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Questions tagged [ffmpeg]

Media tool with support for multiple codecs, filters, and containers. Include your actual command and the complete console output when asking questions involving FFmpeg tools. An easy way to do this is by adding `-report` to your command and pasting the contents of the logfile generated. For help with CLI use only of ff* binaries - ffmpeg, ffprobe, ffplay. For help with API usage, post on Stack Overflow.

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why don't work old batch ffmpeg extraestereo command in new version?

I use this batch command for years in ffmpeg, but from update to the last version don't work and don't see in documentation whats the problem. ffmpeg -i C:\Pelis\video.mkv -vcodec copy -map 0:a -map 0:...
javier vera's user avatar
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FFMPEG HEVC NVENC (yuv420)p10le at 800Mbps not encoding

I'm working on a large immersive project where the clients have requested H.265 media at 800Mbps (requires level 6.2). Due to the hardware used (I believe it's AvoLites based) for playback media ...
William Marshall Wilkinson's user avatar
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Use cropdetect to check blanking errors

cropdetect outputs the crop area for every frame. I would like cropdetect with either ffprobe or ffmpeg to output only the frame where the crop is less than actual size of the video. So for 1920x1080 ...
moi's user avatar
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Cannot detect iPhone using FFmpeg avfoundation

I want to programmatically record the screen of an iPhone through the CLI. I have my iPhone 13 running iOS 17.5.1 connected to a Mac running macOS 14.5. I can see it connects in Xcode and I can record ...
migu's user avatar
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FFmpeg Screen Recording Clock Out of Sync with Real Time

I'm using FFmpeg to record a virtual X11 screen in automated tests. I've added a timestamp to the video to align it with log file times, but the clock in the video becomes out of sync with real time ...
Gellweiler's user avatar
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How to directly save video from camera (of linux machine A) to another machine B over ssh

I am using a camera on my Linux-based computer. I want to store the camera feed directly into my Synology Network attached storage (NAS) which I am accessing through SSH over an ethernet cable. I am ...
Sparsh Sharma's user avatar
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How to use ffmpeg to convert a flac file to alac and preserving all metadatas?

I use this loop to convert flac to alac : for i in *.flac; do ffmpeg -i "$i" -y -vn -c:a alac "${i%.flac}".m4a; done But some tags are not exported. I tried to use the -...
AxZxP's user avatar
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Ffmpeg LUFS Loudnorm normalization results

I use the Loundnorm filter in Ffmpeg to normalize LUFS in a folder containing three audios, Music1.mp3, Music2.mp3 and Music3.mp3 using the double-pass method. The LUFS and True Peak values are the ...
Clamarc's user avatar
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extracting DTS-HD MA tracks from mkv files

I’d like to extract the DTS-HD MA tracks from several mkv files ripped from Blu-rays, and I’m looking to preserve to original audio quality. I’ve extracted the tracks with FFMPEG and MKVToolNix. For ...
Rip's user avatar
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Install newest FFmpeg version on Ubuntu?

I cannot, for the life of me, figure out how to get a non-depreciated version of FFmpeg on an Ubuntu installed. (Side note: I'm using crostini) I tried following FFmpeg's docs on getting all the ...
The_ Game12's user avatar
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FFMPEG - Set custom PTS on mp4 file

I have an ffmpeg command setting custom pts on an input video. It works fine for .mkv file but not on .mp4 file. When running the following command on an mp4 file, most of frames are dropped. ...
legeba's user avatar
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ffmpeg concat rotates MP4 videos

I have some MP4 video files that were created with a cell phone. Some of them were taken in landscape, others not. It happens that by concatenating them using ffmpeg the ones that are not landscape ...
Israel's user avatar
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Artifacts on Video of 143 images combined into a video by ffmpeg

Left side is from video, and right is original still The video was created from 143 images from the same camera taken over some months. Processed using :- ffmpeg -framerate 1 -pattern_type glob -i '*....
NT4Boy's user avatar
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How to run an .exe file in command line without adding PATH variable in Windows? [closed]

I've recently downloaded ffmpeg and I need to run it through command line. I'm not able to do that because I don't have admin rights. How do I work around that?
Jahnavi Vempati's user avatar
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How to show long text into video using ffmpeg?

I am trying to show text on a video using ffmpeg using below command. ffmpeg -i output_video.mp4 -vf "drawtext=fontfile=/fa-solid-900.ttf:textfile='long_text.txt':fontcolor=white:fontsize=24:box=...
user3526766's user avatar
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After using concat and scale2ref filter only part of video is encoded

I'm trying to select some parts of an video, concat them, and apply an overlay that should have 1/6 of the video width: ffmpeg -reinit_filter 0 -i "input.mp4" -t 12 -loop 1 -i flag.webp -an -...
Ricardo Bohner's user avatar
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An unknown encoding error occurred while using ffmpeg

ffmpeg -i D:\test.mp4 -threads 5 -c:a amr_wb -ar 16000 -ac 1 -y D:\test_wb.amr error:Unknown encoder 'amr_wb' When I see configuration:--enable-libopencore-amrwb, why do I still get an error
shijian Dong's user avatar
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Encode and Decode Decklink SDI with FFMPEG

Has anyone ever setup a encode/decode pair using FFMPEG and Decklink SDI Cards? (or any other capture cards). The end goal is to bring in a remote camera feed into the studio switcher so quality and ...
John Munoz's user avatar
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FFmpeg fell into a cycle at concatenation on Ubuntu Desktop i386 16.04.4

I use FFmpeg at 2016 but I need concat much short video from 4 to 180 sec. This is on a notebook with Windows 7 and Ubuntu Desktop i386 16.04.4. If tool can read filter script from file it cannot ...
Nick's user avatar
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How can I get exact frame count when export video to image?

When using labling tools, the count frame count by duration*fps, but for ffmpeg export, I get different frame count. e.g. Metadata: major_brand : isom minor_version : 512 ...
wener's user avatar
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How to create1080p and 4k black png background text in center using ffmpeg?

I’m trying to create a png black background with text in center using ffmpeg I left an image example from Canva. Please someone help by giving command line/parameters example for 1080p and 4K?
Eddie Valentin's user avatar
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Rotating WMV videos without reencoding

I'm open to any tool, but I know that ffmpeg can do this for .mp4 files. Also tools like exiftool. I have tried something like this: ffmpeg -i LEFT_OUTBOARD.wmv -c copy -metadata:s:v:0 rotate=180 tmp....
Blindy's user avatar
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"Bitrate" function in udp out don't working if more than 1.35 Mbps

"Bitrate" function in udp out don't working if more than 1.35 Mbps on Windows with differents versions of ffmpeg. I see similar question on Internet without solution ex: with option -Muxate ...
Dominique's user avatar
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ffmpeg: Apply an expression to dynamically control intensity of lowpass, highpass, aphaser, or aecho

I'm fading in and out two sources, intertwined in the output. Now I want to apply lowpass, highpass, aphaser, and/or aecho to the transitions using a time-based expr. I've already succeeded using the ...
Wes Modes's user avatar
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cut the video at certain time and add another video at end , repeat this whole process for full video and make every video has seperate video parts

I have two videos. If one video length is 42 minutes 35 seconds and another video length is 46 seconds, now I need to add this 46 second video after every three minutes 50 seconds so that the added ...
Jaga G's user avatar
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How to install discord ffmpeg to aws ec2 instance (running Windows)

I have ffmpeg installed locally onto my computer, on my computer it is configured correctly, ffmpeg is installed into the path. But I wish to install ffmpeg onto aws ec2 instance. I have WinSCP ...
Roy Eastman-Kodak's user avatar
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how to generate video with video, images, audio and text file using ffmpeg

I want to generate video using video, audio, images and text. and there will be sequence for all the inputs. According to those sequence new generated video will play. Like if, video1 - sequence1, ...
vinod's user avatar
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Using ffmpeg and blend to compare two videos, how to I make no difference show up as medium gray, not green?

To check the effects of additional compression on a video file, I found this useful ffmpeg trick: ffmpeg -i orig.mkv -i compressed.mkv -filter_complex "blend=all_mode=difference" -c:v ...
kshetline's user avatar
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D3D11 hardware screen recording with ffmpeg using Intel H264 QSV hardware encoding

I'm trying to screen record using ffmpeg and having it all done via hardware on my Intel integrated graphics. Specs For reference, here are my specs: Windows 11 Pro Version 10.0.22631 Build 22631 ...
Cactus's user avatar
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Please help me ffmpeg and ffprobe update

Should I use for ffmpeg 7.0 version? Does that ffmpeg 7.0 version support the I am using XUI Dashboard to use ffmpeg. I upgraded the ffmpeg version to 7.0. However, testing cannot be ...
simba dream's user avatar
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FFmpeg is not using some images as frames

I've a series of 400 images here a selection and I want to make a video. The images are are basically the original images or some transofrmations of that (i.e. desaturated and inverted, or with a red ...
SteZano's user avatar
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FFmpeg image swipe animation

I want to animate with ffmpeg as in the picture. The animation must be 3 seconds long. Zoom in for 0.5 seconds at the beginning of the video Swipe left for 1 second Swipe right for 1 second Zoom out ...
zetrabit's user avatar
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Split Videos using File Size in ffmpeg

How do I split videos by file size using ffmpeg? For example, I have a 1.92GB video and I want to split it into 200MB videos. There are two ways how I want to split them: Losslessly by using the -c ...
David Pilling's user avatar
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Will FFmpeg continue encoding, converting when sleep mode?

Will it run? I was curious so I could make a 24 hour video. It doesn't even matter what my space is, but is it possible? For example I take my live video and put FFmpeg, then I will leave it overnight....
Micery999's user avatar
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ffmpeg not rendering all characters

am trying to burn captions on a video using below ass file [Script Info] ; // 此字幕由爱幕生成 Synch Point:1 ScriptType:v4.00+ Collisions:Normal [V4+ Styles] Format: Name, Fontname, Fontsize, PrimaryColour, ...
fady taher's user avatar
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FFmpeg fps detection bug?

I have ffmpeg setup which produces rtmp stream from remote rtsp stream. The rtsp stream comes from ip camera which support multiple profiles. Each profile has 1080p 30 fps, 1080p 15 fps. The weird ...
I have 10 fingers's user avatar
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Is there a way to select the video parts you want and automatically include the audio?

I was guessing if there is way to select only the video parts you want in ffmpeg but automatically include the audio for the selected parts without having to use aselect ex: ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vf &...
Ricardo Bohner's user avatar
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VMAF Quality Loss when applying bicubic interpolation to a video when upscaling with ffmpeg

First of all, I'm a bit of a beginner to this specific topic therefore any advice would be greatly appreciated! For a project that I've currently been working on, I've been essentially trying to ...
Solomon Williams's user avatar
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Difference between crf and cq settings in ffmpeg

What is the difference between -crf and -cq parameters of ffmpeg? I am trying to compress 1080p h264 videos into 1080p h265 videos with high quality and low size. I have noticed that in some guides ...
jamana's user avatar
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Out-of-order frames when using FFmpeg to download DASH stream

I'm trying to use ffmpeg to download a DASH stream. It works OK but it seems like in the output file there are some frames that are out-of-order (e.g. for some frames the pts value is lower than the ...
Danj's user avatar
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MKV Audio track stop playing

I have a show with two sources, Blu-Ray and DVD. Blu-Ray doesn't contain the correct audio language but DVD does. I want to add the DVD audio track to the Blu-Ray. So I have decided to rip them. Using ...
Meslam's user avatar
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ffmpeg -c:s dvdsub continues processing after writing the outuput

When running ffmpeg -y -t 20 -i test-in.ts -c:s dvdsub test-out.mp4 ffmpeg continues to use CPU after writing the 20 seconds of output. Observed with versions 6.1.1 and 7.0. There is no such problem ...
Peter's user avatar
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FFMPEG cant render from transparent webm a transparent png frame

I want export every frame like original source, in webm video is alpha/transparent video track, and if I try export with my base command will export with black background. ffmpeg \ -hide_banner \ -...
aClassicKoder's user avatar
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ffmpeg extremely slow HEVC without any major changes in the system

I have the same dedicated NAS machine for a while now with AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core it's not the strongest but more than enough for my home NAS usage. I also use the same machine to re-encode h264 and ...
kali's user avatar
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How to use -map to pick certain tracks based on english/5.1 etc

Good day all. Using ffmpeg I'm trying to auto select audio tracks based on language and type of stream but not sure on the syntax. Below is an extract from my batch file, this relies on me feeding the ...
Griff's user avatar
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Automatically synchronize two audio streams with ffmpeg

Say I have a video of a talk but the soundtrack is bad, and I happen to have an audio recording of the same talk made with a good mike. Is there a way, with ffmpeg, to replace the bad audio with the ...
Sulli's user avatar
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FFmpeg RTSP Recording: Video Timestamp Does not Match With Recorded MP4 File Timestamp

I'm currently testing by streaming a 30 fps example flv video using a local Happy-Time RTSP server. This is the flv file i am streaming with RTSP: I recorded the video with below ffmpeg command: ...
lastpeony4's user avatar
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Having multiple issues when attempting to convert h.264 files to h.265 using HEVC

I am using RiaanAspeling's script for the conversion of my library that I currently have, most of it is H264 and I want to convert it to H265 to reduce the size of the files that I have hosted on my ...
tito-willis's user avatar
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How to convert videos of any format to MP4 and only take the first minute of the video

I'm working on a project, essentially a social media app for the traveler community. In this application, users can upload videos in any format, but I need to save them in MP4 format so that any ...
thecoderscamp's user avatar
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ffmpeg scale2ref with overlay complex filters returning audio only mp4 output

I am trying to find out why the result of using scale2ref with overlay complex filters is returning audio-only mp4 output. ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -i watermark.png -filter_complex "[1][0]scale2ref=w=...
Sushil's user avatar
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