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ffmpeg batch doesnt work all of a sudden

I have a batch script that has always worked, but after I formated and installed Windows 11 it doesnt work anymore, tried it on another Windows 10 machine, doesnt work there either so I must be ...
fomt's user avatar
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How to Batch Apply Multiple Commands? FFmpeg

I have three commands that I've got to work individually for a set of videos, but cannot get them to apply together. I need to apply all three of these things to every video. 1) add audio, 2) speed up ...
Retsied's user avatar
2 votes
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Using ffmpeg inside batch for-loop disables use of ANSI Escape colors

I am trying to use ESC codes to add coloring of text in a script to do batch processing of video files in a filelist. In below code line 29, the ffmpeg code, is causing the later coloring to cancel. ...
Fjorstut's user avatar
-1 votes
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Trying to generate a listfile for ffmpeg concatenation via drag and drop onto a batch file

Yeah so pretty simple question really, theres only 3 steps to the process: 1. Get alphanumeric listing by dragging and dropping files. 2. Edit the file list to match the following syntax/layout: file '...
imkira3's user avatar
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ffmpeg batch file escaping characters

I am trying to run this batch file: call ffmpeg -i E:/movies/Budapest.webm -vf fps=25 E:/OneDrive/PROC/ProcEnvSources/SOURCE_39/Budapest4k.^%%d.png when launching, the command seems to be correct as ...
gmauro's user avatar
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Creating a .bat for screenshotting folders with ffmpeg

I was looking for a .bat script for ffmpeg and came across this thread on the forum here. The code in question is for %%F in (*.mp4) do ( If not Exist "%%~nF" MkDir "%%~nF" ffmpeg -...
Avery Mitchell's user avatar
1 vote
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run ffmpeg on a folder and all if it's subfolders, converting only certain video types

How to use ffmpeg to convert the entire content of a folder with all of it's subfolders, but only targeting videos with the formats .mpg, .avi and .vob. Moreover, I want the output folders to be the ...
Tomer Shenkar's user avatar
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ffmpeg convert images in a folder with no defined start number

I'm setting up a batch file to daily convert a folder of screen captures to video. I can specify the filename of the screen caps, but I can't get it to reset each day, so say 2 might start at 03213. ...
getho's user avatar
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How to reference a folder in the previous directory in a batch file?

I have the following script for converting videos with FFmpeg: for %%a in ("*.mp4*") do ffmpeg -i "%%a" -y -c:v prores_ks -profile:v proxy -pix_fmt yuv422p10le -vendor ap10 -...
Tyrone Hirt's user avatar
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Open .mp4 files in Adobe Media Encoder through a batch file

I would like to create a .bat or PowerShell script that loads all the .mp4 files from the folder where the script is in Adobe Media Encoder, the aim is to facilitate the day-to-day workflow. I built ...
Tyrone Hirt's user avatar
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Mux multiple mp4-m4a files without ask to overwrite

I try to mux multiple mp4 files (without audio) with m4a files located in same folder Generic command is for %%a in ("*.mp4") do ffmpeg -i "%%~na.mp4" -i "%%~na.m4a" -c ...
Jack Rock's user avatar
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FFMPEG: Sony IPCM 24bit four channel Audio and Final Cut Pro x from Sony A7S III or FX3

I just got a new camera that uses IPCM Files for four channel audio 24 bit tracks in the video. Is there a way to BATCH-rewrap those files so that they are readable in Final cut for example. There has ...
user avatar
2 votes
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Need a way to batch extract screen captures from a folder using ffmpeg

I have about 300 lectures in a folder, the last frame from each video is important I can use ffmpeg -sseof -3 -i input -update 1 -q:v 1 last.jpg to take a single file's last frame and save it to a ...
Akash's user avatar
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ffmpeg insert video on top of other video

I am trying to add video on top of another video but don't know how. I am noob in ffmpeg can any one help. Code I have tried: ffmpeg -i C:\Users\harin\Desktop\test\c\10sec.mp4 -i C:\Users\harin\...
Harinder's user avatar
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Generating output file in folder without using copy command

I created a batch file that will read an audio in a folder, normalize the LUFS of the audio and generate the output audio in the same folder with the modified name, keeping the original file. The ...
Clamarc's user avatar
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combine two ffmpeg -vf filters into one in Windows batch file

I have two video filters that work as long as I use them in separate batch files and I can't find a way to combine them. The first filter resizes JPG images and then creates a slideshow of them incl. ...
Sonic's user avatar
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create slideshow video using ffmpeg and batch file (Windows) and have all images resized to 1080 height and crossfaded

I'm trying to create a 1920x1080 slideshow from images in a folder using a batch file and ffmpeg. The batch file references a txt file containing the list of files to be concatenated. The images have ...
Sonic's user avatar
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can ffmpeg video bit rate option use a multiplier from a txt file as an argument?

I have a plain txt file containing a single number (either 1 or 2) and I wanna create a batch file that takes that number as a multiplier in -b:v 3000k so that the batch file will create a video with ...
Sonic's user avatar
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Check whether output is smaller than input? (ffmpeg conversion with batch)

I've made a batch file that's able to compress many png files (with ffmpeg) as well as remove any unneeded metadata (using exiftool). @echo off title Compress png to png color 08 FOR %%a IN (*.png) ...
goldnick7's user avatar
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How to use FFplay Hstack with sound & subtitles on both Video's

Using a Batch file that plays 2 videos with Hstack using FFplay - I want to have subtitles on each video and have sound on 1 or the other or both simultaneous I have 2 way using FFplay as shown today. ...
Tinhorn's user avatar
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how to batch-mux many audio and video files with ffmpeg if batch file is triggered via context menu (Windows)?

I'm using the following command in a batch file that I double-click in the folder containing the resp. webm video and m4a audio files: for %%a in ("*.webm") do "C:\AVConvert\ffmpeg.exe&...
Sonic's user avatar
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Is there a possibility for a batch conversion of video files (different formats) and delete metadata with ffmpeg?

I have a lot of video files of my family. I'am on Windows and the video formats are different: Video files: DVD directories contain: Files in DVD directories were recorded with a DVD recorder and ...
Su-47's user avatar
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ffmpeg hls segment name outputting full file path for %03d

i am trying to create a batch video converter for windows to convert some of my mkv media to hls the issue i am having is when i try and get segments name index001.ts / index002.ts it does not work ...
user72261's user avatar
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How to not execute the batch command %0 when using ffmpeg? [duplicate]

ffmpeg -i %inputname%.%inputextension% -vf fps=1/60 %pat%\img_%04d.png echo done, check the new folder for the result When I type this out it results with the batch file's path imbedded into the path ...
H4rl's user avatar
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There is a difference while debayer an image with cmd ffmpeg

I have such a bayer image I need to get two output files Directly debayer this image and save it as .bmp Debayer the ...
Sirop4ik's user avatar
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Unable to call ffmpeg in a batch file

I reencode a lot of video files with ffmpeg using the following command at the prompt: for %F in ("..\*.*") DO ffmpeg -n -i "%F" -c:v libx265 -c:a copy "%~nF.mkv" I ...
jbbarnes77's user avatar
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Cut off start and end of mp3 file with ffmpeg - without having to specify file duration? Windows batch

I have hundreds of mp3 files, all random lengths. I want to cut 10 seconds off the beginning and 10 seconds off the end of each file - without having to tell ffmpeg the duration of each file. Here's ...
bat_cmd's user avatar
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ffmpeg - Strip specific audio track from multiple files with batch script

I am trying to create a batch script that will strip a specific audio track from multiple video files using "ffmpeg". The audio track has the same ID on all files. after performing "...
agon024's user avatar
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Why is the Batch script I created to convert MP4 files to GIF files with FFmpeg not working?

This is what I have so far. It runs, but throws an error. I have come up with the following below. for %%a in ("*.mp4") do ffmpeg -i "%%a" -t 3 -vf "fps=10, scale=320, flags=...
Christopher Shaw's user avatar
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How to set batch file output to be the same as the bat file directory

I've created a .bat file that I can use to drag and drop an mp4 video file onto it to convert reddit videos format to a format supported by whatsapp. All this using ffmpeg Here's the code of the .bat ...
Francisco Laferrière's user avatar
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How to remove audio from every .mp4 in a directory using Win-10 Pro cmd.exe?

I have not been able to find an answer to this 'specific question' as it relates to Win-10 Pro. Some responses seem to address the 'general' question, however they almost always state/post they are ...
LOSS PREVENTION's user avatar
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How to change output names when batch converting with ffmpeg to the same directory?

I have a bunch of mkv files that I'm trying to convert their audio while copying the video with this command: for %i in (*.mkv) do ffmpeg -i "%i" -c:a aac -ar 44100 -b:a 128k -c:v copy "...
BelowAverageUser's user avatar
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Batch script to read from text file and create incrementing number for filenames

I'm making a batch script where I download videos using ffmpeg. First it needs to read download codes from a text file (codes.txt) Then it checks the current directory if the same file exists, if it ...
rubyjane1313's user avatar
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How to use a batch file on the context menu and 'pass on' the rightclicked file?

The case: There's a program called gMKVExtractGUI which demuxes MKV videofiles. You can rightclick any MKV, and the program opens that video. It can then extract the subtitles. It doesn't work on MP4 ...
Sara Phina's user avatar
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Batch Convert mkv to mp4 using ffmpeg -i File1.mkv -map 0 -map -0:s -c copy File1.mp4

I want to batch convert all .mkv files in a folder to .mp4 format using this command: ffmpeg -i File1.mkv -map 0 -map -0:s -c copy File1.mp4 But the problem is I have to do it manually for every ...
V. Moe's user avatar
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horizontal flipping an entire directory with ffmpeg win7

I was wondering if there is a batch processing script to horizontally flip an entire folder. I have been using "ffmpeg -i inputfile.mp4 -vf hflip -c:a outputfile.mp4" but it eats up so much ...
Bill's user avatar
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Batch encoding MXF to Prores using wildcards on Windows 10

I have created a script to encode an .mxf file with two separate audio files into a Prores with two ember ed audio tracks, and it works fine. However, I would like to be able to batch encode using ...
goorawin's user avatar
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Using ffmpeg to apply mpdecimate and recreating the folder structure with fixed files to another partition

I have 4.390 video files across 638 folders/subfolders. These files have problems with the framerate and I was able to fix using the command ffmpeg -i in.mkv -vf mpdecimate out.mkv How can I use a ...
luiza's user avatar
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ffmpeg - Variable CRF based on Bitare

I use ffmpeg to encode some videos I downloaded from various streaming sites to HEVC. In windows I use a batch file to convert all these files in a directory. ffmpeg -n -i input.mp4 -c:v libx265 -crf ...
Metallizer's user avatar
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Windows: Batch Recurse Directories for Media File Durations Using FFmpeg

I have various kinds of media files (e.g., .wav, .mp4) in various folders. I would like to use a batch file to produce a listing of their durations, like this: D:\Some Folder 1\Movie File.mp4 | 2:15:...
Ray Woodcock's user avatar
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Extract Artworks from folder of Songs

Is there a way to take a folder of music files, for example in m4a format, and extract all artworks into separatejpg files automatically? Say there are 144 songs, so without having to do it manually ...
Roman Stadler's user avatar
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.mp3 works .aac does not for merging picture + audio in batch

This works when its .mp3 however it doesnt work if the audio file type is aac, what am I doing incorrectly? echo off for %%a in ("*.aac") do ( ffmpeg -i "%%a" -an -vcodec copy &...
Orophix's user avatar
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How to use ffmpeg to programatically remove video streams?

So, I'm trying to refactor some old code that should remove video streams, compress the audio stream and repack the mp4, which should be a video file with only an audio stream. I later intend to ...
Fabio Freitas's user avatar
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batch convert DTS to Ac3

I'm looking for a way to run a script file in folder that contains mkv files and copy the video and subtitles and everything else as it is except the audio, convert it to AC3, and saving the new files ...
Mesh's user avatar
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Add a variable to a batch process

I'm using ffmpeg to rip some video files. I am looking to rip each video to a size of about 500 MB. To achieve this, I need the option to enter the video bitrate I choose for each individual file. ...
olpdog's user avatar
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2-pass batch video encoding using ffmpeg and/or python

I have a large set of video files I would like to encode to smaller files on a Windows machine. I want to use a 4K constant video bitrate and copy the audio. I've settled on using 2-pass FFmpeg to ...
olpdog's user avatar
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How to call a ffmpeg command only for the last file of a folder?

Here is my command, it's to cut he last 20 seconds of a video. ffmpeg -y -sseof -20 -i record.mp4 -vcodec libx264 -crf 27 -preset veryfast output.mp4 It works perfectly, but I would like to have to ...
user7248731's user avatar
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Create a batch file to join two files with *similar names* and same extensions [Windows]

I'm currently attempting to take files: example.mkv // This is the source with audio/subs example-Encoded.mkv // This is video only/encoded source And set up a script. I have made a ...
Jessie Wilson's user avatar
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How to convert this ffmpeg command to a batch command

I am trying to copy metadata for encoded mp4 files from the source file and I have found this command that does exactly this. ffmpeg -i -i encoded.mp4 -map 1 -map_metadata 0 -c copy ...
PixelCruncher's user avatar
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I've got a batch file that works great on my Windows PC but won't work at all on my Windows server

I've written a batch file that uses ffmpeg to compress 1080p videos from my camera to 720p videos (using 2 passes) for my website. It works great on my Windows PC at home but when I attempt to use it ...
olpdog's user avatar
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