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Questions tagged [debian]

Debian GNU/Linux is a widespread Linux distribution focusing on stability, security, and the free software philosophy.

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574 votes
16 answers

Reload a Linux user's group assignments without logging out

When assigning a user's secondary group list using: # usermod -G <grouplist> <user> is it possible to force this group assignment to take effect without logging out all running sessions? ...
Simon's user avatar
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399 votes
7 answers

Find what package a file belongs to in Ubuntu/Debian?

I frequently find myself missing a program, man page, or other file when working on my Ubuntu 8.04 system. Is there any simple way to look up what package contains a given file (whether it is ...
Jay Conrod's user avatar
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370 votes
9 answers

How to list files of a Debian package without install

This command can only list contents of installed packages, dpkg -L PACKAGENAME but how to list contents of a non-installed package, to preview/examine the package?
Lenik's user avatar
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274 votes
17 answers

How can I produce high CPU load on a Linux server?

I’m currently in the process of debugging a Cacti installation and want to create CPU load to debug my CPU utilization graphs. I tried to simply run cat /dev/zero > /dev/null, which works great ...
Oliver Salzburg's user avatar
255 votes
5 answers

How to reinstall a package using 'apt-get'?

It seems that my aptitude is somehow broken: sudo aptitude update 0% [Working]Segmentation fault dmesg [223282.616599] aptitude[30972]: segfault at 67707f ip 7f954dcfae5d sp 7ffff5a5f950 error 4 in ...
Vokuhila-Oliba's user avatar
198 votes
4 answers

How to install local .deb packages with apt-get

Is there a way to install packages store on your HD with apt-get, like apt-get install ./package.deb? If not, how to handle the dependencies in a very very easy way?
Louis's user avatar
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184 votes
6 answers

How to tell from what Ubuntu or Debian repository a package comes?

On a Debian-based system, including Ubuntu, how can one tell which repository a package will be downloaded from, without actually beginning the download? aptitude show and apt-cache info will show the ...
gotgenes's user avatar
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133 votes
8 answers

How can I resolve the error "cannot execute binary file"?

When I login using SSH, all I can see is this... -bash: /usr/bin/id: cannot execute binary file -bash: [: : integer expression expected I couldn't do anything in here. Commands such as halt, ...
superuser's user avatar
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130 votes
7 answers

mount dev, proc, sys in a chroot environment?

I'm trying to create a Linux image with custom picked packages.What I'm trying to do is to hand craft the packages I'm going to use on an XO laptop, because compiling packages takes really long time ...
Patrick's user avatar
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129 votes
5 answers

How do I find out which package owns a file?

How do I find out what Debian package a file came from?
129 votes
11 answers

How to install the real Firefox on Debian?

Debian 6 ("Squeeze") uses a rebranded version of Firefox called Iceweasel. It, however, lacks plugin support, and most of my favorites don't work. So what is best way to install the "real" Firefox on ...
kravemir's user avatar
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103 votes
3 answers

logrotate configuration file syntax - multiple wildcard entries possible?

Since the man page doesn't answer my question and I don't want to force a rotation cycle, I decided to ask the question here. The man page for logrotate gives the following example: "/var/log/...
0xC0000022L's user avatar
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101 votes
3 answers

How do I remove all i386 architecture packages from my Debian installation?

I added foreign architecture i386 to my Debian amd64 installation. How do I remove it? When I try this command: dpkg --remove-architecture i386, I am told to first remove all i386 packages.
kevinarpe's user avatar
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97 votes
6 answers

Where should the XDG_CONFIG_HOME variable be defined?

The XDG specification talks about the XDG_CONFIG_HOME variable, but does not specify where it should be defined. Should we define it in /etc/X11/Xsession, or is it the window manager's config file ...
NOLFXceptMe's user avatar
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97 votes
5 answers

Aptitude vs. apt-get: Which is the recommended (aka the "right") tool to use?

Some time ago I read that aptitude is the preferred tool for installation on Debian-based systems. But when you search around on how to administer a Debian-based system, then aptitude is rarely ...
Vokuhila-Oliba's user avatar
94 votes
5 answers

What's the difference between "adduser" and "useradd"?

I wonder: Why are there these two commands on Debian Linux, with very similar names and functionality? This has always been confusing for me. Is any of them superior to another? Why aren't they ...
Petr's user avatar
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90 votes
2 answers

Creating ext4 partition from console

I have a volume /dev/sda1 (1.2 TB) containing an NTFS partition using 0.6 TB space. I want to make an ext4 partition in the remaining 0.6 TB space. I have not tried anything yet because I don't want ...
Daniel W.'s user avatar
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85 votes
1 answer

Installing dig on Debian

I've tried installing dig on Debian, but the apt-get utility doesn't seem to know what it is. Is it part of some larger set of packages? Where can I find this?
KdgDev's user avatar
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82 votes
4 answers

How to find out which versions of a package can I install on APT

Using APT, you can install a specific version of a package using: apt-get install package=1.0 But you can't do apt-get install package=1.* So, how can I find out which versions are avaliable for ...
Camilo Martin's user avatar
82 votes
4 answers

Issue with fetching with docker

Im trying to run the command docker-compose build I get this output: Step 4/8 : RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y google-chrome-stable ---> Running in ee9551cd38b9 Ign http://dl....
Pajala's user avatar
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74 votes
6 answers

/usr/bin/wg-quick: line 31: resolvconf: command not found [WireGuard | Debian]

Error Message: /usr/bin/wg-quick: line 31: resolvconf: command not found The issue: I am not fully certain, I do have openresolv installed rn and have tried it and got the same response when ...
Jimmy32's user avatar
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72 votes
3 answers

Which Debian package architecture am I using?

What's the command to find out which Debian package architecture I'm using? eg, on a 64 bit x86, I'm expecting something like amd64, i386 on 32 bit x86 and darwin-x86_64 from OSX 10.6 (via Fink).
therefromhere's user avatar
69 votes
11 answers

What is the relationship between Unix, Linux, Ubuntu, Debian and Android?

What is the relationship between Unix, Linux, Ubuntu, and Debian? I suspect they are all Operating Systems that are based upon one another - similar to how Windows is based on DOS. Is my suspicion ...
IremadzeArchil19910311's user avatar
66 votes
8 answers

How can I make "ls" show dotfiles first?

Somewhere along the way I screwed up my ls command and now I get this ordering when running $ ls -AhHl --color=auto -rwxr-xr-x 1 clang clang 640 Mar 1 02:46 apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png -rwxr-...
clang1234's user avatar
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63 votes
10 answers

Can I increase the sound volume above 100% in Linux?

I am running KDE 4.6 in Debian Testing. Is there a way to increase the sound (i.e. more than the standard 100%)? The current settings with my speakers seem a bit too quiet in some cases. I found a ...
Grzenio's user avatar
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61 votes
3 answers

How to fix "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBC_2.14' not found"?

How to fix this error: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBC_2.14' not found Platform: Linux alef 3.2.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.2.35-2 x86_64 GNU/Linux
xliiv's user avatar
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59 votes
12 answers

How to install Debian from a USB drive?

I've got a shining new x64 laptop running Windows 7 and I want to dual boot Debian stable. I've installed Ubuntu on loads of laptops in the past using a USB drive, but I can't find decent ...
blokeley's user avatar
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59 votes
6 answers

How to stream my GNU/Linux audio output to Android devices over WI-FI?

I want to stream my audio output over the network (Wi-Fi) to my Android devices. I'm not looking for a music/video streaming solution, but I would stream any audio output of my GNU/Linux desktop to my ...
semente's user avatar
  • 590
56 votes
7 answers

Apt-cache: How to list all installed packages with version number?

apt-cache dump --installed doesn't work, it lists uninstalled packages as well. I want to list the install packages each by one line, with the installed version number.
Lenik's user avatar
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56 votes
8 answers

apt says packages have been kept back, what to do?

The output of apt-get upgrade is: The following packages have been kept back: certbot python-acme python-certbot python-certbot-apache python-cryptography python-openssl What does this mean? Should ...
Jarle Hammen Knudsen's user avatar
53 votes
8 answers

Can't Copy to Clipboard from Vim

I'm running Vim 7.3 under Linux Mint 13 (using MATE) and I'm not able to save text to the system clipboard. I run Vim in the terminal and copy text from the terminal with CTRLINSERT. When I select ...
maksim's user avatar
  • 641
52 votes
6 answers

How do I start in bash when ssh'ing into my server?

I have a hosted Debian server. When I log in via ssh, I'm greeted with a sh environment. How do I change it so I start in a bash environment?
user avatar
50 votes
2 answers

What exactly is the sh command?

I can't figure out what the sh command is? Does it execute a file? like in tomcat: sh /usr/local/tomcat/bin/ Sorry, just confused.
user3183's user avatar
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47 votes
8 answers

Unable to shutdown / reboot my Debian 10 server

I'm trying to reboot my Debian 10 server but all I get is command not found. I've tried: shutdown reboot restart poweroff but nothing works. I found this thread but when I try to run any of this with ...
BDevGW's user avatar
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46 votes
2 answers

Can I create an SSH user which can access only certain directory?

I have a Virtual Private Server which I can connect to using SSH with my root account, being able to execute any linux command and access all the disk area, obviously. I would like to create another ...
Frantisek's user avatar
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44 votes
6 answers

How to find the L2 cache size in Linux?

I wanted to know how to find L2 cache size in Linux... for L1 cache size, I am doing the following pico /proc/cpuinfo what about L2 cache size?
user avatar
42 votes
3 answers

How do I figure out why systemctl service "systemd-modules-load" fails?

For some time I've seen some red text flashing by during boot. Today I decided to look into it. The systemctl service systemd-modules-load.service is failing with this text: tomas@bonus-debian:~$ ...
Hubro's user avatar
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41 votes
4 answers

Did Debian lenny repositories vanish?

Today, I tried to install packages through apt-get, but I encountered a lot of 404 errors. My sources.list was fully working last Friday (no changes to my knowledge), now I get: W: Failed to fetch ...
Fdr's user avatar
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40 votes
9 answers

How to install FFmpeg on Debian?

How do I install FFmpeg on Debian?
user avatar
40 votes
4 answers

How do you find the Ubuntu version (release number / name) from the command line?

How do you find the Ubuntu version (release number / name) from the command line?
Josiah's user avatar
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40 votes
4 answers

LANG and LANGUAGE environment variable in Debian based systems

It seems both the LANG and LANGUAGE environment variable are used by some programs to determine their user interface language. What are the exact semantics of these variables and where can I read ...
aef's user avatar
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39 votes
4 answers

How to display Unix time in the timestamp format?

I'm looking for a way to display my time in Debian Linux as a timestamp, e.g. 1279628325 I can't find any options to do that with the date command. Any ideas?
user32433's user avatar
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39 votes
7 answers

Unable to install VIrtualbox, `"Specify KERN_DIR=<directory>"` -- installing Virtual Box to Debian?

I am getting this error: Makefile:181: *** Error: unable to find the sources of your current Linux kernel. Specify KERN_DIR= and run Make again. Stop. Basically I'm doing: $ sudo /etc/init.d/...
hhh's user avatar
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39 votes
5 answers

How risky it is to have a personal server with ssh opened to the Internet?

Title continuation would be “while having limited knowledge of Internet security”. I have recently set up a small server with a low end computer running debian with the aim to use it as a personal ...
M. Toya's user avatar
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38 votes
7 answers

How can a Linux OS be "based on" another Linux OS?

I've been looking through quite a number of Linux distros recently to get an idea of what's around, and one phrase that keeps coming up is that "[this OS] is based on [another OS]". For example: ...
Ephemera's user avatar
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38 votes
5 answers

How to configure apt in Debian Buster after release

I currently run Debian Buster on my computer as testing. Now that Buster has become stable, how should I update my system? Specifically, how do I configure /etc/apt/sources.list? Currently, it looks ...
kleinbottle4's user avatar
37 votes
7 answers

Permanently change default language and keyboard settings - what am I missing?

I'm trying to configure a Debian Linux (ARMHF 3.8.13-bone20) on a BeagleBone Black to use German as the default language and keyboard layout, which does not work, and I can't see why. I'm talking ...
Rob's user avatar
  • 521
37 votes
6 answers

how to disable SendEnv variables set in ssh_config from ~/.ssh/config

I couldn't find that anywhere so I'm wondering am I the only one hitting such issue. By default ssh on Red Hat and Debian at least has a ssh_config with SendEnv option passing LC* and LANG variables ...
akostadinov's user avatar
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34 votes
2 answers

Can I make apt-get always use --no-install-recommends?

I'm trying to create a minimalist debian install for my netbook. I have a clonezilla restore point that I made right after a fresh minimal debian install. I do not have any packages other than what ...
Chuck's user avatar
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34 votes
3 answers

netcat - keep listening for connection in Debian

There's -k option in OS X (BSD) version of netcat to keep listening after current connection is completed. However in Debian (GNU?) version this option is missing. There's -q -1 option to listen ...
Peta Sittek's user avatar

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