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Questions tagged [desktop-icons]

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Change Shared Drive icon in Windows 10 with Registry setting

I want to make my desktop look a little more to my liking, and that includes changing some of the icons. One of the icons I want to change is the shared drive icon: I want to do this using the ...
Manngo's user avatar
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Hide user folders in Windows explorer

They are back! After a recent (June/2024) update these undesired links to folders are back. I have tried all methods of removing them to no avail. And now there's a link to Gallery on the Drives panel ...
bortao's user avatar
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Can I remove the icon from the taskbar?

To make it more understandable, this is the "desktop" panel. Panels - desktop - show signatures (removed), show the title (removed). And the profile icon remains. Partially, I decided this, ...
Shvabra's user avatar
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Sometimes desktop icon name cannot display with line breaks automatically [closed]

it should be like this however sometimes it just displays with an ellipsis I have to manually change resolution or scaling to recover, but they are all recommended (2560*1600,150%) Does this have to ...
Ichigaya Arisa's user avatar
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All shortcut desktop icons are blank

I'm using W11 and all my desktop icons are blank. The taskbar icons show perfectly. Manually changing the desktop icons temporarily shows the icons as changed in the folder, but upon closing the ...
Jim jrre's user avatar
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Windows 11 Taskbar Icon Not Match File Icon

The EXE file '360 DFV STITCHER xxx.exe' was created using Pyinstaller. The Taskbar shows the GUI LOGO icon 'logo.png' and the EXE file shows the icon '360_stitcher.ico'. What was attempted to solve ...
CANJMP's user avatar
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Windows: Is it possible to set .ini files and .xml files to have different icons?

(Windows 11) I am working with quite a lot of .xml files as well as other text files so I thought it would be good to change the icon for .xml files so that they stood out. When I changed the .xml ...
paradroid's user avatar
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5 answers

Windows 11 desktop icons moving

From time to time the desktop icons are changing their position (today it happened twice 😔 ) . Unfortunately, can't find the root cause for this. How to solve the issue? My mom is upset because of ...
user1977050's user avatar
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One drive cycling status icons on desktop

I have an intermittent issue with OneDrive on Windows 11. On my desktop, the OneDrive status icons (i.e. green-tick, red-cross) which show on top of file thumbnails start cycling through different ...
Aaron's user avatar
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LINUX cp -r with attributes (sepecially icon)

LINUX Mint 20.04 I need this for a script that already has worked in UBUNTU but doesn't anymore in Mint. My problem: I have a directory for which I have changed the icon by simply right-clicking on it ...
Oliver Rafelsberger's user avatar
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Windows 10 desktop, stack windows on the right instead of the left

When I switch between using my laptop on its own, using it with my office setup with one monitor, and using it at home with two monitors, it naturally loses track of where its open windows are, so ...
Green Grasso Holm's user avatar
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How do I change icon text font in Windows 11?

E.g., I want to remove the shadow, make it bold and/or change the font to make it more visible.
Razor54672's user avatar
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3 answers

passing system variable inside another variable

My issue: I need to copy specific icons to user desktops that point to various engrg resources. These icons update somewhat regularly. My initial batch file was simply using robocopy to do this, and ...
Kevin Spear's user avatar
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Desktop Icons rearranged when hiding Taskbar Windows 10

I recently noticed that when I toggled the taskbar visibility in Windows 10 that all my desktop icons are rearranged. When restoring the visibility of the taskbar (unhiding it), the desktop icons are ...
Kalamalka Kid's user avatar
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How do I remove the padding around the icons on my desktop so that they look normal?

Ever since upgrading to Windows 11, my desktop icons have an insane amount of spacing around them. It looks like my computer is somehow in some sort of tablet mode, but I can't find any setting to ...
Christopher Haws's user avatar
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Even smaller Windows 11 desktop icons

Just after installation, desktop icons were quite small, way smaller than on Windows 10, and this suited me well. Then having once clicked right button on desktop and choosing "View", I ...
მამუკა ჯიბლაძე's user avatar
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Shortcut Icon is overlapping with another icon

After I download something from the Internet (may have a virus), all of my shortcut file icons are overlapped by a weird icon. The icon looks like the icon of the file without any icon attached to it (...
KhiemGOM's user avatar
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Blank/White/Missing App Icons in Windows 10: Simple Solution?

My desktop icons have suddenly gone blank, similar to as shown below: Quite annoying and problematic for me as I heavily rely on logos and icons to navigate my desktop smoothly and I would appreciate ...
Virtuality's user avatar
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Can someone help identify what software do these 2 icons belong? [closed]

What are the names of the software these 2 icons belong to? (This is a screenshot of the taskbar from the Windows 10 operating system)
jeffrey's user avatar
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So I've installed Signal Messenger on CentOS using Snap, now how do I start it?

I have snap installed in my CentOS 7 installation. With it I have installed Signal Messenger. However no icon appears for the program and running signal at the terminal finds no application. How do I ...
J Collins's user avatar
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How to hide or show all desktop icons from the command line

Without a reboot. There's a way to do this from the UI, but I'd like to be able to do this automatically. Essentially - how do I toggle this checkbox from the command line: I would like to change ...
Ash's user avatar
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Windows 10 desktop Icons rearrange when I change displays

I have two displays. Monitor 1 is 60hz 2650 x 1440 Monitor 2 is actually a drawing tablet, 1920 x 1080. I've had the tablet for a year and the monitor since I got my computer in 2017, but lately, I ...
The Colamarine's user avatar
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Docker icon on Windows 10 still starting

I have a Docker for Windows 10 installed. It seems it is running I can see my images in docker panel can run docker commands in cli. But the docker icon in info panel on the bottom right show me the ...
Čamo's user avatar
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Windows icons disappeared and background became blurry

I'm having a strange problem with Windows 10 since yesterday. Basically, all icons on the desktop have disappeared and the background has become blurry. When I try to remove a display or change ...
Filippo Possenti's user avatar
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Same Icon on a folder and its nested sub folder in Windows 7

Does Window 7 provide such a feature where the same Icon can be applied to folders nested folders? Even if a new folder is created it should have the same folder. The images are shown of all folders, ...
WordCent's user avatar
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USB device disconnected/connected sound plays at random times

I bought a used Lenovo Thinkpad W540 running Windows 10 Professional. Periodically it makes the USB device disconnected sound followed a few seconds later with the USB device connected sound. When the ...
MI Wolverine's user avatar
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How to remove OneDrive sync status icons on Desktop

I'm on Windows 10 and I have a question regarding OneDrive sync status icons. Usually, these are displayed in the File Explorer next to the file. I have Desktop sync set up in OneDrive so all my files ...
Martin819's user avatar
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Desktop Icons Spaced Out?

My icons decided to s p a c e out a bit for some reason, and I can't seem to fix it. I've tried googling solutions, but to no avail. Here's a picture: Quite spaced out and kind of annoying. Could ...
Virtuality's user avatar
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Windows 10 randomly places new desktop icons in top left corner

Sometimes when I, for example, extract a folder from an archive with WinRAR to the desktop, the folder gets placed in the top left corner of the desktop and messes up the ordering of other icons. But ...
nyaol9's user avatar
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Icon spacing and monitor disordered on Windows 10

this morning I switched on my laptop (with a second monitor) and my icons on the desktop were disordered, they had a too long spacing (width and height) and they were on my second monitor. I searched ...
valfur03's user avatar
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Hide Specific Desktop Icons

I am looking for a way to hide icons that are placed on my desktop from Active Directory. I do not use these icons and want to declutter. If I delete or move them, my PC will restart during off-hours ...
Evan's user avatar
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How to switch Windows 10 icon text shadows on/off?

After a recent update icon titles on the Windows 10 desktop have shadows. Some users find the text harder to read with shadows. Does anybody know how/where to switch them off?
nsandersen's user avatar
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Windows 10 icon names not wrapping after resolution and scaling changes

I changed the scaling and resolution of my monitor but it somehow messed up the icon names on my desktop. I have tried resetting and changing desktop theme but nothing seems to work. Icon names are ...
rxp3292's user avatar
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Removing Windows 10 double focus rectangle

For some reason, Windows 10 started showing double (thick) focus rectangle for desktop icons and listview items. It is 2 pixels thick. How do I go back to single pixel (thin) focus rectangle as it ...
Coder12345's user avatar
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Preserving icon cache in Windows 10?

Is it possible to preserve icon cache? It seems like after shutdown/reboot there is not any cache for icons anymore. E.g. when I turn on PC and go to programs directory that contains many many ...
Krystian Walicki's user avatar
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Windows 10 - .pdf icon cannot be removed from the desktop

From a web page I saved as a .pdf, now I have the icon on the desktop. But,I cannot remove it,open or rename this icon. I tried to move it to the recycle bin but nothing happens. Can,please,someone ...
ubu16's user avatar
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Slow snap to grid in macOS

I just got a new Macbook Pro, and in my 2012 Macbook Pro if I move an icon on the desktop it moves slowly to snap to the underlying grid. This is very aesthetically pleasing. My new laptop moves icons ...
ToneDaBass's user avatar
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How to recover icons off right side of filled Desktop?

How do I recover these icons without Sorting and thus changing the order of the existing icons on the desktop (some were removed making more room), and without comparing the files in the desktop ...
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All my desktop file icons have a small symbol; where is it coming from? [duplicate]

As of a few days ago, all of my files on the desktop have a small icon on them - see the first image in the bottom. Why is that extra symbol being added? If a program is adding the icon, how can I ...
ANeves's user avatar
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Nothing is appearing on the Desktop in Kali Linux

I downloaded VMware workstation in Kali Linux. It wasn't running, it was having some header files issues. So I looked up the solution and someone said to run the following commands. apt clean &&...
Daniyal Ahmed's user avatar
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How do I keep my desktop icons together (without empty spaces) in Windows 7?

I'm familiar with the 'Align to Grid' feature when right-clicking an empty space on the desktop- that's not what I'm asking for. I want the desktop to not allow empty spaces and 'orphan' icons. When ...
user922954's user avatar
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In Windows 10, files saved to Desktop show up on the secondary monitor

Whenever I download a file from a browser, or just save a document to the desktop, the icon always shows up on my secondary monitor. Not the primary. So I'm constantly having to minimize windows on my ...
Andrew Lamarra's user avatar
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Trust and launch all desktop files after restart RHEL 7

My 64-bit computer running RHEL 7.5 was recently updated to kernel version 3.10.0-862.el7. Since then, every time I restart my computer, all of my desktop icons are gone and replaced by generic file ...
Kasia Matusik's user avatar
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Windows 7 generic icon over normal icon

I have a problem with one windows 7 machine. If I logged in, I can see any generic icons. But under the generic icon is the normal icon of the program. I tried to delete the IconCache.db and set the ...
FoxPixel's user avatar
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How to keep my desktop icons organized on laptop when I connect and disconnect an external screen?

I'm using Windows 10 1803 and having a laptop with 1080p resolution with a recommended zoom of 150% (since 100% looks too small on a 13.3" screen). When I'm at work I have 2 monitors which are ...
Tamir Gilany's user avatar
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Possible to auto-arrange desktop icons except for specific icons?

I like to have my desktop icons set to auto-arrange, but I would also like to have specific icons be able to break way from this rule so that I can move them off to the side where they are more ...
oscilatingcretin's user avatar
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How do I fix icon clipping in folders?

I am having an issues with images/icons clipping outside of folders. Also, icons that have transparency have white boxes around them while in folders. Here's two images showing my issue(s): I've ...
Nerokin's user avatar
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How to remove NUMIX file icons from Windows 10 Pro?

I downloaded Numix Project W10, changed my folder icons. But then I wanted to go back to my default icon settings. So I removed the downloaded folder, deleted "Local Disk C > Windows > System 32 > ...
Muhammad Asaduzzaman Niloy's user avatar
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Outlook 2016 notification only with new unread email, not old unread emails?

Currently outlook 2016 always show the yellow mail notification icon. In my mailbox, I have a bunch of read and unread emails. The notification icon seems to always show due to the existing unread ...
KubiK888's user avatar
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Permanently prevent Windows from rearranging desktop icons

I have a weird issue. Every now and then, seemingly at random, my desktop icons' positions reset to alphabetical order. I have them grouped by type -- all my games in one place, IDEs in another, etc. -...
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