I am trying to create a scheduled task that runs a batch file that will run at logon for any user that logs into the machine, and I also need it to run using a service account (that is an administrator account) as the users logging in will not be admins on the machine. I have added the task running as the admin account, at log on. I see a few issues - one, the batch file is not running when I run the task. Two, the task only shows up in the Task Scheduler Library under the login which I created the task. If I log in as another user, it is not there. I need it to be there for all users and I need it to run at logon and also have the ability to be run on demand if needed. Does anyone have any pointers? I will also post screenshots of my setup. The batch file itself works, it just does not run with the scheduled task. Thank you for your help!

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