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How to create1080p and 4k black png background text in center using ffmpeg?

I’m trying to create a png black background with text in center using ffmpeg I left an image example from Canva. Please someone help by giving command line/parameters example for 1080p and 4K?
Eddie Valentin's user avatar
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FFMPeg: Rotate Image on centre of image

Im trying to overlay an image on at a position X,Y of video and then rotate it an arbitrary angle where x,y = 150,100 This however does not work as expected. Below is the command I'm using. ffmpeg -i ...
Aneesh's user avatar
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How do I write unique images to each video frames?

There are unique images for each frame of a video and I am trying to use ffmpeg to overlay the images back to source video to generate same source video metadata with overlayed image. ffmpeg -i input....
Zuerst's user avatar
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FFMPeg: Avoiding clipping of image when rotating overlay

Im trying to add an image overlay on top of a video and have to rotated the image arbitrarily. Below is the command I'm using to rotate by -30 deg. ffmpeg -i input_video.mp4 -i crown.png -...
Aneesh's user avatar
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Combine images and draw text on each image with animation xfade

I am using ffmpeg to merge multiple images and an audio to produce a video. I am using drawtext and xfade with dissolve transition. My ffmpeg command is given below. ffmpeg -loop 1 -t 5 -i ./img/img0....
Imran Khan's user avatar
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Using FFMpeg to match images with videos

I've recently been ripping some of my DVDs, however the output isn't in order or labelled in a helpful way. I want to use FFMPEG to find still frames in these episodes in order to name them. I can ...
Jam3sn's user avatar
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ffmpeg rotate image shows aliasing and smudging

I'm using ffmpeg to overlay an image onto another image, meanwhile rotate the image to a certain angle. If there is no rotation, the output looks good to me; if there's any rotation, the edges are ...
Richard's user avatar
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ffmpeg merge 2 images into 1

how to merge 2 or multiple images into one image by ffmpeg? I hope merge the each pixels data, e.g. average the pixel of 2 images. It is NOT concatenate or stack the images. p.s. all images size are ...
user3867146's user avatar
2 votes
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Usage of ffmpeg geq options

I am trying to overlay a transparent image in the video using ffmpeg. I found geq=g='g(X,Y)':a='0.3*alpha(X,Y)' for changing the transparency of the image. I know it changes the image transparency ...
Unni's user avatar
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FFMPEG Overlay Is Darker Than Source Image

I was correcting distortion in an image. I overlaid the corrected section of the image onto the original image and discovered the overlaid section is darker than the source image. I need a solution ...
CANJMP's user avatar
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FFMPEG Use image demuxer on audio file with embedded cover image

I have an mp3 file with embedded cover art. I would like to generate a video of the image with the audio playing, for the duration of the audio. I can achieve this with the image in a separate file ...
jxx's user avatar
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How to turn an image into a short video with specific aspect ratio and fill empty areas with some color (black) in ffmpeg?

I'm trying to turn an image into a short video. ffmpeg -r 1/30 -i image.jpg video.mp4 This code does its job but the output video aspect ratio is the same as the original picture. I need to have ...
Eugen N's user avatar
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Converting set of HHMMSS.jpg files to video with ffmpeg give only one frame

I have a set of camerashots in directory with the names of hhmmss.jpg I would like to convert them to video. Using command ffmpeg -i %06d.jpg day.mp4 gives mp4 with only one frame. Why and how to ...
Dims's user avatar
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ffmpeg not working for URL input(directly like -i "")

i've been facing issue with parsing URL input to ffmpeg executable. earlier i used to check the details for GIF such as FPS & resolution using "ffmpeg.exe"but now it has stopped working ...
Abhishek choudhary's user avatar
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Is there a ways extract image from video by frame and join in later with auto remove duplicate pixel area?

Is there a ways to extract image from video. but its not just extract image frame by frame. but the extract image automatically optimize by removing duplicate area pixel by 1 second? lets 1 second ...
david stephen's user avatar
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Crop and cut video while keeping encoding?

I have a whole bunch of large video files, which I would like to both crop and cut: Crop: I don't need the entirety of the dimensions of each video; instead, I would like to specify a smaller ...
Fly's user avatar
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Convert PPM to PNG

I recently finished the raytracing tutorial "Ray Tracing in One Weekend", which outputs to PPM. I'm trying to convert to PNG to share my results, but all the solutions I've tried have thrown ...
FiveTD's user avatar
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ffmpeg dynamic image overlay

I would like to add an image overlay (That I can then update) To my Livestream that takes RTSP as input and streams it to youtube. Here is the command. ffmpeg -f lavfi -y -i anullsrc -rtsp_transport ...
Jovan Djordjevic's user avatar
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How to crop moving an (overlayed) image across a video in ffmpeg?

I want to crop moving an image. The crop must move with the time to make a translation effect. I tried with this following command: ffmpeg -y -i video.mp4 -filter_complex "movie=filename=image....
user3884677's user avatar
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Drawing text on a gif while preserving transparency [FFMPEG]

Using the regular method, input > drawtext seems to remove transparency for GIFs and messes with the coloring ffmpeg -i test.gif drawtext=text='Test':fontcolor=red:fontsize=24 output.gif I've ...
SpecialVirusTasker's user avatar
3 votes
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How to generate a frame-accurate concat file image sequence overlay in FFmpeg?

I am using a concat.txt file that looks like: ffconcat version 1.0 file 000001.png #13-24 0.433767-0.834167 duration 0.4004 file 000002.png #25-35 0.834167-1.2012 duration 0.367033 file 000003.png ... ...
Arnon Weinberg's user avatar
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ffmpeg scaling with precise edges?

i'd like to extract thumbnails from videos. the problem i'm running into is that the boundaries of the reduced images aren't clear due to edge effects in the scaling algorithm. here is a simple mire ...
david furst's user avatar
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FFMPEG Convert image format with best possible output?

With the standard command you can theoretically convert almost anything (ffmpeg -i input.png output.tiff), but I'm afraid that the output will differ from the input in terms of quality and/or ...
SideSky's user avatar
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ffmpeg - Add text to existing gif without gif decolorization / pixilation

I am trying to add text to a gif, but after I add it there is some image decolorization & pixilation that happens. The command I am running on a to add text to the gif is as follows: ffmpeg -i ...
Edon's user avatar
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Decoding a batch script which uses FFMPEG, EXIFTOOLS and EXIV2 to create VR180 and VR360 panorama images like Google Cardboard

I am struggling to figure out 2 things: Why this script is completely invisible to google How such script works (much more important than point 1...) To better study the script, I instrumented it ...
jumpjack's user avatar
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How I can change bit depth of a image with ffmpeg? [closed]

I want to change a image of 24 bit depth to a 32 bit depth using ffmpeg
user1435401's user avatar
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ffmpeg automatically scale image then overlay video onto image in one step

After asking this question, it was suggested that the best way to do this would be scale the image, with this command. ffmpeg -i image.jpeg -i word.mp4 -filter_complex "scale2ref[img][vid];[img]...
nadermx's user avatar
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FFMPEG combine audio / video & add logo in one command

Hi there i have a local server for video production i am trying to combine an audio and video clip using Ffmpeg i can combine the audio and video no problem but when i try to also add a logo over lay ...
user72261's user avatar
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Efficiently encode videos which consist of audio and multiple images / frames at specific time stamps

As a follow up question to Efficiently encode videos which consist of audio and only one image / frame : I have a video that is only a few images and an audio track. It is very large and I would like ...
Make42's user avatar
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Reducing bit depth on png's generated from video using ffmpeg

I'm using ffmpeg to pull png image frames from a video: > ffmpeg -i video.mp4 frames%05d.png The png's that result are 24 bit depth, which is too large for my purposes. I would like to use 16 or 8 ...
interwebjill's user avatar
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Retain quality while mirroring jpg FFmpeg

I can't seem to retain the color of a jpg file when I mirror via FFmpeg: ffmpeg -i "G:\My Drive\Adobe\Photoshop\Discord Emoji\yousellfish\Exports\yousellfish_2x.jpg" ` -vf hflip ` "G:\...
ninbura's user avatar
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Getting mixed results converting images to .ICO with ffmpeg?

EDIT: I managed to get it to scale properly with this as the ffmpeg command: -vf "thumbnail,scale='if(gt(iw,ih),256,trunc(oh*a/2)*2)':'if(gt(iw,ih),trunc(ow/a/2)*2,256)'" That works but on ...
bat_cmd's user avatar
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FFMPEG Multiple task for converting video to image sequence for MacOS

I need help to make multiple task of that on MacOS: ffmpeg -i file.mp4 -r 0.1 output_%04d.jpg I have basically 200 video files to do that action and I want to create a single code that I can send to ...
Gabriel Moraes Aquino's user avatar
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I'm trying to combine multiple images into one "flowing" video with "flowing" music, using and automated process

(command line), randomization, and bulk processing ability I'm aware of some tools like ffmpeg and ImageMagick, but I don't quite know the easiest or the most eloquent way to do this, and I've been ...
wyvernwes's user avatar
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How to extract original images from a lossless compressed video which is composed from a sequence of images?

I am trying to compress a sequence of images using h.264 with ffmpeg. ffmpeg -f image2 -r 5 -i ori/binary%03d.jpg -vcodec libx264 -preset veryslow a.mp4 ffmpeg -i a.mp4 -q 2 rec/output_%03d.jpg but ...
curtank's user avatar
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ffmpeg Image Size-Based Pan Zoom

I am trying to programmatically 'Ken Burns' images that are selected randomly from a directory. So far I am able to create the desired effect, a slow scroll down from top to bottom, on an image sized ...
Woolwit's user avatar
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pull stream from rtmp server and extract images to do some deep learning prediction then stream the images to rtmp server again

Hi,I am using ffmpeg to stream my video to rtmp server in PCA,and extract the frame from the rtmp stream with opencv's VideoCapture and do some process with these images and then re-stream the ...
DJI_lover's user avatar
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Fast way to extract images from video using FFmpeg

I'm using FFmpeg to extract images from video, 1 frame every 6 seconds: Normal command on Dos ( Windows 8 OS) > ffmpeg -i in.mkv -r 1/6 %4d.png Takes too much time as speed is very low, around ...
Cool's user avatar
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FFMPEG command suddenly gives error?

Below is my command for FFMPEG to batch merge audio files with an image. It has always worked until today. All of a sudden, it gives me the following error: [NULL @ 00000000004d1440] Unable to find a ...
Breakz02's user avatar
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concat video and images, and add audio with ffmpeg, but video output skips several images and console returns audio errors

I need to concatenate one video and many images, and add audio. I do not need a particular file format, but I prefer a one-step method without unecessary re-encoding. I tried with the following ...
Thomas's user avatar
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How to add zoom transition effects using FFmpeg to a variable number of images?

How can I add add zoom transition effects using FFmpeg to a variable number of images? I am able to create video from a variable number of images but I am not sure how to add zoom in and out ...
Mathematics's user avatar
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How to save TS video stream with ffmpeg 2.0.2?

The following command works well with ffmpeg 4.1 ffmpeg -i "" -vf fps=1/60 screen%04d.jpg -hide_banner (it saves image every 1 minute from the stream) But when I use ...
LA_'s user avatar
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using ffmpeg to capture images from RTSP camera and output to memory instead of disk

I want to use ffmpeg command line to capture the images from RTSP camera every second. But I want to store the image into memory instead of the disk so I can further process the image from memory ...
tairen's user avatar
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ffmpeg image sequence slideshow with fade - missing images?

This is using ffmpeg version 3.4.4-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 on Ubuntu 18.04. I'd like to achieve the same as in Create video with 5 images with fadeIn/out effect in ffmpeg (mostly "Dip to black", although ...
sdaau's user avatar
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FFmpeg - Adding watermark on an image

I used this command to add a watermark on an image: ffmpeg -i input.png -i watermark.png -filter_complex overlay=15:15 output.png But I got this error: [NULL @ 0x7a1403f800] Unable to find a ...
MSH's user avatar
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ffmpeg slides to video with padding shows only one image

I usually create video clips of still images using something very similar to This StackOverflow example. However, this time, I have a set of images of varying sizes, so clipped in options from This ...
Quin Benson's user avatar
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ffmpeg stills to GIF: workflow streamlining

I'm having a great time revisiting ffmpeg and tinkering about, but can anybody assist me with streamlining the 'still image/add cross-fade/save as gif' process, please? I'm trying to eradicate the ...
Quin Benson's user avatar
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FFMPEG Image Zoom to a Position X Y

I need to zoom to a special point of an image. What do i have to change in this existing Script for example Y:81% X:27%? ffmpeg -r 25 -i image.jpg -vf "zoompan=z='zoom+0.001':x='if(gte(zoom,1.5),x,...
S. Kr.'s user avatar
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Scale images into a square with ffmpeg: EXIF orientation lost

I'd like to use this command to scale, pad and rotate several jpeg images into a common 1000x1000 output resolution: ffmpeg -i image.jpg -vf "scale=1000:1000:force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease, pad=...
mins's user avatar
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FFMPEG scale video according to image height when overlaying video on image

I am trying to overlay a video over an image in FFMPEG. For this I am using the below command. -i C:\Users\Vivek\Desktop\SAM\Effects\bubbles.mp4 -i C:\Users\Vivek\Desktop\selfie.jpg -filter_complex "[...
Vivek Mishra's user avatar