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Questions tagged [command-line]

An interface for interacting with a computer using typed commands in a text-oriented environment, as opposed to a graphical user interface (GUI).

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How might I mount an iso into a virtual CD drive with VBoxManage "No bootable option or device was found." (virtualbox)?

Following script,, is meant to Create win11.vdi out of Win11_23H2_English_x64v2.iso Create a Windows 11 virtual machine. Mount Win11_23H2_English_x64v2.iso into win11.vdi. ...
John Smith's user avatar
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ZSH: how to make navigation in command line more bash-like?

I recently installed zsh and really like it but I just don't know how to navigate the command line. Home and End keys do not work and Ctrl-Left Ctrl-Right neither. I set it to vi mode since I am ...
JPT's user avatar
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What command to force dd output to a fixed width of 90 characters?

using: neofetch --stdout |grep 'OS:' OS: Kubuntu 22.04.3 LTS x86_64 dd --version dd (coreutils) 8.32 Background: re-purpose a disk = objective some script is being developed some script will delete ...
joseph22's user avatar
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FFMpeg removes the video stream unintentionally

I used the following ffmpeg command to downscale a video. But surprisingly the output did not have any video stream, just an audio-only output. ffmpeg -y -i "" -c:v libx264 -vf ...
CtrlAltElite's user avatar
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rm: cannot remove `dir-name': Directory not empty

I tried to use rm -rf .vscode-server to remove .vscode-server, and got rm: cannot remove 'dir-name': Directory not empty. ls -al .vscode-server # . .. bin ls -al .vscode-server/bin # . .. I tried ...
SeaMount's user avatar
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How do I extract a multi-level compressed file (recursion) with 7-zip in one command?

If possible, how can a file that's been compressed in multiple levels, like the following example.7z file, be extracted in a single command? Assume there is only one final uncompressed file. example....
Nathan J.B.'s user avatar
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Is it possible to resize window to be larger than the desktop?

I have a program whose window size should be greater than the desktop because when maximized, it is still short of a few pixels at the right, making it hard to control scrollbar when the mouse cursor ...
medukia's user avatar
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Linux Command Line List Files

First and foremost, I would like to say thank you in advanced for anybody that takes time out of there day to help me with this problem I am having. So, I am in this class and it's an assignment that ...
yaybo's user avatar
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Restart the process if its output unchanged in PowerShell

I have this command for ($i=0; $i -gt -1; $i++) { $path = "..." ffmpeg -f dshow -i audio="Microphone (USB Microphone)" -y -t 00:10:00 -b:a 128k $path } I need to get the ...
丶 Limeー来夢 丶's user avatar
-1 votes
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How can I create a file with command line in Windows? in a not-yet-exist folder before the command as the command is to execute both file and folder [duplicate]

I am trying to make a file with the command line with the form of mkdir -p /path/to/directory && touch /path/to/directory/file.txt so in my case it will be like this: mkdir -p layout &&...
mohamed elnashar's user avatar
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Stuck at Vagrant connect to SSH

I am using Vagrant 2.3.4 and Virtual Box 7.0.8 to setup VM box eurolinux-vagrant/centos-stream-9 9.0.37 on Windows 10. After using vagrant up, I have faced the SSH issue with this log: Net::SSH::...
BachKhoa's user avatar
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Windows 10 CMD Command Prompt opens and closes for split second. Possible Malware?

Every now and then I get a random command window open and closes for a split second. I can't see what it is. But I'm assuming it is a scheduled thing. I just want to be safe. From the get scheduled ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
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Command Prompt link folder files to another drive and folder like a shortcut

What is the command syntax to link file folder files from one drive to another drive, folder Example: Link drives from a full drive C: Documents (all files) to D: Documents (linked back to the C: ...
NewGuy7456's user avatar
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WSL seems to ignore "default user" argument when updating distro

We are creating a deployment for WSL/Ubuntu 20.04. This works flawlessly for virgin machines. However, we have a population of machines which have Ubuntu 16.04 which we want to update. We're not in ...
VBScab's user avatar
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How does FFMpeg read from a remote s3 url

I'm intrigued how does FFMpeg read a video file from a remote url (for example, an aws s3 presigned url). Does it download the file in chunks and then process it chunk by chunk? Or does it download ...
CtrlAltElite's user avatar
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How do I tell sed to stop trying to process commands?

Maybe I'm an idiot (this is the likely scenario, and I'm new to sed/bash scripting), but why does this work: NewVersion="$(echo $NewVersionFile | sed 's/^.*-\([0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\).*/\1/')&...
sirphillystax's user avatar
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FFMpeg creates image from a timestamp but not from another timestamp

While trying to create an image from a video, the following command does not create any output and completes with the warning Command with timestamp 7 sec: ffmpeg -ss 00:00:7.0 -i "input.mp4"...
CtrlAltElite's user avatar
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How to read All Mail on IMAP Gmail with the Alpine / Pine e-mail client?

How is the "Incoming-Folders Collection" made to include the "all mail" IMAP folder? Currently, the ".pinerc" has the inbox as: # Path of (local or remote) INBOX, e.g. ={...
Nicholas Saunders's user avatar
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I added a Windows feature and now I can't boot into Windows, how can I remove or disable the feature now?

I have a Minisforum HM80 mini PC (may be relevant) running Windows 11 that serves as an in-kitchen PC for simple tasks, from web browsing, to watching videos, and playing light games. I saw a tutorial ...
Jeff Mercado's user avatar
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FFMpeg series thumbnails created less than expected

I have the following ffmpeg command to create a 576p video, and series thumbnails at an interval of every 2 seconds. ffmpeg -hwaccel cuvid -hwaccel_output_format cuda -i input_video.mp4 \ -vf "...
CtrlAltElite's user avatar
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2 answers

Show only folder name with the link information via Windows DIR

How can I get only folder and its symbolic link information output via dir? What I want is this, where CNET and projects are symbolic links: CNET [\\\CNET] elements localized projects [\\...
andio's user avatar
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How to mount a folder as a Drive and give it a label using command line in windows [duplicate]

I have admin priviledges on my PC and using windows 11. I use this command lines to mount my local folder to a Drive letter & also trying to give a label : subst z: c:\Users\andi\temp label z: ...
andio's user avatar
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Does renaming Windows.old folder prevent its deletion or no?

I was asked to help a person with that person's computer. The installation of Windows 10 failed for some reason, but the important files were safely put in the Windows.old folder. The system does not ...
Kowu's user avatar
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Unified write filter serving mode

Right now, we want to remotely manage Windows updates on devices via endpoint manager. Because we have UWF enabled (this blocks any changes to the machine), the endpoint manager forced updates will ...
Joseph Victoria's user avatar
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VLC for macOS command line audio delay

I have a bunch of videos that have both audio and subtitles delayed by half a second. I can play them on VLC and manually adjust it by pressing F 10 times and H 10 times, but I'd like to automate that ...
Apollo's user avatar
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How do I reset file ownership at the command line when the files are owned by users from a dead domain?

I feel like telling a story, so if you want to get to the meat of the question, skip down to the horizontal line. Original title: Zombies from a dead domain won't give me my files! I ran into a ...
Spencer's user avatar
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Press any key to exit in command prompt?

I have an autohotkey script that runs cmd to check the hash for the selected file. I use certutil command for that task. #h:: hwnd := WinExist("A") for Window in ComObjCreate(&...
medukia's user avatar
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"ls: cannot open directory '.': No such file or directory" in Git Bash (in VS Code terminal)

I am working in a Git Bash terminal within Visual Studio Code. For some reason, when the behavior of the terminal changed so that if I execute ls, the result is ls: cannot open directory '.': No such ...
Paul Wintz's user avatar
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Use 7zip to create archives for each subfolder and file

Under Windows environment, I have a folder contains both subfolders and isolated files. The structure is like this: D:\main_folder subfolder1 subfolder2 file1.dat I want to use 7zip to make the ...
range's user avatar
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How to look on a Subfolder using FOR loop in windows CLI

Hey Team I am trying to execute an app that is in a folder constantly changing the name due to version difference C:\root\my Folder\subfolder_Ver_1\app.exe I want to look in my Folder and find app.exe ...
JORGE Mb's user avatar
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Unknown commands hogging all my cpu. " ./10 -c/tmp/ ..."

What command is ./10 -c/tmp/ ... ? I have tried killing it with no luck. Other than reboot what are my options? How could I find out what triggered it? What command was it, I need to identify what ...
c3cris's user avatar
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How to force declare -f to respect semicolons

Given the function hello () { echo "one"; echo "two"; } Inside a script I'm using cmd="$(declare -f hello); hello" then I try executing the command using bash -c $cmd, ...
weshouman's user avatar
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Delete the autorun key from the command processor in the registry

Every time I tried to run cmd recently it would just pop-up and close immediately, and only Powershell worked on my PC. I found a solution that asked me to navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\...
Mateo López Torres's user avatar
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How to convert code from test format to if fi format?

I have code that opens a bash file in a terminal for entering the sudo password: test "$IN_TERM" || { export IN_TERM=1 konsole -e "$0" exit 0 } && true I need ...
moninah's user avatar
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Adding an empty line between the powerline/prompt line and the output line in ZSH?

I am using p10k, and I haven't seen any option other than # Add an empty line before each prompt. typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PROMPT_ADD_NEWLINE=true which that adds a line before the powerline/...
Centaro's user avatar
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How to send an email from one user to another, locally and offline?

I'm just testing a few things with e-mail and want to send something with mailutils strictly locally and offline from one user to another: tbird@mordor:~$ tbird@mordor:~$ mail nicholas@mordor....
Nicholas Saunders's user avatar
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how to open an mbox file with mailutils for local use?

How do I open the mbox file for offline local usage? Just looking to browse the messages with the mail command and expecting a menu listing the messages. From the man pages, I didn't see an explicit ...
Nicholas Saunders's user avatar
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running a multi-threaded script on a macPro to a smb-mount folder throws an error

We're trying to run a multi-threaded script from our macPro but we keep getting an error massage. The xml script contains parameters to run a specific tool, the paths to the raw data and other ...
Assa Yeroslaviz's user avatar
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Compress each directory to its own Zip file from command line

I have a directory of directories. I want to compress each of them in to its own zip file, keeping the same name. I don't want it to be recursive, I just want to compress dozens of folders in the same ...
Will Hanley's user avatar
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Batch script to take first & second part of folder name and create new folders from them

Any wizards out there that can help with this? I have some music folders labelled like this "Taylor Swift - 1989" etc with just the music files and folder image in the one folder. I need ...
Shane Cusack's user avatar
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Windows cmd won't recognize changed PATH

Few days ago I installed Tesseract OCR by installing Capture2Text via Chocolatey. This proved not to work, and instead of uninstalling Capture2Text I went ahead and deleted the Capture2Text folder ...
Elizabeth V.'s user avatar
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How to do a search and replace for byte 92 and 96 in “.htm” files in Linux?

I have hundreds of `.htm' pages that were created years ago where most of the content was copied from Microsoft Word. Unfortunately the pages contained word specific characters like the single curly ...
Phunction's user avatar
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How can I add a timestamp to a monitored command (like "netstat") in Windows commandline?

Using netstat -aon | findstr /I "1234", I can monitor that this port is open, but there is an issue: this is what the result looks like: UDP *:* 5064 UDP
Dominique's user avatar
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Disable Microsoft Edge Restore Pages Functionality

I scheduled a batch script with Task Scheduler to routinely close and reopen Edge to my website once a day while the browser is opened in Kiosk mode. I have: Taskkill /F /IM msedge.exe :: wait three ...
sushi's user avatar
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Trying to run HLDS (Half-Life Dedicated Server) in the Ubuntu CLI - but I keep getting "Unable to initialize Steam."

I have a headless linux server running Ubuntu that I ssh into. I run a variety of server programs on it, such as a papermc for Minecraft. I am trying to set up a HLDS server for Half-Life. I've ...
mrmanager's user avatar
3 votes
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How to convert a PDF with one long page into a PDF with mutiple A4 pages?

I have long PDFs with one page of very large height. I want to take each of these PDFs and generate on the Linux/macOS command line a new PDF file from it that is A4-paginated. I tried using qpdf to ...
halloleo's user avatar
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Robocopy with Task scheduler in invisible mode for KIOSK mode or alternative

Computer Setup: Computer in KIOSK mode through Shelllauncher on Windows 10 LTSC. Problem trying to solve: I am looking to move local files on network drive. Solution I found which have some gaps: ...
TSS's user avatar
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Persistent atop display of system stats

When I start atop, it will blink *** System and Process Activity since Boot *** and show system and process activity since boot. After 10 seconds, it will show system and process activity in the past ...
wdkmaaeo's user avatar
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Powershell (windows 11) move files and rename

I am trying to write PowerShell that will allow me to clean up files and place them into folders and rename them to include a date in the filename, and once I work out the commands, I will script it. ...
psycoperl's user avatar
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Linux file search: fdfind command vs. fdz command

I'd love to use the fdz command to search for files on a Linux system, the presentation of fdz results is much more pleasant. But there's something I need to resolve first. An example will be much ...
mazda's user avatar
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