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Is there anyway to resume "stuck" cmd.exe in windows 10?

For a lack of a better description, look at this screenshot: Sometimes, after an out of memory semi-crash, cmd windows remain in this state. If I click on them, nothing happens. (some of them work ...
Zibri's user avatar
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0 answers

Explore Regedit.exe to the specified address from the CommandLine [duplicate]

Generally, when we want to navigate to one of the registry addresses, we open regedit.exe then copy-paste the address into address bar, then press enter. For example Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Console ...
Mr.Key7's user avatar
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3 answers

Is there a difference between combining commands with & and running them one at a time?

Say I want to run multiple, computationally complex commands on Windows command line. Does it makes a difference, performance wise, if I combine them with &: doSomething1 & doSomething2 & ...
overdriven's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to change user's directory like 'Download' to other directory via command line in Windows?

I know that there is already an answer for this, but that isn't sufficient. In Windows, moving user's directory like 'Download', 'Documents' to other directories can be splitted into three steps: ...
tetratheta's user avatar
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How to paste encryption password for rclone's "crypt"

I'm trying to restore my rclone configuration and I have the original randomly generated encryption password and salt for one of my remotes. However, when setting this up in rclone on Windows, I can't ...
user9564371's user avatar
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Back from Elevated Admin to Not Elevated

When running Batch Script with Administrator privileges, how to back to not Admin? I tried this example: @echo off :Demo CLS fltmc >nul && (echo Admin& set $A=y) || (echo Not Admin&...
Mr.Key7's user avatar
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1 answer

Remove Empty Line at Top Command Prompt Start Up Display

This question is a continuation of post Modify Windows CommandLine Start Up Text After I succeeded in modifying the cmd startup display from its origin, so that it looked like this: CMD: Still there ...
Mr.Key7's user avatar
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1 answer

Modify Windows CommandLine StartUp Text

I want to replace both text Powershell Startup and CMD StartUp below # PowerShell PS C:\Users\Admin> # CMD C:\Users\Admin> with PS > CMD > Like Python Start Up that only showing >>...
Mr.Key7's user avatar
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0 answers

Strange PSEXEC Output

Windows 2016 server from 2012. Sometimes when I run commands on multiple remote computers I'll get a strange output at the end of the command: psexec64.exe \\<computer1>,<computer2>... CMD ...
David Shader's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Getting Two Character Variable Without Pressing Enter (PowerShell/ CMD)

Bash Script: #! /bin/bash read -n 2 -p '2 digit:' ans; echo $ans When i finish input two character, the script continue, without waiting me to press enter. And what I have pressed saves to the ...
Mr.Key7's user avatar
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CMD/Powershell looking for "curl" executable in the wrong location despite PATH

I have a strange issue with both CMD and Powershell on Windows 10 that has been giving me some trouble. An unrelated scriptwas failing when running curl, and after some investigation it looks like a ...
Syst3ms's user avatar
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-1 votes
3 answers

How do I delete files with "- copy" in the name using wildcards?

I have a problem, which appears that How to delete files with specified text in their names? would delete what I don't want deleted. Because of an issue with OneDrive after installing an extra ...
Chris Rogers's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Uninstall SourceTree using cmd or powershell

I would like to use cmd or powershell commands to uninstall SourceTree from windows 10 machines on my network. The reason I need a terminal way is that I have to do this remotely and simultaneously ...
Kristi Begaj's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Passing a variable to a variable within a batch file

I'm grabbing a value from the registry assigning it to %%b and trying to pass %%b to another area within the batch file as shown below. But it comes out as %b. It does not pass the variable a second ...
GenShira's user avatar
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What is wrong with this "move" command?

I am trying to use command in Windows 10 as administrator to move 27,000 HTML files from one directory to another. When I use the command it reports that there is a syntax error. So what is wrong with ...
aussie1855's user avatar
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Windows tar command: exclude folder in current folder but not subfolders

I am trying to archive some folders with the tar command in Windows, and I would like to exclude a directory in the current folder, but not in subfolders. The example below is using the technique ...
triatic's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Merge multiple files into 1 file with a newline character between the contents of each file in command line

I've got for example 2 files with the contents test.txt 1 test2.txt 2 I want to merge these 2 files into one file. I saw on related questions that it was recommended to use type *.txt > merged....
Sebastian Byg's user avatar
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Delay in Command Prompt startup After Windows 11 Update

I'm encountering an issue with Windows 11 where there's a noticeable delay (about 2 seconds) in the text appearance when I launch the terminal. The terminal window itself pops up right away, but the ...
youssef Benhammouda's user avatar
1 vote
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Press any key to exit in command prompt?

I have an autohotkey script that runs cmd to check the hash for the selected file. I use certutil command for that task. #h:: hwnd := WinExist("A") for Window in ComObjCreate(&...
medukia's user avatar
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Windows taskkill not finding titled cmd.exe

I'm starting a lot of .bats, in which I execute, for example: title Waterfall-Proxy I do this, to have an easier closing the right cmds when I want to shut them down. To shut them down, I'm using: ...
Deutsch - Musik's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Windows Termin new tab and command

I'm trying to open a new tab in Windows terminal and execute a command after that. I've got this: wt -w 0 nt -d . cmd /k cd "D:\Minecraft\Waterfall Network\Waterfall Network - 01 - Proxy" &...
Deutsch - Musik's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Node wont run from cmd unless the .exe extension is added

So this is a very weird one. Let me start by saying that things used to work fine. I installed Node a few days ago and once complete I opened a command prompt (On Windows 10), I entered node --version ...
Jacques Ramsden's user avatar
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Send info from ffmpeg to text file & then parsing into a new file

I am trying to scan a directory of .mkv files and output the volume information to out.txt and then parse out.txt for volume_max and send it to log.txt using for %i in (*.mkv) do ffmpeg -i "%i&...
Preston's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How do I "mv */* ./" in a Windows command shell?

On a Windows machine, I've got about 50 subdirectories in the same directory, each with around 5 files in it. I want to get all 250-or-so files into one directory. In a UNIX system, I'd just open a ...
onigame's user avatar
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How cmd get arguments list

I have a file a.cmd. Path to the file is C:\Program Files\a\a.cmd and C:\Program Files\a is in PATH environment variable. When I invoke a.cmd from PowerShell (v. 7.2) I see that a process with the ...
kkj's user avatar
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How to detect when a redirect operation of a windows cmd echo fails

Is there a way to detect if a echo redirection into a file, f.e. echo asdf > C:\nonexistingdirectory\asdf fails? ERRORLEVEL doesn't seem to be set. Is checking if the file exists afterwards the ...
ridilculous's user avatar
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RoboCopy to hidden shadow drive partition; error code reads as Invalid Parameter #26 :x\

I am currently attempting to set up a mirroring of my C:\ drive. I read online that using Robocopy was the best way to set this up. I have put together the following string of robocopy options, ...
SimpleUser's user avatar
1 vote
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Open network folder in a .bat file

How do I open a network folder with a .bat file? explorer shell:NetworkPlacesFolder works like wonders in CMD but once I try to implement a path (e.g. \\104pc01-01\c$\), it simply doesnt work and I ...
Ben Murray's user avatar
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Programmatically open new CMD and enter code *but not run it*? [duplicate]

Is it possible in Windows to programmatically launch a new instance of CMD, Terminal, or PS (doesn't matter which) and populate the input field with some arbitrary code, just like if a user was typing ...
ETL's user avatar
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3 votes
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findstr /X keeps printing lines with no matches

I'm using nslookup and findstr in a simple batch script to check if a website is up. However findstr keeps printing lines which doesn't contain any matches. The command goes like this: nslookup ...
Mizuki's user avatar
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navigate through cmd to a folder that starts with P_

I have a problem. I have a script where i want to move one File (here it starts with S_) to a folder, which always starts with P_. It is the only folder in the directory, where i wanna move it to, but ...
Roman's user avatar
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How can I extract a .zip file with 7zip with a cmd command?

I have the following problem: I have a This test .zip should be extracted to a "test" folder. But i have a test1, test2..., test23. So no matter how its named, the folder should ...
Roman's user avatar
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"if not exist \\ip\SharedDirectory\." in batch file creates delay

I would like to open a network drive in the explorer. The network drive is hosted on a PC, that is sometimes connected by WLAN and sometimes connected by LAN. Because of that, it has two different IPs....
SalamiMonster's user avatar
-1 votes
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Command Prompt Drive Switching Different From PowerShell [closed]

In Command Prompt, I can switch from the C:\ drive to the D:\ drive with the following (rather simplistic) command: D: I can also switch between different directories in the same drive with the cd ...
Brendan Lynn's user avatar
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create windows firewall rule for traceroute

I want to create a windows firewall rule that allow outbound tracert.exe connections. But when i: go in the 'windows firewall with advanced security' panel block all outboud connections create a ...
Marcello's user avatar
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Messed up Windows .ps1 file, and now can't open CMD or run any commands in Powershell

At some point, I created a startup file for cmd and powershell. Ending in .ps1 I think. I must have a typo in it or something because I now get this error in powershell when trying to run commands: &...
abalter's user avatar
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How can I run an exe from stdout?

I have a .exe file hosted as a release on a Github project, it is my project so I know this file is secure as I have compiled it. ...
ty246's user avatar
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From a path, all files, including those stored in subfolders, but not the subfolder-structures themselves, only the files, are to be copied?

From path Y:\Server-MODS all files including those which are stored in subfolders, but not the subfolders themselves, but really only the files themselves are to be copied to the following path via ...
Peter Andres's user avatar
4 votes
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Set folder permissions through CMD - MS Windows

I need to write a small Windows software (using VisualBasic PL) to create automatically folder trees, following a fixed structure; in particular, I have to create the main folder with several ...
Nicola's user avatar
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What is the cmd.exe command to determine the last mounted drive letter on Windows 11?

I'm trying to be able to determine on the command line (so that I can do it from my scripting language) the drive letter for the last mounted drive on Windows 11. Up until recently, I have used the ...
Srujan F.'s user avatar
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Why is my file sorting batch script causing an infinite loop?

I am trying to find an efficient way to sort image files by name, and then loop this program over all subfolders in my chosen folder. I found a code that works in this thread. However, in order to ...
Pika's user avatar
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Removing mail accounts from local Windows users via CLI

I am looking for a way to remove linked mail accounts from a local Windows user via a script from the command line, or another way I can reliably schedule. I'm not talking about a Microsoft account, I'...
Mattia Mele's user avatar
3 votes
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How do you programmatically check if there are updates to your installed programs with winget?

I've spent a ridiculous amount of time trying to make use of winget. If I simply run winget upgrade, or winget upgrade <package> for each program I care about, it not only checks if there is an ...
Valantine's user avatar
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how can we sort files according to their size using cmd batch files and print a wait timer till the loop is running?

How can we sorting the files with size in the decreasing order. What should i add ? for %%d in (a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z) do ( if exist %%d: ( echo Another process is ...
user avatar
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custom text instead of path in command prompt

When I open CMD, I see: C:\users\*****\> how can I change this to be custom, for example: example> I'm trying to make a cmd game and want a custom start text for the command prompt, I would ...
jamesYValley's user avatar
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Get list of open tabs in Windows Terminal

In cmd.exe you can list currently running windows by their PIDs and window titles using: tasklist /fi "imagename eq cmd.exe" /fo list /v However, this does not work if cmd is running within ...
Mark Deven's user avatar
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6 votes
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What do you call the language you use in CMD nowadays? [duplicate]

so, I've long been afraid to refer to "that language you use in batch files and in the cmd shell" by name. It's embarrassing to admit that i don't know what it is called anymore. The only ...
Frank Thomas's user avatar
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Is there a way to know what happens at command prompt when we copy and paste a file from one location to another?

Is there a way to know what happens at command prompt when we copy and paste a file from one location to another? I.e. I use Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V to copy and paste a file from one location to another ...
Raghav Bansal's user avatar
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Leave directories in dos/cmd

I enter CMD or DOS prompt, (doesn't matter) and I enter "cd desktop/" so now I am in C:\users\USER\desktop\ and now I want to leave the desktop\ directory, how, because doing "cd USER&...
Humancoder1123's user avatar
3 votes
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Open email folder in Thunderbird (v102.7.1) using the windows command line

I'm trying to open a specific email folder in Thunderbird (v102.7.1), using the command line arguments. I already found out that using thunderbird.exe mid:<MESSAGE-ID> will open the email with &...
username's user avatar

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