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How can I remove every nth frame from raw video using ffmpeg?

I have many cine films that have been digitally converted. They have been converted as a 25 fps with 2 frames in every 23 duplicated. I need to remove the duplicated frames using a bitstream filter so ...
DaveB44's user avatar
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ffmpeg scale2ref with overlay complex filters returning audio only mp4 output

I am trying to find out why the result of using scale2ref with overlay complex filters is returning audio-only mp4 output. ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -i watermark.png -filter_complex "[1][0]scale2ref=w=...
Sushil's user avatar
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Why is it when an MKV video converted by FFmpeg to MP4 only plays on VLC media player?

I have a video in MKV format that I wanted to convert to MP4, so I used ffmpeg to convert it. The command I used was pretty simple: ffmpeg -i <path_and_name_of_file>.mkv <...
Alfrodo8's user avatar
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FFmpeg batch compressing mp4s and changing them to gifs

I want to take a folder of mp4s and with ffmpeg compress them and turn them into gifs. I do this for each file using this code: ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:v libx264 -tune zerolatency -preset ultrafast -...
RayRay's user avatar
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How to post-process these Blu-Ray files?

I have downloaded some video files (MP4) from the web and want to create a BD from them. I've used ConvertXtoHD3 for that, and it does basically a nice job, with menus and all that. Unfortunately the ...
Tipa Riordan's user avatar
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HDR Metadata Tag for MacOS TV App / Apple TV

When importing Media in the MacOS TV App there have to be certain Tags in the Metadata of the Mp4/M4v file so that TV registers it as 4K. I want to have imported Movies with HDR10, HDR10+ or Dolby ...
Omega3komma3's user avatar
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Disable subtitles by default in a MP4 file using FFmpeg

Is there a way to disable (not to remove) subtitles by default using FFmpeg, I tried: ffmpeg -i input.mkv -map 0:0 -map 0:1 -map 0:2 -c:v copy -c:a copy -c:s mov_text -disposition:s:s:0 0 output.mp4 ...
Nau's user avatar
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I cannot seem to add subtitles to MP4 using FFmpeg

I have a video called test_video.mp4 downloaded from YouTube This is the information of the video obtained by running ffmpeg -i test_video.mp4: Input #0, mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2, from 'test_video.mp4'...
Nau's user avatar
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Unexpected output when using FFMPEG to add multiple English Subtitles to MP4 file

I am trying to soft-encode 3 subtitle files into my film. I extracted the subtitles from the DVD using ByteCopy I am using this command to add the files: ffmpeg -i BloodDiamond.mp4 -i ...
Our Man in Bananas's user avatar
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no access to m3u8 when using ffmpeg

I have a code that allows me to download videos from .m3u8, but for some reason it hasn't worked since yesterday ffmpeg -user_agent "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (...
asd's user avatar
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Converting ALAC inside .mp4 file to FLAC without quality loss with FFmpeg

So, I have a .mp4 video file recorded with OBS, and I realised that Sony Vegas does not accept the audio format because it is from Apple (it basically imports the video just fine, but the audio is 6 ...
GamingRevenant's user avatar
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How to fix broken mp4 and retain all streams including gyrodata?

I think I have tried just about all open source projects on github but I can not get anyone to do exactly what I want. I have a SMO 4k which is based on Insta360 R camera that suffered batteryloss, ...
Tor Suneson's user avatar
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Fuji .mov file converted to .mp4 using ffmpeg -pix_fmt yuv420p "overexposed" in MP and Movies&TV

I hope this is the right forum for this question; StackOverflow directed me here. My Fuji X-T3 generates an FHD movie as a .mov with HEVC video and PPM audio (plus a QuickTime TC stream). The new ...
glipster's user avatar
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Command to get only one audio track in output specified by language code with ffmpeg

Ffmpeg Command to get video with only English audio or only one language audio I tried running ffmpeg -i input_video.ext -map 0:v -map 0:a:language=eng -c:v copy -c:a copy -map_metadata -1 -sn output....
Killerlearner's user avatar
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Using ffmpeg to download m3u8 video in two ways resulting in two vastly different sizes; Why?

I'm trying to download a m3u8 playlist (which contains 1.ts, 2.ts,..., xxx.ts) via ffmpeg. I'm doing it in two different ways: Directly download: ffmpeg -i "https://filelocation/chunked/myfile....
zyxwl2015's user avatar
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view/export/modify a mp4 edit list

The .mp4 container format supports a feature called "edit lists" (aka "edit atom" or edts) that can change playback behavior without modifying the bitstream. Is there a way to view,...
goweon's user avatar
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Wrong video file header causes video players to fail. Any suggestions for recovering?

I have this video: Google Drive link, and it fails to be played by any video player. I tried fixing it with various tools like VLC, ffmpeg and gpac's mp4box, but none of them worked. More specifically,...
aleph's user avatar
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How do I accurately cut video and audio with ffmpeg

So when I try to cut out a portion of a video I do this ffmpeg -i originalClip.mp4 -ss 00:00:14 -t 00:00:21 -codec copy outputClip.mp4 And the video comes out with amazing quality and the sound is on ...
John V Dole's user avatar
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How to "unconcatenate" MP4 file?

I used Losseless Cut (which uses ffmpeg) to concatenate a bunch of MP4 files using ffmpeg concat demuxer. Unfortunately I didn't check the result before deleting the source clips. The first clip had ...
arne's user avatar
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convert all ts files in a folder to mp4 with same name

I have a folder with several video files, some .mkv some .ts some .mp4, all different names. I want to convert all ts files into mp4 files with the same name. what do I type in the command line to use ...
testgcd's user avatar
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How to copy a data stream (non-A/V) from input MP4 file from a DJI drone with FFmpeg?

I've got an MP4 video file captured by DJI drone. The file contains the video stream (H.264) and also two data streams of unknown format. I would like to convert the video from h.264 to h.265 and also ...
darkshine's user avatar
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adding date and time while converting m2ts to mp4 using ffmpeg?

I have many m2ts video files which were created by Sony camcorder. Because they are my family history, I want to see the date and time when I play them. But no players have such functions. I think I ...
Sanghyun Cho's user avatar
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ffmpeg convert directory GIF in linux

Hi i'm trying to convert a directory of gifs to mp4 but i don't know how to i'm use this code for single file please help me !ffmpeg -i /content/drive/MyDrive/1/ -movflags faststart -pix_fmt yuv420p -...
Dan Gonzalez's user avatar
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FFMPEG: how to correctly convert avi containing "rawvideo, bgr24" to mp4?

I have .avi file: $ ffprobe input.avi -hide_banner Input #0, avi, from 'input.avi': Duration: 00:01:08.05, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 182785 kb/s Stream #0:0: Video: rawvideo, bgr24, 1060x615, ...
pmor's user avatar
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What is the reason for size reduction after conversion from mkv to mp4 with ffmpeg

I converted a larger group of mkvs to mp4 (with the commandline: for i in $(ls *.mkv); do ffmpeg -i $i ${i/mkv/mp4}; done but also some with ffmpeg -i video.mkv video.mp4 The outcome differs in size ...
user1767140's user avatar
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Using ffmpeg to create mp4 file from video stream

I'm reading data from a video stream and using ffmpeg to create a mp4 file. After writing data for a period of time I always get a file with a shorter duration. For example, if I write data for 10 ...
Claudio Montenegro's user avatar
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Disable all subtitles (softsub) in .mkv, .mp4 files

I have several Movies/Animes with many subtitles, and I want disable all (not remove) subtitles in a batch (.bat file); below current code: for %%a in (*.mkv, *.mp4) do ( REM disable subtitles ) ...
Ricardo's user avatar
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How can I batch convert a directory of subfolders, maintaining similar filestructure for the output

Right now I am converting using the following in Command Prompt: FOR /F "tokens=*" %G IN ('dir /b /s *.mp4') DO (ffmpeg -i "%G" -c:v libvpx-vp9 -crf 30 -b:v 0 -b:a 128k "%~nG....
Michael's user avatar
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How to fix Windows Media Player not selecting correct audio track when playing an MP4 file?

Windows Media Player does not play back the correct audio track when one is selected from the Audio menu. This is for MP4 files with multiple audio tracks (around 32-64). VLC does the correct thing in ...
Thomas Bratt's user avatar
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FFMPEG throws error while converting WEBM/MP4 audio files from MediaRecorder to MP3

I use MediaRecorder to record the audio from the browser and then upload it to my server (ARM-based Linux machine - AWS Lambda Function, if it matters). Based on the browser type, I get either an MP4 ...
Sahil Malik's user avatar
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PTS timecode in milliseconds tweak to roll over at 60 seconds?

I'm using FFMPEG to extract images from an MP4. I have a large project where I need to extract a few hundred images. I've cobbled together a working solution from various sites since I'm not an FFMPEG ...
Kittmaster's user avatar
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Encrypt and fragment an MP4 file with FFmpeg

I want to encrypt and fragment an MP4 file with FFmpeg. For this, I use the following command: ffmpeg \ -i input.mp4 \ -c copy \ -encryption_scheme cenc-aes-ctr \ -encryption_kid ...
Felix Schütz's user avatar
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Trying to create an .MP4 from .TIF frames, syntax works on MacOS but not Windows 10

I currently use FFMPEG to create .GIFs from a set of .TIF frames and now my use case is making me need to instead make an .MP4 video from the same set of .TIF frames. This syntax works just fine on my ...
Randal S.'s user avatar
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how to fix mp4 file with missing moov atom?

I have a video file (mp4) and I want to load it in a video editor. However, it shows an error which says, "file format not recognized." So, I used the file command and the output is just ...
binary10's user avatar
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How can I force a subtitle track to be set as active on an MP4 video?

I'm converting .mkv's to mp4 and it's working, however the issue is that when I open the .mp4, the subtitle track is disabled by default. I have to manually select it as such: How can I make it so ...
Mnea's user avatar
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Progressively adjust audio volume over time

I have two audio tracks and what I need to do is at some time to start lowering first audio track and progressively tune second audio track. This change in audio tracks should take for example 2 ...
Cospel's user avatar
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ffmpeg - Redownload missing fragments to fix downloaded stream

I have dowloaded an H.264 video stream using ffmpeg -i <URL> -c copy <name>.mp4 but ffmpeg reports that it has skipped some fragments. Since the stream is still online (with, I suppose, ...
Arch Stanton's user avatar
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FFMPEG - COPY MKV to MP4 but add 2.0 Stream

Morning All, Using FFMPEG currently just to re-container UHD MKV into MP4 with... ffmpeg -i File1.mkv -c:v copy -c:a copy -strict -2 File1.mp4 But these MKV only have TrueHD or DTS-HD which is fine ...
Josh's user avatar
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Output videos are not overwritten. Automatically rename output video with ffmpeg

I'm having problems with my videos coming out. Every time I create a new video they always overwrite the old one. I want to find a way to automatically rename the output video every time I render so ...
Lea... FFmpeg's user avatar
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mediastreamvalidator throws "Error Injecting Segment data"

mediastreamvalidator throws "Error Injecting Segment data" for fMP4+hevc+HLS file. here is the attached screenshot. How to fix it to make it playable ?
SKV's user avatar
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How can I fix a (possibly corrupt?) mp4 file?

I'm afraid I don't know (can someone help me diagnose?) whether this file is corrupt or not. I'm just guessing. I'm using Linux, Lubuntu 20.04LTS, and VLC v Unlike the other mp4 files in ...
confused's user avatar
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Fix/remux mp4 to get correct video length

I captured a roughly two hour MS Teams video session using vlc. No audio, that is fine. When I open the file in a video player, it erroneously reports a length of 36 minutes, however it keeps playing ...
JohnDoe's user avatar
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FFmpeg transcode piped mp4 with MOOV at end - but I can read it twice

I need to transcoding an MP4 file using that I can only access via a stream. The MOOV atom is at the end of the file. I do not have the ability to seek to a specific part of the file, only read a pipe ...
Steven Waterman's user avatar
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audio and video not correctly sync after concatenation

totally new to video editing in general and in need of some help =) command that I'm using (windows batch): (echo file cucca.jpg.mp4 & echo file cucca.fade.mp4 & echo file cucca.jpg.mp4)>...
Robson's user avatar
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Convert Dolby Vision file in MKV container to MP4 container

I have a 5GB Dolby Vision file encoded in MKV container. If I play this file in my LG CX TV, there is a discoloration all over the display. Apparently the default WebOS media player that comes with ...
anishjp's user avatar
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ffmpeg Major_Brand and Minor_Version

I've found that certain videos I encode are unplayable on my LG TV streaming via Plex. I think the issue may have something to do with the Major_Brand and Minor_Version. Files that play are ...
Huston's user avatar
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To extract and get some parts/clips out of a MP4 file to be concatenated into another [duplicate]

How to extract/get some parts/clips out of a MP4 file to be concatenated into another new MP4 file? I tried to get/extract out only first 19 seconds, also a part beginning from 32th second up to its ...
itil nonok's user avatar
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Subtitles misaligned/missing when cutting video using ffmpeg

TL;DR: After cutting a video with ffmpeg, subtitles are invisible in VLC player even though there is a subtitle stream. I have an MP4 file of a TV recording of a movie and I want to cut off the parts ...
Mophotla's user avatar
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FFMpeg Mp4 cover art shows on Windows but not in Android

I'm decrypting an audible audiobook using this command: ffmpeg -audible_key KEY -audible_iv IV -i book.aax -c copy out.m4b The output file seems fine on my Windows machine. Metadata and cover are are ...
user3335599's user avatar
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AV1 extract keyframes

Using this file [1], I can run this command with no problem: ffmpeg -i crushed-between-two-portals.mp4 %d.jpg but if I run either of these commands [2]: ffmpeg -i crushed-between-two-portals.mp4 -vf &...
Zombo's user avatar
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