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91 votes
5 answers

Windows Unable to Delete ._. File

I currently have a file on the root of my external hard drive simply named ._., which I am guessing was added to my hard drive after using it on my MacBook a while ago. I'm trying to delete this file ...
Mike Koch's user avatar
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66 votes
8 answers

How can I make "ls" show dotfiles first?

Somewhere along the way I screwed up my ls command and now I get this ordering when running $ ls -AhHl --color=auto -rwxr-xr-x 1 clang clang 640 Mar 1 02:46 apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png -rwxr-...
clang1234's user avatar
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29 votes
3 answers

Hide dotfiles in Windows

Is there a way to have Windows automatically hide any file that is dot prefixed (e.g. ".svn"), as it's done in Linux?
mgbowen's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Can I keep . and .. out of .* expansion?

I often find it annoying (or worse) when I type command .* in bash and the command applies to the parent directory and current directory. Is there some shell option or other configuration I can ...
David Z's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

Strategy to maintain dotfiles for different OSs (i.e. osx and ubuntu)

I use a Git repository to maintain my dotfiles (vimrc, zshrc, tmux.conf, etc.). As I've two different operating systems (OSX at home and Ubuntu at work) I've dedicated a branch for each system. This ...
don ali's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Source other configuration file in gpg.conf

Is there any way to source a secondary configuration file inside the usual gpg.conf? I'd like to share a set of common configuration options across different workstations but I also need several ...
languitar's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

change mutt indicator color when hovering a new message

I want to change the color of the text when hovering a new message in mutts index. Right now I have color indicator color111 color236 #indicator line and color index color082 color237 ~N # ...
winchendonsprings's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

What is the difference between .zshrc and .zshrc-e

I've recently switched to using zsh instead of bash and I installed both zsh and oh-my-zsh. while messing with my configuration I noticed that there is a file named ".zshrc-e" in addition to the ...
davey555's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

zsh - differentiate between source ~/.zshrc and shell initially reading .zshrc

Is there a command or environment variable that I can test for in my ~/.zshrc that that would differentiate between when I run source ~/.zshrc to update my configuration and when the shell reads ~/....
erwin's user avatar
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6 votes
0 answers

GNU stow. Only symlink files, not directories

I'd like to manage my dotfiles with a Git repository and stow. Here is my current repository that includes the files/directories I'd like to stow and a Makefile with the command I'm using make stow. ...
Adam's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Is a single dot a valid filename in Windows?

A dot (.) can be part of a file or directory name including the first and last position. On UNIX a single dot in a path refers to the current directory and can thus always be resolved to a directory ...
Kalle Richter's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How to increase the font size of the command line in vimperator / pentadactyl?

What to I insert into my .vimperatorrc to make the font size of the command line bigger?
The Unfun Cat's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

BitTorrent Sync - Exclude All Specific Subfolders

I want to sync up my dev folder including various project folders, each having node_modules folder inside. I would like to exclude all node_modules subfolders. Here is an example of my file structure:...
Pavel Binar's user avatar
5 votes
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How can have Mutt scroll inbox line by line rather than page by page?

Is there a setting for .muttrc that I cannot find that will enable this? I'm sure this ssort of thing goes against mutt purists but I bet it can be done. Bonus question: How can I enlarge the space(...
winchendonsprings's user avatar
5 votes
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How to store confidential info whilst using dot files framework

I'm trying to come up with a strategy to store my dotfiles in Git. So far, I've create a dotfiles repo on GitHub and I've thrown together an install script which simply clones the repo, then symlinks ...
JoeNyland's user avatar
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4 votes
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In Linux, what dot- files & directories should I back up?

At the moment, I am using rsync to backup my /home directory. At the moment, I am excluding some 'dot directories' like ~/.cache, ~/.mozilla, etc. The problem with this is that most of the time spent ...
Jeremy's user avatar
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1 answer

What does this zsh for syntax mean?

I working on source controlling my dotfiles and a lof of what I'm doing is based off of Zach Holman's dotfiles. I want to source all zsh files like he does in his files but before I just throw the ...
Rumel's user avatar
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2 answers

shell dotfiles and *rcs: what's a sane setup?

A bash user will eventually end up with .bashrc, .bash_profile, .profile, and maybe some more. Now, each file gets loaded unders particular situations, and it all leads to confusion and frustration. ...
kch's user avatar
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How to set global conf for PyFlakes?

My Vim is using PyFlakes to check for style errors in Python code. PyFlakes by default request that line isn't more than 79 symbols long, but our team's convention is 160 symbols. So the situation is ...
daGrevis's user avatar
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Hiding files starting with a dot?

In my C:\Users\Me directory, I see a lot of files starting with a dot and they are not hidden files. I can see them even though I unchecked "show hidden files" box in folder options. I see some ...
ErenL's user avatar
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how to move ssh-key related files to another directory?

i've been trying to clean up my root directory so that it isn't clustered with random dotfiles. nonetheless, on setting up the ssh-key i came to a dead-end, where i wouldn't find a way to migrate ...
Lanny's user avatar
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Open dot-file via GUI "open file" dialog?

Is there any way to open a file with a leading . in the filename using just the regular File > Open... dialog?
blahdiblah's user avatar
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2 answers

How to backup current dotfiles?

I just purchased a mac and installed dotfiles from an external source, which screwed up my terminal settings. Luckily I had made a backup of my system with time machine so I simply reinstalled the ...
Lauraponi's user avatar
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2 votes
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Exclude hidden folders using rsync, but Include specific hidden folders and include all hidden files

There are a lot of posts about rsync exclude being particular, I know, and I've spent some time digging myself for a solution, but thought it more expedient to defer to community mind power, which I'm ...
algalg's user avatar
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What is ranger's show_hidden_bookmarks setting good for?

Ranger's man page states: show_hidden_bookmarks [bool] Show dotfiles in the bookmark preview window? (Type ') I played around with it but can not figure out what it actually does. My bookmark ...
dirdi's user avatar
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Dotfile version control: terminal settings

I use one MacBook at home and another at work. Recently I started version controlling my dotfiles. It works like a dream for my vim/MacVim settings, but is decidedly less useful for my .bashrc and ....
yoshw's user avatar
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1 answer

Audacity Nyquist plugin location in Ubuntu

In Ubuntu, is there a place in my home folder where I can put Nyquist plugins so that Audacity will see them?
endolith's user avatar
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Why is `~/.zlogout` not sourced when non-interactive ZSH shell runs `exit`?

My ~/.zlogout contains the following: echo '~/.zlogout!' Let's run the following script: su user -ls /bin/zsh -c 'echo kaasbier; exit' Nothing is echoed (besides the kaasbier). I am testing this in ...
Silas's user avatar
  • 39
2 votes
1 answer

gnu stow to ignore dirs

I am relatively new in stow (using for last 6 months). While this is working fine for backing up my config files, it is actually storing unwanted files, and not obeying my .stow-local-ignore. I am ...
BaRud's user avatar
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How to reset Windows subsystem for linux bash after modifying it with dotfiles?

I installed 'dotfile' on my windows 'ubuntu' terminal Now I am not able to work with normal commands like 'git'. Want to know how to reset my bash file to regain the original terminal.
rohegde7's user avatar
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2 votes
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Managing multiple subsets of dotfiles

I'm using git to store my dotfiles, but now that I've started using multiple implementations of Linux, I'm finding that my dotfiles between flavors diverge a bit, depending on what I'm using that ...
GameKyuubi's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to Keep Dot-Files up to date?

I've got two computers, one at work and one at home. The work one has a VM running Arch, and the home one runs Arch natively. The work one usually stays at work, but push a lot of stuff back and ...
testname123's user avatar
2 votes
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how do I source control my color profiles? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How to keep my OSX settings under version-control ? I switch between a bunch of Mac and Linux machines at work/home. On my Personal Mac, I have setup TextMate, iTerm, XCode ...
Vaibhav Bajpai's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How do I move all of my dotfiles to a custom directory?

I'm a Mac user and I was wondering if there was a way to put all of my dotfiles to a .config folder to store all of them (something analogue to XDG Directories on Linux). I was trying to set up a ....
baggiponte's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to start xpdf(1) without the outline pane?

I am trying to configure xpdf(1) so that it doesn't show the outline pane by default. I've managed to set up a keybinding in my ~/.xpdfrc to toggle the visibility of the outline pane with this ...
Mateusz Piotrowski's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Copy single dotfile from a folder to another on local machine

Before you downvote, I have read the following solutions: How do I copy file named starting with a dot? How to copy with cp to include hidden files and hidden directories and their contents? Linux / ...
jodobear's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Get the ip address from ifconfig

I was updating my shell dot file, and I thought that it would be nice to have an alias that show just my ip. I usually connect with wifi, which is on wlan0 and it's the last "block" of devices. So I'...
Federico Ponzi's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to add files to dotfile-castle with homesick?

So I've setup my dotfiles repo on github and installed homesick to manage my dotfiles. So now I happend to have a clone of the repo on my local machine but also a cloned CASTLE (~/.homesick/repo/...
Adrian Forsius's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How do I install Chrome shortcut app via the command line?

As a Ubuntu user who has his own dotfiles I would like to install windowed Chrome (shortcut) apps via my dotfiles. So if I do a fresh install I also have setup my Chrome shortcut apps (like outlook). ...
Raymond Schweers's user avatar
1 vote
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netrw keeps hidding dotfiles while FTP connection in VIM

I have to show the hidden files and directories (files and directories beginning with .) in netrw through FTP. In a local environment, I can toggle hidden items with gh but through the FTP ...
JazZ's user avatar
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The way to indicate that new messages are present (mutt)

So the basic problem I want to discuss, is there a way to indicate that new messages were got into the mail box? What I mean, currently I have about ~8 separate folders managed by sieve, I do not ...
M.Mass's user avatar
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Hide vim’s backups with a dot in the begining of the backup file name

I have the following line on my ~/.vimrc set backup So, every time I edit a file foo with vim, a backup file foo~ is created. Then the output of ls is polluted. I want vim to make the backup’s name ...
fauve's user avatar
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2 answers

Can gnu screen prompt for a title when a new window is created?

There are a number of questions about automatically naming screen windows based on what's running in them. But sometimes why you created the window is more important than what you're doing in it. ...
funroll's user avatar
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2 answers

How to set .ssh/config so it can be used on different computers where my username are different?

Host foo HostName User specialuser IdentityFile /Users/XXX/.ssh/id_rsa Host * User defaultuser On most machines, my UNIX login user name is XXX. But on one particular machine, it is ...
qazwsx's user avatar
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How to `zcompile` global (system-wide) zsh scripts?

For my local dotfiles I have this snippet at the end of my .zshrc: for f in ~/.zshrc ~/.zshenv ; do [ "${f}"(:A) -ot "$f".zwc ] || zcompile "$f" done This ensures ...
Petr's user avatar
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What means "bind c screen" in .screenrc config?

I only want to understand what the lines in this .screenrc config does: bind c screen 1 bind ^c screen 1 bind 0 select 10 screen 1 I found the config here: Through this my ...
Senkel's user avatar
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1 answer

Hide dot files using ftp with Windows Explorer (Linux backend)

The company who I used to host my websites with has just been sold to another (, and my websites have been migrated. With the original company, if one was to view a remote directory using ...
peedurrr's user avatar
1 vote
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Problems in customizing the macOS menu bar with MenuSystemUIServer

In my menu bar, I'd like to hide TimeMachine, Volume, Battery, User, Clock and show just Bluetooth, and Airport. I tried to customize it with an sh script: for domain in ~/Library/Preferences/ByHost/...
Luke's user avatar
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Vundle directory automatically copied to dotfiles directory with weird permissions

I just installed mathiasbynens dotfiles (only the bootstrap scripts, not os x default, not that it matters). The bootstrap script copies all the files to ~ folder (not symlink, copy). Anyways, I have ...
Mattias's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I put my skype notification settings in a public git repo

I maintain key configuration files in a public git repo - I'd like to put my skype configuration in it too, because I find the default configuration way too noisy. The newer version has started ...
nishantjr's user avatar
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