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Questions tagged [cyberduck]

Libre FTP, SFTP, WebDAV, S3 & OpenStack Swift browser for Mac and Windows.

7 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Can't connect to S3 using cyberduck

I'm trying to connect to my S3 bucket using cyberduck. I select S3 from the dropdown. Input into server name: {bucket-name} Access key ID and Secret Access Key into the next two ...
goose's user avatar
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2 votes
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How to Retrieve a Saved Password from Cyberduck bookmark?

I'm able to access the host server via the Cyberduck bookmark. However, is there a way to retrieve the saved password in this case? This seems to suggest there is a thing called keychain, but where do ...
asprin's user avatar
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FTP directory listing fails in Cyberduck and FileZilla, but works on commandline

I'm trying to connect to an FTP server (running FileZilla 0.9.56b on Windows 7) using my Mac (running OS X 10.10). The server is directly connected to the Internet and configured to let the passive ...
slhck's user avatar
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SFTP cannot rename files but FTP is OK

I have enabled both SFTP and FTP on my Synology NAS. Using CyberDuck, both SFTP or FTP can create or delete a text file in a shared folder. However, there is an error when I try to rename the ABC....
ohho's user avatar
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SCP and SSH connect, but FileZilla and CyberDuck can't

I'm on a Mac. I'm trying to connect to a remote Ubuntu server. I can successfully connect to it using ssh and scp commands in the shell. For example: $ scp -i ~/Projects/keys/foo.pem foo_config.ini ...
Leo's user avatar
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Directory Listing error ONLY in port 22 (SFPT)

I suddenly get this error using SFTP: Status: Connecting to Response: fzSftp started Command: open "[email protected]" 22 Command: Pass: ********* Status: Connected to 64....
Diego Sarmiento's user avatar
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Cyberduck sync bookmarks with Google Drive failing

I'm trying to overwrite the default folder from cyberduck to store my bookmarks in a google drive folder. I found this question on cyberduck self: With ...
Kevon's user avatar
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