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How do you create an ffmpeg lossless image without re-encoding?

I'm using the command below but not sure if it’s really lossless and without re-encoding? Is there specific command to create lossless image and without re-encoding? I'm new to this. ffmpeg -lavfi &...
Michael's user avatar
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What a correct playlist.m3u8 should contain, or should look like?

24/06/2024: [Presentation of the problem] I had dowloaded some videos from the Internet, few years ago. I obtained many files: a series of files in .ts a single file playlist.m3u8 In my example: A ...
dg lr's user avatar
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How to solve a final pb when merging a series of .ts file with concat command of FFmpeg?

I had dowloaded some videos from the Internet, feaw years ago… I obtained many files: a series of files in .ts In my example: a series of 306 files named from segment1_4_av.ts to segment306_4_av.ts A ...
dg lr's user avatar
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why don't work old batch ffmpeg extraestereo command in new version?

I use this batch command for years in ffmpeg, but from update to the last version don't work and don't see in documentation whats the problem. ffmpeg -i C:\Pelis\video.mkv -vcodec copy -map 0:a -map 0:...
javier vera's user avatar
1 vote
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How to use ffmpeg to convert a flac file to alac and preserving all metadatas?

I use this loop to convert flac to alac : for i in *.flac; do ffmpeg -i "$i" -y -vn -c:a alac "${i%.flac}".m4a; done But some tags are not exported. I tried to use the -...
AxZxP's user avatar
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-2 votes
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How to run an .exe file in command line without adding PATH variable in Windows? [closed]

I've recently downloaded ffmpeg and I need to run it through command line. I'm not able to do that because I don't have admin rights. How do I work around that?
Jahnavi Vempati's user avatar
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How to create1080p and 4k black png background text in center using ffmpeg?

I’m trying to create a png black background with text in center using ffmpeg I left an image example from Canva. Please someone help by giving command line/parameters example for 1080p and 4K?
Eddie Valentin's user avatar
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2 answers

FFMpeg: How to get the real return value in bash

I've always used ffmpeg via a cmd-script and I always could check the %ERRORLEVEL% which was always '0' on success or '!0' if an error occured. I'm trying to recode my cmd-scripts in bash (using msys2 ...
lhksoft's user avatar
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How to use ffmpeg speedup video specific time range in one line ffmpeg cli

I try following splited cli, they work well ffmpeg -i "$input_file" -filter_complex "[0:v]trim=start=0:end=10,setpts=PTS/10[v1];[0:a]atrim=start=0:end=10,asetpts=PTS/10[a1]" -map &...
chikadance's user avatar
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How to Batch Apply Multiple Commands? FFmpeg

I have three commands that I've got to work individually for a set of videos, but cannot get them to apply together. I need to apply all three of these things to every video. 1) add audio, 2) speed up ...
Retsied's user avatar
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How to extract the timestamp (PTS) from the specific frame?

My input is a ts file. And I'm trying to use FFmpeg to extract the timestamp (PTS) from the specific frame index. I have tried the following command ( I have replaced the [FRAME_INDEX] with 5), but it ...
Aven's user avatar
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FFMpeg removes the video stream unintentionally

I used the following ffmpeg command to downscale a video. But surprisingly the output did not have any video stream, just an audio-only output. ffmpeg -y -i "" -c:v libx264 -vf ...
CtrlAltElite's user avatar
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How does FFMpeg read from a remote s3 url

I'm intrigued how does FFMpeg read a video file from a remote url (for example, an aws s3 presigned url). Does it download the file in chunks and then process it chunk by chunk? Or does it download ...
CtrlAltElite's user avatar
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FFMpeg creates image from a timestamp but not from another timestamp

While trying to create an image from a video, the following command does not create any output and completes with the warning Command with timestamp 7 sec: ffmpeg -ss 00:00:7.0 -i "input.mp4"...
CtrlAltElite's user avatar
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FFMpeg series thumbnails created less than expected

I have the following ffmpeg command to create a 576p video, and series thumbnails at an interval of every 2 seconds. ffmpeg -hwaccel cuvid -hwaccel_output_format cuda -i input_video.mp4 \ -vf "...
CtrlAltElite's user avatar
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Ffmpeg: color related commands

I use hlae+ffmpeg for recording and for parameters of recording i set: -c:v ffv1 -pix_fmt gbrap16le -coder -2 -g 1 -threads 4 -context 1 -slices 30 -slicecrc 1 -level 3 -fps_mode passthrough -...
Skyfall's user avatar
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Send info from ffmpeg to text file & then parsing into a new file

I am trying to scan a directory of .mkv files and output the volume information to out.txt and then parse out.txt for volume_max and send it to log.txt using for %i in (*.mkv) do ffmpeg -i "%i&...
Preston's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I setup ffmpeg to continuously produce 1 second videos from piped jpgs?

I am using ffmpeg on Ubuntu 22.04 to create 1 second mp4 videos from piped jpgs. The only issue that I have is that ffmpeg stops executing after the first set of jpgs is piped in. I need ffmpeg to ...
rickyz's user avatar
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ffmpeg nvenc throws an error after I modified an x264 command

I'm trying to convert this command to work on nvenc hvec video encoder to just make it faster and utilize my 3060: ffmpeg -i video.mkv -i logo.png -filter_complex "[1]format=rgba,...
Candour's user avatar
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Going round in circles with ffmpeg concat and filter_complex

Since I've 'flipped' my classroom I'm trying to work out the ffmpeg command that will concat a set of m4a audio files with a set of matching static PNGs to create a pre-recorded talk. I have no issues ...
user1600439's user avatar
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Generate a video with an image every 5 seconds using ffmpeg

I want to create a video from command line with some images like those: -rw-r--r-- 1 dt dt 3360622 Sep 4 23:57 IMG_0670.jpg -rw-r--r-- 1 dt dt 2949398 Sep 4 23:57 IMG_0671.jpg -rw-r--r-- 1 ...
Daniele Tentoni's user avatar
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FFMpeg autorotate video and image output

I have a video which I'm trying to downscale to a video output, and also create a thumbnail image at every 2 seconds using a single FFMpeg command(hardware accelerated). Following is the command: ...
CtrlAltElite's user avatar
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FFMPEG command to create subtitles isn't using the right font

I'm trying to use python to run an ffmpeg command to add subtitles onto a video, using an srt file. I tried the following: ffmpeg -y -i output.mp4 -vf'Fontname=...
Anton Varshavsky's user avatar
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Windows: Slideshow of all pictures in a directory but with various display durations

All pictures in a folder should be displayed automatically one after the other = Slideshow. The tricky part is that most of the pictures should be displayed for 20 seconds each and a few others should ...
Theonore's user avatar
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escape single quotes in ffmpeg command

I have a folder with this exact filepath in window 10: D:\martinradio\rips\vinyl-wip\7.10.23\The Barbed Wire Choir Of Flora, Illinois Chief Ed Guyott And The Long Arm Of The Law Band – Is We Is! (The ...
Martin's user avatar
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is there a way to change dynamic the water mark text color when using ffmpeg depending on the background color when recording a video file?

This command in the command prompt window is working fine and recording the entire screen: ffmpeg -f gdigrab -framerate 24 -i desktop -preset ultrafast -pix_fmt yuv420p out.mp4 this command prompt ...
Daniel Lip's user avatar
-1 votes
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Two video overlays another with FFMPEG

I'm a new user of FFmpeg, and I want to insert a logo on two videos (one video overlay another) with one command. FFmpeg command (ok): ffmpeg -stream_loop -1 -i background.mp4 -i input.mp4 -i logo....
alexdo's user avatar
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Creating a .bat for screenshotting folders with ffmpeg

I was looking for a .bat script for ffmpeg and came across this thread on the forum here. The code in question is for %%F in (*.mp4) do ( If not Exist "%%~nF" MkDir "%%~nF" ffmpeg -...
Avery Mitchell's user avatar
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VIdeo overlays another incorrectly - background is over overlay

I'm a new user of FFmpeg, and I want to insert a logo on two videos (one video overlay another) with one command. FFmpeg command (ok): ffmpeg -stream_loop -1 -i background1080p.mp4 -i input1080p.mp4 ...
alexdo's user avatar
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What is the difference between these 2 FFMPEG commands?

I am trying to take 5 static images named (1,2,3,4 and 5.jpg) and turn them in a 25 second video with each image being 5 seconds long. ffmpeg -y -r 25 -loop 1 -t 5 -i 1.jpg -s 1080x1920 video1.mp4 ...
Andrew Hall's user avatar
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Command to get only one audio track in output specified by language code with ffmpeg

Ffmpeg Command to get video with only English audio or only one language audio I tried running ffmpeg -i input_video.ext -map 0:v -map 0:a:language=eng -c:v copy -c:a copy -map_metadata -1 -sn output....
Killerlearner's user avatar
2 votes
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Using ffmpeg to download m3u8 video in two ways resulting in two vastly different sizes; Why?

I'm trying to download a m3u8 playlist (which contains 1.ts, 2.ts,..., xxx.ts) via ffmpeg. I'm doing it in two different ways: Directly download: ffmpeg -i "https://filelocation/chunked/myfile....
zyxwl2015's user avatar
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Is the cd command temporary?

Attempting to change my working directory... In the command prompt, my input was: cd F: Command prompt returned: F:\ Then another line appeared, reverting my working directory back to: C:\Users\caden ...
cadenpolen's user avatar
-1 votes
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How can I burn in .ass file and a watermark to a video file using ffmpeg simultaneously?

I want to add subtitles and a watermark to a video using ffmpeg. For now, I'm using Handbrake to burn in the subtitles and later I execute an ffmpeg command to add a watermark from png file. The ...
Candour's user avatar
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Where does completed file go by default when merging audio and video files together using ffmpeg?

So I merged an audio and video file together earlier using ffmpeg. I Did a full search on my hardrive for outPutFile.mp4 and it was nonexistant. Now I'm running another, slightly altered command using ...
cadenpolen's user avatar
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How to get exact timecode splitting using ffmpeg commands

I have a file called ffmpeg.cmd which has inpoints and outpoints. file 'testA.webm' inpoint 00:02:11.032 outpoint 00:02:36.900 file 'testA.webm' inpoint 00:09:06.100 outpoint 00:09:43.799 If I run ...
djsumdog's user avatar
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Ffmpeg: how to get information about rawvideo encoder

For example, when i type: ffmpeg -h encoder=ffv1 I have information about supported pixel formats: Supported pixel formats: yuv420p yuva420p yuva422p yuv444p (...) and settings: ffv1 encoder ...
Skyfall's user avatar
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Inserting month in watermark is not using system locale

I need to insert the date in the video with the format %d %b %Y. My locale configuration is in spanish: ❯ locale LANG=es_ES.UTF-8 LANGUAGE=es_ES.UTF-8 LC_CTYPE="es_ES.UTF-8" LC_NUMERIC="...
Alpha75's user avatar
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Is it possible on FFMPEG to send RTSP raw frames to pipe and write video segments by time to the disk?

I'm trying to receive RTSP frames to be processed by OpenCV, via ffmpeg using python. This is ok. However I also need to write this video to disk one video each minute. This last part is the problem. ...
Roberto Alcantara's user avatar
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FFMPEG request is slow

I need to concatenate images to a video. Images contain black and white pixels, but I need to save quality of them as much as possible with saving space of disk. So, I don't need to use .mov. And ...
EoinKanro's user avatar
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FFmpeg command not producing desired video duration from image sequence

I have a set of 5 images and I want to use FFmpeg to create a video sequence from them. I am using the following command to achieve this: ffmpeg -pattern_type glob -i '*_0[0-5].png' -r 25 -t 8 -c:v ...
Dhahri Mohamed Amine's user avatar
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Setting affinity for ffmpeg on command line not working as expected

I've read lots of articles on starting an application with a specific affinity This works as expected and I see the the affinity is showing as expected: start /affinity 3 notepad However, when I try ...
Phil.G's user avatar
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Extracting Audio Snippets from mp3 file - unexpected results

I am trying to extract audio snippets using command line tools. I get consistent, unexpected results and I believe this is due to how the audio files were created/encoded. Note: I realise there are ...
user1007074's user avatar
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How to map ffmpeg multiple outputs to pipes

I'm working on a transcoder backend to a project that intends to serve static mpeg-dash manifests and files for a frontend player. And I'm trying to figure out how I can get multiple outputs into ...
Killpot's user avatar
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ffmpeg input/output error when using mac system temp file path

I've got an ffmpeg command that is supposed to output a thumbnail for a given video at a resolution of [W]x720. The input videos are uploaded and stored temporarily in the /var/folders directory on OS ...
GROVER.'s user avatar
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ffmpeg convert images in a folder with no defined start number

I'm setting up a batch file to daily convert a folder of screen captures to video. I can specify the filename of the screen caps, but I can't get it to reset each day, so say 2 might start at 03213. ...
getho's user avatar
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I get "The code execution cannot proceed because avdevice-59.dll was not found." error when I run ffmpeg on my cmd

I'm trying to add FFmpeg to PATH. I have downloaded the windows executable ffmpeg files from the official website. I have followed this article to install ffmpeg into my computer and add to path. I ...
Kamal's user avatar
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Combine 2 FFMPEG commands - 1. Create a video loop and 2. Add track to loop X times / Add track to loop duration of video loop

I have these 2 commands for FFMPEG, but can't work out how to use the output from the first command and link into the 2nd one, and use them as a single process. I have the following: Loop video for ...
James's user avatar
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Is there a way to extract subtitles from an MKV while maintaining the original format?

I am trying to extract (first, in case of many) subtitle track from mkv files (via CLI only, no GUIs) using ffmpeg or mkvextract. But there is one downside to this: I have to write the output name ...
user206904's user avatar
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Lossless extraction of audio from .webm and .mp4 files

To extract audio from a .webm file, using the ffmpeg tool: ffmpeg -i "input.webm" -acodec copy "output.opus" The command above works perfectly, however it extracts only one file at ...
Zen99's user avatar
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