I have columns with formula wherein the result will pop out once a data is entered in column O. Meaning at first these formulas look blank and Column O is like the trigger for the other data to pop out (like an isblank formula). Is there a way to make the formulas of other columns become values once column O is entered populated/once they pop out?

  • 1
    in VBA (since you tagged your question with it): myRange.Value = myRange.Value where myRange is the range you want to convert from formulas to values Commented Mar 28 at 16:56
  • Thank you for your answer. I’m new to vba and would appreciate if you expand on your answer. For example column A has a formula but remains blank until a data is entered in column O. Is there a way for column A to become a value once I enter data in column O, and the result popped out in column A?
    – JAF
    Commented Mar 28 at 21:49
  • You should not rely on the formula at all, VBA can do all the calculations. Look into the worksheet.change event. Commented Apr 1 at 12:54

1 Answer 1


If your goal is:

  • Column A appears blank if there's no data in the corresponding cells in column O
  • Column A shows a result if there's data in the corresponding cells column O

This can be done without VBA.

If you want 12345 to show up in A1, use this formula:


If you want "Hello World" to show up in A1, use this formula:

=IF(ISBLANK(O1),"","Hello World")

(replace 123 or Hello World with whatever you want it to say)

If you want the formula itself in column A to be removed, then you'll need VBA.

  • Thank you! But I already have the isblank formula in A. What I want to do is when I type in column O, after a data appears in column A, the data in A becomes a value. Formula to value in A after a data entry in O.
    – JAF
    Commented Mar 29 at 9:05

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