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How to merge all mp3 files located in the same directory?

The command below used to work but stopped around ubuntu/kubuntu 20.04. ls *.mp3 | sed -e "s/\(.*\)/file '\1'/" | ffmpeg -protocol_whitelist 'file,pipe' -f concat -i - -c copy output.mp3 ...
Cortez's user avatar
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ffmpeg command to combine mp3 file and embedded album art image file metadata into a video

my below ffmpeg command works for combining 1 audio file with 1 image file into a video. ffmpeg -loop 1 -framerate 2 -i "C:\Users\marti\Videos\ig_sf_6.5.24_highlights\apple image.jpg" -i ...
Martin's user avatar
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Ffmpeg LUFS Loudnorm normalization results

I use the Loundnorm filter in Ffmpeg to normalize LUFS in a folder containing three audios, Music1.mp3, Music2.mp3 and Music3.mp3 using the double-pass method. The LUFS and True Peak values are the ...
Clamarc's user avatar
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Why is the total time is off when combining MP3s with FFmpeg? [closed]

I have over a 1.5TB of audio books about 1/2 are MP3s. I am combing MP3s and first I check the bit rate to be the all the same. Then I run and MP3 checker for file errors. I have used multiple program ...
Pentagrid's user avatar
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Separating audio m4b file based on a cue file

Separating audio m4b file based on a cue file How can I split an audio m4b into separate files using a cue file? Note: The m4b file has no chapters that's why I need to use the cue file to split it. I ...
Rick T's user avatar
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ffmpeg audio amerge with volume level adjustment and sidechain processing stopped working

I'm trying to merge my stereo background music with a mono voiceover audio with volume adjustment and sidechain processing to duck the music when voiceover is playing. This command used to work fine ...
kaushal's user avatar
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REPLAYGAIN value being ignored on some MP3's - FFmpeg Transcoder cs - process Error Data Received:454

I am having an issue per below. I use Windows, and just installed ffmpeg-2024-03-07-git-97beb63a66-full_build, which did not correct it. I have added Track ReplayGain to my music library using Foobar. ...
Mike Gravitt's user avatar
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I need help installing FFMPEG on my server

I'm trying to get FFMPEG installed on my VPS. Plesk Obsidian Version 18.0.59 Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS Basically, I need FFMPEG installed, as the custom MP3 player I use for my website can generate audio ...
alkemy007's user avatar
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my ffmpeg livestream keeps crashing: How do I troubleshoot?

I can't find the reason on why it is crashing, all I have is a list of mp3 files which are encoded to AAC on the fly. #!/bin/bash ffmpeg \ -stream_loop -1 -re \ -i video.mp4 \ -safe 0 \ -f ...
n79qk272x57w46w9's user avatar
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Concatenated mp3 stop playing at 15s on some players (e.g. iTunes)

I have mp3 file and I can not figure out why it stops playing at 15s even thought it is 12 minutes long. ffprobe returns: Duration: 00:12:02.30, start: 0.023021, bitrate: 131 kb/s I figured that ...
knagode's user avatar
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ffmpeg make a video from two images and two audio files

I'm trying to create an MP4 video from two images and two mp3 audio files, this is my command: ffmpeg -hide_banner -loop 1 -i incoming/img0.jpeg -loop 1 -i incoming/img1.jpeg -i incoming/aud0.mp3 -i ...
Daniel Kalfa's user avatar
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ffmpg voice + base - base must end when the entry with the cut at the beginning ends

I'm experimenting with a bat command to manage audio tracks. My goal is to create tracks with vocals and music for a podcast. I managed to mix the file which contains only one recording of the voice, ...
Paolo Biraghi's user avatar
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How to query media file metadata using ffprobe, e.g., track number?

I want a single command to retrieve track number (or other metadata) from an audio file using ffprobe.
awvalenti's user avatar
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FFMPEG: Sync issue between mp3 and mp4 converted from the same input webm file

Using this command to create 2 files : ffmpeg -y -i input.webm -c:v copy -c:a libmp3lame -b:a 128k -strict -2 -f mp4 rec_50ae1a2a3da64cf1a5f46c53de757d6e-1692704540213.mp4 -vn -acodec libmp3lame -b:a ...
Shashwat's user avatar
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How do you use Ffmpeg to give unique title/track names (%02d) using -metadata when spliting a .mp3 file?

(ffmpeg version I've successfully split a .mp3 file & given it unique names using "XX_%02d.mp3" in the following command: XX_01, XX_02 etc. How do I ...
DaveF's user avatar
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2 answers

How to improve quality of mp3 output after applying filters?

I'm trying to increase the pitch of a mp3 file while more or less preserving the same tempo: ffmpeg -i input.mp3 -filter:a "atempo=0.8,asetrate=44100*1.3" output.mp3 It works, but the ...
wyc's user avatar
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How to control bitrate (by time) of MP3 - different CBR/VBR in different sections?

I have a audio file several hours in length which is 85% talking, and 15% music. I want the talking to have a VBR ~64 kbps - and the music to be 256 kbps. Setting just 1 VBR across the file doesn't ...
user8223842's user avatar
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MP3 Audio file changes -- want to preserve ID3 tags and minimize quality degredation: is FLAC the best intermediate format?

I have MP3 files on which I need to perform some audio operations, then get them back to MP3. I know every operation degrades them a little bit, so my goal is just to minimize that. I need to use both ...
GraniteStateColin's user avatar
-1 votes
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Converting several files in a folder with ffmpeg rather than just one at a time

My MP3 collection is by default saved at a bit-rate of 32k. I like to shrink them down as far as I can before loading on to my “daily driver” MP3-Player. I found and tweaked what is below with ...
Gene Tyle's user avatar
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ffmpeg `-movflags use_metadata_tags` won't copy album cover metadata

I want to edit a mp3 file using ffmpeg while keeping the metadata. I've searched how to keep the metadata and found this link. It is said to use -movflags use_metadata_tags. ffmpeg -i input.mp3 -...
Ali Ent's user avatar
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Keeping metadata and album art

I'm trying to convert aac 320kbps to mp3 320kbps but keeping album art and meta data bc I just want to convert the file extension. Is there a way to keep meta data and album art while converting?
Fylixr's user avatar
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Copy all metadata (Chapters and...) from one wav file to another

How can I copy all the metadata (containing all chapters info) from one wav file to another? I tried so many different methods, but so far none of them worked. for example this wont work ffmpeg -i in0....
sanab3343's user avatar
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Extracting Audio Snippets from mp3 file - unexpected results

I am trying to extract audio snippets using command line tools. I get consistent, unexpected results and I believe this is due to how the audio files were created/encoded. Note: I realise there are ...
user1007074's user avatar
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FFMPEG Use image demuxer on audio file with embedded cover image

I have an mp3 file with embedded cover art. I would like to generate a video of the image with the audio playing, for the duration of the audio. I can achieve this with the image in a separate file ...
jxx's user avatar
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21 votes
2 answers

Why does stripping metadata decrease the duration of my MP3 file by 0.03 seconds?

I have a file, input.mp3, which, running ffprobe on it gives the following: [mp3 @ 0x559431400a00] Estimating duration from bitrate, this may be inaccurate Input #0, mp3, from '../backup/1.mp3': ...
Benjamin Lindley's user avatar
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Lossy to lossless conversion (audio)

I have an mp3 file which i want to convert to a flac. I realise that it wont "improve" the quality rather I want it in a flac format so that when I edit it each time and re encode it, it won'...
John Strauss 15's user avatar
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FFMPEG throws error while converting WEBM/MP4 audio files from MediaRecorder to MP3

I use MediaRecorder to record the audio from the browser and then upload it to my server (ARM-based Linux machine - AWS Lambda Function, if it matters). Based on the browser type, I get either an MP4 ...
Sahil Malik's user avatar
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ffmpeg: missing streams when piping to file from stdout

I'm trying to use ffmpeg to take an input mp3 audio file (which contains an audio source and video source) from stdin, make modifications, and then send the mp3 to stdout. However, upon inspection of ...
Jordan Lewallen's user avatar
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FFMPEG disjoin/separating/uncoupling of MP3 album file [duplicate]

I have an single MP3 album file that has when loaded in a player multiple tracks with artist and title. In FFMPEG there is an option to concatenate media files. What I'm looking for is to split this ...
SacDeb's user avatar
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Perform loop task for audio video encoding with ffmpeg in Linux bash shell

I have files, like these: 01 - A.wav 02 - AB.wav 03 - C.wav ... and so on until 15 - BLA.wav and I have some command line like these: dirinwav="/home/akrogun/Videos/CD1" && \ ...
akrogun's user avatar
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Find when audio track starts in merged audio file

Merged.mp3 = Intro.mp3 || Mid.mp3 (where || means concatenation) I have Mid.mp3 and Merged.mp3. I'd like to know when exactly Intro.mp3 ends and Mid.mp3 starts in Merged.mp3. I need to do this ...
MCCCS's user avatar
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Cover art of mkv file not being added when converting to mp3 file

I have an mkv file, only with audio, and I attached a cover art to it, but when I convert it to mp3 the art is not added to the mp3. The command I used to attach the cover art was the only one that ...
Clamarc's user avatar
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Downloading and merging mp3 in time-range from Youtube using youtube-dl and ffmpeg

Background I am trying to download best quality mp3 from Youtube videos in specified time range (first 30 seconds, 20-55 seconds etc), and then merge them to create one output file. Tools being used ...
Green goblin's user avatar
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ffmpeg returns error cur_dts is invalid when converting mp3 to ogg

need some help with this part of code: ffmpeg -y -fflags +igndts -i "/var/radio-content/temp/music/85e45890-cdca-4754-aabf-295ce01dbf45.mp3" -map 0:0 -filter:a "loudnorm,silenceremove=...
Ph Abd's user avatar
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Join mp3 file pairs in folder with ffmpeg

I've got a load of mp3 files in a folder, and I want to merge each pair (Part 1 and Part 2) into a single mp3 file. All of the files are in the same format. I know I can do this on a pair of files: ...
cannyboy's user avatar
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How can I include possibly several embedded cover art when converting mp3 to mkv using ffmpeg?

I wish to include embedded cover art when converting an mp3 file to mkv (vorbis). ffmpeg -i input.mp3 output.mkv will render a file that does play (in mpv) showing an image but the moment I try to ...
fuumind's user avatar
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Adding mild BGM to a full length of a video file

I have a video file (about 6 mins) and a BGM file (about 2 mins). I need to add the BGM to my video file for entire 6 mins without reducing my original audio content of my video file, I tried the ...
Andrews Gilbert's user avatar
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Set a audio bitrate cap in ffmpeg

I want to set a maximum audio bitrate in my FFmpeg conversions, but it seems like the only option is to specify a constant one like -c:a libopus -b:a 128K It would allow FFmpeg to only compress audio ...
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Youtube-dl not downloading requested filesize

So I currently have "youtube-dl.exe" -l PL6NdkXsPL07IOu1AZ2Y2lGNYfjDStyT6O -f "[filesize<25M]" --audio-format "mp3" --ffmpeg-location "C:\Users\%Username%\...
Sheesh Man's user avatar
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FFMPEG - Convert MP3 and JPEG to MP4, different JPEG to every MP3

I want to convert every MP3 with different JPEGs and output an MP4. mp3 and 1.jpg = 1.mp4 mp3 and 2.jpg = 2.mp4 mp3 and 3.jpg = 3.mp4 etc How can I make code to get this right? I use a batchfile @...
Marek's user avatar
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FFMPEG: How to merge a video file (with its own audio) and an audio track (that should loop to fit the vido length)

So, I have a video called video.mp4, and the video has its own audio track. I also have an audio track called background.mp3, and I want it to loop for the duration of the video. How do I merge video....
Corman's user avatar
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FFMPEG - audio crackling when merging wav files [duplicate]

i'm merging two audio files into 1 with a acrossfade filter. Here is my acrossfade filter config: acrossfade=d=10:o=1:curve1=cbr:curve2=cbr; The merge is working well for .mp3 files, but when one(or ...
Vitu_ 77's user avatar
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MP3 Mix Tape from a M3U files (Long audio file)

I wish to create a "Mix Tape" a long continues audio file (mp3, wave) from a M3U file that contains 24 Hours of music / eg about mp3 500+ psongs . Problem every application i look at just ...
user1217917's user avatar
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reduce my 90gb collection of mp3 to about 10gb

got an insanely simple and working script already: #!/bin/bash -x mkdir .before mkdir .error for i in *.m??; do ffmpeg -n -i "$i" -b:a 16k "${i%.*}.opus" && mv &...
cregox's user avatar
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Prepend MP3 ID3 title tag with time stamp

I am downloading channel audios with following script: #!/bin/bash ............... youtube-dl -o "%(upload_date)s %(title)s.%(ext)s" --write-annotations --download-archive "$ArchiveFile&...
Paul's user avatar
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How to edit audio bitrate, speed and trim in FFmpeg with a single command?

I'm trying to edit audio files with 3 parameters: I have to change the bitrate, speed and I have to trim the audio. I tried filter complex to combine 3 commands into one commands but didn't worked. ...
G3n1t0's user avatar
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ffmpeg error when converting mp3 to aac

I've been using this solution to convert mp3's to aac's. So far it's been working really well. However, I have a number of files that keep erring with the following error: [ipod @ 0x7fe585819600] ...
sansSpoon's user avatar
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ffmpeg adding audio to videos file duration issue

I am adding a background music mp3 file in the existing video file using the following ffmpeg command ffmpeg \ -i ./output/output.mp4 \ -i ./output/audio-loop.mp3 \ -filter_complex \ "[0:a]apad[...
Munish Kapoor's user avatar
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using ffmpeg, how would i be able to transfer/convert id3 tags (artist, track name, album art etc) from mp3 to oga (opus)?

simple question, but i haven't found any simple answers (that worked). i would prefer to not have to apply them using different software, but if necessary, a batch converting .sh template would be ...
Jimmy Bungalo's user avatar
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Audio out of sync when using ffmpeg, adelay, and amix

I have a series of mp3 files with a start time offset. I am trying to merge them together with adelay and amix. The following codes run and creates the combined MP3 but when I listen to the final ...
Randy Johnson's user avatar