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Questions tagged [folder-redirection]

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43 votes
5 answers

How to unlink my Documents folder from my OneDrive account?

I have recently changed the location of my Documents folder (originally located in C:\Users\TermoZour\Documents) to C:\Users\TermoZour\OneDrive\Documents so I could sync the documents folder between 2 ...
TermoZour's user avatar
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36 votes
6 answers

Move all files from subdirectories to current directory?

How can I move the files contained in all subdirectories to the current directory, and then remove the empty subdirectories? I found this question, but adapting the answer to: mv * . did not work; ...
Richard's user avatar
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20 votes
2 answers

Redirect folder on one HDD to a folder on another HDD

This may be a simple question but I couldn't find any answers - folder redirection usually refers to redirecting profile folders only. I have two hard drives in my laptop: C: (an SSD) and D: (a ...
xxbbcc's user avatar
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14 votes
5 answers

Change Default directory of Documents and Settings?

Let's say I have Windows installed on drive C, however I install all of my programs on the D drive, and I keep my user profile on the D drive as well (things like My Documents). How can I have Windows ...
AlbertoPL's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

Is there anything like a link or shared mount point for FAT32 folders in Linux/Android?

I often want the same files to be accessed by different apps on my Android phone, but the apps look in different folders. Is there a way to make two different folder paths on a FAT SD card point to ...
endolith's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

User RECYCLER folders have thousands of hidden files

We have a "Users" folder that is the root of all user files and network profiles. Using a directory size utility (WinDirStat), I stumbled upon a strange and worrisome problem - thousands of files ...
jswanson's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Why different processes see different instances of the System32 folder?

I am running Windows 8 Enterprise x64. I logged on using an account from the Administrators group. When I open Windows Explorer or a command prompt, then I can see the file cdd.dll: C:\Windows\...
Vladimir Reshetnikov's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Windows 7 Home Premium - Folder Redirection

I am running Windows 7 Home Premium (64 bit if it makes any difference), and I would like to safely migrate C:\Users\paul to D:\Users\paul. My (home) network is a mix of Windows, and *nix boxes, and ...
Paul Delhanty's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

How can I move the database location of Evernote successfully?

I am currently on Evernote 4.5.x and lost quite some data because I didn't notice that the crashing Evernote deleted recently created notes due to space limitations in my TC container. I am not happy. ...
grunwald2.0's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How Do I Avoid Access Denied When Reclaiming Local Libraries in Windows 10?

After installing Windows 10 from scratch (now updated to the latest 1151 update), my local directories (ie. Documents and Pictures) are mirroring whatever is placed in my OneDrive Documents and ...
sensitivestoic's user avatar
3 votes
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Conditional folder redirect on windows

I'm trying to find a way to conditionally redirect a path based on process location. The rule would be something like this: if process path begins with "U:\apps_to_redirect\" then "c:\...
daf's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How should I create a folder that automatically links to a shared drive between Windows and Linux?

I'd like to set it up so that when I click on my 'My Pictures|Videos|Music...etc' folder it just redirects to my middle data drive. Likewise for my linux folders. How can I set this up? I'm sorry if ...
AncientSwordRage's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Folder Redirection Doesn't work in Windows 7 or Vista

I am running a Windows Server 2003 Domain, and most of our clients are Windows XP. In the Domain Policy I have folder redirection turned on for Documents and Desktop. This works great on my XP ...
Russ Bradberry's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Why do I have 2 documents folder in Windows 11?

I have two asynchronous documents folder in Windows 11. One C:\users\jakob\Documents with my documents from OneDrive (this is the one t"Documents" in the explorer menu to the left links to) ...
Jakob's user avatar
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2 votes
4 answers

Win10 - Accidentally moved my downloads folder to D:\, can't seem to revert or change

I like my downloads folder to be moved from C:\Users\Joe\Downloads to D:\Downloads. I recently reformatted my PC and accidentally set the new location as D:\. I can't see to either revert this change ...
Joe Shanahan's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Can Windows 7 enable Folder Redirection via Group Policy?

I'd like to enable folder redirection on my stand-alone Windows 7 Pro box. Is that possible? The Group Policy Editor shown in the Managing Roaming User Data Deployment Guide has a Folder Redirection ...
Jon-Eric's user avatar
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0 answers

How to Get Folder Shortcuts/Links to Work When Copying Template Folder Contents to New Folder

I have a lot of 'template' folders, the contents which I use to copy into new folders that I create. My problem is getting shortcuts within the copied folders to point back to object the folder that ...
Cfguy100's user avatar
2 votes
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How to wildcard redirect a folder (not alias) in Windows?

We just moved a lot of company data in a folder to OneDrive for Business. We used to have everything located in "D:\BusinessFiles", now they're all located in "D:\OneDrive - Contoso". Since OneDrive ...
Haneef Ibn Ahmad's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Windows 7 Music folder: Access is denied

I store my music on a network share and was annoyed that music programs default to using the hidden %userprofile%\Music directory, which is the default location for the magic "My Music" folder. So I ...
Calvin Fisher's user avatar
2 votes
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Windows SBS Standard 2011 Folder redirection will not be disabled for one user

I am trying to disable folder redirection for one user (or all users on the domain). I have disabled the setting for the user in the users tab on the SBS console and restarted the computer a couple ...
dpbklyn's user avatar
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OS X 10.5.8 Mobile Account with Active Directory

I've got a Mac Mini client joined to an SBS 2008 box. I'm using SMB shares in the domain. The Mac has been binded to AD, I can log in with any user account. It even asks me if I want to create a ...
Dutchboy92's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Create Templates folder in Windows 7 profile

I'd like to create a Templates folder in my profile on Windows 7, but there's already a junction to AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Templates. I assume this is a system configuration so I don't want ...
Michael Itzoe's user avatar
1 vote
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Mac OS X: Is there a way to jump to a folder containing a file found in command-space

I have a file that I can open using spotlight search But I don't have a single idea where it is located on the system and grep filename, hasn't found it after more than 15 minutes of searching. I was ...
Sidharth Ghoshal's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Sorting files into directories / uniquely named folders

I have the following problem and I would really appreciate it if I could get some help on that front. I am getting a constant flow of xml files into a folder. A XML file can look like this. It only ...
Squary94's user avatar
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1 answer

Can i have a private / user-specific etc folder?

I am often fiddling about with software built from source, which i install in $HOME/.local. To make it run, i have to export various variables such as LD_LIBRARY_PATH. But i do not want to have to ...
TheEagle's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I find the desktop directory from a script, even if it was relocated out of the user profile?

To conserve space on the SSD with my Windows installation (C:), I have folders such as the Desktop for each user relocated to a separate HDD (D:), using the graphical interface. Consequently, I cannot ...
Karl Knechtel's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Outlook 2016 Way to set rules to run on a subfolder

I have a rules set up that move emails with a certain criteria from the inbox into a sud-folder called "Evening" is it then possible to set a rule that moves email from the folder "Evening" folder ...
Echobase77's user avatar
1 vote
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Is it possible to make a certain domain endpoint display the contents of another folder?

I'm not too sure how to ask this question properly, as I have no idea if it can be done. I have a domain that powers a website built with a CMS. However, for certain performance and sustainability ...
Phil Thibeault's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How can I make the content of multiple folders appear as one virtual folder or drive letter?

I have been wanting to do this for a while now and have looked up union FS and symoblic links and all sorts of filesystems like ZFS. But I am not so sure that my needs are that complex I just can't ...
Lee's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Folder redirection doesn't work

Apologies for the vague title but I really don't know why. I've tried to set up folder redirection following the instructions on Technet word for word. Logging in on my domain creates the user ...
Jake's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

My folder sometimes opens in a new window and even twice

Even though I have set to open all folders in the same window, sometimes folders open in a new window and twice. It always happens with the download folder. I can't figure out why. Please help me out.
Nitesh Singh's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Mac client on AD domain - individual folder redirection

I'm trying to configure a home network with Windows 2008R2 and Windows 7 / Mac Mountain Lion clients. I have a separate NAS drive, which I want to host all home folders as well as a central store of ...
David Fulton's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Windows 2008 Folder redirection doesn't seem to work for some folders - Group Policy propagation issue

Tearing my hair out - hoping someone can spot my (probably obvious) mistake: I'm setting up a home LAN running Windows 2008 R2 with Windows 7 Ultimate clients. I'm trying to redirect the various ...
David Fulton's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Create a folder shortcut/redirection in Vista

Given a plain old directory of files in Windows Vista, say "C:\OldFolder\", is it possible to move the contents of that directory to a new location, perhaps "F:\NewFolder\" and keep a shortcut-like '...
Ellipsis's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Batch script to move video files to folder based on WidthxHeight

I'm currently trying to code a batch script that will move certain video files (mainly .mp4's) to a new sub-folder based on Width and Height to make encoding faster by cutting out the manual labor of ...
Hetsig's user avatar
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1 answer

Is it possible to create a "virtual" symlink in Windows 10?

Let's say I've got this directory structure: . ├── Documents │ ├── Finance │ ├── School │ ├── Skyrim │ ├── Work └── Saved Games ├── Fallout └── Minecraft The folders Skyrim, Fallout, ...
JacobTheDev's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Msgbox VBA on closed workbook

I have 2 different workbooks: workbook-1 workbook-2 I want msgbox in workbook-1 referring to values in workbook-2. For example: In workbook-1: | A | | B | | C | In workbook-2: | A | 10 | 5 | 6 ...
Naresh G's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Restore merged user folder

First I'll start by saying I have no usable backup or restore point (I know, I know). So the problem, I was using the "Move" function for relocating the default Music folder, I was going from D:/...
J Lewis's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Safety of redirecting System folders (e.g. : program files ,users,... ) using symbolic links?

Can redirecting system folders as mentioned above using symbolic links cause problems to the system or some applications? And is there any problem if I redirect the folders to another partition on ...
jhon's user avatar
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2 answers

Can I set up arbitrary filesystem redirection in Windows?

I am sitting in front of a Windows 7 machine that has no drive Q:. Is it possible to arrange for accesses to Q:\somedir to be redirected to an arbitrary location on the existing filesystems (for ...
Jon's user avatar
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4 answers

How to set up a fileserver for use with multiple networked machines using different OSs

Recently I've become very interested in setting up a fileserver, mostly for home usage but also because of the fact that I live in 2 places, I need to be able to access my files from both homes. I ...
Tanax's user avatar
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2 answers

moving Canon pics to Mac OSX files not iPhoto

I can't seem to the get the Canon utilities camera window to acknowledge a target folder on my desktop for pictures. It wants to open Aperture and I don't want the pics to go there. I did go into ...
Linda's user avatar
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1 answer

Can the default directiory be changed for multiple libraries at once (i.e. Documents, Pictures, Music)

As explained in Change Default directory of Documents and Settings?, Windows has a built-in option for moving the default library folders to different directories. (Ex: moving My Documents from C:\...
Stevoisiak's user avatar
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Issues with unlinking OneDrive account from folders - alphanumeric keys in registry

I did a clean install of Windows 11. I didn't experience this issue before since I would do an "offline" setup of Windows without an account login, but it's a pain to do this with Windows 11....
jp207's user avatar
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Thunderbird: Mark all messages inside selected Folder(s) Unread

Its possible to mark all messages as read in selected folder(s). It is useful for archival purpose. But is it also possible to mark all messages of selected folder(s) as unread? It is useful for ...
Porcupine's user avatar
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1 answer

Redirect desktop folder to another folder in Windows

Most of us save many of our files directly to Desktop (i.e. users\[myUser]\Desktop). I use cloud storage like Dropbox and Google Drive and others. So for revision history, every time I need to ...
Tina J's user avatar
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Can you split image input into two folders?

I have a question. If i take continuous photos with a camera (connected to the PC with a USB so the image saving is quick.) can i make it so for example image000 is saved automatically to "example ...
John D's user avatar
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1 answer

outlook VBA save attachment on hard drive to a specific folder different of 'my documents folder'

I've found a macro which save an attachment from an email on outlook, and in this aspect it works pretty fine, but it saves it in "my document" folder I would like that it saves it in another folder ...
ploom's user avatar
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Outlook 2010 on RDS Server Farm - Profile not xferring

I have a Remote Desktop server farm (Windows Server 2008R2 config) with 3 servers that users log on to. They open Outlook on "Server 1". Create a contact named Sally. This saves into an outlook data ...
dthree's user avatar
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Symlink Messages Library Data

My hard drive is completely full on my mac, mostly due to my extensive Messages archive. I have an external drive and would like to move the data over to it using a symlink (or other solution). When I ...
chazbot7's user avatar
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