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How do you create an ffmpeg lossless image without re-encoding?

I'm using the command below but not sure if it’s really lossless and without re-encoding? Is there specific command to create lossless image and without re-encoding? I'm new to this. ffmpeg -lavfi &...
Michael's user avatar
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Why does crossfading audio files in ffmpeg produce just the last input?

I have two input files (track1.m3 and track2.opus) from which I want to extract four clips and crossfade them in sequence. I arrived at this command based on an answer from Gyan on Stack Overflow: ...
Aankhen's user avatar
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Ffmpeg webm YouTube settings command

Is there a .webm still image command in ffmpeg that is best compatible with YouTube I’m currently using: ffmpeg -loop 1 -framerate 2 -i input.png -i audio.m4a -c:v libx264 -preset medium -tune ...
Michael's user avatar
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ffmpeg command to combine mp3 file and embedded album art image file metadata into a video

my below ffmpeg command works for combining 1 audio file with 1 image file into a video. ffmpeg -loop 1 -framerate 2 -i "C:\Users\marti\Videos\ig_sf_6.5.24_highlights\apple image.jpg" -i ...
Martin's user avatar
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why don't work old batch ffmpeg extraestereo command in new version?

I use this batch command for years in ffmpeg, but from update to the last version don't work and don't see in documentation whats the problem. ffmpeg -i C:\Pelis\video.mkv -vcodec copy -map 0:a -map 0:...
javier vera's user avatar
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MKV Audio track stop playing

I have a show with two sources, Blu-Ray and DVD. Blu-Ray doesn't contain the correct audio language but DVD does. I want to add the DVD audio track to the Blu-Ray. So I have decided to rip them. Using ...
Meslam's user avatar
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Automatically synchronize two audio streams with ffmpeg

Say I have a video of a talk but the soundtrack is bad, and I happen to have an audio recording of the same talk made with a good mike. Is there a way, with ffmpeg, to replace the bad audio with the ...
Sulli's user avatar
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Ffmpeg - Generate loudnorm conversion log file

I have a bat file that reads several audio files in the "µudios LUFS" folder and performs LUFS normalization by copying the files to the "Normalized µudios Lufs" folder. I'm trying ...
Clamarc's user avatar
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ffmpeg creates out-of-sync and glitchy audio when using concatenate filter to cut segments of video

I have created an artificial test case where I want to have red + middle C, green + middle D, and blue + middle E each for 2.5 seconds, cut down to each for 1.5 seconds. This is a simplification of ...
grendell's user avatar
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How to fix MP4 file whose recording was terminated by TERM signal?

I want to be able to listen to the content already recorded. The file contains Opus stream in MP4 container and it is recorded from Internet using ffmpeg (4.4.2). $ ffprobe -hide_banner file.m4a [mov,...
jarno's user avatar
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Error initializing filters when trying to use arnndn

I’m trying to do noise reduction on an audio clip using the arnndn filter from ffmpeg: ffmpeg -i audio.aac -af 'arnndn=m=mp.rnnn' audio_out.aac but I keep getting the error [AVFilterGraph @ ...
Sulli's user avatar
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How to stream integrated camera to Facebook using FFMpeg

I'm currently using this command to stream to Facebook: ffmpeg -f dshow -i video="HD User Facing":audio="Varios micrófonos (Realtek(R) Audio)" -c:v h264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -r 30 -g ...
Cesar LI's user avatar
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Separating audio m4b file based on a cue file

Separating audio m4b file based on a cue file How can I split an audio m4b into separate files using a cue file? Note: The m4b file has no chapters that's why I need to use the cue file to split it. I ...
Rick T's user avatar
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How to achieve the same performance of Geforce Experience using FFMpeg screen capture

I have a NVidia card and currently use Geforce Experience to do screen capturing. GE performance is really excellent and even if I record a video in 4K, 60 FPS, and high bit rate, I don't experience ...
Celdor's user avatar
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ffmpeg audio amerge with volume level adjustment and sidechain processing stopped working

I'm trying to merge my stereo background music with a mono voiceover audio with volume adjustment and sidechain processing to duck the music when voiceover is playing. This command used to work fine ...
kaushal's user avatar
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How can I detect which channels contain compressed audio in a video file by using command line tools?

I have an MXF file that contains 16 audio tracks. I know the first two tracks (stereo) contain Dolby E compressed video. Using MediaInfo (gui) it lists 16 audio streams with a mix of Dolby E and PCM ...
kfank's user avatar
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Want to understand encoding with Opus for maximum audio quality in FFmpeg. Bitrate stuck at 96kbps?

I'm sort of new to FFmpeg, but I got much of the basics down. I am trying to understand how to encode audio with Opus. My knowledge is a bit weak when it comes to audio, bitrates, sample rate and Hz. ...
peppy's user avatar
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How to repair damaged AAC file without re-encoding using FFmpeg or other tools?

I have a 256Kbps AAC file that has a corrupted segment lasting less ~1/20th of a second. I'm seeking to "repair" the damaged portion without re-encoding - or, at least via a minimally ...
U2Joshua's user avatar
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How can I detect which audio channels in a video file are silent using FFMPEG?

I need to be able to scan video files and report which audio tracks/channels are silent without knowing anything about the file's audio mapping ahead of time. I have tried this ffmpeg (v4.1) command ...
kfank's user avatar
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Yet another ffmpeg concat audio sync issue [closed]

I've read through dozens of posts, tried many suggestions, nothing seems to work for me. The funny part is that the video is fine in some players (e.g. Quicktime) but not the others (e.g. Chrome). ...
Demiurg's user avatar
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REPLAYGAIN value being ignored on some MP3's - FFmpeg Transcoder cs - process Error Data Received:454

I am having an issue per below. I use Windows, and just installed ffmpeg-2024-03-07-git-97beb63a66-full_build, which did not correct it. I have added Track ReplayGain to my music library using Foobar. ...
Mike Gravitt's user avatar
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Converting audio tracks only in mkv files to AC3

I have an LG CX TV. The internal video player does not recognise DTS audio format. I'd like to be able to play MKV files (which might have DTS audio tracks) from an external USB device. I was looking ...
Alastair's user avatar
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Weird ffmpeg behavior - "-shortest" flag ends the audio too early

I'm trying to generate some video files using ffmpeg, but when I use the -shortest flag, I get a file whose audio stream is several seconds shorter than its video stream. I tried several ...
asaelr's user avatar
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How to mute audio by looping the last second of every x seconds in the video?

UPDATE: Баяр Гончикжапов and inspired by this post, tried: ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -af "volume=volume=0:enable ='gte(mod(t\,20)\,15)'" -c:v copy -c:a aac -b:a 192K output.mp4 Post solved, thank ...
Scenario's user avatar
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FFMPEG - How to Merge Three Files - Only Middle One Has Audio

I have three videos that I want to merge into single one. Intro video (mp4) - 3 seconds - No Audio Main video (mp4) - 1 minute - With Audio End video (mp4) - 3 seconds - No Audio When I use ffmpeg, ...
DigitalNomad's user avatar
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Adjusting volume levels with ffmpeg afade

I am having some trouble with the following ffmpeg command string: ffmpeg -i 20s.wav -af "afade=t=out:st=2:d=1:silence=0.07, afade=t=in:st=5:d=1" out.wav What I expect from this: At 2 ...
Albert Elmore's user avatar
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How to detect and reduce a WAV file’s sample rate to its real sample rate?

I'm not sure if my question makes sense, but here it is the problem I have. I have a bunch of wave (WAV) files that I believe were converted from MP3 or some other format that I have no information ...
user17952421's user avatar
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How to automatically convert zoompan filter's private fps to input video's fps?

I have a 24 fps video, I'm trying to use the zoompan filter in my video and I'm having trouble setting the filter's private fps. If you set the fps in the zoompan filter to fps=30, the video and audio ...
Hiddos's user avatar
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Complex ffmpeg multi-encode/streamcopy/muxing scenario: is this actually doable?

I'm trying to do multiple muxing/re-encode/copy operations on an input video with ffmpeg and have run into roadblocks with the methods I've tried; before I continue testing, I want to confirm whether ...
rudds's user avatar
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How to encode FLAC and DTS audio formats to AAC most efficiently?

I have been encoding audio for my own personal media library from various formats into AAC available for direct play on my Plex Server. I have been using the following command with ffmpeg: ffmpeg -i &...
bigboss's user avatar
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How to change the sample rate of audio for all video files in a directory?

I performed screen records using wf-recorder and I realized that it was hardcoded to encode at 44.1 kHz, but Pipewire defaults to 48 kHz. So it turned out the audio would be perfectly in sync if I ...
Blacklight MG's user avatar
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Using ffprobe to get count of audio streams in mp4 file

I am looking for a way to get a count of the number of audio streams in mp4 files. Among some big long threads (mostly pre-2019 dated) on using ffprobe for this I found the following command: ffprobe ...
Alan MusicMan's user avatar
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Analyze AVI for audio with ffmpeg

I'm new to using ffmpeg. I have some AVI files that I believe should have audio, but I cannot get the audio to play with VLC. I tried using ffmpeg to analyze the AVI files for audio. import ...
Life is complex's user avatar
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FFmpeg: Adding a new audio into video and adjust volume of both audio

I'm trying to add a new audio file to the existing audio track in my video. 1. If the video is longer, I want the newly added audio to repeat throughout the entire video, but if the video is shorter ...
Scenario's user avatar
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How to convert multiple .VTT segments to one single .VTT file or subtitle file?

I have a list of .VTT segments from a bunch of URLs for a stream looking like these (the total amount of segments is much higher):
bigboss's user avatar
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MPEGTS across devices has choppy audio

I want to stream video and its audio between devices. On my pc I am transmitting it using ffmpeg -re -i "video.mp4" -vcodec libx264 -f mpegts udp:// And on ...
Juli's user avatar
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FFmpeg - Using Firequalizer filter based on duration

I try to use Firequalizer filter as audio equalizer in my video. I want the filter to be applied on the first 30 seconds of each minute in the video and disabled for the next 30 seconds. It will have ...
Scenario's user avatar
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ffplay file.wav 18 audio channels

On Linux I have an 18 channel wav file that I can play with aplay or play(sox) without problems. The 18 channels are played well. If I want to play it with ffplay I get this: libavutil 56. 51....
Dominique Blanchemain's user avatar
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How to know my audio codec will support the output container in. Fluent-ffmpeg [closed]

I am building a YouTube downloader. As YouTube doesn’t store high quality video with audio and store them separately so I have to merge them on server. For merging I am using a Node.js server with ...
Rakesh's user avatar
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What is the typical workflow for running "multiple" FFmpeg commands? [closed]

For example, I have listed these out as possible commands so far: # ogg to mp3 ffmpeg -i audio.ogg -acodec libmp3lame audio.mp3 # add audio to video: ffmpeg -i audio.mp3 -i video.mp4 video_audio_mix....
Lance's user avatar
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Concatenated mp3 stop playing at 15s on some players (e.g. iTunes)

I have mp3 file and I can not figure out why it stops playing at 15s even thought it is 12 minutes long. ffprobe returns: Duration: 00:12:02.30, start: 0.023021, bitrate: 131 kb/s I figured that ...
knagode's user avatar
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ffmpeg convert dvd vob to mp4 sometimes no audio

Using this cmd (from here : to convert dvd vob files to mp4. (adjusting file names as needed) ffmpeg -i "concat:VTS_01_1.VOB|VTS_01_2....
Gert Gottschalk's user avatar
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ffmpeg - converting one audio track of a multi-track mp4

I'm having a few mp4 with two audio tracks, an english one in aac and a french one in dts. Now I want to convert only the french dts to eac3 with a single ffmpeg command. I use ffmpeg -hide_banner -i ...
Shaun.M's user avatar
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Convert mp3 with cue file to m4b with chapters

I have an mp3 and a cue file (with chapters) of a CD that I ripped. I want to turn this into an m4a or m4b that I can play as an audiobook and maintain the chapters, bitrate and stay stereo. I want to ...
DratAudio's user avatar
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How can i add audio at specific Frame in FFmpeg?

I have audio that i am adding (without Re-encode) in mute video file, in starting i have intro which has no sound and i want to add audio file after that time/frame , after searching so hard i only ...
Mickey S's user avatar
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Why does ffmpeg alter timestamps when "-codec copy" is given, and how to prevent this?

I am currently trying to remove certain audio tracks from a bunch of m2ts files (mainly to save space), using ffmpeg. In doing so, I would like the removal of those tracks to be the only action that ...
Binarus's user avatar
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FFMpeg removes the video stream unintentionally

I used the following ffmpeg command to downscale a video. But surprisingly the output did not have any video stream, just an audio-only output. ffmpeg -y -i "" -c:v libx264 -vf ...
CtrlAltElite's user avatar
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ffmpeg - Jitter when streaming audio over RTP

So as a disclaimer, i'm trying to do something with ffmpeg that may be at the limit of what can be achieved. However, even though it's not possible, i would like to understand why. What I want to do ...
Nicolas Floquet's user avatar
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Why the playlist chunk duration is different?

I have this m3u8 playlist from Twitter/x which has this chunk: #EXTINF:2.923, chunk_1701372432609842942_707_a.aac #EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME:2023-11-30T19:27:21.236Z As you can see the duration of this ...
Rux's user avatar
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Combine images and draw text on each image with animation xfade

I am using ffmpeg to merge multiple images and an audio to produce a video. I am using drawtext and xfade with dissolve transition. My ffmpeg command is given below. ffmpeg -loop 1 -t 5 -i ./img/img0....
Imran Khan's user avatar

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