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Questions tagged [configure]

Configure is an autoconf script used to configure software source packages for building on Posix-like operating systems.

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32 votes
2 answers

How do i configure a Logitech G502 Spectrum under Linux?

I'm thinking about buying a Logitech G502 Spectrum (the G502 with RGB LEDs) but as I am running Linux (Speciified in Debian @ work, ubuntu @work and archlinux @home) I am woundering how to setup ...
0x1ad1b88's user avatar
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16 votes
2 answers

OpenSSL not found during ./configure

I'm trying to make one bitcoin-like daemon on my Ubuntu 14.04.3. When I hit ./configure: checking for SSL... no configure: error: openssl not found. but # apt-get install libssl-dev linux-headers-$...
user510433's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

Unable to configure qemu on Ubuntu 14.04

I'm trying to configure QEMU on Ubuntu 14.04 (x64): $ lsb_release -a No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS Release: 14.04 Codename: trusty ...
jww's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

How to solve Receive error: 10053 connection was aborted by the software in your host machine for folding@home?

I wanted to follow Nvidia's call to action to donate unused GPU computing power to fight against COVID-19 and installed the Folding@home Client at Version 7.5.1 on a Windows 10 x64 machine. My logs ...
k0pernikus's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

./configure: bdw-gc not found when building Inkscape from source

What is the common way to investigate on this issue that appears during ./configure? configure: error: Package requirements (bdw-gc >= 7.1 cairo >= 1.10 ...
nowox's user avatar
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How do you stop Excel from auto-replacing characters and sequences?

Excel, and I think most Office Products, have an obnoxious habit of replacing regular ASCII characters with obscure extended characters if it can, which renders the result absolutely useless to ...
tlum's user avatar
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1 answer

Midnight Commander: configure error: S-Lang library version 2.0 or newer not found

Trying to update Midnight Commander to the latest version (4.8.23), I downloaded the corresponding tar.xz file from their website (;O=D), extracted the files and ...
user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

kernel source error on dahdi installation in centos

Trying to install dahdi from the link. I have downloaded package for dahdi. But on doing cd /usr/src/dahdi-linux-complete* make && make install && make config My terminal shows [...
deogratias's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

configure not finding ffnvcodec dependency

When running ./configure --enable-cuda --enable-cuvid --enable-nvenc --enable-nonfree --enable-libnpp --extra-cflags=-I/usr/local/cuda/include --extra-ldflags=-L/usr/local/cuda/lib I am met with ...
interoception's user avatar
3 votes
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How can I disable media keys processing in vlc media player?

The title is self explanatory. There is no such option in vlc settings though this page says that the configuration option for this option was added to gui in vlc-1.1.7. The page is quite old though.
saga's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to pass configure arguments as a parameter to a function in bash?

I was working on a bash function to help me to compile packages: make_package() { local PACKAGE_NAME=$1 local PACKAGE_VERSION=$2 local PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIR=$3 local ...
kostr22's user avatar
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wrong dependency_libs in .la file after make install with DESTDIR flag

I am maintaining a locally-compiled version of gpg. The end result is supposed to be a standalone suite of packages living in /opt/local (with the standard tree under that base directory: usr/bin for ...
grobber's user avatar
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1 answer

How to configure apache with domain name in raspberry pi

i have a raspberry pi(IP: connected to my PC(IP: via LAN port. PC is connected to a router(IP: i got raspberry to get connected to router, i bridged the ...
Rajamoorthy's user avatar
2 votes
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i3wm: Duplicate workspace to new monitor

I'm looking for a way to duplicate a workspace to another monitor (i3wm). I'm using arandr (screen layout manager), but workspaces are always split between screens. Let's say I'm making a presentation ...
luku's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

PHP 7.3.8. ZIP extension on MacOS Catalina 10.15

I’m trying to use the builtin PHP in MacOS Catalina 10.15 by compiling the ZIP extension by myself. In the new MacOS Catalina, the phpize tool is no longer usable since inside it contains an invalid ...
Viames Marino's user avatar
2 votes
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bin file unavailable in Apache Drill

I installed Drill according to Drill Documentation. I have java installed. These are the steps I followed wget Then ...
Himsara Gallege's user avatar
2 votes
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RTNETLINK answers: Operation not supported

I am trying to create network and to add hosts with mininet but I got the error: sudo mn [sudo] password for udooer: *** Creating network *** Adding controller *** Adding hosts: h1 h2 *** Adding ...
roll's user avatar
  • 31
2 votes
1 answer

error: zlib library and headers are required R on HPC

System: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.5 (Santiago) I’ve installed zlib 1.2.11 on the home folder of a Red Hat HPC as part of the process for installing R base 3.4.0. I get this error ...
MKH's user avatar
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2 answers

How to start xpdf(1) without the outline pane?

I am trying to configure xpdf(1) so that it doesn't show the outline pane by default. I've managed to set up a keybinding in my ~/.xpdfrc to toggle the visibility of the outline pane with this ...
Mateusz Piotrowski's user avatar
1 vote
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Configure/Change Windows DNS Server Port

How do you configure/change Windows DNS Server Port? I would like to change the port? I've done it with BIND(, but cannot find how ...
Benjamin Jones's user avatar
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3 answers
21k views PermissionError while configuring serial port v3.0 Serial port COM11 A fatal error occurred: Cannot configure port, something went wrong. Original message: PermissionError(13, 'A device attached to the system is not ...
Mukul MBR's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

RPC header not found despite being installed

I'm trying to install MB-system on my Arch Linux machine. I installed all necessary dependencies and have the package libtirpc installed. When running the configure script, it ends with: checking rpc/...
Turtle10000's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Avoid recompiling with make after running configure

I have a program (ffmpeg) that I am trying to install. This is what I'm currently doing: Run ./configure with the desired options. Wait a minute or so. Run make. Wait 20-25 minutes. Get an error ...
Solomon Ucko's user avatar
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Linux From Scratch [closed]

I am currently doing Linux From Scratch.I downloaded some packages.I unzip them using the "tar" command and do the following inside that extracted package: configure make make test make install One ...
PRANAY KASTHALA's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Distinguishing and Executing `set` & `env`?

What is the difference between the set and env commands? When would/should one be used as opposed to the other? How are they generally invoked? (Typical use; case scenario).
voices's user avatar
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How to configure a FreeBSD port with default values (recursively)?

After doing a research in multiple search engines and reading and
Kalle Richter's user avatar
1 vote
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Where should I place all the configurations for my web site on Apache?

I have a web site on the Apache HTTP Server that's installed on the Ubuntu Server. I create my own config file in the /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/mywiki.conf where I added the <VirtualHost>...<...
JConstantine's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

What is the default value for Options in Apache 2.4?

I wonder if the Indexes option is enabled or not. For my website, it seems the directory index is disabled because visiting returns 403 forbidden. But I do not remember I added ...
peter's user avatar
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Why does configure script expect an absolute directory name for --prefix?

I'm trying to use a non-absolute directory name for --prefix: $ ./configure --prefix=xxx configure: error: expected an absolute directory name for --prefix: xxx Why does configure script expect an ...
pmor's user avatar
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UEFI Variable Storage (removing /sys/firmware/efi dump files) when Kernel Variables CONFIG_EFIVAR_FS & CONFIG_EFI_VARS both =y as in Ubuntu 20.04

In the Arch Wiki I see that the two kernel variables CONFIG_EFIVAR_FS & CONFIG_EFI_VARS should be set =y and =n respectively. Arch says, "This option should be disabled to prevent any ...
Diagon's user avatar
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1 answer

Can not find kubeconfig file

I am trying to access a remote kubernetes cluster with kubectl. In order to copy/paste cluster credentials in the kubeconfig file I executed "~/.kube/config" command but there is an error ...
coco's user avatar
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1 answer

An issue with ncview (netCDF visual browser) on cygwin - windows 10

I have an issue with ncview on cygwin. Can anyone help? I have installed cygwin on windows 10 and followed the instructions on Ncview under Windows. my output from ./configure and make install are ...
Brendan Darrer's user avatar
1 vote
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How to correctly move configure --prefix=XX installed program to other directory?

Consider two common user: A & B, neither has sudo privilage. /home/A A A rwx------ /home/B B B rwx------ A wanted to build git from source code: cd /home/A/third-src wget & extract ...
ShenLei's user avatar
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2 answers

I just installed GMP, where did it install to?

I just installed GMP with ./configure...make and now I cannot seem to find where it installed to. I checked in all the bins I could think of and nothing. It does import correctly when I write a C ...
Joff's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How do i configure Normalize with Cygwin?

Normalize is a 32-bit windows program installed with Cygwin, according to the Readme. I run 64 bit windows 10. Some files referenced by the Readme are missing, like "Install". I'm instructed to ...
Erlja Jkdf.'s user avatar
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Change login screen background dark to transparent

I recently changed from a Windows user to Linux(debian 12) after 10yrs. I'm a beginner user and just saw some tutorials (not so user friendly), but I'm just loving the learning process. These are my ...
yamihero777's user avatar
1 vote
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ssh agent forwarding not working on Windows

Same ask as ssh agent forwarding on Windows 10, but on Windows 11. When I ssh from my Linux client with AgentForwarding enabled into a Windows 11 host, I cannot access the client keys on the host: C:\...
xpt's user avatar
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Conventient way to store configuration and setup files for after reinstalling Windows

So, my Windows 10 has been running slow and things that have been working previously is suddenly not working anymore. I'm planning to do a full reinstall (wipe my entire disk), but I'm not looking ...
Andreas Bradahl's user avatar
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weblogic server config.cmd did not work on windows 10

I am trying to setup weblogic server on windows 10. I run fmw_12. successfully. But when I try to create domain using config.cmd file, configuration wizard wasn't opened. I ...
Mete's user avatar
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What are ignored packages for?

I don't have any packages installed on my Sublime Text 3, yet I have this strange property in my configuration file. "ignored_packages": [ "ActionScript", "Vintage" ], Why is it there and ...
Sun - FE's user avatar
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Synergy with 6 screens, how do I setup config

I have 6 screens, 2 rows of 3. My bottom layer of 3 screens are one computer (windows 7) Top left is my Mac Top Middle is Windows 10 Top Right is linux Currently my Synergy setup is just like a T ...
James Inger's user avatar
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configure warns that installed libraries are missing

I hope this is an appropriate forum for this question. I'm trying to learn the "configure, make, make install" workflow that seems to be well-known Linux convention. I am trying to apply this to ...
StoneThrow's user avatar
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How to customize the call to configure in override_dh_auto_configure for debuild?

In my Debian package build, I have 3 packages: A, B, C to build with debuild. So far all the packages are called with the same configure pattern. How could I customize the call to .configure for all ...
user4826904's user avatar
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configure: error: "libevent is too old - you need to install a newer version"

I get Honeyd package from github and read instructions for installing it. I installed all dependencies, but when I try to ./configure, I get this error: configure: error: "libevent is too old - you ...
Richard's user avatar
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Supervisord Restart Wait Until Execution Completes

How can I configure supervisord to wait for a program to complete before restarting it? When I call restart I want supervisord to start the program if it is not running. If it is running, I want to ...
Milk's user avatar
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1 answer

Command line for ./configure - Debian/Red Hat packages

I want to configure and compile openssh server from source. Can I check command line how it was configured in current Debian and/or Red Hat packages? I'd rather not lose any features or badly set up ...
Admixior's user avatar
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How do I setup 3 network cards in Ubuntu and let them be pinged?

I setup a Virtual Box in Ubuntu with 3 network cards. How do I configure the 3 network cards so I can successfully ping between 63 to 189 and 192? Below are the details of my setup: ifconfig -a: ...
Shubo's user avatar
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1 answer

what to do next after manually installing a program in Linux

Because I don't have the administration permission on the Linux server, so I have to install all the software with configure, make, make install to a local directory so as to avoiding permission ...
宇宙人's user avatar
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2 answers

Why is ffmpeg_g slightly bigger than ffmpeg with --disable-debug?

When I compiled FFmpeg with --disable-debug, ffmpeg_g (22.2 MiB) was slightly bigger than ffmpeg (20.9 MiB), Why?
marbens's user avatar
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Establishing Connection to Ethernet Switch

I am trying to configure a basic network for a LAN. The LAN consist of only devices and an Ethernet switch. The devices are using Ubuntu. To configure a basic network, the computers must be on the ...
logic_bomb_walter's user avatar