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Questions tagged [docker-compose]

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Docker: "failed to get console mode for stdout: The handle is invalid."

When running docker-compose up in Windows PowerShell using Docker Desktop on WSL2, I get Creating network "test_default" with the default driver Building master failed to get console mode ...
questionto42's user avatar
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Docker containers cannot connect to internet in Fedora 32?

The Problem I have recently created a docker container that has to pull a public github repository, however, it isn't able to resolve the host In fact, it isn't able to even execute ping ...
Siddharth Singh's user avatar
4 votes
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“volumes 'type' is a required property” error with docker-compose

I have just started to learn how docker works and I have a problem with the yaml file when using docker-compose. version: '3.7' services: portainer: container_name: portainer image: ...
florence anem's user avatar
3 votes
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How to setup docker in read_only mode in docker-compose

Many guides shows, it is good to make the container in read_only mode. However, how to do this in docker-compose? Many containers save logs at least, so they need r+w permission. How do you setup ...
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Create docker container with link to hardware device that doesn't exist yet

My use case: I use a containerized octoprint instance to drive a 3dprinter. The problem I'm running into is that if the printer(usb) isn't connected during the boot process of the container, then it ...
BugSquanch's user avatar
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how should I set the volume of docker-swarm

I am planning to move docker-compose to docker-swarm for multi nodes. I have used docker-compose like this below version: '3' services: python: container_name: python build: ./python ...
whitebear's user avatar
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How to check smart status from within a Docker container?

I would like to run this command from within a docker-compose container: nvme smart-log /dev/nvme0n1p1 Unfortunately I get this error: /dev/nvme1n1p1: No such file or directory How do I map this ...
Vishal's user avatar
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How to get QEMU to use a named Docker interface?

Question Is it possible to get QEMU to use a named Docker interface and network on the same host machine? Motivating exmaple: Let's say I have a DHCP server in a Docker container with static IP ...
Drakes's user avatar
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Within Docker, how to correctly add a task to cron programmatically (scripting)? no errors are perceived in log

After several days of messing around with Docker, I have not found a solution to my problem. In short, I have tried to add cron to php:8.1-apache-bullseye and pass it a file with the task that I want ...
Francisco IA Lover's user avatar
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Using docker-compose with multiple actual users on one machine for a single project

A friend and I started working on a project together, and we wanted to try using a single remote dev environment for it. I created a VM on Oracle's Cloud Infrastructure, and created a user for my ...
Jordan Renaud's user avatar
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Auto rebuild docker container after any code change

I'm running two containers using docker-compose. Is there an option to force docker-compose to rebuild and to run the container after any code change? If so, I would like to get an example. If it isn'...
Omri's user avatar
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Docker get a list of possible environment variables

Hello! After intensive research I decided to bring this question up to the community. I started learning docker & docker-compose not long ago. My question is: How can I get a list of the possible ...
Paul Schuldesz's user avatar
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How does Docker Desktop work on Linux (Ubuntu)?

I was using Docker CLI when working with Linux. But recently I reinstalled my system so wanted to try Desktop version: enabled KVM, made sure file sharing thing is working, initialized pass thing, ...
Arzybek's user avatar
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How to limit the sum of memory used by a group of docker containers?

I am using the python API of Docker. How can I limit the memory used by a group of Docker containers? (not on Kubernetes but on a regular, vanilla Docker machine). Let's say we have container A and B: ...
Hemen's user avatar
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Why won't journalctl show logs when the program output is piped?

I'm trying to run my docker-compose containers via a systemd service, and have fail2ban read their logs. However, docker-compose adds a prefix like: container_name_1 | Actual log message So what I'...
Cole's user avatar
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docker-compose build error for nodejs and yarn: [gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found.]

I have been trying to get a project to work for my job. I recently got a M1 Air, however I had a similar issues when I was doing the same thing on a Windows machine with WSL. The error is as follows: ...
onibaku's user avatar
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Xubuntu 20.4, Xdebug 3 and Docker: Impossible to connect from container to host

I've been struggling with this for some time and here I am :-) I have a php container with xdebug installed in a Ubuntu 20.04 laptop: rest-example-php-8: container_name: rest-php build: ./...
petekaner's user avatar
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Getting WordPress on an Nginx proxy to work with a subdirectory

I'm trying to use the WordPress official Docker container to serve content from An Nginx instance sits in front of WordPress and handles all the SSL-ishness. Nginx is ...
Tom's user avatar
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New to self-hosting and struggling with Monica CRM Docker setup (503 Error)

As someone new to self-hosting, I embarked on what I thought would be a relatively simple project: setting up Monica CRM using Docker. However, I've encountered an unexpected challenge and am seeking ...
Xevi's user avatar
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Error when setting up Ansible AWX

Im setting up Ansible AWX on my Windows 10 machine using docker-compose. When running the install playbook ansible-playbook -i inventory install.yml I get the error below. Im able to see the login ...
eia92's user avatar
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Launch docker container from power shell fail, unexpected behavior?

I have created the following script in powershell for two objectives: read from an .env file the setup of the local urls of my development environment and deploy them to the Windows hosts file. take ...
Francisco IA Lover's user avatar
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Persist Prometheus data from a Docker Container

I'm running Prometheus and Grafana from docker-compose and basically it works. But I don't get my prometheus data to persist on my host machine. As soon as I switch my volume settings from --- version:...
Sebastian Sommerfeld's user avatar
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Docker compose Error response from daemon, Ports are not available on Windows 11

I have following docker-compose.yml file: services: ## NGINX nginx: container_name: zl-nginx image: redis:alpine restart: unless-stopped networks: - reza ports: - ...
Reza Amya's user avatar
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How to add WireGuard container to internal Docker network to add internet connectivity?

I have two Docker networks: public which is a normal bridge network with access to the host upstream network private which is a bridge, internal: true and hosts a fleet of containers networks: ...
Paya's user avatar
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What is the correct way to restrict access to Docker containers to only allow sources on LAN

I've been trying to find a way to ensure containers selectively are only accessible from the LAN that the (Linux) docker host is part of. I've seen this question asked/answered on Reddit, Stack, and ...
ziondreamt's user avatar
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Pass SSH options to docker-compose when deploying to a remote server (using DOCKER_HOST var)

I'm using a Vagrantbox to regularly test the setup of a physical machine. This is handled by a bash script on Ubuntu, Vagrant and Virtualbox. The setup and provisioning of the VM works. Now I want to ...
Sebastian Sommerfeld's user avatar
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What's the benefit of Docker Compose Switch over a symlink?

There are at least two ways to use Docker Compose v2 as a drop-in replacement for Docker Compose v1: Compose Switch # ln -s /usr/local/lib/docker/cli-plugins/docker-compose /usr/local/bin/docker-...
Christian's user avatar
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Mounting CIFS using hostname doesn't work

This comes from an old suggestion on an issue. I am trying to mount a CIFS volume, config it via IP worked for me but when I try to config it using a hostname ...
7Bliz's user avatar
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ROS in docker-compose leads to "bash: line 0: cd: MYPROJECT: No such file or directory"

I am a clear beginner at docker and I try to create a docker-compose where two containers can see each other. It could be that this question is a duplicate of many others about the "No such file ...
questionto42's user avatar
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How to change a file in /etc inside a docker container using dockerfile?

I have a docker application, I want to append the word "Hellow" to the passwd file inside the docker container. I made this change to Dockerfile: RUN echo "Hellow" >> /etc/...
Rembo's user avatar
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Docker-proxy prevents container to start after reboot

I have a PC used as a NAS running a NextCloud instance as a set of docker containers managed via docker-compose, I'll provide the docker-compose.yml below. My problem is that, even though all my ...
GTP95's user avatar
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Can user privilege of docker container impact permission of host machine on mounted volume in docker-compose.yml?

I have docker-compose.yml as below, version: '2' services: mysql: image: centos/mysql-56-centos7:latest restart: always container_name: mysql environment: - ...
lily's user avatar
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Mount SMB share (CIFS) to container using secured credentials or token

I have a docker-compose setup that runs my Linux development environment on Windows. A number of these containers need to mount smb drives using LDAP credentials. The way this woks now is by adding a ...
dovidweisz's user avatar
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How to install latest docker-compose without docker desktop

I have installed docker this way └─$ docker --version Docker version 24.0.5, build 24.0.5-0ubuntu1~20.04.1 then trying to ...
Ekaterina Ivanova's user avatar
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IP address removed from docker0 bridge on QEMU/KVM virtual machine

I'm renting a virtualized server running Ubuntu 22.04 and I'm trying to run Docker containers within it. The server is virtualized with qemu-kvm. Unfortunatly, the containers don't have network access....
Eric's user avatar
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Nextcloud Docker status keeps "Restarting (255)"

I'm running a Nextcloud instance in docker-compose on my Raspi 4 at home for some years now and update the images about every two months. My pi stopped working during todays NC update from 25.0.3 to ...
qr0n's user avatar
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what is the docker-compose.exporters.yml in this repo and how to call it?

I was reviewing a repo for a monitoring system and I saw a docker composer like this\ Repo link I ran the project as usual by docker-compose up, but I want to know what is docker-compose.exporters....
Amir's user avatar
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caddy-docker-proxy to host port

I'm running cockpit on port 9090 on my host machine. In a docker container on the host is the caddy-docker-proxy. The reverse proxy (RP) container is linked to the host ports 80 and 443. Is there any ...
TheChubbyPanda's user avatar
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Upgraded docker but old configuration is running after reboot

I upgraded my Docker install on my Ubuntu system the other day. According to my docker version command I am on version 19.03.8 for the client and 18.09.9 on the server. I had my original docker-...
SpaceCowboy74's user avatar
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unable to run "docker-compose up" after replaced Docker Desktop for Windows by Docker Toolbox

Scenario: I had my docker-compose.yml working as expected when I was using Docker Desktop For Windows (here is Windows 10 Pro). Since I had to use also Virtual Box + Minishift in same Notebook I read ...
Jim C's user avatar
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Failed to set the root user to MongoDB

I have created a MongoDB docker container with the following compose.yaml --- services: mongodb: image: "" container_name: mongodb restart: unless-...
crackpot's user avatar
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Docker Compose network isolation mechanism in Linux

When I deploy Docker Compose services, I found that the Docker containers are all on one bridged linux segment; this much is expected. However, sometimes I have had problems connecting from one linux ...
Mike Pennington's user avatar
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Linux Docker compose container cannot ping another bridged Docker container

Overview I need a Docker Compose zabbix host to ping a host on a containerlab docker network. These two Docker networks run under a linux Docker host machine as below... This information comes from ...
c1lab's user avatar
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Nextcloud android app does not work with the community nextcloud docker image, and caddy as a reverse proxy

I want to setup nextcloud in my home server with the following (in order of importance): Nextcloud is fast on a web browser and phone Nextcloud is encrypted with trusted SSL certificates, but without ...
whatever's user avatar
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"Operation not permitted" when accessing a NFS mounted directory inside a docker container

I am working on a Web-App which needs access to a QNAP-NAS file system to edit and create directories and files inside it. In order to mount the NFS to the docker container, I used the following ...
JoanAcero's user avatar
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Rebooting breaks dns-server docker container

This is my ~/docker-webdev-stack/docker-compose.yml services: dns-server: container_name: dns-server hostname: dns-server image: technitium/dns-server:latest # For DHCP deployments, ...
Daviid's user avatar
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Firewalling Docker Compose

I'm trying to operate Docker Compose containers behind a firewall on Debian 12. I cannot get access to the host machine (set up to be host.docker.local in the containers) to work within the containers ...
Timothy R. Butler's user avatar
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How do I configure Docker containers for Traefik Proxy correctly?

I was trying to test out Traefik Proxy, so I added Traefik labels to an existing Compose file I had for OpenSpeedTest. version: '3.3' services: speedtest: restart: unless-stopped ...
LittleBit's user avatar
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can't docker-compose up all at once on ec2 t2.micro

I have 3 services in my compose.yaml, 2 web apps and nginx proxy manager, on ec2 if I call sudo docker-compose up it will eventually freeze and the instance will become unresponsive ( I have to reboot ...
Omu's user avatar
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Is it possible to change the default user of docker minio/minio:latest from root to any other username/group?

I am using minio/minio:latest image in my docker-compose.yaml file, and I want the minio docker container to have a user other than root. after checking the /usr/bin/ shipped with ...
Ouss's user avatar
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