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OpenVPN disconnect without killing process

I am using OpenVPN on ubuntu like this sudo openvpn --config vpnconfig.ovpn --daemon I am wondering is there a way to stop/disconnet OpenVPN connection I started without killing OpenVPN process?
Node.JS's user avatar
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How to find cpu spike for the past 2 days?

I was trying to find the linux command to show the cpu spike for the past 2 days. I was able to get the CPU% with sar command sar -f /var/log/sa/sa$(date +%d -d "2 days ago") but it is not ...
Sameer's user avatar
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Is it normal for Ubuntu (WSL) to take up 40GB of space?

I've tried running this to cleaning out docker images, etc… with this command: compact vdisk The filesystem allocation is 1007GB and only 4% is used. How do I fix this? All the forums and questions ...
Asia's user avatar
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How to export a text file from SQLite3 with CLI Kubuntu

Unsure if it is even possible to get a human friendly text file from this SQLite3 file with CLI (Command Line Interface) Terminal with Kubuntu. using: neofetch --stdout |grep 'OS:' OS: Kubuntu 22.04....
joseph22's user avatar
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WSL seems to ignore "default user" argument when updating distro

We are creating a deployment for WSL/Ubuntu 20.04. This works flawlessly for virgin machines. However, we have a population of machines which have Ubuntu 16.04 which we want to update. We're not in ...
VBScab's user avatar
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Trying to run HLDS (Half-Life Dedicated Server) in the Ubuntu CLI - but I keep getting "Unable to initialize Steam."

I have a headless linux server running Ubuntu that I ssh into. I run a variety of server programs on it, such as a papermc for Minecraft. I am trying to set up a HLDS server for Half-Life. I've ...
mrmanager's user avatar
3 votes
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Cannot mount sda3 "mount: /media/drive: unknown filesystem type 'LVM2_member'."

Yesterday I installed ubuntu server on an old laptop to use as home server for Jellyfin and other applications. Everything is going great, until I run the 'df -h' command to check available space on ...
John Salchichon's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to use baresip CLI to play an audio file

I'm trying to make my home automation system make announcement calls via SIP so that when an event occurs, the system would call to a specified number, play back an audio file and hang up. I have ...
ifoindecks's user avatar
1 vote
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bash: /etc/shells: Permission denied in Ubuntu

I am trying to add Xonsh to my /etc/shellsto make it my new default shell, however when i run sudo which xonsh >> /etc/shells I get bash: /etc/shells: Permission denied I tried changing the ...
Omar Morales Rivera's user avatar
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Multiple error messages in my CLI when opening a page in Google Chrome in WSL2 (Windows Subsystem for Linux)

I am trying to run Google Chrome on the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL2). My Linux distribution is Ubuntu 22.04.1. I downloaded Google Chrome by following Microsoft's tutorial on how to run Linux ...
Anthony's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

How to connect to other computer on same network without ssh?

I am trying to visit each computer on my local network via the command line on an Ubuntu system. I would like to do things like administer files and update configurations. How is this done? Also is ...
ChillieCode's user avatar
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2 answers

Move files based on arithmetic conditions on filename

I have a folder with a bunch of files following this structure: image_<N1>_<N2>.png where N1 ranges 0:238002, N2 ranges 0:3. I want to move to another folder only the files that have N1 &...
SpaceLover's user avatar
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Linux copy all files and folders except for one folder to another folder

I have the following content in a folder Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 File 1 File 2 File 3 I'm trying to use the command line to move all folders and files except Folder 1, to Folder 1. That is, Folder ...
Norman's user avatar
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8 votes
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How to set WSL default path to ~ (Ubuntu)

Running the command ubuntu in Windows Terminal puts the directory as linux default, but running wsl causes it to mount at /mnt/%USERPROFILE%. I know I can just run ubuntu, but I'm used to using wsl ...
vvxrtues's user avatar
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Waiting until a string appears in a log file

I have a log file that text is appended to during the program run. I want to know when a specific string was appended to the end of the file. All the solutions given here: Monitoring a file until a ...
Codo's user avatar
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Fractional display scaling: get and set in terminal

How do I get current fractional scaling value via terminal? E.g. with GUI set to 125%: gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.interface scaling-factor returns 0 gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.interface ...
Anton Duzenko's user avatar
1 vote
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How to pass keyword to background process to close properly?

I have just created a shell script and and added to crontab -e Crontab is working fine but when I kill process manually the recorded video of that process is not playable. Because when I run the ...
Farid's user avatar
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Default path for RScript terminal command changes with sudo

I am trying to execute Rscripts from the terminal, but I can only get them to work by adding the sudocommand. Running --verbose, I have been able to narrow down the problem to a difference in the ...
HarD's user avatar
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2 answers

How to update inactive Window gracefully through cli?

If I am working, say, on a text file, but have a Firefox window at another workspace that I want to update regularly: how can I, through the command-line, perform this action? The text file is ...
Quora Feans's user avatar
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Moving all pwd contents to pwd's parent directory?

Another user asked about this and I'm looking for clarification because apparently I can't comment until I have 50 pts. One of the given answers for moving everything(including hidden items) up a ...
Karl Heisler's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Update the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) to WSL 2

I have a list of instructions to follow but when I get to step 6 I'm met with There is no distribution with the supplied name. Can someone please lead me in the right direction please? Thse are the ...
user1737305's user avatar
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Where is /usr/local/bin on windows

For context, i installed apktools software by moving file to C:\Windows and run the software from command prompt. I use windows 10 (also enabled windows subsystem for linux) and just installed ubuntu ...
LLL's user avatar
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How to make an output file specific to each variable in while read line loop? Nikto ZSH

In Zsh, I want to run a Nikto scan on a list of URLs and have the output be: ($line)-nikto-results.html I have so far : while IFS= read -r line; do nikto -h $line -o $line-nikto-results.html -F html; ...
Simm Simmons's user avatar
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grep: /etc/wsl.conf: no such file or directory --- ERROR

I have windows machine and i am using ubuntu on windows 10 app for linux. I want to integrate this app with atom editor. whenever i am hitting atom . command on ubuntu on windows 10 terminal its ...
Yukti Agrawal's user avatar
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2 answers

How to show Device Path, Parent folder, file?

Using: Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS (Focal Fossa) With explorer on a file we have the Ctrl-I = Properties command Parent folder and file showing: /home/u3/Music/file.txt stat gives undesired output with: stat ...
joseph22's user avatar
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running bash commands from windows command prompt working intermittently

I'm trying to run a linux executable from the windows system through bash, but am having intermittent problems. I've narrowed it down to the fact that bash itself seems to sometimes run and sometimes ...
Jan Smits's user avatar
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1 answer

How to send images to local windows clipboard from ssh connection?

I have an ssh connection to my other computer running Ubuntu. I want to be able to copy an image from a file, example.png and have it show up in the clipboard (not as text) and be able to paste it ...
Epik's user avatar
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2 answers

What is the meaning of using EUID?If RUID and EUID of a process is 1000, 0 and if we run any command the command is run as 1000 priviledge level,why?

As per my understanding, RUID: uid of the caller of the process is called real uid. EUID: effective uid means allowed privilege for that process. // setuid_file.c #include<stdio.h> int main(...
user17791780's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Can someone explain this property of the at and the tty command?

Can someone explain how this command : echo "/bin/sh <$(tty) >$(tty) 2>$(tty)" | sudo at now;tail -f /dev/null starts a root shell but this command : echo "/bin/sh" | sudo ...
randomSapien's user avatar
1 vote
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Ubuntu in WSL: Reboot Command is not working [duplicate]

Ubuntu in WSL: Reboot Command is not working I have been using WSL as a means to get access to Linux when developing software inside of the Windows 10: Pro Ed OS. But some of my preformated input ...
JΛYDΞV's user avatar
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Ubuntu CLI - run shell script with predefined arguments

I have a shell script that prompts the user for manual input (eg. 1 & enter, 2 & enter, etc). I would like to automate this process by passing pre-defined arguments to the script while when ...
LXP2021's user avatar
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merge columns in 2 text files properly

I have 2 text files. The first has data: LA_3_45 test 1 LA_3_45 test 2 LA_3_45 test 3 .. The Next has Numbers: 1.34 2.53 -0.54 ... I want to combine them column-wise: LA_3_45 test 1 1.34 LA_3_45 ...
Sudiksha Ghosh's user avatar
2 votes
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How does WSL manage GUI apps? Why do some work when others don't?

I have WSL + Ubuntu installed on my windows machine, with a few utilities installed. The following commands open up a GUI when executed from within my Ubuntu terminal: code . (opens up a vscode ...
user32882's user avatar
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Emacs load file from command line

When I was on Ubuntu, I would open files with Emacs on the command line like this: $ emacs -nw file.txt or $ emacs /etc/sysctl.conf When I use Kali and type the above, no file is opened and I am ...
DX0's user avatar
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Using Hyper On Windows for cmd and Git

I just installed Oh My Zsh (Hyper) by following the instructions on How to Install Oh My Zsh! on Windows 10 Home Edition. I use it on Windows 10, but there are some issues that does not let me use it ...
Jack's user avatar
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Run Ubuntu as administrator

When I start my session in Ubuntu there is a message that tells me I have no administrator access: But when I write this command nothing happens. How to fix this to get access to all folders in the ...
yitzhak chocron's user avatar
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How to resume a command pipeline in Ubuntu after accidentally shutting the program down?

I am still a beginner in all of this, which is why I'll describe as well as possible. I have been running a pipeline in Ubuntu for more than a day and just accidentally closed the Ubuntu window. The ...
Amber's user avatar
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Execute last command(s) in OpenSSH Client on Windows 10

I'm using OpenSSH Client shipped with Windows 10 (Home) through the Powershell. How do i repeat the last command(s)? I was used to using the up key to browse throught the last executed commands, but ...
Roberto Pravisani's user avatar
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how do I run a sudo command and load the environment variables of current logged on user?

I need to run an ssh sudo command. command is as follows: ssh -i keyfile [email protected] 'sh -v /opt/dir/script' the script contains the following: sudo -E node some.js the reason I use the -E ...
reza's user avatar
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Sudo commands just go to newline

When entering sudo commands, my system sometimes arbitrarily doesnt execute the command but goes to a newline. For instance, typing sudo apt-get update and hitting enter just goes to a blank newline ...
Dean P's user avatar
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Command Prompt Scrolling down on typing

I got a weird problem with my command promt. When typing the screen is scrolling down so I can't see what I'm typing anymore. The problem just appears when I'm connected to the vServer (ubuntu 20) and ...
temp's user avatar
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3 votes
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PowerLevel10K prompt not getting correctly formatted in tmux

I am using oh-my-zsh shell and powerlevel10k theme on my system. I recently installed tmux. But for some reason the prompt of tmux is not getting correctly formatted. Here is my .tmux.conf file: set -...
Amul Agrawal's user avatar
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Cron job fails to run NodeJS script

I have a cron job for which I want to log output. The cron file (crontab -e) is: 0 7 * * * node $HOME/server/task.js >> $HOME/server/log.txt The cron task is called: $ grep CRON /var/log/syslog ...
emonigma's user avatar
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How do I download only the file names of webpages using wget on Windows?

I am currently using this command: wget -m --limit-rate=25m --convert-links --timestamps --wait=0.5 --execute="robots = off" And it works wonderfully. However, I would ...
user avatar
2 votes
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"command not found but can be installed with ..." prompt in Linux Mint?

I'm running Linux Mint on a VM. I've previously worked on Ubuntu 20.04 WSL and I liked the feature where if you didn't have a program installed but if that existed in the repository, you would be ...
First User's user avatar
3 votes
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Git auth on EC2 works via command line within X2GO, but not by SSH

I work on multiple EC2 instances which each contain repos that need frequent updating. So I ssh to the EC2 instance, cd to the repo, and run git pull. Simple enough. The problem is outlined in the ...
barnhillec's user avatar
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Running command-line tools giving python3 bad interpreter, no such file or directory error

I have two versions of python installed on a server: /usr/local/bin/python3 (version 3.6.3) /home/ubuntu/miniconda2/bin/python (version 2.7.15) Earlier today I removed python version 3.6.3 and 3.4.0 ...
j---xyz's user avatar
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Command clear is not clearing screen

Follow up on How to reset a broken TTY?, to fix the terminal after displaying a binary file, I've tried all solution there, as well as those from But my ...
xpt's user avatar
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How to chain/connect multiple -exec commands with find * and ls?

Problem I use find -exec curl in ubuntu console to list all files in directory and send them to FTP server: find * -type f -exec curl -u ***:*** --ftp-pasv --ftp-create-dirs -T {} $PATHDEST/{} \; -...
marcinpl87's user avatar
1 vote
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How to remove all spaces at the end of strings in a text file in linux

I have file named a.txt and it contains strings but got some additional spaces at the end cat -vet a.txt displays ab cd^M$ abcdefg ^M$ //there is a space at the end aaaaaaa^M$ bbbbbbb^I^M$ //there ...
Kros's user avatar
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