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Questions tagged [firewalld]

Firewalld is an open source firewall solution available on several linux distributions. Firewalld uses D-BUS for monitoring and dynamic management.

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15 votes
3 answers

Getting firewalld to allow ping requests

On CentOS 7, I have installed and setup firewalld as follows: Add ssh service to drop zone permanently (sudo firewall-cmd --zone=drop --permanent --add-service=ssh) Make drop zone the default zone so ...
user1638152's user avatar
11 votes
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Opening a port with firewalld doesn't seem to work

I have configured sshd to live on a different port. I have opened that port using firewalld: $ sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=22000/tcp --permanent Listing rules shows port 22000 is ...
mikemaccana's user avatar
9 votes
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Configure FirewallD to allow bridged virtual machine network access

I have a Windows guest running on a virt-manager QEMU/KVM virtual machine. My primary NIC eno1 is in a bridge br1 which is configured with my host IP address configuration. This VM is connected to ...
Jonathon Reinhart's user avatar
8 votes
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How can I configure firewalld to block all outgoing traffic except for specific ports while allowing localhost to access any of its own local ports?

I'll confess at the start that I'm asking this question only after finding the answer and wanting to share it with everyone else. If this is bad form, then my sincere apologies and I'm open to the ...
John T.'s user avatar
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firewall-cmd - add-forward-port don't work

I have a KVM server (host) with multiple virtual machines (guests). My goal is my host forward port 222 to port 22 of a guest running an ssh service. This works... iptables -I OUTPUT -d -...
Eduardo Lucio's user avatar
7 votes
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How to block docker-mapped ports with a firewall from outside the host without messing up docker routing inside the host?

I have a docker container running on a host with some port mapped to a port on the host. docker run -d -p 9009:9009 someserver I want this machine firewalled off from the internet except for 80, ...
adapt-dev's user avatar
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3 votes
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Setting up rules in firewalld to allow clients in the same VPN subnet to communicate

I am trying to setup a Wireguard VPN on a Fedora server. I have it up and running and can connect with multiple clients, browse through it, ssh into the server etc. In general it just works. Except ...
user2858835's user avatar
3 votes
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firewalld rich rules don't drop incoming traffic (CentOS 8 behind a NAT)

Post-Solving Edit The reason this was so hard to solve at the firewall level was that it wasn't a firewall problem. Something @tom-yan said in chat made me revisit the script which pulls out the IP ...
Mark's user avatar
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Docker container can't make DNS queries with FirewallD running

While FirewallD is running, all DNS queries fail and are blocked by the firewall. Running tcpdump -i docker0 while running ping in a container shows me 21:27:02.683342 IP &...
ollien's user avatar
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using firewalld and firewall-cmd how to add-rule to primary INPUT chain not INPUT_direct

so after reading the firewalld man page and fedora documentation, I have come to the understanding that to add a custom rule to firewall with specific arguements i need to use the structure firewall-...
Chris's user avatar
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Configure firewalld to distinguish home and public ethernet connection

I connect my notebook via ethernet at home and outside. I want to open some ports for services like samba only at home and not somewhere else. How can i let firewalld automatically detect where i am, ...
Thery White's user avatar
2 votes
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How to open a UDP port in the Centos 7 firewall, firewalld, using firewall-cmd?

Centos 7 server. Trying to open port 3000 for UDP, nodejs ws websockets. Any ideas? I'm stuck! I've checked a few other SO posts to no avail. Thx, Keith =) If is stop the firewall, the udp unicast ...
kmiklas's user avatar
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firewalld: forward traffic as a wireguard VPN gateway

I have setup a pi running Pi OS 11 as a VPN gateway for my local network using Wireguard & Nftables, that all works fine. However, I wish to switch over to firewalld to be compatible with docker ...
uhsl_m's user avatar
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Whitelist websites for specific user on linux?

Due to a child protection and safeguarding issue, I want to set up a restricted or limited account for a tech-savvy teenager to use. I would like to whitelist only specific websites (e.g. iPlayer and ...
DMCoding's user avatar
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2 answers

Firewalld block / drop and allow by IP

We have a linux root server which primarily just is a docker server. Hosting containers and a CI runner. To protect this server the basic idea for now is to block all traffic except for one (or more)...
Daniel Böttner's user avatar
2 votes
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firewall-cmd configure destination NAT

I am trying to configure destiation NAT on a RHEL 7.4 server. I want any traffic generated for to go to After some Googling I used following direct rule: firewall-...
user686299's user avatar
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firewalld Zone "trusted" Drops about 15% of Frames that are Passed by Zone "public"

Background I have two lab machines, which I'll refer to as A and B, running RHEL 8.0. I SSH into A and B from my Windows desktop over a 1 GbE link, whose network interface I'll refer to as eth0. A and ...
Dave's user avatar
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Fedora unable to mount nfs due to firewalld

I am trying to create a nfs to share between my host and guest VM (run with qemu-kvm). I followed this guide ad this is the situation: host: cat /etc/exports /mnt/nfsshare,sync,...
Louis's user avatar
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Fedora 33 as wireless router to the internet: stations are always isolated, cannot ping/connect between devices on the wireless lan

Wifi adapter : Asus PCE-AC88 Running on the router : Fedora 33, firewalld, hostapd (built from master), dnsmasq Routing to the internet works great, all stations are routed to the WAN provided by my ...
Ebenezer Cooke's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to get an IP address blocked with firewall-cmd with immediate effect?

To replicate the problem have two different servers with their own IP addresses. Now start pinging one of them from the second one, and while still pinging block the first server's IP on the second ...
Sasha's user avatar
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How can I fix IPv6 not forwarding traffic correctly between interfaces?

I have two OpenSUSE servers, one with IPv6 and IPv4 while the other only has IPv4 capablities. The two of them are connected with OpenVPN and can communicate using IPv6 through the tunnel just fine. ...
NeonMan's user avatar
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Blacklist list of IPs from File Centos 7.5

I've to deny access from set of IP set from specific country and downloaded the list from site. I tried to block this set using firewall-cmd --permanent --ipset=blacklist --...
vish's user avatar
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2 answers

Can I block internet access of a single app with firewalld?

Is it possible to prevent a single app to access the internet with firewalld? To be precise, i have an application packaged as an AppImage, currently installed in my Home directory, and I want it to ...
Sekhemty's user avatar
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firewall-cmd blocking snmp

I inherited a system that has rules implemented with firewall-cmd, it has the below rules. Another system is trying to connect to snmp port (UDP/161) but is not able (my server is responding with ICMP ...
Rima's user avatar
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I can't configure firewalld with my custom rule xml

Centos7: I dropped my xml in /etc/firewalld/services when running firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=rules.xml all i get is "Error: INVALID_SERVICE: rules" When running firewall-...
acme64's user avatar
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Firewalld: allow only certain source and destination port pairs

I am using firewalld to configure my firewall. I tried to create a service that allows a specific pair of source and destination ports: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <service> &...
equaeghe's user avatar
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firewalld and localhost address translation

I have a server with red hat 7.1 which has two ip addresses, a public one available on internet on interface bond1 and a private one on the corporate lan on interface bond0. I have apache 2.4 ...
fer.marino's user avatar
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Port forwarding to VM using firewalld

I have been looking and not able to find anything about how to solve this problem. I am trying to set up port forwarding to a VM (qemu) on a CentOS 7 Server. Tying to forward anything incoming on ...
xzero121's user avatar
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Firewalld port redirect to rootless podman container

I'm having a podman container running rootless on port 8080 and 8443. But I want to have access to them on port 80 and 443. This is working quite well with firewalld and this command: firewall-cmd \ ...
user496909's user avatar
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How can I setup FIREWALLD with IPSEC (StrongSwan) Site-to-Site to make PING work on Debian 12?

I have 3 nodes with public and local IP address, each: Node A: edge router #1 ( Node B: edge router #2 ( Node C: VMS with Debian 12, docker containers and firewalld (ex. 172....
BCT's user avatar
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0 answers

How can I create a firewalld rule that allow SSH connection only from a specific IP address?

I am not a system engineer or a network expert (I am more a software developer) and I have the following problem that I have to solve related IPTABLES firewall. I have n Linux machines that must ...
AndreaNobili's user avatar
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Stuck on converting firewalld direct rule syntax to rich rule syntax

I've been googling around to try to translate an iptables script I use for some wireguard rules into native firewalld rules, since all the docs I've been reading about iptables indicate that: ...
likeyeah's user avatar
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Firewalld DNAT Subnet translation

I want to translate subnets using firewalld. I have a ethernet interface, that should translate incomming packets targeting to My home network is I ...
appletree's user avatar
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Firewalld open all ports except one

With firewalld, I am trying to allow all ports except one for everyone, as that port must be enabled for a specific host, and I have tried the following: firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-...
jonyluke's user avatar
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Is it possible to use iptables ipset together with firewalld?

Currently, I am using firewalld and now I need to use iptables ipset so I was wondering if I can use iptables ipset alongside firewalld and if I can how I should be doing that
poqdavid's user avatar
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how to configure firewalld, port-forward to specific VM:port and permit VM to external

I have KVM/libvirt env as follows. em1(external) | bridge0 / | \ VM1 VM2 VM3 I hope to access to VM1( with 9091 port from external with following. # firewall-cmd -...
HTR's user avatar
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Routing Issue Between Interfaces under CentOS7/Firewalld

I use a Linux PC as my Internet gateway; it's running a fresh installation of CentOS 7 x64. I have one subnet ( which is my regular Home network, and I have a second, separate subnet (...
Fred's user avatar
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Ho to route one subnet to another using firewalld CentOS 7

I have a CentOS 7 system, with a VPN host and one physical network interface. I have my physical network interface assigned to public zone, while my VPN requests are going through trusted. Also, I ...
László Stahorszki's user avatar
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Per client firewall settings

I've successfully set up an OpenVPN-Server and can connect to it from the internet. Now I'm trying to implement per-client firewall rules so different clients can only connect to certain addresses in ...
Fang's user avatar
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TFTP Server With Red Hat 7

How do I set up a TFTP Server w/ Red Hat 7? This is a fresh VM install of RHEL 7.3. I'm using the RHEL 7 Installation Guide instructions at
coderimpersonator's user avatar
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Linux Fedora run Firefox via pkexec sound issue

I would like to setup my Fedora Linux install so that I have control over outgoing traffic on a per application basis. In order to achieve this I have setup an firewall policy to drop everything from ...
matt101's user avatar
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Firewalld forwarding whole subnet

I have a network that looks like this: MyPC: eth0 Machine A (Linux, Running a WebServer) eth0 eth1 firwalld zones: sudo firewall-cmd --list-all-zones ...
maxbit89's user avatar
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How does firewalld "ingress" and "egress" work compared to the 'classic' way of masquerading IPs?

I'm currently on the second iteration of a home router I built myself. On the 'original' build, I essentially wrapped the 'standard' commands in firewalld rich rules On V1 firewall-cmd --direct --add-...
Journeyman Geek's user avatar
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Adding a firewalld service closes the required port instead of opening it

I have a fresh install of Rocky Linux 9 on a Linode Shared CPU instance. I just installed firewalld to get it setup. By default it has the http and ssh services enabled. Doing an nmap scan at this ...
IneptusMechanicus's user avatar
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How can I block (ssh) traffic from source ports other than a pre-defined one?

A VPS get lots of ssh attacks. Those attacks are various source ports: sshd[76661]: Invalid user ts3server from port 33062 sshd[76661]: Received disconnect from port 33062:...
equaeghe's user avatar
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CentOS 7 - Load settings for iptables at OS startup

I would like to load the settings below for iptables on CentOS 7 at OS startup using a bash script. How can I do this? #!/bin/bash iptables -I OUTPUT -d -j ACCEPT iptables -I FORWARD -d 0....
Eduardo Lucio's user avatar
0 votes
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Linux - FirewallD - Why is ping blocked?

I know that the drop zone (my default zone) in FirewallD blocks all incoming traffic, including icmp, so also ping. The FedoraWorkstation zone, does not block icmp. But where can I see this? If apply ...
Dan's user avatar
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How to make UFW work with firewalld on CentOS 7?

I've installed UFW on a fresh CentOS 7 installation, but it doesn't open the ports. I'm configuring UFW as I would on a Debian system: sudo ufw default deny incoming sudo ufw default allow outgoing ...
HypeWolf's user avatar
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How to create a firewall rule, to block a website for a particular user? [closed]

can anybody helps me to make a firewall rule to block a particular website for a particular user. i have a Linux operating system am trying to make that OS like a firewall.
sumith ps's user avatar
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firewalld, only allowing SSH from specific IP which is part of a different zone

My goal is to serve ldap to every client on but SSH must only be available to I have tried with the following: # This is where eth0 is and no services/ports are assigned ...
scaarup's user avatar