I have 3 devices in different countries. I want to establish an OpenVPN server on my machine and a client on the other 2 machines and route all their traffic through my network. The problem is that all three machines are behind a CGNAT, so none can be accessed directly via the Internet.

I read that we could use a cloud server like a free-tier Amazon EC2 instance and create a reverse SSH tunnel through that server.

I still want to route the traffic of all the devices through my network so is it possible to have the EC2 instance as a centralized server and establish a VPN connection between my machine and the other machine through this centralized server such that it simply reroutes the traffic coming from the other machine through mine?

  • 2
    Does it have to be OpenVPN? there's a few services like tailscale that'd do it for you
    – Journeyman Geek
    Commented May 18 at 13:00
  • Will tailscale forward all the traffic from one machine to the other machine via the server? I'm not very familiar with it.
    – Madara
    Commented May 18 at 14:46
  • 1
    Its supposed to - basically uses their server to 'broker' the connection then its point to point. There's other services that do that sort of mesh networking too.
    – Journeyman Geek
    Commented May 18 at 14:49


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