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Using ffmpeg, how can I split an incoming stream, one live web streaming, the other mp4 but in timed chunks?

I have a single mpeg-ts input stream,, and I wish to do two things with this stream. One output is to be a hls multipart stream with m3u8 so apache can serve to local ...
Jon37's user avatar
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FFmpeg fps detection bug?

I have ffmpeg setup which produces rtmp stream from remote rtsp stream. The rtsp stream comes from ip camera which support multiple profiles. Each profile has 1080p 30 fps, 1080p 15 fps. The weird ...
I have 10 fingers's user avatar
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Out-of-order frames when using FFmpeg to download DASH stream

I'm trying to use ffmpeg to download a DASH stream. It works OK but it seems like in the output file there are some frames that are out-of-order (e.g. for some frames the pts value is lower than the ...
Danj's user avatar
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How to intentionally add a delay to an input stream with ffmpeg

I have a framegrabber that I connect to a Windows PC. The capture input device is 1080p, 60fps, 4:4:4 raw video. I want to use this in a test setup where I let a user work on an existing windows ...
Juergen's user avatar
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I am unable to play the RTSP stream using ffmpeg

I have two computers with Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS installed, and one virtual machine with Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS. I have a docker container with mediamtx installed on one of the computers, let's call it server....
PiotrKulesza's user avatar
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How do create a dynamic delay fix with MPEG-TS?

My media player can display a couple of videos (origin video - Multicast address, video stream is in MPEG-TS) Whenever I play both video streams I see a delay in one of the streams. I would like to ...
david blacheow's user avatar
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When I attempt to live a video in an infinite loop using the ffmpeg command, it automatically terminates after a few hours

When attempting to continuously loop a video using the ffmpeg command with the following syntax: ffmpeg -re -stream_loop -1 -i abc.mp4 -c copy -f flv rtmps:// I encounter an issue where ...
Isteyak Ali's user avatar
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Sending and receiving ffmpeg video stream through USB to TTL converter

I need to transfer video signal through USB to TTL converter from one VM and receive it on other USB to TTL converter then display the received stream on second VM (the bitrate on converters are ...
Tomas Jepimachov's user avatar
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FFmpeg watermark and HLS stream

I want to convert and MP4 video into HLS multi-resolution (360, 720) and add watermark image inside the output segments. I did two result but missing the watermark image with the multi scale: // one ...
Mohamed Taher's user avatar
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Streaming to Facebook Live with ffmpeg

I've set up an RTMP/RTSP streaming-service with MediaMTX on my desktop. From OBS Studio, I'm then streaming to: Server: rtmp://localhost/ Stream Key: stream This leaves me with 2 streams: RTMP: rtmp:/...
Daniel Frank's user avatar
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What can I do to debug and avoid decoding artifacts with RTP in ffmpeg?

I do encoding and decoding of a VP9 RTP stream programmatically, and I am experiencing occasional colorful artifacts like these: In the ffmpeg log (both when using ffplay and my own code), this ...
oarfish's user avatar
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buffered stream and FFmpeg seek

Due to memory usage, we need to use a buffered solution to load a small chunk of blocks of streams in memory instead of loading the whole stream with: avformat_network_init(); std::uint8_t *...
Baris Unal's user avatar
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ffmpeg - cut without reencoding and strange behaviour: application provided duration is out of range for mov/mp4 format

In Ubuntu 18.04 I quite often used the following command for trimming part of the video without re encoding (which means without any quality loss). ffmpeg -ss 00:06:00 -i DSCF5984.MOV -t 00:07:00 -c ...
user2707175's user avatar
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Redirected RTSP video stream cannot connect to server

I have an Auvidea video encoder/decoder that allows me to stream video via RTSP. I would like to redirect the stream from it to another server. As a server I use MediaMtx software previously known as ...
PiotrKulesza's user avatar
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ffmpeg concat with filter eats up all memory

I have been trying to produce a indefinite loop of a list of videos in a folder. For testing purpose, I am using only 2 videos as input. I then concat them to produce an output of 1280X720 output. ...
Bardan Pokhrel's user avatar
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Delay video (and audio) by x seconds in FFMPEG HLS Stream

I have an input HLS stream stream.m3u8 using my macbook camera by running: ffmpeg -f avfoundation ^ -framerate 30 -i 0 ^ -c:v libx264 -c:a aac -b:a 128k ^ -ac 2 -crf 5 -preset veryfast -...
Daniel Schmidt's user avatar
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Streaming Video over UDP with ffmpeg - h264 low latency

Hello fellow video codec enthousiasts, I'm curenntly working on a little system to play games in my living room using my office's computer. I'm trying to stream my screen through UDP with the lowest ...
MICmath's user avatar
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ffmpeg -headers Command how to allow certain domain name

I'm working on XUI ONE server , XUI Panel has the option to set default http header using ffmpeg headers command. I have searched on google unfortunately there are very few documents on ffmpeg headers ...
FARIS ISMAIL's user avatar
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Using ffmpeg-python to combine cv2 video streaming and pyaudio audio streaming

I want to use my camera and microphone to get living video and audio streaming and use ffmpeg to combine them.So I write it by python.there is my code. import os,pyaudio,cv2,ffmpeg p=pyaudio.PyAudio()...
LLstrc's user avatar
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Streaming local file through http with VLC

original question for reference using vlc -I qt a.mp4 '#http{mux=ffmpeg{mux=mp4},dst=:8080/stream}' --sout-all --sout-keep the video is playing locally fine with both audio and video but I got some ...
Antonin GAVREL's user avatar
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Which options are incompatible with CRF, CQP?

What settings should not be used when using CQP, CRF modes. I read that 2pass mode is not compatible with constant quantization modes. It is also recommended to disable adaptive quantization. Maybe ...
Sandrix's user avatar
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Live video in facebook is lagging while using ffmpeg from video link

Livevideo in facebook is working fine for local device video(case 1) but its having lagging issue from video link(case 2) using FFMPEG. Please find command for the same and log. Case 1 - Command : ...
Isteyak Ali's user avatar
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av_interleaved_write_frame(): Cannot allocate memory, Error writing trailer of udp

I'm transcoding from udp input to mpegts udp output. After several hours ffmpeg used all ram memory. I don't know where the problem is. Command: ffmpeg -hwaccel vaapi -hwaccel_output_format vaapi -i &...
Technical_Union7716's user avatar
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FFmpeg - How to restream without delay and with metadata?

I am using FFmpeg 5.0 (from command). How to restream: from sources of type (inputs): UDP/ RTSP/ HLS/ RTMP to RTMP output (on Nginx Server) (without delay, but contain metadata and service_name, as ...
Sergiu's user avatar
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Ffmpeg multitrack live streaming is breaking when source becomes a bit unstable

I am struggling with Ffmpeg live streaming where my input is from many live RTMP streams and my output is multitrack live mpegts stream, the idea is that I am getting input from multiple live RTMP ...
Muhammad's user avatar
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Ffmpeg: Is it possible to use -itsoffset option without transcoding for live RTMP streams?

I am using -itsoffset option for delaying the video track of a live RTMP stream by few seconds but the problem is that I must use -c:v libx264 or other codecs, I cannot use -c:v copy, I want to use ...
Muhammad's user avatar
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FFmpeg live streaming to ffserver delay at start

I'm trying to achieve a simple camera streaming using FFMpeg and FFserver. I have two slightly different systems acting as source, both Debian OS: the first one runs ffmpeg 3.4.8, as indicated in ...
Sandro Pellizza's user avatar
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ffmpeg play youtube hls m3u8 with hardware acceleration

(1) I get the hls/m3u8 url from video ID with yt-dlp. (2) I play the hls/m3u8 url with ffmpeg/ffplay. ffplay "
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FFMPEG: Invalid data found when processing input

I want to use mp3 stream as an audio to video stream using ffmpeg. Here is audio stream: It worked really well until today. I have no idea why it stopped working as audio ...
wht_5005's user avatar
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ffmpeg - Redownload missing fragments to fix downloaded stream

I have dowloaded an H.264 video stream using ffmpeg -i <URL> -c copy <name>.mp4 but ffmpeg reports that it has skipped some fragments. Since the stream is still online (with, I suppose, ...
Arch Stanton's user avatar
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ffmpeg hangs when camera powers off, 'q' doesn't exit

I am using ffmpeg on Windows to record video from my 3D printer. When the printer loses power, ffmpeg hangs and does not respond when I press q. ffmpeg -i "http://ultimakersystem:8080/?action=...
Moby Disk's user avatar
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Generate ts stream from image file

I would like to create a ts stream from a still image. I tried: ffmpeg -f image2 -i image.png test.mp4 ffmpeg -i test.mp4 -c copy output.ts test.m3u: #EXTM3U #EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="none" tvg-...
user66638's user avatar
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Streaming HEVC SRT from ffmpeg to ffplay through ethernet, how can I determine latency and cpu usage of each step?

I'm streaming desktop capture from a Windows 10 computer indirect display on two monitors to a Raspberry Pi 4's two hdmi output ports. Now the RPi 4 is getting maxed out on the cpu when running two ...
Shodan's user avatar
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How do I make FFPLAY automatically skip ahead while playing a stream without distorting audio?

I've been a long time lurker, but now I've gone and made an account. Like I said in the title, I want to play an SRT stream with FFPLAY, but whenever a drop in the connection happens, I need it to ...
Build's user avatar
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Ffmpeg hardware acceleration unsupported formats betwen transpose and auto_scaler_0

I am trying to develop a transoding service which makes use of nvidia hardware acceleration capabilities ( The gpu used in this process is a Tesla T4); I want to generate a mpeg-dash playlist for my ...
Eduard6421's user avatar
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scaling filter fails when coverting size of video using ffmpeg

I wanted to convert size of a video using ffmpeg but it fails with following error. ffmpeg -v verbose -i Running-Map-Reduce-program-on-EMR_frag.mp4 -vcodec h264 -filter scale=800x600 -f mp4 -...
Jasvant Singh's user avatar
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Packet corruption during download, then ffmpeg hangs

I was getting corrupted packets during capture of an m3u8 playlist, so I added the +discardcorrupt flag, as suggested here. However, this results in a program hang. The stream steadily slows to a ...
InteXX's user avatar
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speedup preview of video while it is being downloaded using FFMPEG

I need to download cca 10min clip from a much longer video from server every day. So to save bandwidth and time, I want to see a preview and stop right after the desired part ends while it is still ...
3862080's user avatar
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How to append a stream record to previous data recorded?

I have a question about the append process in FFmpeg. Actually I have a live stream that comes from Wowza in HLS format (.m3u8 and .ts). Everything works fine if the stream doesn't fails. In this ...
Vinícius Gajo's user avatar
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Fixing video container keyframes for live streaming

I have a capture card that is handled by a program which I intend to run in a Raspberry Pi 3 (I compiled for it) to stream video locally to a Chromecast. This program is run and spits out video data ...
Jonathan Sotelo's user avatar
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ffmpeg lags when streaming video+audio from RPi Zero W with Logitech C920

I've been trying to setup a baby monitor with a Raspberry Pi Zero and a Logitech C920 webcam. It does work with VLC (cvlc) but it lags too much and gets worse over time. So I am playing around with ...
Ema's user avatar
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Cant stream to icecast from ffmpeg

Im trying to stream my desktop to icacast from ffmpeg but Im getting an error Unable to find a suitable output format for 'http://admin:crackme@localahost:8000/' http://admin:crackme@localahost:8000/: ...
Slobodan Vidovic's user avatar
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Usage of "-timestamp now" in ffmpeg

I'm new to ffmpeg and I'd like to ask if anyone know how to use "-timestamp now" in ffmpeg. said that the ...
carl trevor's user avatar
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ffmpeg overlay live video streams and live stream the output

I've got two live streams running on Wowza Cloud, both with video and one also contains audio. I want to overlay one of the video feeds as a picture in picture video and then stream the "merged&...
Thomas Boel's user avatar
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how to burn subtitles and transcode live stream with ffmpeg

I try to transcode live stream and scale the video i have managed to do this with this command : ffmpeg -i "udp://@" -vf ...
verb's user avatar
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how can i add an additonal output to ffmpeg to also pull out a frame for an image after segmenting

this is my command. i need to add something to the end to pull out a vframe every second or specified seconds and save to file. i've see how to do that on its own but not as a second output. i keep ...
Tom Liberte's user avatar
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Measure / Remove H.264 Video Delay

I have an IP camera that sends an H.264 video stream that is supposed to be mixed / muxed with a separate audio stream. On direct mixing ffmpeg -i <video> -i <audio> -map 0:v -map 1:a <...
Suuuehgi's user avatar
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Continuously live streaming video of the latest image in a folder (Win or Linux)

I have a camera taking pictures every ~second and saving that image to a remote network folder in YYYY-MM-DD hhmmss.jpg format (2020-12-31 232359.jpg). The filenames aren't necessarily sequential, ...
Matt's user avatar
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Stream linux destop as fake webcam to virtuabox windows guest

I would like to capture (a part of) my linux desktop (ubuntu 20.04), stream it as a webcam to a windows 10 guest VM running in Virtualbox. I found Using desktop as fake webcam on linux which got me ...
nick maxwell's user avatar
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FFMPEG add concat into lavfi

This is my code: VBR="1500k" FPS="25" QUAL="superfast" YOUTUBE_URL="rtmp://" KEY="" VIDEO_SOURCE="0005.mp4" AUDIO_SOURCE="radio.mp3" NP_SOURCE="song.txt" FONT="dejavu/...
Orophix's user avatar
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