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How to solve a final pb when merging a series of .ts file with concat command of FFmpeg?

I had dowloaded some videos from the Internet, feaw years ago… I obtained many files: a series of files in .ts In my example: a series of 306 files named from segment1_4_av.ts to segment306_4_av.ts A ...
dg lr's user avatar
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-2 votes
2 answers

How to run an .exe file in command line without adding PATH variable in Windows? [closed]

I've recently downloaded ffmpeg and I need to run it through command line. I'm not able to do that because I don't have admin rights. How do I work around that?
Jahnavi Vempati's user avatar
1 vote
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D3D11 hardware screen recording with ffmpeg using Intel H264 QSV hardware encoding

I'm trying to screen record using ffmpeg and having it all done via hardware on my Intel integrated graphics. Specs For reference, here are my specs: Windows 11 Pro Version 10.0.22631 Build 22631 ...
Cactus's user avatar
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Seeking with ss dont seem to work in combination with VideoFilter

In FFMPEG I am using the following command to extract frames from a video: ffmpeg -ss "00:47:13" -i "Video.webm" -vf select="gte(n, 90000)" -vframes 5000 "frames_%d....
Snickbrack's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

FFMpeg: How to get the real return value in bash

I've always used ffmpeg via a cmd-script and I always could check the %ERRORLEVEL% which was always '0' on success or '!0' if an error occured. I'm trying to recode my cmd-scripts in bash (using msys2 ...
lhksoft's user avatar
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Multithreading in ffmpeg with -f rawvideo

The newly released verion 7.0 of ffmpeg has greatly improved multithreading support for transcoding on the commandline. ( Previously transcoding with ...
Sugrue's user avatar
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How can multiple, non-regular segments be extracted from a video using ffmpeg on Windows?

I'm trying to extract some segments from a video (and optionally combine them) using ffmpeg... but I'm not getting very far. Compared to the various examples I've found here, in the ffmpeg docs and ...
Skeeve's user avatar
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1 answer

How to Batch Apply Multiple Commands? FFmpeg

I have three commands that I've got to work individually for a set of videos, but cannot get them to apply together. I need to apply all three of these things to every video. 1) add audio, 2) speed up ...
Retsied's user avatar
11 votes
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An unrelated program (Clash for Windows) links to FFmpeg libraries. Can it be spyware?

Update: today I found some decisive evidence on its misbehaviour. Sandbox analysis from VirusTotal on its installer reports video capturing capability using webcam. See the link to its analysis here. ...
Guanyuming He's user avatar
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ffplay play h265 video BUG

Test environment: Two computers, both are WIN10X64 Nvidia GT1030 Intel630 + Nvidia 2070 The same ffplay.exe file; plays the same H265 video file。 Test Results ffplay -hwaccel cuda -fs f:\video\x265....
dbyoung whoami's user avatar
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How can i add audio at specific Frame in FFmpeg?

I have audio that i am adding (without Re-encode) in mute video file, in starting i have intro which has no sound and i want to add audio file after that time/frame , after searching so hard i only ...
Mickey S's user avatar
3 votes
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How to escape file path for burned-in text-based subtitles with FFmpeg?

I'm trying to burn text-based subtitles into a video using ffmpeg, via the command line option -vf followed by subtitles=(filename):si=(subtitle index). I need this to work for both Windows and macOS. ...
kshetline's user avatar
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ffmpeg -vsync deprecated, use -fps_mode

I used to use -vsync -1 to Auto Sync a Audio and Video input stream using the -copy switch as they would get out of sync at times and sometimes not so can't specify any seconds for a delay setting but ...
matrixebiz's user avatar
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Send info from ffmpeg to text file & then parsing into a new file

I am trying to scan a directory of .mkv files and output the volume information to out.txt and then parse out.txt for volume_max and send it to log.txt using for %i in (*.mkv) do ffmpeg -i "%i&...
Preston's user avatar
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Trying to clip beginning and ending of clips without loosing quality. Using lossless running into issues

So I have a video file or several actually. 23.769 fps 1080p Hvec h265 mkv I'm trying to clip the beginning and ending. It has advertisements I don't want. I have successfully done this using ...
RandyHaasLives's user avatar
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3 answers

Best method for setting permanent aliases in powershell?

When I install something like ffmpeg with winget, it sets permanent aliases for ffmpeg, ffplay, & ffprobe. winget install gyan.ffmpeg It doesn't look like it's adding anything to my path ...
ninbura's user avatar
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1 answer

Creating a .bat for screenshotting folders with ffmpeg

I was looking for a .bat script for ffmpeg and came across this thread on the forum here. The code in question is for %%F in (*.mp4) do ( If not Exist "%%~nF" MkDir "%%~nF" ffmpeg -...
Avery Mitchell's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to create Win 11 Pro Desktop Shortcut for FFMPEG

I have FFMpeg in the (x86) folder and I've permanently appended the fully qualified path to the environmental variables. Installing FFMPeg does not create an entry in Windows 11 Apps. I can run ...
Clippers's user avatar
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Setting affinity for ffmpeg on command line not working as expected

I've read lots of articles on starting an application with a specific affinity This works as expected and I see the the affinity is showing as expected: start /affinity 3 notepad However, when I try ...
Phil.G's user avatar
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I want to remove some portion of video in regular intervals [duplicate]

I have 22 minutes and 21 second video. I want to remove some portion of video in regular intervals. Like for every 30 seconds I need to remove next 5 seconds and then after 30 seconds again I need to ...
Jaga G's user avatar
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ffmpeg convert images in a folder with no defined start number

I'm setting up a batch file to daily convert a folder of screen captures to video. I can specify the filename of the screen caps, but I can't get it to reset each day, so say 2 might start at 03213. ...
getho's user avatar
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2 answers

Connection timeout using Windows and TCP with ffmpeg

I am using ffmpeg on Windows. When my camera is not available during connecting I get no error - ffmpeg hangs forever. Using Linux ffmpeg exits after a few seconds with an error. Is there a flag I ...
Promes1984's user avatar
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FFmpeg issue with special char "@" in png file name

I just discovered an issue with ffmpeg when trying to create an mp4 video file from multiple png files that contain @ in the file name. So I'm calling ffmpeg_exe -y -f concat -i [email protected] -...
Alexandru's user avatar
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If FLAC is a file format, how can one software make them smaller than ffmpeg with maximum compression?

While compressing all my FLAC files with the latest version of FFMPEG with maximum (12) compression level, it turns out that some of them become LARGER afterwards. How is this possible? Even if a non-...
Kiedrowski's user avatar
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How do you convert PSF music files to FLAC without using some "online tool"?

I love the soundtrack to the 1997 PlayStation video game Breath of Fire III. I have its soundtrack as MP3 files on my computer. After hearing what a huge difference it made to go from MP3 to FLAC for ...
Juandavid's user avatar
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ffmpeg multiple files at once

I have this FFmepg script in a batch file: for %%a in ("*.mp4*") do ffmpeg -i "%%a" -y -c:v prores_ks -profile:v proxy -pix_fmt yuv422p10le -vendor ap10 -bits_per_mb 8000 -vf &...
Tyrone Hirt's user avatar
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how to write timestamp on output pictures with this code (ffmpeg)

ffmpeg -i "D:\aaaa\bbb\cccc\dddd\abc.ts" -frames 1 -vf "select=not(mod(n\,18)),scale=200:100,tile=12x12" "D:\aaaa\bbb\cccc\dddd\tile.png" I'm using windows cmd but I ...
cedricx's user avatar
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How to fix Windows Media Player not selecting correct audio track when playing an MP4 file?

Windows Media Player does not play back the correct audio track when one is selected from the Audio menu. This is for MP4 files with multiple audio tracks (around 32-64). VLC does the correct thing in ...
Thomas Bratt's user avatar
2 votes
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Old family videos with no audio... any hope of recovering the audio?

I have limited experience but have used simple tools like mediainfo and ffmpeg before, though I don't usually know what is happening. I dug up some old digital video files of family members that are ...
bcsteeve's user avatar
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Recursively search all subfolders for png images and convert them to one mp4 video

I have timelapse camera that is recording a png picture every 30 seconds. The timelapse system makes a subfolder that has the date as its name and then each subfolder contains png files which are ...
user44109's user avatar
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FFmpeg PNG frame extraction isn't actually lossless

EDIT: It turned out this wasn't an FFmpeg-related issue. The culprit was VLC which didn't show me the video accurately. In particular, VLC has some sort of enhancement filter that only engages itself ...
user2464424's user avatar
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PowerShell/CMD command to map metadata from one set of files to another, in different drives

So I have a set of files in one drive (C:\Users\xxxxx\Desktop\new) with just .m4v files. I want to copy the metadata of files in a folder in another drive (S:\new2) to those in the "new" ...
antonioetv's user avatar
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How to fix (regenerate) thumbnails for mp4 files in Windows 10 (recorded by Pixel 3)

My Google Pixel 3 phone saves videos as mp4 files that have no thumbnails in Windows Explorer. (This screenshot shows files on my PC that I'd moved via USB from the Pixel 3.) Here is an example of an ...
Ryan's user avatar
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FFMPEG Why doesn't it work on google drive?

ffmpeg -i "" test.mp4 I need to download video from google drive and i need to do it with ffmpeg. Streaming ...
emreya's user avatar
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Create slideshow with date as caption automatically

I want to create a slide show of photos and want the create-date of each image to appear at the bottom when the image is being shown in the slide show. Is there a way I can automate this using ...
krv's user avatar
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FFMPEG - Copy l-frame range. (-ss -to) And Re-encoding not l-frame range. And merge all?

1- copy between nearest -ss l-frame and -to l-frame. 2- Re-Encoding those not in range of l-frames 3- concat step 1 and 2 :) The first seconds are wrong when cutting by copying (-c:v copy -a:v copy). ...
emreya's user avatar
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ffmpeg unable to parse really long command; Invalid duration specification for to: 00:0011

I'm trying to run an extremely long ffmpeg command but I end up getting an unusual error. I have the following command in a .cmd file: ffmpeg -ss "00:00:00" -to 00:00:10 -i "F:\MusicGen\...
EllipticalInitial's user avatar
1 vote
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ffmpeg, put 5000 trimmed inputs and filter complex into file?

I have a huge monolithic ffmpeg command and unfortunately I am not able to run it because "the command line is too long." I'm on Windows 10. The exact input command and output can be seen ...
EllipticalInitial's user avatar
2 votes
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ffmpeg: How to get the same filename for the outfile automatically

With ffmpeg -i inName.mp3 outName.avi I can create an avi-outfile from a single-mp3-infile. But how can I get the same filename for the outfile automatically (here this would be inName.avi)? Hint: at ...
cis's user avatar
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How do I capture playback audio AND video?

So I want to record my screen and my playback audio. The only 'solution' I've found is recording my microphone, rather than the audio played back from my screen. When I do ffmpeg -list_devices true -f ...
joelzinae's user avatar
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FFMPEG - mute or unmute audio from incoming stream while ffmpeg is running

I got the following issue: I want to be able to mute and unmute the audio from a ffmpeg stream whilst the ffmpeg is running. I was searching for a while now and wondered how you would do it. I read a ...
NK16's user avatar
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FFmpeg: h264_qsv slower than libx264 (real-time buffer too full)

I use configuration: Windows 10 IoT, Intel Celeron N3350E (with Intel HD Graphics). Runing this line: ffmpeg -f dshow -i video="USB Video":audio="USB Digital Audio" -c:v libx264 -...
ffvideoner's user avatar
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Pipe microphone's input to an output device

I'm working on a soundboard software (using VB-Audio Virtual Cable) I need to pipe the input coming from a specific audio input device (not default) to a specific output device with CMD or PowerShell (...
First dev's user avatar
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FFmpeg h264_qsv: Error initializing an internal MFX session: unsupported (-3)

Im using ffmpeg build for Windows from release ffmpeg-5.0-full-build with hardware-support. I need to capture a video from a USB video device, compress it and write it to a file. I am using ...
ffvideoner's user avatar
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FFmpeg : Some blend filter options are missing

FFmpeg gets the following error when I use interpolate or softdifference options of blend filter : [blend @ 000001cc06193640] [Eval @ 0000000477dfe5e0] Undefined constant or missing '(' in '...
Maria's user avatar
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ffmpeg hangs when camera powers off, 'q' doesn't exit

I am using ffmpeg on Windows to record video from my 3D printer. When the printer loses power, ffmpeg hangs and does not respond when I press q. ffmpeg -i "http://ultimakersystem:8080/?action=...
Moby Disk's user avatar
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combine two ffmpeg -vf filters into one in Windows batch file

I have two video filters that work as long as I use them in separate batch files and I can't find a way to combine them. The first filter resizes JPG images and then creates a slideshow of them incl. ...
Sonic's user avatar
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create slideshow video using ffmpeg and batch file (Windows) and have all images resized to 1080 height and crossfaded

I'm trying to create a 1920x1080 slideshow from images in a folder using a batch file and ffmpeg. The batch file references a txt file containing the list of files to be concatenated. The images have ...
Sonic's user avatar
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can ffmpeg video bit rate option use a multiplier from a txt file as an argument?

I have a plain txt file containing a single number (either 1 or 2) and I wanna create a batch file that takes that number as a multiplier in -b:v 3000k so that the batch file will create a video with ...
Sonic's user avatar
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Cut off from beginning to key frame using FFMPEG

How to cut away a piece at the start of video from beginning to the next key frame? I know the -ss option ffmpeg -y -noaccurate_seek -ss 00:00:30 -i "%%~ni.mp4" -avoid_negative_ts make_zero -...
Paul's user avatar
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