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56 votes
5 answers

Firefox shortcut to open a particular account container

Firefox has multi-account containers that allow you to use the same website with several accounts, without having to use a different browser: Problem: I always open tabs with CTRL-t because clicking ...
Nicolas Raoul's user avatar
16 votes
1 answer

"volumes 'type' is a required property" when running docker-compose

I am working through understanding how docker-compose.yaml works. I am trying to define a volume inside the compose file and to mount it at a mount point locally. I try to run a basic .yaml to mount ...
user7298979's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Windows Container: Containeradministrator vs. Administrator?

I am a little confused when it comes to the users with Docker. When I run a Windows Container (e.g. microsoft/windowsservercore) and I type in whoami I get the following response user manager\...
papanito's user avatar
  • 285
10 votes
5 answers

Docker exec doesn't load aliases

I have a bash alias loaded into a Docker container, in /etc/bash.bashrc. It functions as a shortcut to a commandline PHP script. This is convenient, since anyone can use that alias directly after one ...
David Spreekmeester's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Syntax for setting LXD Container raw.idmap

I'm following the procedure for mounting a host drive inside an lxc container as described here. In that article the author sets the raw.idmap like this: lxc config set zesty raw.idmap 'both 1000 ...
Millhouse's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

lxc container : password and username

I am trying to run wine in a 64b OS ( LUNA ) so i did follow this guide ! to set up wine , and i did chose to follow the first option : lxc container Problem arise when i have to run the container: ...
Alejandro's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

How to generate thumbnails for less common video containers (mkv, ogm, mp4, flv, rmvb and mov) in windows 7 explorer? [duplicate]

So how to generate thumbnails for these containers? I know that the install of "DivX Plus Tech Preview: MKV on Windows 7" does it for MKV. But I think that only some registry changes are ...
fluxtendu's user avatar
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5 votes
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How to mount Certificates from CertBot to use inside Docker Container

The official certbot ( ) tool to issue and renew certificates from Let's Encrypt saves the currently valid certificate to ${prefix}/archive/${domain}/certN.pem, where N is an ...
NoMad's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Container with in-built compression, which automatically adjust its size

I try to find an efficient way of rsyncing contents of an ext4 file system as a part of a regular backup, yet I consider a decent compression and a minimal required space. I can just use plain rsync ...
Neurotransmitter's user avatar
5 votes
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How to install a Windows Feature on Docker container (Windows 2016 Server) that requires a "server restart"?

I try to install the Windows feature "NetworkController" on a docker container on Windows 2016 Server TP4, using Powershell. After I run "Add-WindowsFeature NetworkController", I get the message: "...
Mathias Conradt's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Can we execute a script as root during docker container startup?

I am trying to execute a script during container startup. For a normal linux machine, if i have script in /etc/rc.local script will be executed when there is reboot I am trying to do the same thing, ...
jojo's user avatar
  • 453
5 votes
3 answers

Docker containers on multiple hosts with docker-compose

I use docker-compose to run a small harem of containers in support of an application. The use of Docker's internal DNS resolver (e.g. db resolves to the database backend container) is key to these. I ...
Alex Balashov's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Windows Container port binding on Windows Server 2016 not working

I am running a Windows Container on a Windows host (Windows Server 2016 TP4). The container shall run an IIS webserver on port 80 internally and I also want to bind port 80 to the host, so I can ...
Mathias Conradt's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Copying truecrypt containers?

I created a 200GB container to store files on my external USB drive. Can I just copy this (empty) container file to create another container of 200GB? I want to do this since it takes about 2 hours to ...
n1kh1lp's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Copy files from LXC to host machine

I'm new to containers. I have a LXC container running on a remote linux machine. All I found online is how to copy files from host to LXC container. But how can I copy files from a running LXC ...
Tina J's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

macvtap interface created on top of macvlan interface of a Docker container cannot communicate

I have a use case where I created a Docker macvlan network (default bridge mode) & connect this network to a running Docker container (e.g C1). So the container will have a new macvlan interface(e....
XemX's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How to run an X11 application (xclock) on podman?

podman says Error: Can't open display: localhost:10.0 when I try to run xclock in a container with the command podman run -ti -e DISPLAY --rm -v ~/.Xauthority:/root/.Xauthority:Z localhost/...
Erik Sjölund's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How to create a linux container which inherits the hosts root file system, possibly with zfs?

What Hopefully the question in the title makes sense. I am wanting to create a low overhead (therefore no virtual machine) copy of the host operating system, with it running in a linux container. I ...
hak8or's user avatar
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start systemd-nspawn/systemd container on boot

I've been working with systemd-nspawn and have a couple of containers that I'd like to automatically start at system start. I'm using arch linux and according to the archwiki entry, the following ...
flooose's user avatar
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no CUDA-capable device is detected inside LXC container

I followed the following instructions and read the official guide in detail in order to set up Cuda inside an LXC container. When I try to execute the sample ./deviceQuery script from the official ...
Greg's user avatar
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4 votes
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Automatic container management

I manage around a bunch services which run on different machines. I have been playing around with having this services running inside containers and everything is working great. Next I was wondering ...
Mac's user avatar
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3 votes
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Using minimal LXC containers as an advanced and secure chroot to isolate services

First of all I'm not a security expert, and I never used LXC before. I'm trying to harden as much as possible a Gentoo hardened server. To do so, I'm thinking to use LXC, maybe combined with KVM, to ...
kuroneko's user avatar
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Difference between vserver and Linux Container

Can anyone explain me difference between linux containers and vserver? I mean containers managed by docker. I tried to read in the internet, but I have a problems with understanding it. Can anyone ...
user avatar
3 votes
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does the host system manage the sockets created by processes running in LXC containers?

I'm new to using LXC and I couldn't find an answer to this question. In a scenario where we have multiple containers running on the same host, and they're connected to a bridge which connects them to ...
KLD's user avatar
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What is the difference between flatpak and OCI container systems?

Doesn't Flatpak and and OCI container systems like Docker, Podman and similar systems encapsulate and distribute programs and it's dependencies independent from a Linux systems package management and ...
user63835's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Can we use share volume to share docker container across different host?

What i want to achieve is to share docker container across different machine. since docker will store container data into /var/lib/docker/container i am thinking to have a network volume, and map "/...
jojo's user avatar
  • 453
3 votes
0 answers

Bridging IP missing for LXC (Linux Containers)

I am using LXC (Linux Containers) to host an http server within a VirtualBox setup, but the simple LXC specific bridge I created does not have an IP address, so it cannot be reached even in the Ubuntu ...
Lingyuan He's user avatar
3 votes
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Enabling Microsoft Windows Media player to play Matroska (MKV) container and H.264 codec videos

My understanding of the technical aspects associated with Video files is very basic. Our company developed a Thick-client software product for the commercial market that would allow users to view ...
user1338998's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

ssh root@"ip of lxc container" don't work

how can I enter in a lxc container using ssh? Because I follow many guide on that argument but I can't still enter in the container. [root@T410 andrea]# ssh [email protected] -vvvv OpenSSH_7.1p1, ...
Andrea di Paola's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Creating portable version of program by wrapping all essential files

The goal: I have an .exe file and punch of other files (img/dll/ini/exe) which it depends on in the same folder with it but I'd like to have everything wrapped in a single .exe file which I could pass ...
Jaak Kütt's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How do delete data from a certain Docker container?

I would like to delete a Docker container and all associated images, volumes (not the external volumes) etc. I looked around web but all the things I found were about getting rid of everything ...
yarun can's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Issue with local discovery of devices on dockerized Syncthing

I'm trying to set up a Syncthing instance for my local use and so I don't want to run a discovery server. For the local discovery of devices, Syncthing advertises itself over broadcast IP address of ...
7_R3X's user avatar
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2 votes
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Need to get my host Ubuntu machine in the same network as the containers

I am trying to play around with networking using Python and one of the best resources I could find was here - Brandon Rhodes Now I have taken the approach of using the vagrant file provided in the ...
qre0ct's user avatar
  • 123
2 votes
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How can I change containers without losing quality?

Trying Premiere Pro but can't seem to let me import .mkv or .mp4... So, I wonder if it's possible to just change containers without losing any quality at all. Let's say a .mov container? Video is H....
evil's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Docker Ubuntu container installed software gets removed

First time trying Docker and had lots of questions. Installed Docker with Ubuntu container. Didn't know it that doesn't come with the basic essential tools like net-tools , vim , nano etc. Installed ...
Just Khaithang's user avatar
2 votes
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Running containers on top of QEMU

I have a testing setup I'm trying to migrate to using VMs rather than bare metal as much as possible. The existing setup is structured to run everything within containers (LXC, specifically), and it ...
Jacob Kopczynski's user avatar
2 votes
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K3S on Ubuntu 20.04 node running frigate NVR: cannot access Coral Mini PCIe Accelerator from container even though device is there

I run a K3S cluster with several containers. One of them is my Frigate NVR. Frigate can use a coral accelerator to do object detection. Before I moved to containers I used Home Assistant OS with ...
Maarten Plugge's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Dockerize a VPS / Digital Ocean droplet?

Is it possible to create a docker image of my Ubuntu VPS including all the environment/setup, for example Nginx, Mysql together with their configurations, so that I can have an image which I can even ...
microwth's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Healthy APFS volume trapped by broken container

How do I mount a healthy APFS volume belonging to a broken APFS container? The volume has FileVault enabled. All data sits on an external USB disk. The external USB disk was prepared with filevault ...
Rupert's user avatar
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Running a desktop on docker containers

Is it possible to run x11 server inside docker containers running on headless server. So that I could use gui applications inside them. What I mean by that is I have a single container which is my ...
user140202's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Running docker container as non-root user?

Is there a way for users without root access to run a docker container? To be clear, I am not asking if I can create a user in the container that runs as non-root. Rather, I need to know if and how a ...
memorableusername's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Changing the shared memory size of a container instance in Amazon ECS

As much as I've found container instances run with a default 64MB of shared memory (shm) and it is possible to change that amount using the --shm-size argument with the docker run command. Now I want ...
Mortie's user avatar
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lxd container folder sharing with host

I want to share a folder within a container with the host. So far, the examples my research points to are of host folders mounted inside the container as a volume. I want the inverse. I have a ...
deepakkt's user avatar
2 votes
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Can SSH out, but not in to a docker container: network unreachable

Real docker noob here, trying to get an ubuntu container that can be accessed via SSH. I'm using an image using this dockerfile and building & running it with "docker build -t sshable ~/PATH/" ...
18AdrianoH's user avatar
2 votes
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how to mount a container to a specific file path?

when we use "-v" argument in "docker run" command, we can specific {src path from host}:{path in container}, e.g docker run -v /var/volumns/v1:/var/docker/v1ref ... but how about mounting a data-...
jojo's user avatar
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2 votes
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Cannot start LXC container: failed creating cgroups

I am using LXC (Linux Container) 1.0.6 on a Ubuntu 14.04 64bit Virtual Machine trying to build HTTP service in a container. I have trouble starting the container: $ sudo lxc-start -n test1 lxc-start: ...
Lingyuan He's user avatar
2 votes
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How do I take an FMS h264 stream and wrap it in a container?

I have an FMS (Flash Media Server 4) that writes out the video streams to .f4v files. As far as I can see and understand, it only writes the video/audio data with no container at all, though I could ...
Srekel's user avatar
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IPC versus UTS namespace

I am learning Kubernetes and it seems that they play crucial role in container implementations.They allow us isolation of global system resources between independent processes.Still I do not ...
MikiBelavista's user avatar
1 vote
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What's the easiest way to spawn a cluster of docker containers?

For example elasticsearch, apache spark, hadoop, kafka ... all benefit from running a cluster of machines with some common config between all of them. What's the equivalent of a Dockerfile but for ...
Jazz Man's user avatar
  • 109
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How to run software that requires legacy library version?

I have an old app that requires old OpenCV version (<=2.4.9) and crashes on newer versions (OpenCV partially dropped support for C API since 2.5). I used to just use really really old distro and ...
Lapsio's user avatar
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