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Some mp4 files converted with ffmpeg are off by .01 frames/second, how can I fix this (without resampling)

I have several mp4 files with a frame rate of 119.88 frames/second, I need to convert these to 29.97 frames/second without resampling. To do this, I ran ffmpeg -itsscale 4 -i input.mp4 -c copy ...
twilightecologist's user avatar
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How much and what data is lost in ffmpeg transcoding?

I'm a ffmpeg noob, I don't know much about it except for a basic idea about encoding/decoding and a few videos I watched over youtube about it's usage. I also don't have a big background in digital ...
Deyaa's user avatar
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Video width&height is horizontal but video frames are vertical. How to fix it with ffmpeg?

I have a video, that when checked with ffmpeg/ffprobe shows a horizontal aspect ratio. ffprobe.exe my_video.mp4 -show_streams -of json Input #0, mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2, from 'my_video.mp4': ...
sthlm58's user avatar
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How can I remove every nth frame from raw video using ffmpeg?

I have many cine films that have been digitally converted. They have been converted as a 25 fps with 2 frames in every 23 duplicated. I need to remove the duplicated frames using a bitstream filter so ...
DaveB44's user avatar
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Split Videos using File Size in ffmpeg

How do I split videos by file size using ffmpeg? For example, I have a 1.92GB video and I want to split it into 200MB videos. There are two ways how I want to split them: Losslessly by using the -c ...
David Pilling's user avatar
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Having multiple issues when attempting to convert h.264 files to h.265 using HEVC

I am using RiaanAspeling's script for the conversion of my library that I currently have, most of it is H264 and I want to convert it to H265 to reduce the size of the files that I have hosted on my ...
tito-willis's user avatar
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How to convert videos of any format to MP4 and only take the first minute of the video

I'm working on a project, essentially a social media app for the traveler community. In this application, users can upload videos in any format, but I need to save them in MP4 format so that any ...
thecoderscamp's user avatar
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Making Visually Lossless GIFs and Animated WEBPs

Which software can make the best visually lossless gifs out of videos? Also, how do I use rgb and/or rgba when making visually lossless animated WEBP files?
Calvin Jack's user avatar
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Why the video is like this after ffmpeg save RTSP stream to MP4 file?

I use ffmpeg to save an IPcam RTSP to a MP4 file, but the video have half green or gray blocks, here is the parameter: ffmpeg -i "rtsp://" -s 1920x1080 -filter:v "fps=...
UncleKing's user avatar
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Multithreading in ffmpeg with -f rawvideo

The newly released verion 7.0 of ffmpeg has greatly improved multithreading support for transcoding on the commandline. ( Previously transcoding with ...
Sugrue's user avatar
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Fail to convert png from 3gp

Here is the command I used to convert the video. ffmpeg -skip_frame nokey -i input.3gp -vsync vfr -frame_pts true output.png (The command can't be modified because this is a code section captured from ...
Alex's user avatar
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FFMPEG - How to Merge Three Files - Only Middle One Has Audio

I have three videos that I want to merge into single one. Intro video (mp4) - 3 seconds - No Audio Main video (mp4) - 1 minute - With Audio End video (mp4) - 3 seconds - No Audio When I use ffmpeg, ...
DigitalNomad's user avatar
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ffmpeg package loss during *local* transcoding

I'm trying to transcode videos with outdated codecs/containers, mostly .wmv or .avi files. The following ffmpeg (v6.1.1) command works and produces a working .mp4 file that doesn't seem to present any ...
r41n's user avatar
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How to fix ffmpeg concatenated video playback issue?

I want to put watermarks in my video (in Specific time). I researched some sources, and it said I need to (video filter) reencode the whole video to put a watermark, but I don't have a high-end PC to ...
Raymond's user avatar
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Downsampling 4:4:4 YUV video to 4:2:2?

I'm attempting to downsample a YUV raw video in FFMPEG from 444 to 422 sampling, but the issue is that the output file remains 444?! Framerate and size is all correct. Here's my most recent code: ...
Daniel Bland's user avatar
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How to choose correct color space and transfer function with ffplay

I need to play a video using ffplay that was recorded with GeForce Experience screen recorder, but the rendered video has incorrect colors. It works correctly if I play it with VLC player, but I need ...
user17952421's user avatar
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Getting a list of frames from an input video with ffmpeg as pictures

I am trying to extract a small number of frames from a video, like this: ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vf 'select=eq(n\,1395)+eq(n\,2790)+eq(n\,4185)+eq(n\,5580)' \ 'img%01d.jpg' However, what I get, is ...
peterh's user avatar
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FFmpeg zoompan animation results in zig-zag pattern

The goal is for a user to specify a zoomPoint in a video and we then render that using FFmpeg. There will be a zoom in and zoom out animation. Here are some example values: "scale":4, ...
kregus's user avatar
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FFMPEG does not load Font from ASS file

I'm trying to burn an ASS subtitle file onto a video using ffmpeg. This is the style part of the ASS file: [Script Info] ; Script generated by FFmpeg/Lavc60.3.100 ScriptType: v4.00+ PlayResX: 384 ...
Mehdi Haghgoo's user avatar
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Flip video with hardware acceleration ffmpeg on Windows 11

I am trying to use hardware acceleration to horizontally flip videos but I can't seem to get it right. I don't want to change the codec but just keep the same (just hflipped). I am using Intel Arc Pro ...
Sha's user avatar
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Playback drops frames or stutter on good hardware

I'm planning to use TDARR and trying to prevent any issues before with (re)encoding. And I have stumbled on issue with one TV Show - recently I have downloaded refreshed old show but playback stutters ...
Lemonek's user avatar
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How do I compile ffmpeg so that "-map_metadata -1" works.?

I just tried the (static) ffmpeg build from and I also tried the ffmpeg build that comes with my Linux Mint 21.2 distro and they both were able to remove the metadata ...
BongoR's user avatar
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FFMPEG - PNG Overlay - Fade In / Out - Start & End of video + Combine Videos

Hoping someone can help me with this. I'm looking to automate some editing tasks. I want to write an FFMPEG command that will do the following. Input is VIDEO.MP4 Add a 1 second fade in and out to ...
bd_1234's user avatar
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ffmpeg video encoding has no audio

When I convert any video in ffmpeg - e.g. mp4 to mkv, mkv to mkv - I lose audio for some reason here are the parameters I originally used: ffmpeg -i input.mkv -vf scale=640x480 -vcodec libx264 -...
Patrick Hydar's user avatar
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How do I prevent FFmpeg from replacing all the audio stream names with SoundHandler?

I'm using FFmpeg to change a video container from mkv to mov with this code: ffmpeg -find_stream_info -probesize 84M -i input_file.mkv -map 0:v -map 0:a -map -0:s -codec copy -...
Franon's user avatar
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Convert MKV to HLS with all audio tracks and subtitles available

For the past few weeks, I've been trying to convert MKV and HLS files. Currently, I'm burning the first available subtitle track of the file in the video and keeping only the first audio track. What i ...
Tutifruti's user avatar
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Using ffmpeg and concat demuxer producing weird video navigation behaviour

When combining multiple videos segments, each encoded with H265 and Vorbis and containing the same number of streams and frame rate, I use: ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i mylist.txt -c copy output.mkv ...
user112346's user avatar
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h264_qsv is choppy when live streaming

I am trying to do live streaming of video games using h264_qvs, but is choppy when compared to libx264. Here are some variations of the ffmpeg command I am running: Variation 1 ffmpeg.exe -y -hwaccel ...
Devin Dixon's user avatar
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ffmpeg - cut without reencoding and strange behaviour: application provided duration is out of range for mov/mp4 format

In Ubuntu 18.04 I quite often used the following command for trimming part of the video without re encoding (which means without any quality loss). ffmpeg -ss 00:06:00 -i DSCF5984.MOV -t 00:07:00 -c ...
user2707175's user avatar
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Can QuckSync h264_qsv do 4.2.2 (p010le) encoding?

I've run into an odd situation that I can't resolve. When I retrieve the encoder characteristics of the ffmpeg build I'm using, it shows that the h264_qsv codec supports three pixel formats: ''' I:\...
Bart Lederman's user avatar
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FFMPEG: How to convert VFR to CFR without messing up the timing

I got a video of the iOS simulator recorded with xcrun simctl io booted recordVideo This video has a variable framerate Stream #0:0[0x1](und): Video: hevc (Main) (hvc1 / 0x31637668), ...
Norbert's user avatar
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FFmpeg: Audio is sped up after compressing AVI video

I have an AVI video and I want to reduce the file size. When I run the FFmpeg command below, the resulting audio in the video is sped up, and the last bit of the video has no audio. I play all my ...
Karen S's user avatar
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Edit video h.264 metadata without encode

How can I edit these video (h264) parameters (on pic) without encode? VUI parameters "video_signal_type_present_flag" and "colour_description_present_flag". As far as I understand, ...
Ligre's user avatar
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Converting exr frames to mp4 has scrambled frames

I have an exr frame sequence that I would like to convert to an mp4 or mov. The frames are in proper order and I can play the sequence properly in any image sequence player such as mplay or nuke. The ...
j0rg3's user avatar
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ffmpeg takes a lot of time when splitting a video towards the end

I have a 3 hours long video and I am trying to split the video at given intervals. The intervals which appear earlier are quickly split but the later ones takes a lot of time. The command that I have ...
Suvid Sahay's user avatar
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FFmpeg - How to replace the image of a video with a png without modifying the audio?

I'm trying to modify several videos as quickly as possible. The goal is to replace the original image of the videos with a black or white image, in short, an image with nothing. Searching the internet ...
Rafael Coisa's user avatar
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is there a way to do multiple file operations in ffmpeg input

I have gopro video's that need heavy color editing and i have figured out to disassemble my videos in high quality frames -> converting them with ART-rawconverter -> Reassembeling them into ...
Corneel van Maele's user avatar
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ffmpeg warning and no sound on the encoding video

i try to convert a dvd to mp4 with ffmpeg (on windows) but i have some warning message AND i have no sound on the converted video i use this cli : ffmpeg -hwaccel qsv -i VTS_01_1.vob -vf yadif -c:v ...
Eric's user avatar
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Averaging film transfer from 59.94fps to 24fps using ffmpeg?

I have some video files which were transferred from black-and-white film to 29.97 fps interlaced. The film was transferred too darkly (meaning that it requires some brightening), and it also has some ...
The Poodle Bites's user avatar
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FFMpeg fails with LZW decode failed / invalid block label when converting gif to mp4

I'm using FFmpeg to convert gif into mp4 files. On some gif files I encounter an invalid block label error. The program seems to still output an okay mp4 file but I'd rather it not encounter the error ...
ClassyUnderexposure's user avatar
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What is the syntax for ffmpeg's -vf "split" option?

I'm trying to learn how to use ffmpeg, and I came across this filtering example on Specifically, this one: ffplay -f lavfi -i mandelbrot -vf "...
trichroma's user avatar
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How to add random music for video with ffmpeg

I'm a new user of FFmpeg, I want to add random music (defined folder) for multiple video with ffmpeg ? Specifically: I have a FFmpeg command, i used to process multiple videos in the folder at the ...
alexdo's user avatar
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Is it okay to re-encode videos from traditional lossless codec to modern lossless codec to save space and preserve quality?

Lossless video codec means almost zero information loss. After some internet search I found that there are some traditional opensource lossless codec like huffyuv, lagarith, utvideo and ffv1, which ...
ArchBug's user avatar
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There is mosaic phenomenon when muxing h264 raw stream to mp4 or flv by using ffmpeg6.0

I am currently using ffmpeg 6.0 to encapsulate h264 raw streams into mp4, flv, or rtmp formats. When the bitrate exceeds 1024kb/s, there is mosaic phenomenon at the bottom of the final picture. I ...
TONY's user avatar
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Two video overlays another with FFMPEG

I'm a new user of FFmpeg, and I want to insert a logo on two videos (one video overlay another) with one command. FFmpeg command (ok): ffmpeg -stream_loop -1 -i background.mp4 -i input.mp4 -i logo....
alexdo's user avatar
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Unwrapping 360 video file

I'm looking for a way to unwrap surveillance camera 360 video file. I tried this using ffmpeg : ffmpeg -i Stationnement.mp4 -vf "v360=eac:e" Stationnement_Output.mp4 and got this error [...
guillaume tremblay's user avatar
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VIdeo overlays another incorrectly - background is over overlay

I'm a new user of FFmpeg, and I want to insert a logo on two videos (one video overlay another) with one command. FFmpeg command (ok): ffmpeg -stream_loop -1 -i background1080p.mp4 -i input1080p.mp4 ...
alexdo's user avatar
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ffmpeg: Merge short audio sound between two audio streams

I have two videos input1.mp4 and input2.mp4 both of them with duration of 60 seconds. I also have one 8 seconds long audio input sound.mp3. So right now I'm concatenating these two videos with xfade ...
geshl's user avatar
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ffmpeg shows "get_buffer() failed". Is this a bug?

ffmpeg version i7-1255U, Windows 11 The command line is "ffmpeg.exe" -y -hwaccel qsv -ss 00:00:03.461 -to 00:00:12.009 -i "input....
Ryan's user avatar
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FFMPEG hardware decoder is much slower than software decoder, why?

I'm new to ffmpeg. I want to convert videos to mjpeg (frame independent). At first I thought hardware acceleration should be faster. Then I tried both hardware decoders and software decoders: "...
Ryan's user avatar
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