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How do you create an ffmpeg lossless image without re-encoding?

I'm using the command below but not sure if it’s really lossless and without re-encoding? Is there specific command to create lossless image and without re-encoding? I'm new to this. ffmpeg -lavfi &...
Michael's user avatar
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Is there anyway to resume "stuck" cmd.exe in windows 10?

For a lack of a better description, look at this screenshot: Sometimes, after an out of memory semi-crash, cmd windows remain in this state. If I click on them, nothing happens. (some of them work ...
Zibri's user avatar
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1 answer

A batch file with an executable file checks if it is not in the processes in order to run another batch file (or code from it)

There are two batch files. Need to add a condition to the first file if the process is running nvcplui.exe then nothing, and if it is not running, then the second file (or the code from it) will be ...
Agodless's user avatar
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Executables' working directory is always C:\WINDOWS when executing in command prompt from network drive

Ran into a very strange issue with network shares recently on a particular Windows 10 machine. I have a network share \\server\sharename mapped to the Z: drive, and am trying to work with files there ...
Degru's user avatar
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-2 votes
2 answers

(Windows 10) Symbolic link failing, claims "system cannot find specified path"

I am trying to create a symbolic link between %ProgramData%\PopCap Games\Insaniquarium and %ProgramData%\Steam\Insaniquarium to fix compatibility problems with the game Insaniquarium, however, the ...
AndreM962's user avatar
1 vote
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How do I add a user with "Full Control" permissions to folder without changing owner of the folder (I.E.) Administrators, using the command line?

I want a command-line solution to add a local user account to the permissions table for a directory and grant the account full access... WITHOUT changing the ownership of the directory. I'm looking ...
fmotion1's user avatar
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Opening command prompt as admin Using a Desktop Shortcut with Hard-coded admin username

TLDR version on the bottom. I would like to create a desktop shortcut that would open up command prompt as if I had used the 'Run as Admin' option, but by just double clicking a shortcut and then ...
mbelsky's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to check If Windows game mode is currently active? [closed]

Is there a method to detect if Windows Game Mode is currently active (i.e. the user is playing a game — not is game mode enabled)? I've searched the web a fair bit but only managed to find a few ...
STEBS_TC's user avatar
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Why does a Windows program not work for a certain user, but it works for other users?

I installed ExifTool on my parents' computer running Windows 10. I extracted the zip file, renamed exiftool(-k).exe to exiftool.exe, then moved exiftool.exe to C:\Program Files (x86)\ExifTool. Then I ...
pacoverflow's user avatar
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Wireless LAN adapter Local Area Connection *13 and *14 not connected, how do i connect it back?

This is what I see: I am trying to change my IP address using ipconfg/renew, but it is not allowing me to because my Wireless LAN adapter Local Area Connection *13 and *14 are not connected, can ...
1manewbie's user avatar
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MySQL is not connecting with server

I am currently using MySQL 8.0.36 on Windows 10. Today, when I started my computer to work on SQL, I encountered an issue where it displayed 'No connection established.' Subsequently, I attempted to ...
NAMIT DUBEY's user avatar
1 vote
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Is it possible to resize window to be larger than the desktop?

I have a program whose window size should be greater than the desktop because when maximized, it is still short of a few pixels at the right, making it hard to control scrollbar when the mouse cursor ...
medukia's user avatar
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-1 votes
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How can I create a file with command line in Windows? in a not-yet-exist folder before the command as the command is to execute both file and folder [duplicate]

I am trying to make a file with the command line with the form of mkdir -p /path/to/directory && touch /path/to/directory/file.txt so in my case it will be like this: mkdir -p layout &&...
mohamed elnashar's user avatar
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Windows 10 CMD Command Prompt opens and closes for split second. Possible Malware?

Every now and then I get a random command window open and closes for a split second. I can't see what it is. But I'm assuming it is a scheduled thing. I just want to be safe. From the get scheduled ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
1 vote
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Does renaming Windows.old folder prevent its deletion or no?

I was asked to help a person with that person's computer. The installation of Windows 10 failed for some reason, but the important files were safely put in the Windows.old folder. The system does not ...
Kowu's user avatar
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Delete the autorun key from the command processor in the registry

Every time I tried to run cmd recently it would just pop-up and close immediately, and only Powershell worked on my PC. I found a solution that asked me to navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\...
Mateo López Torres's user avatar
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Windows cmd won't recognize changed PATH

Few days ago I installed Tesseract OCR by installing Capture2Text via Chocolatey. This proved not to work, and instead of uninstalling Capture2Text I went ahead and deleted the Capture2Text folder ...
Elizabeth V.'s user avatar
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WinX. FULLY functional USB Flash Drive stopped working when usin a recovery tool (EaseUS). EaseUS became unresponsive, leading to the drive errors [duplicate]

USB SanDisk 3.2Gen1 USB Device (64Gb Flash Drive) WinX EaseUS The drive is visible in Windows Explorer but... if I click to open it... the cursor changes to the hourglass icon for about 40 seconds....
Mermaid Man's user avatar
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Node wont run from cmd unless the .exe extension is added

So this is a very weird one. Let me start by saying that things used to work fine. I installed Node a few days ago and once complete I opened a command prompt (On Windows 10), I entered node --version ...
Jacques Ramsden's user avatar
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Windows 10: How to know maximum capacity of RAM of a laptop? By program/command [duplicate]

In Linux is possible use the dmidecode command to know the max capacity of RAM that a Laptop/PC can support. Furthermore it shows each slot with each stick inserted with their respective values. I ...
Manuel Jordan's user avatar
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In Windows 10, is there are way to run a specific task either at a certain time or at the time of log-on?

I have registered the following task task to run at 7am: %SystemRoot%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe New-ItemProperty -Path HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Themes\...
Yoblo's user avatar
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PowerShell - Cannot uninstall the Microsoft.HEIFImageExtension on several Win10 systems

I have a PowerShell command line to uninstall the HEIF image extension component provided by default on Win10/Win11 OS. This command is the following: get-appxpackage Microsoft.HEIFImageExtension -...
Jean-Milost Reymond's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I set a default directory when opening a Command Prompt on Windows 10?

I'm using Windows 10 without admin privileges. I would like the command prompt to default to a directory when I open an instance. I have tried setting the following environment variables for my user ...
Dave's user avatar
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mklink gives message "invalid switch"

So I'm trying to move Whatsapp Desktop's media folder from C drive on Windows 10, where I have limited space, to E. I closed Whatsapp (also via the task manager). I moved the media directory to E, and ...
avshae's user avatar
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4 answers

Is there a way to get file description field from the file metadata using the command line?

I'm looking for a way to use the command line on windows 10 and 11 to read the File description field from the metadata of a file. The value of many other fields can be get using wmic as described in ...
ridilculous's user avatar
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RoboCopy to hidden shadow drive partition; error code reads as Invalid Parameter #26 :x\

I am currently attempting to set up a mirroring of my C:\ drive. I read online that using Robocopy was the best way to set this up. I have put together the following string of robocopy options, ...
SimpleUser's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Extract text between two strings from a file and save the output

How to extract the text between two strings from a file and save the output to another file, and invoke it in batch, at command line? To be more specific, let us say that the input file is SomeFile....
digital-Ink's user avatar
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How to print all lines of responses of command in telnet?

Perhaps this is trivial but Google searching doesn't find anything useful at all. I am using Windows 10, and I use telnet.exe to control my modem. Sometimes the responses of the commands entered is ...
Ξένη Γήινος's user avatar
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Command Line or Powershell option to change desktop background folder

I am looking for a way with script to change the folder that is used for desktop background slideshows (see image below): There have been multiple questions on SuperUser about changing the background ...
Kalamalka Kid's user avatar
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Can you use xfreerdp to get a console (cmd.exe, command line) session with Windows 10?

I am using a Windows 10 computer remotely, over Remote Desktop / RDP, on a Linux host typically running remmina. Unfortunately, the Windows 10 got completely locked for some reason, it would not start ...
sdbbs's user avatar
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Do both Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 chkdsk commands work?

like for instance on windows 8.1 chkdsk C: /f /r /x compared to windows 10's chkdsk C: /f /x /r Both commands work right no matter the windows version? It will not damage the SSD or any of that ...
s0utt's user avatar
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Copying Specific Subfolder from Multiple Top Level Folders to a Network Path

I have multiple top level folders (about 30) with one particular subfolder I need to copy to another network path (Windows10). I am trying to see if there is a script or PowerShell command that will ...
Michael G.'s user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Windows Command Line Scripting - Prompt for value

I have a windows script that simply moves and renames files from one directory in to a series of subdirectories. I would like to have the script prompt the user for the date of the files. Currently I ...
psycoperl's user avatar
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Removing mail accounts from local Windows users via CLI

I am looking for a way to remove linked mail accounts from a local Windows user via a script from the command line, or another way I can reliably schedule. I'm not talking about a Microsoft account, I'...
Mattia Mele's user avatar
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Where does completed file go by default when merging audio and video files together using ffmpeg?

So I merged an audio and video file together earlier using ffmpeg. I Did a full search on my hardrive for outPutFile.mp4 and it was nonexistant. Now I'm running another, slightly altered command using ...
cadenpolen's user avatar
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Run Native Windows 10 Apps with Parameters

Previously I installed IrfanView locally (as a normal application). I was able to execute the following successfully in AutoHotkey to open a specific folder within the app: run, "C:\Program Files\...
Ahmed's user avatar
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How do you programmatically check if there are updates to your installed programs with winget?

I've spent a ridiculous amount of time trying to make use of winget. If I simply run winget upgrade, or winget upgrade <package> for each program I care about, it not only checks if there is an ...
Valantine's user avatar
2 votes
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How Are My Python Installations' Command Names Determined, and Can I Change Them?

I recently installed 3 versions of Python on my Windows 10 machine: Python 3.8, Python 3.10, and Python 3.11. I have added all of them to Path . I have successfully run Python3.8 by typing in python ...
Anon Anon's user avatar
5 votes
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Google drive in WSL

I have google drive G:\ in my Windows 10. Trying to open it in WSL Ubuntu with command: cd /mnt/g Command works fine, but ls command shows nothing there. Why?
vico's user avatar
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Block users for cancelling restart PC command line operation

I am pushing restart to clients PCs using command line as following: shutdown -r -f -t 300 The problem is that a simple non-administrator user can enter command line and input shutdown -a This ...
Eric's user avatar
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Export all trusted certificates on Windows from the command line as PEM or DER

I need to export all trusted certificates with certutil from the following stores: My Root Trust CA AuthRoot However I have trouble understanding the documentation and I am not an expert with ...
Hakan54's user avatar
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What is the equivalent PowerShell command for 'Network Reset' UI option on Windows 10?

There's an option on the network settings called "Network Reset" that allows the admin of the device to "Reset" all network configs, is there an equivalent for this but done via ...
francisco.l's user avatar
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How to get the current IO utilization in percentage from the command line on Windows 10?

I already know how to get the CPU usage percentage: wmic cpu get loadpercentage That returns: LoadPercentage 21 But what about the IO? Meaning the total disk utilization in percentage, or one per ...
Majd's user avatar
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Did I accidentally delete all my thumbnails and entire desktop?

This is a bit different from my usual posts. I may have messed up badly. I was having a problem where my thumbnails for photos (jpg, png, etc., file type didn't matter), weren't showing up. Seemed ...
user avatar
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How to unzip all files in a folder to their respective sub-folders using 7-zip on Windows 10?

I see various posts/answers around this topic but the answers did not work. Environment: Windows 10 64-bit 7-zip is located in c:\program files\7-Zip I have a folder d:\zipfiles with many *.zip ...
carrabino's user avatar
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How to overwrite text on specific line in Batch [2nd Duplicate]

I have already tried this: { @echo off setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion for /f %%a in ('copy /Z "%~dpf0" nul') do set "CR=%%a" <nul set /p"=This is ...
01maxzie's user avatar
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Windows: Kill processes by arguments [closed]

I'm on Windows 10. I want to kill all processes that have the word "foobar" in their command line arguments. How can I do that in the terminal, without touching the mouse?
Ram Rachum's user avatar
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How to reverse these commands in cmd?

I have some problem with Virtualbox and I found this site and it tells me to run these commands: mountvol X: /s copy %WINDIR%\System32\SecConfig.efi X:\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\SecConfig.efi /Y bcdedit /...
khoa's user avatar
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How to unzip a multitude of .gz files with windows command prompt

I have a system that must accept and send data 24/7, and runs 3 instances of itself on 3 different virtual machines (nicknamed _1, _2, _3 for later use). In the logs the timestamp of the traffic is in ...
László Dercs's user avatar
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Is it possible to block .exe with a certain Company/File Description/Size from being run on Windows?

Is it possible to block .exe with a certain Company/File Description/Size from being run on Windows? Basically trying to block this one file, but the end user could rename the file, and I don't want ...
Michael L's user avatar

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