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NirCmd won't run on Windows XP

I am using the NirCmd Command Line utility. It works fine on Windows 10, but I am trying to use it on Windows XP SP3. It says that it is not a Win32 compatible program. The website claims that it ...
ZaneStudios's user avatar
2 votes
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Windows, How come Diff.exe reports an error?

We have 3 files in 3 directories: d:\run.exe d:\temp\RunShortcut = d:\run.exe s:\temp\RunShortcut = d:\run.exe The above 2 shortcut files are 433 bytes each and shortcuts are present in ...
Joseph's user avatar
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How to know if a drive is subseted in windows?

I did: C:\> subst d:\ c: C:\>wmic logicaldisk get description,deviceid,drivetype Description DeviceID DriveType Local Fixed Disk C: 3 Local Fixed Disk D: 3 How I ...
Aminadav Glickshtein's user avatar
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Invoking a DOS application remotely [duplicate]

An XP and a Win10 PC reside on a LAN. The goal: the Win10 PC executes a program on the XP box: XP_BOX>> myProgram.exe arg1 arg2 argN Is there a built-in Win10 command that enables: Win10>...
gatorback's user avatar
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2 answers

schtasks issue: The request is not supported

I'm working with a virtual machine, which is not very responsive due to network issues. On that virtual machines there are some scheduled tasks which regularly I need to start manually. Seen the bad ...
Dominique's user avatar
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script with print screen and task scheduler problems

On a production system a script opens screens and sends them to hypersnapDX. Hypersnap then saves a picture in a folder which then is copied onto a server. This script is done by a cmd script. The ...
eckhart's user avatar
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Set CMD Prompt to always be the current directory name in Windows XP? [duplicate]

I would like my command prompt to display just the directory name I am currently in, not the full path. If I am working in C:\Mystuff\Junk\ I would like the command prompt to display: Junk> If I ...
kerbaled's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to silently extract a self extracting multipart rar files via commandline?

I have a multipart self extracting rar file; setup.sfx.part1.exe setup.sfx.part2.rar setup.sfx.part3.rar Now when I try to extract it by starting the exe via commandline I get a nice screen where ...
Thomas's user avatar
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1 answer

Unable to run the batch file for phoronix-test-suite in WindowsXP

I am trying to install phoronix-test-suite in my windows-XP, 64bit. According to the user manual, I only need to run a .bat file from respective directory. When I double click on the .bat file or ...
Self Techy's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to stop every batch file opening as a process named cmd.exe as seen in task manager

This is very complicated. I'm developing a malicious batch file just to test myself. This will be done at the startup. what I have is Three + Six (hidden) Batch Files. First file makes six other ...
Bhanu Kumar's user avatar
1 vote
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Windows XP Safe Mode Command Line detect external drive

Is it possible to detect an external USB drive to move folders to via Windows XP Safe Mode Command Prompt Command Line?
Chris's user avatar
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Create batch File to run one time and exit comand prompt window

This is the command line i want to run on my windows xp machine arp -s 11-22-33-44-11-22 I tried ti make code like this into arp.bat arp -s 11-22-33-44-11-22 exit When i ...
iLinux85's user avatar
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2 answers

Export Windows XP event logs cmd

I need to export a specific Windows XP event log from the eventviewer to a ".txt" file. My scenario is that the user programs a chkdsk to be execute on next reboot into a remote machine, and after ...
CarlosLeo's user avatar
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Create multiple folders with text file inside in Windows XP

I'm trying to create 1000 folders each with a single text file inside eg C:...\Customer1\Customer1.txt C:...\Customer2\Customer2.txt C:...\Customer3\Customer3.txt . . . etc to 1000 I can create a ...
Charlotte's user avatar
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Print a list of all fonts used in all documents in a directory

Suppose you have a directory which contains (perhaps in sub-directories) Word 2000 (.doc) files. Now I want to analyze which fonts are actually used by a specific user. So, how can I scan this ...
student's user avatar
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-1 votes
3 answers

How to determine the username on a windows command shell

There are various suggestions on how to determine the current username on a windows command shell without using whoami, such as this question or this question. The generic answer seems to be echo %...
countermode's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

MRenaming network interfaces based on index with WMIC and netsh with Batch

I have two Intel NIC's that I need to rename based on their index numbers, WMIC is nice in that it seems to always return index numbers in numerical order so we can take the output directly without ...
Sam Martin's user avatar
-4 votes
1 answer

How to use command line to stop application from another pc

I have 32 clients are running on MS Windows XP numbered as GON1NU01 to GON1NU32. I want to stop application from command line to stop all or selected clients "App_Stop_All". What command should I ...
Dheerapong Ountantaeyanont's user avatar
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Opening a command prompt in another location - XP

In Windows 7, shift-right-clicking on a Explorer window brings up 'Open Command Window Here', which I cannot find in Windows XP. I heard you have to edit the registry, so I tried using this source. ...
Registered User's user avatar
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HTTP download via batch [duplicate]

I would like to know if there is a way to make a http download via batch script just with the standards programs in windows (XP and 7) and without PowerShell. Please, don't give programs I need to ...
Rafael's user avatar
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copying files through command line in windows xp

In my lab there are 70 windows systems is there . Each user has 1 system, in al systems C nd D are deniend .Eevry users should store their files in only Z drive. Now my question is I want to copy ...
user3021349's user avatar
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How to full screen command prompt in a Virtualbox XP vm?

I am running a legacy DOS application in windows XP command prompt and I can't manage to show it full screen. As I saw, this is not only my DOS app, but every command prompt I open in Windows vbox, ...
Radolino's user avatar
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1 answer

What does %Path% mean at the end of PATH?

My PATH on Windows looks like this: C:>echo %PATH% C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\dwimperl\perl\bin;C:\dwimperl\perl\site\bin;C:\dwimperl\c\bin;%Path% What does %Path% mean at the end of ...
Tomas's user avatar
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`DIR /B /O:N > filename.txt` but only showing folders without a certain file

I'm trying to make a list in XP of folders which do not contain a .jpg file. I use DIR /B /O:N > filename.txt for making a folder list. It works perfectly, but now I need a list where the folders ...
rai come's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

What does WindowsXP SetMonTime.exe command do?

I noticed on my Windows XP SP3 workstation a command runs at startup as follows: C:\WINDOWS\system32\SetMonTime 600 I searched on the net and there is absolutely no reference to what it is and what ...
Adrian's user avatar
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Command line: Copy files listed with DIR /S to another folder

I'm trying to list all macro enabled files in my D: and copy them to a "newfolder" I created in the same drive, this is what I've tried and the error message: D:\>copy dir \*.xlsm/S newfolder\ The ...
Ruben's user avatar
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1 answer

Error while using copy command to copy files in subfolders

I'm using the folliwing command to copy all files of the same extension from a folder and all its subfolders to a new destination: for /R "f:\" %f in (\*.mp3) do copy %f "C:\Documents and Settings\...
avm's user avatar
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1 answer

Install a driver in Windows (XP) from command line? [duplicate]

How can I install and uninstall a driver from the command line during a console session? I have the driver.sys and the driver.inf file, and I want to: install the driver use the device managed by ...
ZEE's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Variable not being read correctly

I try to do the script below @echo off setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion set MYFILE=D:\Working Dir\Home Usage Working\patch me.txt FOR /F "tokens=1,2,3 skip=2" %%A in (!MYFILE!) do ( ...
hbelouf's user avatar
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Where does Windows XP store wlan profiles and how to show/delete them?

I'm running Windows XP on a computer I do not hold (full) admin rights to. I've been trying to figure out where to find and delete a specific wireless network profile using the command line. Using ...
spoorzoeker's user avatar
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"CACLS" is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

I have been using CACLS batch file many times and today it is not recognized. CACLS.EXE exist in C:\Windows\System32 and I have tried writing at command prompt: CACLS * /E /T /C /G Administrators:F ...
Phillip's user avatar
4 votes
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recursive compare directoreis content by cmd windows xp to output file

I wish to compare two directories and subdirectories files recursively, without additional instalation in windows xp. the tree of the folders and files name is same, but files's contents may be ...
mich's user avatar
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13 votes
6 answers

How to set/use an empty string value in a variable in Windows XP CMD.EXE command-line?

Using SET to set an empty value to a variable works nicely in a Windows XP .CMD script. However, the same SET command behaves differently in the same CMD interpreter when used directly from command-...
Laszlo Valko's user avatar
1 vote
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Running some XP patches via command line using /quiet keeps update in memory

Whenever I run some XP patches using /quiet option they remain in memory forever. If I use /passive it works. If I don't use any switches it works.
dom9360's user avatar
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How to pop up "Console Windows Properties" WITHOUT "Right-clicking the title bar"?

I want to pop up the "Console Windows Properties" without right-clicking the title bar → Defaults (not Properties) My customer"s" just keep complaining to me about how to change the "Console ...
Kevin Dong's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Unbalanced Parenthesis in a for loop in batch

@echo off FOR /l %%A in (0,1,30) do ( set /a results=1600 + !RANDOM! %% (1900 - 1600 + 1)echo %%A--!results! ) When I run this I keep getting error "Unbalanced parenthesis" in windows xp and when I ...
hbelouf's user avatar
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%RANDOM% environment variable is giving a single number [duplicate]

I’m having trouble with the %RANDOM% environment variable in the following command: FOR /l %%A in (0,1,30) do set /a results=1600 + %RANDOM% %% (1900 - 1600 + 1) && echo %%A--!results! I ...
hbelouf's user avatar
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Reconfiguring, then deleting obsolete pagefile.sys from C: in one go using a batch script

I'm trying to set up an automated script for a Windows XP installer. It's a batch script that runs on first boot after installation, and among the things I'm trying to accomplish, is removing the ...
DanielSmedegaardBuus's user avatar
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Disable disk caching in Windows XP using the command line?

I've often wanted to create a really lean and optimized installation of Windows XP to use with VMware, disabling everything that's useless for the use case. I've used quite a few days with nLite and ...
DanielSmedegaardBuus's user avatar
1 vote
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Save and use handle to application console output

I have a server (Bukkit server, written in Java) and I'm runing it on remote Windows XP machine. I'd use this to launch the server: start start_bukkit.bat This will create new instance of command ...
Tomáš Zato's user avatar
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Install SSH server using command line commands

There is a windows server with running HTTP and FTP server. I have access to the command line because I've run HTTP server under administrator account, however it's much more comfortable to run the ...
Tomáš Zato's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

Windows 7 cmd.exe "text mode" with Alt+Enter?

In XP, I can go to text mode in cmd.exe with alt+enter. This is when it goes full screen (no windows, no graphics - it uploads a raster font to the hardware). No longer works in Windows 7. What ...
n611x007's user avatar
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-1 votes
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How to open more than two word txt file in cmd

I have a text file "English word.txt" in local disk D. I tried to open this file using following command in command prompt in Windows xp D:>English word.txt but it didn't work and following message ...
user2462778's user avatar
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Deleting *.htm files also deleted *.html files [duplicate]

What is going on here?? Bunch of *.html and *.htm files in my directory, I do a del *.htm and after that the *.html files are also gone: I noticed it happening in Total Commander when I typed the ...
Jan Doggen's user avatar
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Why do not all computers show up on net view?

I have a wired LAN network with some networking issues. In dealing with them, I have used net view in Command Prompt to try to see all of the computers on the network. There are four computers on the ...
kuwaly's user avatar
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Move only certain files with cmd

I have many files, e.g. 1000, with different names that I have a list of. If I want to move certain files (suppose 400) to any directory, how can I do this? The problem is the files have no ...
Chirag Verma's user avatar
1 vote
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How to start applications automatically when Windows starts with a time window

I would like to ask if there is any way of starting applications automatically when windows XP boots up, but approximately 1 minute after each other. THe problem we are encountering is that we use ...
Daniel Hladik's user avatar
2 votes
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Can't execute file with CMD under Windows XP

I'm currently trying to run a file located at C:\Chocolatey\lib\ScriptCs.0.5.1\tools\scriptcs\scriptcs.exe Originally I tried popping up a CMD and running the command scripts as it should already be ...
DanteTheEgregore's user avatar
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Printing text files with 320 columns per line from Windows XP via IE or notepad

I am trying to print plain text files which are just formatted reports. The reports are standardized at 320 characters per line. They are printed on A3 paper in landscape. We use a Tally MT691 ...
reachsam777's user avatar
7 votes
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Configure conemu with Visual Studio command prompt variables

I have searched and searched and got nothing. Please let me know how can I use conemu as a Visual Studio command prompt replacement. I mean how can I add the variable in the vcvarsall.bat to a conemu ...
Soham Dasgupta's user avatar

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