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Questions tagged [fedora]

Fedora is a Linux-based free operating system sponsored by Red Hat.

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153 votes
3 answers

What does /dev/sda in Linux mean?

What does /dev/sda stand for? What does it mean? I have both Fedora and Ubuntu installed and if I explore them using Ext2explore from Windows, I see these names: /dev/sda6 /dev/sda9 Please ...
saplingPro's user avatar
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71 votes
7 answers

Trying to unzip a file, 'Filename not matched' when the directory exists

While trying to unzip a file named to the directory named joomla I get filename not matched. Why is that? # unzip -Z /opt/...
Suhail Gupta's user avatar
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70 votes
12 answers

How to increase the visualized screen resolution on QEMU / KVM?

I have a 64 bit Ubuntu 9.10 workstation with two virtualized guest OSes using KVM/QEMU. Also both 64-bit. One is Fedora 12 the other is beta of Ubuntu 10.04. The problem is that I would like to use ...
Jim Reineri's user avatar
64 votes
7 answers

How to mount an LVM volume?

I'm trying to mount an LVM2 volume in Linux, but all the instructions I see online say to mount the Volume Group, such as: mkdir -p /mnt/VolGroup00/LogVol00 but I don't know how to figure out the ...
99miles's user avatar
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54 votes
7 answers

/usr/local or /opt?

How do you generally proceed for your package installations on Linux, for packages that are not part of your distrib's repos? On my side I am used to install in /opt. But since, I saw this doc on the ...
user avatar
52 votes
9 answers

Can I save these documents on a dying machine from oblivion?

First, a confession: no, I didn't do the backups I should have. Second, the situation: I have a Dell XPS 9550 with a solid state disk running Fedora 25. I was working on a file and tried to save ...
Josh Hansen's user avatar
50 votes
17 answers

How can I install Linux and Windows 7 to run side by side, not requiring reboot?

I would like the highest performance in both OSes and the ability to switch between them without a reboot. I have plenty of memory (32 GB) and disk space. The two easy options are: Dual boot - This ...
PowerDeveloper's user avatar
49 votes
5 answers

Making a bootable OSX USB from dmg on Linux

I have 2 machines - a MacBook Pro and a desktop running Fedora, I have a USB drive and a OSX 10.8 dmg. The MacBook won't boot into OSX unfortunately, I'm trying to make a bootable mac usb to recover ...
Zen Savona's user avatar
47 votes
2 answers

Make Gnome screen lock after 1 hour, not 15 minutes?

I am using Fedora 20 with Gnome. The screen Power Savings blanks the screen after 15 minutes and then the screen gets automatically locked. I'd like to have the screen blanked and locked after an hour,...
vy32's user avatar
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47 votes
9 answers

How do I keep my bash history across sessions?

I am working on a x86 target running fedora 9. Whenever I reboot it, my history returns to some state, and I do not have commands I did in the sessions before the reboot. What I have to change to ...
BЈовић's user avatar
41 votes
4 answers

How can I check which ports are busy and which ports are free on my Linux machine?

Is there any command line command or any other way to find and list out the busy and free port numbers on my Linux machine?
Jeegar Patel's user avatar
40 votes
3 answers

What is the point of system-autodeath?

In a previous question I found a "system autodeath cron job" which would shut down my default network route daily. As I have never heard of such a thing before, I would like to know what it exactly ...
bobby's user avatar
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37 votes
3 answers

How to open a particular file from a terminal?

How do I open a file from a terminal? When I try to open a simple .txt file: open _b2rR6eU9jJ.txt I get this message: Couldn't get a file descriptor referring to the console Have I used the wrong ...
Suhail Gupta's user avatar
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35 votes
4 answers

Command to find out if my RAM is either DDR2 or DDR3

I'm using Fedora 14 on a HP Netbook 210 Mini. My netbook had 1 GB of DDR3 memory. That wasn't enough so I decided to replace the 1 GB with a 2GB or DDR3. What command can I issue to be sure that I am ...
ant2009's user avatar
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35 votes
2 answers

WiFi authentication times out

Since today I have this very annoying issue that the WiFi on my HP ProBook is not authenticating anymore. I haven't changed any settings and my mobile phone connects to the WiFi fine. Also trying ...
Bart Friederichs's user avatar
34 votes
9 answers

CIFS share mount errors

I'm trying to mount a network share from a Linksys NAS200 to Fedora 16. The program I am trying to run won't accept network addresses to save to. I ran it without specifying the IP address of the ...
Kendall's user avatar
  • 483
28 votes
4 answers

RPM build error: empty %files file debugfiles.list

Problem and environment Korora 23 (Fedora 23)rpmbuild --version RPM version 4.13.0-rc1 I am trying to make a local package of freefilesync for myself. The site offers an openSUSE version which I'm ...
bgStack15's user avatar
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27 votes
2 answers

SSH DSA keys no longer work for password-less authentication

After upgrading to Fedora 23, passwordless (public-key-based) authentication no longer works in SSH: when trying to SSH to some host, it prompts for my password at the remote host. I can't get it to ...
D.W.'s user avatar
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26 votes
4 answers

No more space in root filesystem, how could I increase the size?

This is my filesystem : $ df -h -x tmpfs -x devtmpfs Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/mapper/fedora-root 9.8G 7.6G 1.7G 83% / /dev/mapper/fedora-home 50G 27G ...
Dimitri Danilov's user avatar
25 votes
3 answers

Run pip for python3 on Fedora

I can't run pip for python3 (3.4) on Fedora 22. Pip for python2.7 is installed on system by default and works fine. I install package python3-pip but can't run it. pip3, pip-3.4, python3-pip, python3 ...
Denis Savenko's user avatar
25 votes
4 answers

How to close or (unbind?) a port left open by a rogue application?

I am using Fedora 13 64bit. My eclipse program starts a server on port 9050 but I shutdown the program, eclipse fails to properly shutdown the server. Restarting eclipse has no effect. How can I ...
Mark's user avatar
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25 votes
6 answers

I tell fsck to fix USB stick, it says "Leaving file system unchanged."

So I run fsck, and it reports FATs differ but appear to be intact. Use which FAT ? 1) Use first FAT 2) Use second FAT Choosing either one gives a long list of errors like Cluster 1471730 out of ...
Scott C Wilson's user avatar
25 votes
2 answers

Reconstructing Windows EFI files in /boot partition (Linux+Windows dual boot)

I'm dual booting Windows 10 (pre-Anniversary Update) and Fedora 24 on a Lenovo IdeaPad N580 (Intel Pentium B960 2.2GHz, 4GB RAM, UEFI with Secure Boot disabled). I originally had just Windows 10 and ...
TheInitializer's user avatar
25 votes
2 answers

How to start a systemd service after user login and stop it before user logout

I have a Fedora 23 Machine. I have a directory/file synchronizing bash script that synchronizes my local /home directory to a remote directory (in a NAS machine). I run it manually but I would like ...
GeorgeKaf's user avatar
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24 votes
1 answer

How to install vim with clipboard support on Fedora?

I'm using Fedora Linux and don't have the ability to copy text from vim into the system clipboard (which I should be able to do by using the + or * register, though I'm not sure which). If I type this ...
Nathan Long's user avatar
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21 votes
2 answers

Route only specific traffic through VPN

I've looked up previous people asking similar questions, but have yet to get a straight answer that will work for my given situation, so here goes.. I'm running on Linux (Fedora 22) and have a VPN ...
Josh Raymond's user avatar
18 votes
1 answer

How can I change the number of kernels retained when updating in Fedora?

When running 'dnf update' the system will only keep 3 of the previous kernel versions installed. Once I attempt to install the 4th update then dnf wants to remove the oldest installed kernel. How can ...
Jeff's user avatar
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17 votes
7 answers

Logging lock-screen events

Problem See the exact date & time a user locks and unlocks his work station - running Fedora 18. Question Is there any way to log an event of a user entering and exiting "lock-screen" on fedora ...
tutuDajuju's user avatar
17 votes
2 answers

How to use a second computer as an additional monitor (Linux Fedora 24)?

My Objective I would like to use my laptop, which is running Fedora 24, as a second monitor for desktop computer, which is also running Fedora 24. What I have tried and what doesn't quite cut it or:...
FabulousGlobe's user avatar
16 votes
4 answers

permission denied on authorized_key file

On fedora 16 I copied my public key to /home/user/.ssh/authorized_keys file user comes from ldap. But could not authenticate over ssh without password for this user. It works for root. strace on ...
trax's user avatar
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16 votes
5 answers

How would I reinstall the grub-efi bootloader on Fedora Linux?

I recently installed Fedora 18 using EFI boot. Like the other current linux distributions, it sets up GRUB2 for me. I have experience with re-installing the BIOS version of GRUB when things go wrong....
sourcejedi's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

How to open .rar file in fedora 23

I am using fedora 23 64 bit. I have downloaded some .rar files. After googling I have found solutions suggesting that using unrar they can be opened. But I am unable to install unrar. I have tried ...
Black Swan's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

How to remove all packages with DNF on which no other package depends on

My Problem I wanted to build a piece of software by hand. So I installed all of its dependencies using dnf install <a> <b> <c>. Then I didn't need that piece of software any more, ...
Franz-Josef Christbaumer's user avatar
15 votes
3 answers

renaming network interface with systemd

I want to rename on Fedora 22 a network interface managed by systemd-networkd (version 219) from the system-assigned name enp2s0 into wan. For that I created the following file /etc/systemd/network/80-...
Igor Bukanov's user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

Which files do I need to backup to keep my Linux user settings?

I need to accomplish a clean install after a bad graphics driver issue. Which are the files I must backup to keep all users settings in Linux? My distro is fuduntu.
Yurij73's user avatar
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14 votes
6 answers

RHEL6 - disable the tiered-progress bar during boot

How do you get RHEL6 to display the "traditional" display of startup information instead of the tiered/stacked progress bar? The standard info dump is displayed during shutdown.
warren's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

How to sort folders first in open dialog window (gtk 3.14 file chooser)

I just upgraded from fedora20 to fedora21 and now the gtk file picker sorts files and folders together. I much prefer the usual and previous behaviour of displaying folders first (and I enabled that ...
Emmanuel Touzery's user avatar
14 votes
4 answers

How to install regexp enabled 'rename' on fedora?

I have a batch rename task and I find the 'rename' command in Ubuntu and Fedora is different. In Ubuntu, rename is written in Perl and has regexp support. Is there anyway to install it on Fedora?
Ning Sun's user avatar
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14 votes
3 answers

Can't mount Linux usb disk. It just create /dev/sg device but no /dev/sd

I have a Corsair R60 ssd disk which is a disk with both sata and usb connectors. But the usb thing seems to be a bit non-standard, or maybe its just my fedora linux. When I insert the disk using a ...
MTilsted's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

Disable screensaver / screen blank via command line?

I am attempting to disable screensaver, screen blank and screen lock via the command line. This is because the settings will be applied in an unattended install. From my own research this appears to ...
dooffas's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

How do I downgrade packages easily with Yum?

Apparently, Fedora's yum has the ability to downgrade. I find this useful because abhorrently they feel they need to break NetworkManager on a stable upgrade. In multiple ways. How do I downgrade ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

Connecting to FTP via the Linux command line

I need to upload files via FTP from the command line. I have this information: a URL, a username, a password, a port, and the fact that I am supposed to use passive mode. How do I upload a file given ...
skline's user avatar
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13 votes
5 answers

How to boot a Linux live USB on a Mac?

I have a USB stick with a Fedora 11 live environment on it. It's booting fine on 3 PCs where I've tried it. But I can't get it to boot on a Mac (Intel). When pressing the alt key (or command key, I ...
slubman's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

How do you add more space to a Fedora (LVM) partition?

In a nutshell, i have a VM that ran out of space. I increased the size of the VM's harddrive to be 4 times bigger but the OS partition is still only using 1x the space. I need to change the LVM ...
Trevor Boyd Smith's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Why my SUnreclaim is too high (issues with having free memory)?

I have lot of memory (32Gb) on my laptop though still have issues with having amount of free memory. I am using linux (Fedora 27) and this happens after while since reboot. If you check free output, ...
RafaelRS's user avatar
  • 131
12 votes
3 answers

ifconfig: command not found

I ssh into a remote machine with root which is installed with Fedora 18. I typed in ifconfig but I got ifconfig: command not found and also [root@kitch proxy]# /sbin/ifconfig -bash: /...
misteryes's user avatar
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12 votes
5 answers

How can I safely remove my USB hard drive in Fedora 17?

In Fedora 17, when I want to plug my USB hard disk out, I can only unmount it. But the problem is that the hard drive won't be powered off so that I can plug it out. In some other distros like ...
Mehrdad's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to enable / disable yum repository using dnf?

How to enable/disable yum repo (i.e. set enabled=0/1 in /etc/yum.repo.d/*.repo files) using dnf? According to question yum: enable a disabled repository yum can't do that. Used system: Fedora 21
czerny's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Hiding Virtual machine status from guest operating system

Host OS: Fedora Guest OS: Windows 10 Virtualization: KVM So the idea is to run a Windows 10 host machine that is unaware that it is a virtual machine. So when I open the task manager on the guest ...
ChronicUser's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Why doesn't this softlink work as expected?

bash4.3 # pwd /bin bash4.3 # ll sh lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 4 May 17 22:22 sh -> bash bash4.3 # ll bash -rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 1072056 May 17 22:22 bash bash4.3 # bash bash4.3 # ...
xmllmx's user avatar
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