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Questions tagged [fonts]

Quantity of sorts composing of a complete character set of a single style of a particular typeface.

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Strange Excel 365 font behavior while editing in cell after Aptos update [closed]

My Microsoft 365 installation just got updated to use the new Aptos fonts. Excel is now using Aptos Narrow (11 pt) as its default font. This is not a question about the merits, or lack thereof, of ...
Carlos N's user avatar
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Font size issue with xterms started through icewm's hotkeys

Recently got a new laptop with 1920x1080 monitor instead of 1366x768 on old laptop. All my many xterms suddenly smaller and text illegible. After investigation, decided easiest solution was an alias ...
user985675's user avatar
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PowerPoint to PDF fonts colour is wrong

I'm trying to export a PowerPoint document to PDF. I'm using foxit reader. When opening the PDF document the colour of the fonts changes from white to black (in the ppt I'm using white fonts, Arial). ...
Nikos's user avatar
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Can't change text box font size in GIMP on macOS

I added a text box to a GIMP project in a new layer. I can select it and a panel shows up with the text properties (here it's out of the main image, but there is text in it): But when I change the ...
Arno's user avatar
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Make VS Code Flatpak version be able to use fonts from ~/.fonts

I've recently replaced RPM VS Code with Flatpak VS Code on my laptop with Fedora 40. However, I haven't been able to set my font correctly since VS Code doesn't seem to pick up font files in the ~/....
terraquad's user avatar
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Automatically use another font as the italic type

I've got a question about something that could make my life a lot easier. I'm using Word in Office 2021 to write documents and I write texts with the Times New Roman font. When I have to write with ...
Louis Lascaud's user avatar
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How can I solve the displaying Ukrainian Cyrillic symbols in custom fonts?

I have a problem with displaying the characters of the Ukrainian alphabet in custom fonts. Details: I had a custom Cyrillic font (Latin+Cyrillic), which did not include the Ukrainian letters І, Ї, Є, ...
CorbenDalas's user avatar
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Firefox Ubuntu 22.04 font hinting problem

I don't like font antialiasing and always turn it off. Previously I used Ubuntu 14.04, now I'm switching to 22.04. For most applications I have disabled antialiasing using gnome-tweaks, in both ...
igor's user avatar
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Font icons corrupted on my Arch Linux after system update

I am using Arch Linux and pretty much update my system daily. I rarely get into much larger problems, find the cause and resolve them. Friday I did an update and didn't notice that my Konsole font ...
Dimitar Veljanovski's user avatar
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Access and modify image generator on website

I'm curious if it's possible to modify this generator that exports a png image from user input. The output image is ultra-low resolution. I'm wondering if the generator can be modified to output a ...
Anders Hansen's user avatar
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Mixed UTF-16BE strings with ANSI in content stream of a PDF page object

I am working on generation of PDF on the fly tool, with custom chosen local font. Embeeding the font is not a problem, and been proven that font been found w/o problem. However, the font is Chinese, ...
Xerix's user avatar
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Install SF-Mono-Powerline on LMDE 6 for zsh in linux terminal

I am trying to install SF-Mono-Powerline to change fonts for my terminal for the use of zsh. But however the installation of the fonts is succesful (checked it), but I am not able to choose the fonts ...
antonym's user avatar
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Gimp showing submenus in Greek characters

After I installed the Gimp on my machine running Windows 10 Enterprise, submenus such as the 'tool options' are shown with Greek characters (as far as I can tell the words are English): I had first ...
alle_meije's user avatar
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Blurry, smudged text in some applications on Windows 10

Problem I am experiencing an issue with unreadable text on windows 10. This occurs only in some applications. For Example TeamSpeak and Arduino IDE. Due to inactiveness (?) within these windows or ...
Jan.'s user avatar
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Mac-to-Linux file conversion conundrum: convert MPW font resource to PCF and TTF files

This is more of a "conversion kata" than a real stumper, as in the worst case I can use my Mac to perform the conversion, but I really want to understand why the Linux tooling I used could ...
user821800's user avatar
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non-unicode fonts displaying as gibberish in Windows 10 guest running in qemu

I have a Hebrew app that uses non-unicode fonts, and when I run it in my Windows 10 guest, which is managed by virt-manager, it started displaying gibberish, although it used to work right. I tried ...
shmu's user avatar
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fcitx: Typing in Sanskrit and Hindi, Devanagari script (itrans)

I am trying to type in Devanagari script using fcitx and a Spanish keyboard layout. I have fcitx configured to switch between standard input and Mozc for Japanese. I installed the following packages: ...
calm-tedesco's user avatar
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Arial always shows up as italic in Microsoft Office applications (incl. WordPad)

This problem arose suddenly. Whenever I try to write Arial in any Microsoft Office application (including WordPad) the text appears italic. Changing it to italic and back just does nothing, the text ...
PaulMndn's user avatar
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Use a subset of system fonts for LibreOffice, on GNU/Linux

I have a lot of system fonts in my GNU/Linux distribution (in /usr/share/fonts/): most of them are useless for me when I'm using LibreOffice to write or to open a document. I'm using my distribution ...
eliotlencelot's user avatar
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X11 on Ubuntu, all characters missing, while working fine with Xming on Windows

I tried to access a server with GUI through X11 on a PC with Ubuntu. The forwarding seems good, just with all characters missing: screenshot_ubuntu_X11 However, I also tried to use PuTTY and Xming on ...
Rolling Island's user avatar
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How to change Windows 11 default font without breaking Windows search

Upgraded one of my PCs from Windows 10 to 11 (23H2 22631.2861). After the migration, I noticed that the search feature did not work anymore : Nothing happens when I click on the search icon on the ...
Florian Beaufumé's user avatar
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3 answers

Remove paragraph spacing before very large text

Using Word, I'm creating very large labels with text that is set to a font size of 300. I have the paragraph spacing before and after set to zero, but Word insists that there be approximately two ...
Brian By's user avatar
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change font size in second display only in Gnome

I have got a second display connected to my laptop which has got resolution 3840 x 2160, my laptop has got only 1920 x 1080. The font which is OK on my laptop is way too small on the second display. ...
helcim's user avatar
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How to debug “Fontconfig error: No writable cache directories” as the console output of font-manager?

Starting font-manager as a regular user from a console (regardless of the presence or the contents of /usr/local/share/fonts) prints four messages Fontconfig error: No writable cache directories on ...
AlMa1r's user avatar
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How to make Debian bookworm prefer a newer font version whenever at least two versions of the same font are available?

For the sake of an example, consider two fonts files of the same font: $ fc-scan /usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/cour.ttf --format='%{family} %{fontversion}\n' Courier New 184812 $ egrep -ao &...
AlMa1r's user avatar
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ffmpeg drawtext - Arabic fonts doesn't render correctly

What I'm trying to achieve: Loop an image into a video and overlay Arabic Text from the Qur'an on it including the text diacritical mark, using a custom font. Example of the text to be rendered: ...
Mahmoud Abdellatief's user avatar
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How can I change the default font used for displaying the content of unstyled messages in Outlook back to Calibri?

How can I change the default font used for displaying the content of unstyled messages in Outlook back to Calibri? I say "unstyled" here meaning HTML messages sent without a font setting, as ...
Jason S's user avatar
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How to delete open font files without reboot?

There are some font files that I cannot delete. These files are not installed and they are outside of C:\Windows\Fonts. I have previewed them and now I cannot delete them. Trying to delete them will ...
Ξένη Γήινος's user avatar
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What is the name of font used in GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP)?

What is the name of the font used on buttons and other elements of the GIMP GUI?
Toothpick Anemone's user avatar
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Why does adding an entry into a table result in the font size changing in a cell that is populated using Xlookup to extract entries from that table?

I created a table that is updated with new entries, thus changing size with each new table entry. Xlookup is used to pull entries from the table. The cells where the entries are stored is set to ...
CFlynn's user avatar
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How to fix error unable to read font in ImageMagick/Debian?

I'm running ImageMagick in WSL Debian and Ubuntu. I'm trying to write some text with ImageMagick but I getting font errors in both WSL linux versions: $ magick -background lightblue -fill blue -font ...
Rasec Malkic's user avatar
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How to use the Noto Sans Old Hungarian font?

Noob here. Noto Sans Old Hungarian Font I downloaded and installed this font. I was expecting if I press an a I get the equalient letter from this alphabet. But it doesn't do anything. How to use ...
Klorissz's user avatar
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FFMPEG does not load Font from ASS file

I'm trying to burn an ASS subtitle file onto a video using ffmpeg. This is the style part of the ASS file: [Script Info] ; Script generated by FFmpeg/Lavc60.3.100 ScriptType: v4.00+ PlayResX: 384 ...
Mehdi Haghgoo's user avatar
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Google Chrome resets font size after clicking link before navigating to the new page

I'm using MacOS Sonoma, and Google Chrome Version 120.0.6099.129 (Official Build) (arm64) This is the behaviour: Enter a website (e.g. Google, Hacker News, or anything else with links) Set larger ...
sscarduzio's user avatar
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How to rename font (family) name of variable font to comply OFL?

I downloaded this variable font from google fonts. Since I convert the font to the WOFF2 format using this tool, I would change the font name due to the OFL as suggested in this post. The problem is ...
Michael's user avatar
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2 answers

Excel treats unicode characters as text

I have received an excel file which contains data from government website, whose text is in Hindi language. When I open the csv file, it displays the hindi texts in unicode characters like the ...
Schmid's user avatar
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Unable to Change Font Size of Inkscape Guideline Label

Introduction I've successfully created labeled guidelines in Inkscape (version 1.1.1) using the following steps: Guidelines can be created by dragging from either of the rulers. Upon double-clicking ...
Michael Atorn WAT's user avatar
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Shrink line height in Notepad++

To increase the line height in Notepad++ you can change the Brace Highlight Style or the Line Number Margin to a larger font size as described here: How do I fix line spacing in Notepad++? But ...
marksing's user avatar
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Mangled fonts in GUI applications on Debian 11

I have a pretty fresh Debian 11 installation, running in a VirtualBox VM on Windows 10. The fonts in question look as if each glyph has many missing parts / as if the visible parts, such as they are, ...
Zsar's user avatar
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Old Microsoft Publisher file missing font

I have an old Microsoft Publisher file (for about 10 years ago), and when I try to open it, it will give me a warning about a missing font: What is (Arial, Helvetica, Sans-serif) font? all of them ...
Nofuzy's user avatar
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How do I change the default font for Chinese in OneNote?

I know it is possible to change the default font for all languages in OneNote, but is it possible to change the default font for Chinese, or is it a systemwide setting? It currently defaults to "...
Matr1x-101's user avatar
3 votes
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Windows terminal on windows 11 gives error not finding nerd font

Error when launching windows terminal WARNING Unable to find the selected font "Hack Nerd Font". "Consolas" has been selected instead. Please either install the missing font or ...
elephantatech's user avatar
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How to fix font issue to make PDF file show properly?

I downloaded one PDF file and opened it, then met following error: The pdf file cannot show properly, many characters in the file only left as blank. It seemed to me it's a font issue, but how to fix ...
J1B's user avatar
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"Times" font on Mac's font book is missing

I am using Times font on one note Mac. but could not find the same font "Times" on iPad. so I tried to find it on the Mac's Font book so I can install this same font on iPad too. but there ...
Milan's user avatar
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May I use fonts of other Linux distros on Debian with KDE Plasma(Wayland)?

I'm using Debian-12(Bookworm), with KDE Plasma(Wayland) desktop env. I found that there are many nice fonts on other Linux distros, and that they are used with KDE Plasma also, while they can NOT be ...
Leon's user avatar
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Arbitrary font type with ffmpeg

I set up a script that generates a simple video with one mp3 audio and one text on screen. I would like to add the option to specify a font type and use that for formatting of the text on the video. ...
lazarea's user avatar
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Windows 11 Font Folder

Is it possible to change the font installation destination folder? I mean, fonts are installed in C:\Windows\Fonts by default, can I have them installed in D:\Fonts? (Windows 11)
gab's user avatar
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Thunderbird change default font and size

I love using Thunderbird for checking all my mail accounts, including Gmail and Outlook. However, I'm having a difficult time trying to locate a setting to change the default font and size. It seems ...
21razor's user avatar
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when I try to output the final version of my document as pdf, my cool new Google (or other) TrueType font changes weight

I love how many fonts are available for free from Google and other places, as well as from subscriptions like your Adobe plan. When I finished a document recently with a popular TrueType font from ...
Mike M's user avatar
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Unicode characters became invisible since Windows 10 update

After a recent Windows 10 update, emoji became invisible in several apps (Google Chrome, MS Word). The behavior of MS Word is particularly weird: When I open a DOCX file that contains emoji (set with ...
root's user avatar
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