I'll try to explain the title better :)
I have two terminals tty1 and tty2, let's call them that.
From tty1 I redirect the output from echo to the tty2 terminal with:
echo hello > $(tty2)
This works and I get 'hello' on tty2.
The "problem" is that after 'hello' is printed on tty2, the tty2 terminal doesn't give a prompt back. I have to manually press enter on tty2 to get a new prompt.
How can I redirect the output, but and get a new prompt after the redirect?
Thanks :)
Note: Even though 'hello' is there, I can still execute a new command, but it looks weird, and I wanted to have a clean prompt after the redirect.
and printing to a dedicated pane whose shell you simply don't use interactively (easiest) or where there is no shell in the first place (harder to set up, but somewhat more elegant: "thou shalt not spawn thy shell in vain").