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Questions tagged [file-transfer]

Transferring files from one storage to another local or remote storage.

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199 votes
5 answers

What's the difference between SCP and SFTP?

Usually, I use the scp command to transfer files on *nixes. What's the difference between SFTP and SCP? Don't they both work on SSH?
nos's user avatar
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190 votes
24 answers

What are some options for transferring large files without using the Internet? [closed]

My employer's Internet connection is extremely slow. It's $6,000 a month, 9 Mb, bonded T1, shared by over 150 users. It's not untypical to see regular file transfer speeds of 20-100 KBps. And that ...
Kyle Lowry's user avatar
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183 votes
16 answers

How to move VirtualBox files?

By default VirtualBox stores all data in a directory below the home directory. I know how to change it but how can I change the location of existing images (without editing VirtualBox.xml manually)? ...
maaartinus's user avatar
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177 votes
1 answer

What is the purpose/function of ".ßßß" files?

While trying to copy the contents of a 16GB usb drive, I got a warning that there was not enough free space. Checking the properties of the folder tree on the usb drive, I found a large number of "....
Arne's user avatar
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101 votes
12 answers

Best way to transfer files over a LAN between two Linux computers

I want to transfer files (a music folder) between two Linux computers. After searching for the best way to do this, I've seen that there are lots of ways of doing this. I know this has been asked a ...
jonallard's user avatar
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67 votes
5 answers

How do I move files out of nested subdirectories into another folder in ubuntu? (Trying to strip off many subfolders)

How do I move files and not directories into another folder/parent folder? I have a folder structure that is extremely ugly, with some .mp3 files buried 6 levels deep in a sub-folder. I want to ...
Chris's user avatar
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63 votes
6 answers

How to copy files that have too long of a filepath in Windows?

I need to make backups of some files on a network share. However, I need to copy those files to my local drive before burning the disks because those files might be in use. Some of the files won't ...
Brian Sturm's user avatar
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55 votes
10 answers

Transferring "large" file off of MS-DOS 5.0 Machine (without removing HDD)

As part of some sort of legal record-keeping thing, my father's business lawyers has requested a copy of the database of customers from a work computer. The core issue is that this work computer is a ...
Tarkenfire's user avatar
43 votes
18 answers

Windows file copy dialog: Why is the estimation so... BAD?

xkcd I know that the Windows copy dialog (in Windows XP) stores the copy in memory first, and it is still copying after the dialog closes, so the time is off, but why is the estimation of the ...
Maxim Zaslavsky's user avatar
43 votes
5 answers

What is the benefit of copy over xcopy on the command line?

I know that xcopy has more options however are there any benefits to using copy rather than xcopy?
Phil Hannent's user avatar
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43 votes
6 answers

Why do file copy operations in Linux get slower over time?

I have 12 ~200 MB files. Copying one of them to another drive takes 20 seconds. When I try to copy all of them at once, it first says it's going to take 5 minutes, then it keeps slowing down into the ...
User not found's user avatar
42 votes
9 answers

Is there a way to transfer thousand of small files faster on Windows 7?

I noticed that if I transfer a few large files between two hard drives, it's pretty speedy, at around at least 30 MB per second, but if I transfer thousands of files less than 5 KB, it is ...
netrox's user avatar
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41 votes
4 answers

If I copy a bootable USB drive to another USB, will it create a duplicate bootable drive?

I thought it's kind of a dumb question but a search with Google seems to indicate that it is not even possible to copy/paste data on a bootable drive to another USB? But even if we were able to copy ...
zar's user avatar
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41 votes
9 answers

Windows Alternative to Rsync? [closed]

I'm trying to setup a file sync between the file server at my house and the one at my brother's so that we each have offsite backups of important data. Both systems are running Windows (XP on one, 7 ...
Adam Haile's user avatar
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40 votes
13 answers

How long would it take to transfer 1TB over USB 2.0?

This might be a completely stupid question because it is conceivably highly dependent on the respective disk speeds. But I am thinking that there is a speed cap that is specific to USB 2.0 that would ...
Ron Tuffin's user avatar
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40 votes
12 answers

Direct transfer of a file between two computers on the Internet

I'm looking for a simple but direct way to transfer a file of any kind and any size between two people. If possible, having only a web browser, without having the file stored on a third machine ...
Benoit's user avatar
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39 votes
16 answers

Best way to get data off a computer with no support for USB or Ethernet?

A customer has a computer running Windows 98 (I know, cringe) and needs to take some data off the computer to put on a new laptop. I've tried using USB, but Windows 98 doesn't have USB storage ...
38 votes
4 answers

Recursive, Non-Overwriting File Copy?

I've got a directory that contains a bunch of other folders containing CoffeeScript/ JavaScript files. I'm able to compile the CoffeeScript files into a new folder with the same folder structure fine....
AlbertEngelB's user avatar
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37 votes
4 answers

Why does my flash drive speed slow down when copying?

After a few minutes of copying, it just gets slower and slower. Why? e.g. It starts with 20 MByte/sec, and when it finishes with it, it's @10 MByte/s. Various files, big, small, etc. UPDATE: ...
LanceBaynes's user avatar
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34 votes
8 answers

scp a single file to multiple locations

Can you scp a file to multiple locations in the same command? For example: scp file.txt [email protected]:, [email protected]: Or would it be more practical to create a bash script that has all the hosts ...
Andrew's user avatar
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34 votes
4 answers

What is backup mode in Robocopy

I am trying to copy a large database backup file over network. The traditional program copy or xcopy failed with different binary resulted. Also tried robocopy without parameter, and resulted a ...
ydoow's user avatar
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33 votes
7 answers

How to better copy&paste big files over RDP?

Recently I was making a few attempts to copy&paste a big (1.2 GB) file to remote computer over RDP. The remote computer is virtual testing machine with MS Windows Server 2008 Datacenter. First ...
Gennady Vanin Геннадий Ванин's user avatar
33 votes
3 answers

When I transfer files between servers on my desktop is my computer an intermediary?

For example, on a Windows based system I have two windows explorer programs opened and in each explorer window I am viewing the contents of two server's files. Now, if I were to transfer files ...
cyborgcommando0's user avatar
32 votes
4 answers

How do I transfer data between two old PCs using parallel or serial?

Recently, I found an old Gateway 2000 Colorbook laptop with MS-DOS6.22/Win3.1 that had no ports but PS2, parallel, and serial ports. My modern computer doesn't have any of these ports, so I am trying ...
Pro Gamer's user avatar
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31 votes
8 answers

Is there a way to resume an interrupted scp of a file?

I'm occasionally downloading a very large file via scp and there's a small chance each time of the connection dropping and cutting the transfer mid-way. Is there a way to resume it?
GJ.'s user avatar
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30 votes
6 answers

Copying files: does Windows write to disk if files are identical?

I have a directory with a lot of books in PDF format (around 2GB in size). While reading I often leave notes and annotations in the files. Occasionally I make a backup on an external hard drive. ...
Doflaminhgo's user avatar
29 votes
4 answers

Can someone download files from your personal computer when you're using public WiFi? [closed]

Scenario: You are using your laptop computer, connected to a public WiFi network at a Starbucks, airport, etc. Question: Can a stranger connected to that same WiFi network download the files from ...
Test100's user avatar
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29 votes
3 answers

rsync --remove-source-files deletes source files one by one or after rsync completes?

I have a rsync command in an application that copies the contents of a folder to another machine. I have the option --remove-source-files because I'm only interested in having the files on the ...
brafales's user avatar
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28 votes
2 answers

Rsync new and changed files

Is it possible to have rsync transfer all files in a directory that have changed or have been created? I don't need something as sophisticated as a CRC diff check; files with different timestamps and/...
instanceofTom's user avatar
28 votes
2 answers

Copying a file on Windows 8 gives "not enough memory" even with plenty of memory and disk space

I had this problem when copying a large (50GB) disk image file (Macrium Reflect) from my Flash Drive to my computer. "Out of Memory. There is not enough memory to complete this operation." I had ...
Nathan's user avatar
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27 votes
5 answers

What's faster? Moving files from one drive to another, or moving files in the same drive?

Let's suppose I have a 2GB file that I want to move, and I have two hard drives that are exactly the same. Would it be faster to move the file from one drive to another, or will it be faster-moving ...
Santiago's user avatar
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26 votes
4 answers

Using Chrome Remote Desktop, can I transfer files between computers?

Is there a way to transfer files between remotely connected computers with the Google Chrome Remote Desktop plugin? If not, is there a simple way I can transfer files between connected computers?
MonteCristo's user avatar
24 votes
3 answers

What does the processor do when I copy things from one USB disk to another?

Is all data that I copy going through it or is there another more direct way?
Felix Dombek's user avatar
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24 votes
6 answers

How to transfer a file over pen and paper, with error correction

I'm looking for a way to transfer a file using only a pen and paper. This is somewhat similar to paperbak, except the density I'm looking for is much, much lower, and I don't want to use a printer or ...
Jeremy Salwen's user avatar
23 votes
8 answers

Is copying a lot of files bad for the CPU or computer in any way?

I'm using my laptop to copy a couple of harddrives to other harddrives. My laptop will probably be crunching through 20 TB of data... I'm wondering if this will affect my CPU long term in any way. And ...
Dave's user avatar
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23 votes
11 answers

Inverse multiplexing to speed up file transfer

I have send a large amount of data from one machine to another. If I send with rsync (or any other method), it will go at a steady 320kb/sec. If I initiate two or three transfers at once, each will go ...
ZimmyDubZongyZongDubby's user avatar
23 votes
9 answers

Is there a queue copy program available for Windows 7?

When copying a lot of files all from different locations to the same location, using Windows Explorer, Windows always creates multiple copy processes, slowing everything down. How can I queue copy ...
Edosoft's user avatar
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22 votes
6 answers

Copy lots of files ignoring errors

I am trying to copy files from a corrupted hard drive. Not all of them will copy - some have CRC errors and will stall. I would like to skip those files and continue with the rest of the copy - but ...
Goro's user avatar
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22 votes
2 answers

How to recursively move all folders one directory up back one directory

I have folders in scenery/terrain that contain folders called terrain and objects. These folders have folders with data files. How do I move all of the contents scenery/terrain/[name]/terrain to ...
Andrew D.'s user avatar
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22 votes
2 answers

Why does large file transfers stop at 99% for a few minutes?

I've been meaning to ask this question for a long time. While trying to copy/move files(large sizes say over 10GB) in Windows from or to any external drive, I notice that the transfer activity remains ...
Ashwin's user avatar
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21 votes
3 answers

Why am I asked "Are you sure you want to copy this file without its properties?" when copying files from NTFS to a FAT drive?

I have an image file on my NTFS filesystem and get the following message when I try to copy to my FAT32 drive: Are you sure you want to copy this file without its properties? I can't find any ...
user avatar
20 votes
6 answers

What is the most reliable way to send a big file between two Windows computers via network? [duplicate]

The file is around 170GB. I wouldn't upload it on the FTP, and download it. It is not reliable, sometime, connections drop, and it will have big trouble. So, is there any better way to do so? Anyone ...
Ted Wong's user avatar
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20 votes
5 answers

Transfering about 300gb in files from one server to another

I have about 200,000 files that I am transferring to a new server today. I haven't done anything on such a large scale before, and wanted to get some advice on how I should go about this. I am ...
MasterGberry's user avatar
20 votes
6 answers

How to copy files with an option for skipping stuck files?

I have a corrupted CD from which I want to copy files. The problem is that the default Windows 7 copy utility gets completely stuck when it encounters a corrupted sector of the CD. Can you recommend ...
Ori Popowski's user avatar
19 votes
6 answers

Can original file get corrupted during copying?

I was copying music from my computer to a phone using usb-c cable, and because of stupid reasons, the copying process failed. (In short, turns out a new phone requires some dancing around bonfire for ...
lilKriT's user avatar
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19 votes
6 answers

What's the point of ASCII mode in FTP?

Why is there an ASCII mode in FTP, which is prevalent in today's software and FTP implementations? Why not just always use binary regardless of the data?
zildjohn01's user avatar
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19 votes
7 answers

How to copy a directory on Windows, preserving timestamps of all directories being copied

I want to copy a directory tree while preserving timestamps of any file and directory contained therein being copied. The source directory is on a data DVD (ISO-9660 filesystem). I am copying to an ...
Armen Michaeli's user avatar
19 votes
1 answer

rsync between two local directories

I am trying to do rsync between two directories I have in two filesystems connected to the same computer. I want to do it without deleting the extra files in b. I though a simple rsync -a a/dir b/dir ...
719016's user avatar
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19 votes
8 answers

How do I queue multiple files for copying on a Mac?

When I copy multiple files on a Mac, the system tries to copy them all at the same time. The problem is two-fold. First of all, when you select multiple files and copy them, they all go into one ...
Kebman's user avatar
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19 votes
6 answers

File transfer over a serial line

I have 2 linux computers, and a serial line between them, one of them is only accessible through a serial line that has shell on it. How can I transfer files between the 2 computers? I've heard that ...
DimaK's user avatar
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