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Avidemux loads vertical video in horizontal orientation

I have recorded a video while holding phone vertically. It opens vertically on phone, as well as on PC, in VLC. However, when I load it in Avidemux it rotates the video to horizontal aspect rate. I ...
overdriven's user avatar
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How can I remove every nth frame from raw video using ffmpeg?

I have many cine films that have been digitally converted. They have been converted as a 25 fps with 2 frames in every 23 duplicated. I need to remove the duplicated frames using a bitstream filter so ...
DaveB44's user avatar
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Out-of-order frames when using FFmpeg to download DASH stream

I'm trying to use ffmpeg to download a DASH stream. It works OK but it seems like in the output file there are some frames that are out-of-order (e.g. for some frames the pts value is lower than the ...
Danj's user avatar
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ffmpeg extremely slow HEVC without any major changes in the system

I have the same dedicated NAS machine for a while now with AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core it's not the strongest but more than enough for my home NAS usage. I also use the same machine to re-encode h264 and ...
kali's user avatar
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Having multiple issues when attempting to convert h.264 files to h.265 using HEVC

I am using RiaanAspeling's script for the conversion of my library that I currently have, most of it is H264 and I want to convert it to H265 to reduce the size of the files that I have hosted on my ...
tito-willis's user avatar
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Fail to convert png from 3gp

Here is the command I used to convert the video. ffmpeg -skip_frame nokey -i input.3gp -vsync vfr -frame_pts true output.png (The command can't be modified because this is a code section captured from ...
Alex's user avatar
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How do you create an MPTS file on ffmpeg with two h264 inputs?

I need to contain two h.264 files (same video, different resolutions) within the same MPTS container, but I can't quite figure out how to use two inputs to create one output. I tried using ffmpeg -i (...
fffrdec's user avatar
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How to Speed Up Complex Text Overlay in FFmpeg

I'm using FFmpeg to overlay text on videos, and I find the process to be quite slow. The operation becomes especially slow when I add complex drawtext filters. I'm running this on a MacBook Pro with ...
mlika's user avatar
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h264_qsv is choppy when live streaming

I am trying to do live streaming of video games using h264_qvs, but is choppy when compared to libx264. Here are some variations of the ffmpeg command I am running: Variation 1 ffmpeg.exe -y -hwaccel ...
Devin Dixon's user avatar
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Edit video h.264 metadata without encode

How can I edit these video (h264) parameters (on pic) without encode? VUI parameters "video_signal_type_present_flag" and "colour_description_present_flag". As far as I understand, ...
Ligre's user avatar
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How to set H.264 metadata in ffmpeg (fixed_frame_rate_flag)

I would like to set the fixed_frame_rate_flag in the H.264 metadata so that MediaInfo will report a constant frame rate when scanning the file. Supposedly I can set that flag using the bitstream ...
Danny's user avatar
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FFmpeg with Quicksync: unable to hardware decode file

I'm trying to convert a h264 video to h265 using hardware decoding/decoding of the iGPU (Quicksync). Decoding does not work throwing the error "Impossible to convert between the formats supported ...
MuchToKnow's user avatar
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Smart trimming long videos with FFmpeg

I want to be able to trim a little bit off the beginning and end of a long video with FFmpeg. I can do this with a command like: ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -ss 13 -to 59 output.mp4 FFmpeg will seek ...
Jon G's user avatar
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Windows ffmpeg hardware accelerated video encoding FAILS using codec hevc_amf but works with codec h264_amf

I'm running ffmpeg on Windows 10 on a machine with an AMD Radion HD 7700. Hardware accelerated h.264 works fine while HEVC encoding fails. The version of ffmpeg is: ffmpeg version 5.1.2-...
mbmast's user avatar
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FFMPEG, producing stream, wish to write to disk while streaming, segmenting

) I have fought the long battle of getting somehow familiar with this wonderful beast of a thing, FFMPEG. I have coped with several things, learned that I will never get old enough to at least master ...
CSB's user avatar
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3 votes
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Preset "Slow" producing much bigger files than preset "Ultrafast" - Why?

Today I tried to find out which difference in file size the preset slow makes compared to the preset ultrafast when encoding a video (if all other parameters are the same). I took a video with ...
Binarus's user avatar
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Different outputs when encode to h265 using CPU only and GPU together

I'm using ffmpeg to convert .mp4,.mkv files with enconde h264 to h265 using CPU only, if using GPU together will outputs the same as using cpu only? for %%a in (*.mkv, *.mp4) do ( ffmpeg -i "%...
Ricardo's user avatar
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How to extrack motion vector data without decoding the whole video

I want to extract the motion vector from the encoded h264 stream without performing a full decode of the frame. I'm using the FFmpeg library and am aware of extracting the information using the ...
M.Akyuzlu's user avatar
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Why I do get "Segmentation fault (core dumped)" when using ffmpeg encoding AMD AMF H.264 in Ubuntu?

Hello I built ffmpeg with AMD AMF drivers on Ubuntu 22.04 and when I run this command: ffmpeg -i video_sample.mp4 -c:v h264_amf output.mp4 I get this error: ffmpeg version N-107316-gf9dd8fcf9b ...
Max Dax's user avatar
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ffmpeg command to convert from mp4 video to .h264 raw frame with avcc format

I want to convert my mp4 video (BigBuckBunny.mp4) to BigBuckBunny.h264 file. I used the following the command in ffmpeg. ffmpeg.exe -i c:\BigBuckBunny.mp4 -c:v libx264 c:\Bunni2.h264 This command is ...
karthick's user avatar
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How do I find what bitrate a CPU/GPU can decode?

I'm exporting videos to play locally on a dedicated player with a CPU like this. The integrated GPU supports up to 4096x2304@60Hz, I assume that's talking about uncompressed video, right? I also see ...
Toeb's user avatar
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ffmpeg - Redownload missing fragments to fix downloaded stream

I have dowloaded an H.264 video stream using ffmpeg -i <URL> -c copy <name>.mp4 but ffmpeg reports that it has skipped some fragments. Since the stream is still online (with, I suppose, ...
Arch Stanton's user avatar
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Losslessly reducing framerate of a 'video of a video'

I asked this yesterday but it was incorrectly closed as a dupe of question:Reduce video frame rate without dropping useful frames The difference between that question and this question is - in that ...
JohnDoughmaker22's user avatar
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FFmpeg: h264_qsv slower than libx264 (real-time buffer too full)

I use configuration: Windows 10 IoT, Intel Celeron N3350E (with Intel HD Graphics). Runing this line: ffmpeg -f dshow -i video="USB Video":audio="USB Digital Audio" -c:v libx264 -...
ffvideoner's user avatar
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FFmpeg h264_qsv: Error initializing an internal MFX session: unsupported (-3)

Im using ffmpeg build for Windows from release ffmpeg-5.0-full-build with hardware-support. I need to capture a video from a USB video device, compress it and write it to a file. I am using ...
ffvideoner's user avatar
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Is a CRF of 1 overkill?

I am trying to save my collection of DVDs to my Mac to have in the TV app. I am using libx264 to encode from mpeg2video to h264. I want to maintain as much quality as possible and file size is not a ...
TheCoderPro's user avatar
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H265 10 bit to H264 8 bit through NVENC looks terrible

I'm currently using FFMPEG run with Sickbeard Mp4 Automator to convert H265 video to H264 since my phone chugs hard playing H265 10 bitvideo. I set it to use NVENC and it's unnoticeable for brighter ...
Beefmaster5000BCE's user avatar
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I need FFMPEG command to convert some video files from h.265 to h.264 with Nvidia hardware

I have a decent Nvidia graphics card, capable of h.265 and h.264 encoding and decoding in hardware (Geforce RTX 2060), running on a Ubuntu installation. I have a whole bunch of video files that I need ...
MarcNBarrett's user avatar
3 votes
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How to convince ffmpeg that input is raw H264?

I have a raw H.264 video stream (which starts with hex 00 00 01 FC ..., a 3-byte start code followed by a NAL unit). ffmpeg can process it but it really doesn't want to... Let's test Let's say the ...
Duke Nukem's user avatar
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FFMPEG: “DLL amfrt64.dll failed to open” on Windows

I experienced the following issue. I'm using ffmpeg to batch resize/compress photos and videos on Windows 10. I used a version 3 and since upgraded to ver 4.4 of ffmpeg the quality of outputs dropped. ...
barteck's user avatar
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FFMPEG Motion Vector Block Format

I'm trying to extract motion vectors from h264 videos using ffmpeg and the AVSideData API. I'm a little confused about the format as there are some subtleties that aren't well documented, and I'm ...
Max Ehrlich's user avatar
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Range of "global_quality" value for h264_qsv encoder?

What is the range of the -global_quality setting for ffmpeg's h264_qsv encoder (, Windows)? Ffmpeg's documentation for the encoder (archive) states: The ...
Jason C's user avatar
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ffmpeg can't change number of B-frames

When streaming from a source I keep receiving frames following the same pattern: I-frame P-frame I-frame P-frame I-frame P-frame .... I tried many options and read as many questions here as I found, ...
user1315621's user avatar
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ffmpeg libx264 is noisy

After converting video with ffmpeg to H264, my video is noisy. ffmpeg -i -map 0:v:0 -map 0:a:0 -c:v libx264 -c:a mp2 out.mkv Normal: Noisy subtitle: Same result ...
mohsen nayyeri's user avatar
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Are HEVC and H265 same? In FFmpeg they give different results why?

Recently I re-encoded a H264 video to HEVC using FFmpeg and Intel hevc_qsv hardware acceleration and libx265. hevc_qsv results in higher sized video and libx265 results in 50% lower sized video. I ...
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ffmpeg not making the correct video size

I've been trying to join a bunch of .png files into an mp4. The .png files are all 1920x1080 but my output file is always smaller, i.e. 1920x1072. What silly mistake have I made here? ffmpeg -...
Robinson's user avatar
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ffmpeg creates large compressed files for tiny videos?

When compressing very small videos, there seems to be a large overhead in the video container itself. Here are some examples using a single-frame 16x16-pixel all-black image: ffmpeg -f lavfi -i color=...
Hugues's user avatar
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ffmpeg lags when streaming video+audio from RPi Zero W with Logitech C920

I've been trying to setup a baby monitor with a Raspberry Pi Zero and a Logitech C920 webcam. It does work with VLC (cvlc) but it lags too much and gets worse over time. So I am playing around with ...
Ema's user avatar
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Set keyframe interval in ffmpeg when using nvenc

OBS uses nvenc when encoding live streams. In the guide "NVIDIA NVENC OBS Guide", an advanced option is listed as: Keyframe Interval: Set to 2. Streaming platforms may limit what you can ...
Isabella's user avatar
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How to get no-reference video quality metrics (or numerical quality score) for 1080p, h264 video?

For the life of me, I can't find a suitable way to do this. I have 3 videos (all h264), which supposedly came encoded from the same source (they have the same content / offset by up to a second). I do ...
13steinj's user avatar
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How to convert h.264 (MP4) to Theora (FFmpeg)

How to convert h.264 to Theora using FFmpeg. I generally use all the -qscale commands etc, but the quality is hopeless anyway. The point is that the movie freezes after a few seconds and only ...
Eqsz's user avatar
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Compressing an MTS file to MP4 gives error in QuickTime

I have a long video file that I want to trim, resize, and compress with H264: ffmpeg -y -ss 1.2 -to 2:03.800 -i long.MTS -vcodec libx264 -vf scale=320:-1 -vb 500k short.mp4 The file plays in VLC and ...
emonigma's user avatar
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What is the different of h264 and libx264

I notice there is argument available for --enable-encoder=h264,libx264 suppose I am converting the video looselessly Which one default ffmpeg will use? h264 or libx264? And how about the quality ...
Med Lexo's user avatar
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ffmpeg h.264 options to pipe into VLC for MJPEG streaming

I am trying to get VLC to recognize ffmpeg libx264 h.264 output from a stdin pipe. I have a source of raw RGB24 video (currently a file, but eventually realtime from an app) that I wish to h.264 ...
McGuireV10's user avatar
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Measure / Remove H.264 Video Delay

I have an IP camera that sends an H.264 video stream that is supposed to be mixed / muxed with a separate audio stream. On direct mixing ffmpeg -i <video> -i <audio> -map 0:v -map 1:a <...
Suuuehgi's user avatar
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ffmpeg - losslessly compress upscaled video

I cannot seem to find a good answer to this. I have a video file, h264, 1280x720, 251.2 MB. However the video is upscaled, the actual quality is 1024x576. And not just the numbers are different, there ...
mikey_john's user avatar
11 votes
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ffmpeg: How do I re-encode a video to H.264 video and AAC audio?

I'm trying to re-encode a video produced with "TechSmith Screen Capture Codec" in WinUAE to use H.264 video and AAC audio, with the latest "ffmpeg" (20200510-fc99a24) 64-bit, but when I use the ...
Foebane's user avatar
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Why does QuickTime not play a video with CRF of 0, but is happy with 10?

I'm experimenting with video compression using ffmpeg (version 4.2.2), and used this command: ffmpeg -i old.mp4 -c:v libx264 -crf 0 -preset fast newCrf0.mp4 but the resulting video would not play on ...
Matt Wallis's user avatar
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Transcoding 1080p h264 to h265 w/ FFmpeg - Unexpectedly Extreme Reduction In Size

I have a collection of h264 videos from a digital camera that I'm re-encoding to h265 (HEVC). The FFmpeg options I'm using are: -c:v libx265 -preset medium -x265-params crf=20:keyint=30 -c:a copy -...
J23's user avatar
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ffmpeg encoding requested yuv420p but got yuvj420p

When I encode with ffmpeg on Ubuntu 18, the default encoder h264 (libx264) uses by default the pixel format yuvj420p. But says that ...
Camille Goudeseune's user avatar