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Is there anyway to resume "stuck" cmd.exe in windows 10?

For a lack of a better description, look at this screenshot: Sometimes, after an out of memory semi-crash, cmd windows remain in this state. If I click on them, nothing happens. (some of them work ...
Zibri's user avatar
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1 answer

How to solve a final pb when merging a series of .ts file with concat command of FFmpeg?

I had dowloaded some videos from the Internet, feaw years ago… I obtained many files: a series of files in .ts In my example: a series of 306 files named from segment1_4_av.ts to segment306_4_av.ts A ...
dg lr's user avatar
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0 answers

How can I run NET USE if the password starts with a slash?

I'm trying to run the Windows net.exe program to connect to a computer (escaping double quotes on the passwords): NET USE \\computer /USER:domain\user "%password:"=""%" But I ...
Sergio Del Franco's user avatar
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Unable to Connect to Remote Desktop on Local Network - Diagnosing with CMD/PowerShell

I've recently encountered an issue with Remote Desktop Connection that stumps me. I have two Windows computers on the same Wi-Fi network. Until recently, I could connect without problems, but now I'm ...
Foad's user avatar
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Is there a name for the text that shows up after executing each command line in a CLI?

for example in linux terminal I have jurek@debian:~$ man help No manual entry for help I want to know how the second line is called bc I want to ask an other question "How to copy this term (I'm ...
konto's user avatar
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"For" cmd in Windows recovery console

I ask if my CMD prompt in windows recovery environment can accept this kind of script, as a paste only script. I know it works ok in the regular cmd console, but I'm not really sure about the recovery ...
Roni Ked's user avatar
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Restore all CMD commands (or windows commands) [duplicate]

I was messing with the environment variables and PATH, etc and i think i got rid of a bunch of terminal commands by accident (nodeJs commands, python, etc) even the windows ones. So i cant run ...
Alejo Lasso's user avatar
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2 answers

Batch how to compress an .zip folder without root folder while also being portable

I'm trying to compress multiple separate folders to .zip (whether it be 7zip or PowerShell or tar) as well as being portable (as in the .bat can be anywhere) yes I looked at other posts but none of ...
Jimmy King's user avatar
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2 answers

Windows "winget" says that a program is installed but it is not anywhere on the installation drive

I had downloaded and installed clink manually. It did not show up anywhere on the path. So then I used the package installer: it says that it is already installed: C:\Users\sboesch>winget install ...
WestCoastProjects's user avatar
2 votes
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Trying to capture same functionality in Windows cmd prompts as in a PowerShell list of commands using net localgroup

I work in an environment with a mix of older and newer Windows components on isolated networks. To try and make a certain task easier, I worked on a list of PowerShell commands to create a single text ...
Pokopokopoki's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Is there a difference between combining commands with & and running them one at a time?

Say I want to run multiple, computationally complex commands on Windows command line. Does it makes a difference, performance wise, if I combine them with &: doSomething1 & doSomething2 & ...
overdriven's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

7-Zip Fails to Properly Unzip File via Context Menu and CMD, But Works in GUI

I'm currently encountering a problem with a .zip archive made using 7zip. Whenever I try to unzip it using the context menu (right click -> 7zip -> extract here) or using a bat script (or cmd) &...
JohnKondo's user avatar
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Batch command with quotes fails to move files and delete folder with special characters

I have a custom batch program that I update and run to negate having to constantly waste half an hour just to clean up the Windows start menu every time I'm forced to reinstall Windows. It saves me a ...
John's user avatar
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A batch file with an executable file checks if it is not in the processes in order to run another batch file (or code from it)

There are two batch files. Need to add a condition to the first file if the process is running nvcplui.exe then nothing, and if it is not running, then the second file (or the code from it) will be ...
Agodless's user avatar
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2 answers

Reset Windows Update settings back to default, including respective local policy, by command-line only?

I have many Windows 10 and Windows 11 machines, which are in different states of windows update settings. Unfortunately, some machines have local policies active for windows update settings. I need to ...
I grok it's user avatar
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Executables' working directory is always C:\WINDOWS when executing in command prompt from network drive

Ran into a very strange issue with network shares recently on a particular Windows 10 machine. I have a network share \\server\sharename mapped to the Z: drive, and am trying to work with files there ...
Degru's user avatar
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-2 votes
2 answers

How to run an .exe file in command line without adding PATH variable in Windows? [closed]

I've recently downloaded ffmpeg and I need to run it through command line. I'm not able to do that because I don't have admin rights. How do I work around that?
Jahnavi Vempati's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Why does Windows command prompt command chaining not short circuit when a batch file returns non-zero?

The first premise is that batch scripts will execute all commands in them, even if one fails. @echo off does_not_exist.exe also_does_not_exist.exe C:\Users\user>two_failures.bat 'does_not_exist....
douggard's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

Powershell - keep only lines in txt files contain some selected words

I have a txt file and I would like to keep only a few lines in it I want to a command that turns this txt file: ;FFMETADATA1 title=TNT disc=01 comment= lyrics-eng= \ \ \ album=Classic genre=Older ...
Clamarc's user avatar
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How to delete directory called [ '.. ]

I am amazed by the things Windows lets you do, then doesn't let you undo. Doing some programming, I ran a build script and specified the output folder as '../my/folder' From this, it created a folder ...
Stuart Aitken's user avatar
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Program associated with custom file extension isn't receiving command line arguments

When Python is first installed, the extension .py is associated with C:\windows\py.exe, which runs the Python script. Now I do a lot of Python development, so I set it to open with my IDE instead, but ...
xenon134's user avatar
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1 answer

How to extract a part of a line that is between two specific strings using a batch script [closed]

I am trying to extract strings which are between <meta property="al:ios:url" content="snssdk1180://live?room_id= and " data-rh="true">. Example Input: <meta ...
Enema State's user avatar
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How to paste encryption password for rclone's "crypt"

I'm trying to restore my rclone configuration and I have the original randomly generated encryption password and salt for one of my remotes. However, when setting this up in rclone on Windows, I can't ...
user9564371's user avatar
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How to find files in a folder structure and group them into a new folder - Windows CMD

I´m looking for a way to search for files (pdf) in a folder structure that have a common identifier although in different parts of the file name (Eg. "10000 january.pdf" and "march ...
Dagef's user avatar
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Strange PSEXEC Output

Windows 2016 server from 2012. Sometimes when I run commands on multiple remote computers I'll get a strange output at the end of the command: psexec64.exe \\<computer1>,<computer2>... CMD ...
David Shader's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

FFMpeg: How to get the real return value in bash

I've always used ffmpeg via a cmd-script and I always could check the %ERRORLEVEL% which was always '0' on success or '!0' if an error occured. I'm trying to recode my cmd-scripts in bash (using msys2 ...
lhksoft's user avatar
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3 votes
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Is there a Windows equivalent of Linux `.desktop` file to execute various commands (like as many custom "apps")

I am using Windows in parallel with Linux again, and I've got all the Linux habits and reflexes, without which I feel very frustrated. For example, how to create a file to launch a terminal with a ...
cipricus's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Are there commands in PowerShell 7 to split the current window into four and request to run Python files in each of them?

Currently, I click + 3x while holding Alt to create four divided terminals within the same tab: In each of these, I need to run a different Python commnd: cd "C:\Users\Computador\Desktop\Test ...
Digital Farmer's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

What Equivalent %* of Batch in PowerShell

Batch Script: @echo off if not "!!"=="" setlocal enabledelayedexpansion for /f "tokens=4*" %%a in ( 'dir /AD "%USERPROFILE%\" ^| find "DIR" ^| Find /...
Mr.Key7's user avatar
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How to open the CMD or the PowerShell in the Windows terminal when you open them as Admin?

I noticed that when I open the CMD or the PowerShell in non-admin mode, it always opens in the terminal; however, when I open the CMD or the PowerShell as admin, it always opens the old window. Indeed,...
Federico Navarrete's user avatar
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CMD/Powershell looking for "curl" executable in the wrong location despite PATH

I have a strange issue with both CMD and Powershell on Windows 10 that has been giving me some trouble. An unrelated scriptwas failing when running curl, and after some investigation it looks like a ...
Syst3ms's user avatar
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How do I make a command line always show in front of another app

let's say I only have one monitor and I open an IDE and a powershell window. I need to type words in the IDE's current tab while watching the conent of the command line. The problem I have is, ...
user22155685's user avatar
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4 answers

How to auto power on windows laptop when lid is opened from shutdown state just like hibernation state?

It has been observed that most laptops power back on by themselves upon reopening the lid if they were in hibernation mode. However, this behavior is not replicated when the laptop was in full shut ...
user3330840's user avatar
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How can I completely delete a user in Windows via the command line? [duplicate]

There is a user Alice that logged in a lot of windows machine using your AD account. In every computer, the windows create the user's files like: c:\users\alice Now I want to complete remove this user ...
Rodrigo's user avatar
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How to delete domain from laptop through cmd prompt

Hi I just brought a latitude 5330 laptop and when I charged it up and turned it on it is locked to a domain. I have the login details for the local account but there is no where to log in to it on log ...
Devil Spawn's user avatar
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How to split a big folder into multiple standalone archives using RAR or 7-Zip console?

Example: I want to add a 100 GB folder to archives of 10 GB each using RAR or 7-Zip console on Windows. But each archive must be independent/standalone and able to extract without the other archives. ...
unixcandles's user avatar
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What secure erase in the fastest way on Windows 10 with cmd? [duplicate]

I have a program in QT, C++ and I want to secure erase the computer after a trigger. After this process, I do not want the old data on the SSD to be accessed by data recovery programs. I want this ...
mrhndsm's user avatar
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Cmd 32 bit crashes but 64 bit works

I have tried to run a .net core 8 code that worked for me 3 days ago. But now it crashes with error related to access violation Same code works on another computer So i tried to look for the cause and ...
Y.G.J's user avatar
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Uninstall SourceTree using cmd or powershell

I would like to use cmd or powershell commands to uninstall SourceTree from windows 10 machines on my network. The reason I need a terminal way is that I have to do this remotely and simultaneously ...
Kristi Begaj's user avatar
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How to safely store environmental variables and make it actually invisible in my PC?

I am learning about environmental variables. I know for example that if I have a secret password I should not code it inside of my code. From what I understood is that a .env file should be used to ...
Federico Gentile's user avatar
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Exclude all folders containing "discarded" with 7z

When I do 7z a -x!*discarded* test with test/ test/a.txt test/subfolder/ test/subfolder/a.txt test/subfolder/discarded/ test/subfolder/discarded/a.txt test/subfolder2/a.txt test/subfolder2/...
Basj's user avatar
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How to encrypt folder files using zip.exe [closed]

Example -path1 - desktop/file_source Path2 - desktop/e_data_source. How can we encrypt files from desktop/file_source to desktope_data_source path using zip.exe in cmd. Could you please help me.? Is ...
Siri chandana's user avatar
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How to properly escape in windows command shell - even the asterisk?

By following good (though sometimes conflicting) advice such as Quotes, Escape Characters, Delimiters - Windows CMD - or Escape character – Wikipedia, section 2.6 Windows_Command_Prompt or ...
Hagen von Eitzen's user avatar
-2 votes
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Batch script to re-size JPEGs in music folder to 350x350 and delete unwanted files

I currently use a script to rename music folders from eg. Taylor Swift - 1989 to a new folder Taylor Swift with a subfolder 1989 with all files moved into it. I've also added a rename line to change ...
Shane Cusack's user avatar
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How to get the return value of pipe and executable on Windows

I am running some unit tests which involve piping into my executable, like this. cat text.txt | my_exe --options Running these commands, how do I get the return value of my_exe? Even when my_exe ...
scx's user avatar
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Issue while Concatenating TXT Files

I hope you're all doing well. I have a simple command-line prompt that I use on Windows to concatenate all TXT files into one file named "merged." copy *txt merged.txt However, I've ...
Hasan Mougharbel's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to check If Windows game mode is currently active? [closed]

Is there a method to detect if Windows Game Mode is currently active (i.e. the user is playing a game — not is game mode enabled)? I've searched the web a fair bit but only managed to find a few ...
STEBS_TC's user avatar
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Windows command prompt cannot start

When I run cmd in Win+R, Windows terminal starts, and instantly closes again. I do not have an AutoRun (checked registry and tried cmd /d). When I start an application that spawns a console, the ...
XerneraC's user avatar
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MSI with Windows 11 installed unable to log in error 0xd000a002

I'm having a problem with my MSI Summit E13FlipEvo A12MT-019IT laptop with Windows 11 installed. For a few days I haven't been able to log in by entering my pin and password even though I know that ...
Riccardo Barbo's user avatar
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Windows tar command: exclude folder in current folder but not subfolders

I am trying to archive some folders with the tar command in Windows, and I would like to exclude a directory in the current folder, but not in subfolders. The example below is using the technique ...
triatic's user avatar
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