mode?

I have a few games that don't offer window mode in the options. Is there any way to force the games to play in window mode instead of fullscreen? Going to .exe's properties checking the compability ...
Chris0089's user avatar
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21 votes
8 answers

How Can I Hide All Toolbars When Firefox is in Fullscreen?

I want to use firefox as a front-end for users to see only one website. I found how to start firefox in fullscreen, toolbars are hiding by default, but I cannot make the toolbars (address bar, ...
Odys's user avatar
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20 votes
1 answer

Full screen/multi desktop WITH menu bar

This is driving me absolutely insane. I recently got a Macbook running macOS Sierra, and I do like the fullscreen app/multiple desktop feature as well as the 3 finger swipe gesture to switch between ...
Matthew's user avatar
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19 votes
1 answer

How can I disable the fade to black animation when going fullscreen on a video in firefox?

When setting a video to fullscreen, it does this annoying fade-to-black animation. I am posting this as finding an up-to-date solution was quite difficult, so I figured I'd share it to make it easier ...
Joeyflodder's user avatar
17 votes
6 answers

Launch Google Chrome in Fullscreen mode

How can I launch Google Chrome in fullscreen mode from a shortcut? I have tried the CLI arguments --start-maximized and --kiosk, but both do not activate the regular fullscreen mode (i.e. when you ...
iglvzx's user avatar
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17 votes
5 answers

Vi only show 16 lines, how to show full screen?

My vim only show 16 lines, using terminator, how can i make it back to full screen? It is very annoying. Don't know what settings has to change.
TheOneTeam's user avatar
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16 votes
2 answers

Aceplayer VLC shows "Buffering [x] %" on top in fullscreen mode... Annoying

Is there a way to avoid the display of the status bar text "buffering [1-99]%" in fullscreen mode on Aceplayer VLC? The info is shown in the status bar on the bottom when not in fullscreen (which is ...
AceTheFullscreenShice's user avatar
16 votes
4 answers

How can I stop Flash from leaving full-screen mode when it loses focus due to a mouse-click in the other monitor?

On a multi-monitor system, if I'm viewing a full-screen video in Flash on one monitor, clicking the mouse on the other monitor causes Flash to leave full-screen mode and revert to normal size. What's ...
therefromhere's user avatar
15 votes
7 answers

Fullscreen Emacs in OSX

Is there any way of using Emacs in fullscreen mode in OSX. I'm currently using Emacs from Edit: This question is not relevant anymore since the release of Emacs version 24.4. ...
licorna's user avatar
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15 votes
4 answers

Dual Monitors Switching While Running Full-Screen Game?

I have a dual-monitor setup, and currently I can run a full screen game (Warcraft 3 and Starcraft 2 currently) and see still see anything I have open on my second monitor. I can't move my mouse from ...
Phil Sandler's user avatar
15 votes
3 answers

Embedded YouTube videos don't go fullscreen in Facebook

I am using Chrome and this just happens in Facebook and just for YouTube videos (HTML5). When going fullscreen it shows the video in for a second and than the video disappears and I see the Facebook ...
Shay Fertig's user avatar
14 votes
7 answers

Fullscreen Vista's Command Prompt, or Replacement

Opening the command prompt ("cmd") on Vista into full screen causes the application to take up 100% vertical space, but only about 50% horizontal. Is there not a way I can make this fullscreen? If it'...
Sampson's user avatar
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14 votes
6 answers

How do I make YouTube videos fill up an entire screen when using dual monitors?

I am using a dual monitor setup on Ubuntu 9.10 using the TwinView configuration in NIVIDA X Server Settings. My total resolution is 2960x1050 pixels, and my individual monitors are 1680x1050 (primary) ...
Jephir's user avatar
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14 votes
5 answers

How can I use the Windows 7 command prompt in fullscreen? [duplicate]

I use some DOS applications in Windows 7. Before Windows 7, I could press Alt+Enter to run the application in full screen, but with Windows 7 I can't do this anymore. I get the message: This ...
user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

How to show fullscreen preview in GIMP?

I sometimes need to preview the image I edit in GIMP full screen. I could do this by exporting current image and opening it in a viewer like Geeqie, but that's quite inconvenient. Is there a better ...
Ruslan's user avatar
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11 votes
5 answers

How to re-enable proper full screen mode in chrome with display of toolbar on hover on macos?

Chrome 69/70 breaks fullscreen mode on mac. Whereas previously you could use a tab in fullscreen mode and hover near the top to reveal all the tabs, now tabs toolbar are either permanently visible in ...
Karan Harsh Wardhan's user avatar
11 votes
8 answers

Keep Fullscreen Flash/Silverlight Video opened on Monitor 2

Like many of you, I'm working with two monitors. I'm trying to watch an episode on Channel9's vid-cast, but every time I click back onto my other monitor, the video exits fullscreen-mode, and goes ...
Sampson's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Disable "press 'esc' to exit full screen" in flash videos

This is not a duplicate of this question I watch videos on YouTube, Netflix, etc. Whenever I enter full-screen mode, I get the annoying "You've entered full screen mode. Press 'esc' to exit full ...
inspectorG4dget's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

Windows cannot enter very low-res video mode with modern graphics cards/drivers

NEW! I was trying to post here yesterday, but it kept giving me an error. I have discovered that it actually is not using DirectX at all, but GDI or whatever is the non-DX graphics in Windows (not ...
user1696157's user avatar
10 votes
7 answers

Prevent display from turning off due to inactivity when watching full screen video (windows 7)

In power options the monitor is configured to turn off (go to power saving mode) after 10 minutes of inactivity. The problem is it also turns itself off when I watch long YouTube videos in full screen....
Tom's user avatar
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10 votes
8 answers

Full-screen mode in Firefox on Mac OS X?

Does anyone know of a solid solution for adding a full-screen mode to Firefox (3.5) on OS X? I've come across a few possibilities involving either Javascript bookmarklets or outdated add-ons, but ...
kpozin's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

I have a program whose windowed mode cannot be resized. Any trick/app to force resize?

It can't resize or maximize. I'm on windows 7 64bit. I remember programs where fans have made simple directx apps that launched fullscreen-only games in a window. Is there any app or script I can ...
CreeDorofl's user avatar
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9 votes
8 answers

Dual monitors and flash movie to stay maximized on one of them

I have recently assembled a dual monitor setup. I often watch in my browser and I would like to run it maximized while I do other stuff on second screen, but when I click on a desktop ...
Kamil Zadora's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

How to set Google Chrome to automatically open up and in full screen

I have Dell Windows tablet (I think the model is the Venue 11 Pro) and when the tablet is turned on I want it to automatically open a specific web page (lets say for example) using Google ...
ginomay89's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Making Firefox fullscreen-like without actually maximizing the window

When using multiple windows on the same monitor, I like to have Firefox and my IDE open side to side (like with Win+Arrow) and it would be cool to have Firefox in a "fullscreen-like" style, where the ...
hexnov's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

Full screen view in LibreOffice?

Is there a way to view and edit documents in LibreOffice Writer in fullscreen? Preferably, I would like to view two pages side by side, but it is not necessary.
hpy's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

How can I make the `cmd.exe` window full-screen in Windows 7? [duplicate]

How can I make the cmd.exe window full-screen in Windows 7?
user avatar
9 votes
5 answers

How to prevent an application from running in fullscreen mode in Windows 7?

Is there a way to prevent any program run in full screen mode? I'm usually working with several programs at once, and I find it annoying to be in and out of full screen to go from one to another when ...
Edgar's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Prevent second monitor to "move" while in fullscreen games

I have two monitors. Sometimes I like to watch a movie or have a webpage or manual up on the second why I play a game on the primary. Problem is that when I start some games, the content of the ...
Svish's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

iTerm2 fullscreen causes an empty line at the bottom

When I fullscreen an iTerm2 window, an empty line appears at the bottom of the terminal window. How do I get rid of it? Compare these two screenshots: Windowed (appears as expected) Fullscreen (...
Stew's user avatar
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8 votes
5 answers

Zoom option greyed out: "Enter full screen when a participant shares screen"

In a Zoom meeting, my desktop Mac app's meeting window automatically enters Full Screen mode every time a meeting participant shares their screen. This is very annoying if I am working in a separate ...
pkamb's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

iterm2 cannot toggle fullscreen when in 'top of screen' mode

I'm trying to toggle fullscreen in iTerm2 by pressing "cmd+enter". Unfortunately it doesn't work when 'top of screen' style is selected in the profile settings (as shown in the attached png). When I ...
Eddy's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

How to disable Firefox address bar animation on fullscreen?

How can I disable the address bar hiding animation when going fullscreen in Firefox? I'm trying to accomplish what this question is about. The solution was to set toolkit.cosmeticAnimations.enabled to ...
jmkjaer's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Possible to black out/dim second screen while using multiple displays in VLC 2.1.3 fullscreen mode?

Pardon if this is a duplicate, but I searched and could only find the reverse of my question. I remember VLC used to have an option to "not" black out the second screen when playing a video in ...
Owen McAlack's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Lion disable animation of fullscreen

On Mac OS 10.7.2, how can I disable or quicken the slow animation that happens when I fullscreen most apps?
AlcubierreDrive's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

using ubuntu-server in full screen mode - VirtualBox

I have installed ubuntu-server 11.10 in virtual box. but unfortunately the screen is small. I installed VirtualBox guest additions to see it full screen(like what I do for windows). Now it is ...
Majid Azimi's user avatar
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