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ffmpeg command to combine mp3 file and embedded album art image file metadata into a video

my below ffmpeg command works for combining 1 audio file with 1 image file into a video. ffmpeg -loop 1 -framerate 2 -i "C:\Users\marti\Videos\ig_sf_6.5.24_highlights\apple image.jpg" -i ...
Martin's user avatar
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How to create a compatible encoding for the Blackmagic Media Express application using ffmpeg

I'm using the Blackmagic Media Express application frequently but now I'm stuck trying to transcode files using ffmpeg that will be able to play in the BME app. It seems that the BME application is ...
DrBob's user avatar
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1 answer

How to use ffmpeg to convert a flac file to alac and preserving all metadatas?

I use this loop to convert flac to alac : for i in *.flac; do ffmpeg -i "$i" -y -vn -c:a alac "${i%.flac}".m4a; done But some tags are not exported. I tried to use the -...
AxZxP's user avatar
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FFMPEG cant render from transparent webm a transparent png frame

I want export every frame like original source, in webm video is alpha/transparent video track, and if I try export with my base command will export with black background. ffmpeg \ -hide_banner \ -...
aClassicKoder's user avatar
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HDR Metadata Tag for MacOS TV App / Apple TV

When importing Media in the MacOS TV App there have to be certain Tags in the Metadata of the Mp4/M4v file so that TV registers it as 4K. I want to have imported Movies with HDR10, HDR10+ or Dolby ...
Omega3komma3's user avatar
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How to divide the video into 3 parts, adjust the speed and merge them?

I have a video rendering code but I don't know how to divide the video into 3 parts 1-5s 6-10s and the rest to adjust the speed and then combine it. ffmpeg -y -i "{input}" -ss 1 -...
Nguyễn Trọng Đông's user avatar
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How do I compile ffmpeg so that "-map_metadata -1" works.?

I just tried the (static) ffmpeg build from and I also tried the ffmpeg build that comes with my Linux Mint 21.2 distro and they both were able to remove the metadata ...
BongoR's user avatar
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How do I prevent this FFmpeg scale command from removing the 'Date taken' metadata?

How do I prevent this FFmpeg command from removing the 'Date taken' (and other) metadata from JPG photographs? ffmpeg -i "Input.JPG" -vf scale=iw*.5:-1 -update true "Output.jpg" ...
DaveF's user avatar
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Incorrect movie Keys metadata with ffmpeg

It seems ffmpeg erroneously copies keys metadata to UserData atom, and macOS 14 QuickTime player or Photos do not read it. For example: The has Keys tags for Author, Title, Description, ...
wywh's user avatar
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How to properly set timestamps of a target file in ffmpeg?

I'm using ffmpeg to concat multiple files into one consolidated file, but the resulting timestamp of the file created naturally falls on the time of this operation. I'm instead trying to set the ...
Daneolog's user avatar
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ffmpeg keep all video metadata

I have a video with incorrect video metadata which is messing up the color. Here is the original video's stream 0:0 Metadata: Stream #0:0(und): Video: hevc (Main 10) (hev1 / 0x31766568), yuv420p10le(...
Huston's user avatar
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Rotation metadata not changing when encoding with ffmpeg

[UPD: Checking metadata with exiftool -rotation] Been struggling for a few days, here is the setup: ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c copy -metadata:s:v:0 rotate="-90" output.mp4 changes the output....
Vlad Sutyrin's user avatar
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How do you use Ffmpeg to give unique title/track names (%02d) using -metadata when spliting a .mp3 file?

(ffmpeg version I've successfully split a .mp3 file & given it unique names using "XX_%02d.mp3" in the following command: XX_01, XX_02 etc. How do I ...
DaveF's user avatar
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Add ffmpeg metadata to .mp4 that will be visible in Windows Explorer

I'm starting to convert my large and scattered video library to HEVC, using ffmpeg. I'd like to add a metadata tag that can be displayed as a column in Windows Explorer, so I can keep track of which ...
John Christofolakos's user avatar
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How to set H.264 metadata in ffmpeg (fixed_frame_rate_flag)

I would like to set the fixed_frame_rate_flag in the H.264 metadata so that MediaInfo will report a constant frame rate when scanning the file. Supposedly I can set that flag using the bitstream ...
Danny's user avatar
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FFMPEG keeps HDR10 data in a sdr tone-mapped output

Im trying to convert a prores file with embedded hdr10 metadata to a sdr h264 and h265 tonemapped version. but what ever I try the HDR data from the prores file is alway in the output file. Im running ...
Rick's user avatar
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ffmpeg `-movflags use_metadata_tags` won't copy album cover metadata

I want to edit a mp3 file using ffmpeg while keeping the metadata. I've searched how to keep the metadata and found this link. It is said to use -movflags use_metadata_tags. ffmpeg -i input.mp3 -...
Ali Ent's user avatar
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How to use FFmpeg to modify metadata downmix levels of AC3 file

I'm trying to use FFmpeg to modify a metadata called "downmix levels" of an existing AC3 file (Dolby Digital surround sound file) I have tried with at least a million different combinations ...
KenJes's user avatar
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Using FFMPEG to record a radio stream, how do I save the metadata into a second file

I'm trying to record a radio station for a bit over four hours with FFMPEG so I can listen to the charts with no cost for mobile data later. Like this, which works fine: ffmpeg -i <STREAM URL ...
576i's user avatar
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FFmpeg command line not working as expected: Subtitles set as “dvdsub” and audio is not AAC as specified in the command

I want to encode an film but I have some problems: The subtitles are converted to dvdsub. If I play the file in VLC the subtitles getting overlapped. In every other player this not happend (like ...
user1785937's user avatar
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Keeping metadata and album art

I'm trying to convert aac 320kbps to mp3 320kbps but keeping album art and meta data bc I just want to convert the file extension. Is there a way to keep meta data and album art while converting?
Fylixr's user avatar
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FFmpeg does not copy over chapter atoms when I try to remove subtitles

I have some videos encoded from The Criterion Collection, and their videos use these things called "chapter atoms". What is really odd is that ffprobe does not detect these. I assume that ...
mrjpaxton's user avatar
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How to specify multiple ffmpeg stream specifier metadata tag keys?

How do I specify multiple stream specifier metadata tag keys? For example, this copies the video from the input to the output and only selects those audio tracks that are in English (there are two, ...
mbmast's user avatar
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`ffprobe` is 12 times slower than `metaflac`. How to speed up `ffprobe`?

On a small FLAC folder of 1593 files, ffprobe takes over 12 times longer to run than metaflac. How to speed up the single-threaded performance of ffprobe? I tried to tell ffprobe to do the same and ...
mejustscript's user avatar
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Remove Metadata Tags from Videostream with ffmpeg

I am trying to remove the language metadata tag from the video stream with ffmpeg and leave everything else untouched. My code is: ffmpeg -i "input" -metadata:s:v:0 language= -c:v copy -c:a ...
Err0r's user avatar
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How to add metadata to subtitle?

I'm trying to add language metadata to existing external .ass subtitles, but it doesn't seem to work. I'm using ffmpeg -i input.ass -map 0 "-metadata:s:s:0" "language=eng" "-...
tyrande's user avatar
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How to command ffmpeg to output metadata received on stream

I use ffmpeg to receive an RTSP stream from a security camera. There are 3 sub-streams from the camera: Stream #0:0: Video: h264 (High), yuvj420p(pc, bt709, progressive), 2592x1944 [SAR 1887:1888 ...
Mark W.'s user avatar
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Create slideshow with date as caption automatically

I want to create a slide show of photos and want the create-date of each image to appear at the bottom when the image is being shown in the slide show. Is there a way I can automate this using ...
krv's user avatar
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FFmpeg preserving 360 video orientation

I am using FFmpeg (version 2022-03-24) to convert dual fisheye 360 video recorded on a Rylo camera into equirectangular format. My goal is to stitch videos in bulk on the PC instead of using the Rylo ...
Ben's user avatar
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ffmpeg output with assumed duration 0 on Android

I noticed that videos generated by FFMPEG have a duration of 0 on Android even when I try a full clone. I tried the following commands, but the only one that had any effect was with -movflags ...
Zano's user avatar
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ffmpeg + (large) metadata text = Segmentation Fault

I’m attempting to insert a large amount of text data into an mp4 using -metadata title='"+JSON.stringify(filedata)+"'. This works fine for small amounts metadata text but not for large ones. ...
VILLMER's user avatar
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Render all video in folder with ffmpeg?

I have a folder containing a lot of 2-10 min videos ....(30 video in folder) How to process multiple videos in a folder and cut videos into small videos 55s. This is the line of code to process the ...
alexdo's user avatar
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FFMPEG-NORMALIZE does not recognize special characters in audio names files

When I run ffmpeg-normalize it displays the name of the input audio with codes in place of the special character, see below: Command: ffmpeg-normalize "Barão Vermelho - Agora Tudo Acabou.mp3"...
Clamarc's user avatar
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ffmpeg : Extract metadata

I would like to extract meta data from a MP3 file. This is going into a script, and I therefore want to do it from the command line. Since I have already installed ffmpeg, I thought I could use it for ...
user1934428's user avatar
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Is there a way to get the file metadata (namley width, height and frame rate) of all the video files in a folder automatically in windows 10?

basically I have 1,000 or so video files in a folder and want to get their Frame Rates Height Width in a text file. Is it possible using wmic or ffmpeg or anything else?
Sam's user avatar
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Is there a possibility for a batch conversion of video files (different formats) and delete metadata with ffmpeg?

I have a lot of video files of my family. I'am on Windows and the video formats are different: Video files: DVD directories contain: Files in DVD directories were recorded with a DVD recorder and ...
Su-47's user avatar
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Add cover art to opus file using ffmpeg

I'm trying to embed a cover art to an .opus (ogg container) audio file. I'm aware ffmpeg recently added support for that function according to this ticket: Tried ...
blueclouds8666's user avatar
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Changing stream metadata and converting at the same time in FFMPEG

I'm trying to convert an HEVC (h265) video into h264, while at the same time adding the 'rotate' key to the video stream metadata. I have tried: ffmpeg -i in.mp4 -c:v libx264 -metadata:s:v rotate=&...
Matty Muir's user avatar
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Using ffmpeg, is it possible to convert a blu-ray folder to a MKV file and add chapter titles in one go?

From time to time, I have to convert the files which are referenced by a playlist from a blu-ray disc to a MKV file. I normally use ffmpeg under Windows in a command line like the following: "C:\...
Binarus's user avatar
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How Can I Edit a Video File's "Comments" Field?

If you open a Video File using VLC, and then press Ctrl-I (Media Information), you can then see a "Comments" textbox on the bottom, and some more textboes for other fields. Can FFMPEG Edit ...
spaceman's user avatar
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What makes a valid .mp4 video?

I am downloading back to back some .ts video chunks from a website and saving them on the same file. When I try to upload this file to sites like twitter and facebook it doesn't accept it as a valid ...
Nacht und Nebel's user avatar
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Reset metadata for a specific stream only

In my usecase I'd like to recode audio streams into a different format with ffmpeg. The source files (MKV) contain a video stream, two audio streams and three subtitle streams as well as chapters. ...
Alex's user avatar
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Copying filesystem metadata (modifyDate etc) from one file to another

I´m reconverting my old files, and using the following code to copy metadata from the old file to the new one: for %%f in (*.mp4) do ffmpeg -i "%%f" -i "%%~nf_1.mp4" -map 1 -c copy ...
ragnor's user avatar
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Issue while trying to just change the metadata through ffmpeg

Im just a beginner trying to fix audio metadata in an mp4 video. I want to change the audio language code from German to English. Issue I encounter is that the output file always has changes done to ...
USER89's user avatar
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Is map_metadata necessary for copying audio files with ffmpeg

Does it make a difference using -map_metadata for copying audio files with ffmpeg or can it be omitted because it is this the default already? ffmpeg -i track.m4a -c copy -t 10 -map_metadata track-10s....
Frank Breitling's user avatar
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Keeping metadata in FFmpeg image sequence to video

When creating a video from an image sequence with FFmpeg, how do I also copy the metadata from the first image in the image sequence (within reason: creation date, GPS coordinates, etc.; maybe not ...
elmimmo's user avatar
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Delete specific streams from a media file without creating a copy of the media file

The context I have a file with four streams: 1 video stream, 3 audio streams (see proof below). $ ffprobe -v quiet -of flat -show_entries stream=codec_type,index:stream_tags=title 'my_input_file.mkv' ...
doltes's user avatar
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Remove embedded subtitle streams from media file without "streaming/remuxing"

This related post gives a solution: mkvmerge -o output.mkv input.mkv -S # remove all subtitle tracks This other related post gives a solution: ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:v copy -c:a copy -map_metadata 0:...
Abraham's user avatar
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How to get a duration in FFmpeg that corresponds to the number of frames that can be read?

I'm a developer of the Python MoviePy package and I'm trying to rework how we import file information to be more robust. I need to get the duration of any videofile such that when multiplied with the ...
Tom Burrows's user avatar
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How do I change audio language using ffmpeg in video files contaning two or more audio tracks

I am transcoding video files, that contain 2 audio tracks - Polish and English. Unfortunately my transcoder messes somehow with metadata, and at the output, when I'm checking video file using ...
warezsoftwarez's user avatar