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Hide files and folders with same name

I ran into an issue where I had to restart my computer during a large extraction process involving many zip files :(. All the zip files contain a folder that has the name of the zip file (minus .zip) ...
Brian Jester's user avatar
0 votes
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7-Zip Fails to Properly Unzip File via Context Menu and CMD, But Works in GUI

I'm currently encountering a problem with a .zip archive made using 7zip. Whenever I try to unzip it using the context menu (right click -> 7zip -> extract here) or using a bat script (or cmd) &...
JohnKondo's user avatar
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How to split a big folder into multiple standalone archives using RAR or 7-Zip console?

Example: I want to add a 100 GB folder to archives of 10 GB each using RAR or 7-Zip console on Windows. But each archive must be independent/standalone and able to extract without the other archives. ...
unixcandles's user avatar
0 votes
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Exclude all folders containing "discarded" with 7z

When I do 7z a -x!*discarded* test with test/ test/a.txt test/subfolder/ test/subfolder/a.txt test/subfolder/discarded/ test/subfolder/discarded/a.txt test/subfolder2/a.txt test/subfolder2/...
Basj's user avatar
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Can I get the real CRC of RAR-compressed files?

In RAR5 archives, the CRCs of files seem to be hashed again with the modification time of the corresponding files (so the answer to this question doesn't work). I EITHER need the real CRCs from the ...
viuser's user avatar
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How do I extract a multi-level compressed file (recursion) with 7-zip in one command?

If possible, how can a file that's been compressed in multiple levels, like the following example.7z file, be extracted in a single command? Assume there is only one final uncompressed file. example....
Nathan J.B.'s user avatar
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Use 7zip to create archives for each subfolder and file

Under Windows environment, I have a folder contains both subfolders and isolated files. The structure is like this: D:\main_folder subfolder1 subfolder2 file1.dat I want to use 7zip to make the ...
range's user avatar
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WinRar and 7zip command to extract archive in new folder

Good morning I would like to know if there is a command in WinRar and 7zip that allows me to extract a compressed file into a new folder with the same file name, equivalent to right-clicking and ...
Elermino's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I extract a .zip file with 7zip with a cmd command?

I have the following problem: I have a This test .zip should be extracted to a "test" folder. But i have a test1, test2..., test23. So no matter how its named, the folder should ...
Roman's user avatar
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Optimizing 7z command line options for speed and compression ratio of large .bak files

I am currently dealing with a multitude of .bak files, each averaging around 300GB in size, and I need to compress them using the 7z command line. My primary objective is to strike a balance between ...
m'hd semps's user avatar
0 votes
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When using 7zip from the command line, how can I have 7zip archive creation overwrite the existing archive?

Currently it updates the archive where as I would like the whole thing overwritten. Thanks.
albertbarnard's user avatar
-1 votes
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7-zip unzipping files via command line where the zip contains special characters

7-zip was used in Windows to compress a batch of folders that contained file paths and file names that uses special characters such as € and accented letters. When the command line prompt is used to ...
jarod's user avatar
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7z batch file create individual( 7z or zip) with a master PW

I use this command with notepad. Save it as 7z.bat in a folder you want to individually .7z or .zip the files. With -p{pasword} -mhe *.txt @ECHO OFF FOR %%i IN (*.*) DO ( ECHO "%%i" | FIND ...
André Gravel's user avatar
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How to zip files in a specific date range

I'm looking for a way to zip files in a specific date range using a script. For example I would need something that zips files in a specified folder with date modified being 2020. I tried the solution ...
Pribovich's user avatar
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7zip how to copy file from zip to another zip

In 7zip with 2 panel view, I have 2 different zips open on both sides. I can drag and drop one file from inside the zip on the left side inside the right hand side zip file but it only preserves the ...
ghostanime2001's user avatar
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How to unzip all files in a folder to their respective sub-folders using 7-zip on Windows 10?

I see various posts/answers around this topic but the answers did not work. Environment: Windows 10 64-bit 7-zip is located in c:\program files\7-Zip I have a folder d:\zipfiles with many *.zip ...
carrabino's user avatar
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How can I extract all archives in the current folder using command-line 7-zip, without running the 7z command multiple times?

How can I extract all archives in the current folder using command-line 7-zip, without running the 7z command multiple times? Running it multiple times seems inefficient, and requires slightly ...
Hiccup's user avatar
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Is there a way to specify where .tmp file is created when updating an archive with 7zip command line?

When updating an existing zip file from command line, 7zip makes a copy of the existing zip file in the same directory and renames that copy with the suffix .tmp# where # is an integer. Question: Is ...
Argyll's user avatar
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Is there a way to choose between single-thread and multi-thread compression in 7z command line tool?

Is there a way to choose between single-thread and multi-thread compression in 7z command line tool? I want to be able to make the choice so that a process that's meant to run in the background with a ...
Argyll's user avatar
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Write the list of content of a .rar or zip archive into a txt log file with 7z

I have a huge archive.rar and I would like to know its content without extracting it. Using 7z on a Raspbian Here are the commands i tried that did just write an empty output.txt file : sudo 7z l ...
user1719210's user avatar
1 vote
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Unzipping files in multiple folders into subfolders in the folders with same name as zip

I solved this problem, see answer below. Now my question is, how to make it tolerate directories with spaces in the dir name. I'm looking for a command line for 7zip that achieves the following: I ...
Robert M.'s user avatar
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Batch script for extracting archives with password list

I have 30 commonly used passwords. But I can't find any program to automatically try all passwords, so I want to create a batch script to read a txt file containing passwords and try those 30 ...
amymor's user avatar
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7zip in bash script: create encrypted archive, but specify password in file instead of command line?

I can compress a 7zip archive with encryption like this: 7z a -pSECRET example.7z *.doc But in this case I specify the password (SECRET) literally on the command line. Is it also possible to specify ...
RocketNuts's user avatar
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What is the proper way to use the exclude arguments to exclude a directory in a specific directory when using 7z.exe

I know variations of this question have been asked before. I've look at the answers and none of them work for me. Running on Windows, using PowerShell. // Arguments are on separated by newlines only ...
DrFloyd5's user avatar
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7-zip windows command to extract .rar from a networkshare recursively but keep files in the dir with the .rar file

Long story short I have one folder on a network share, that has 200+ other folders in them, some of which have .rar files in them. I want to extract all the .rar files IN PLACE. Not to another dir. ...
Taeleus's user avatar
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searching a 7z archive using 7z l command to return only folders

On windows 10 I have a 7z archive with about 300 top level folders and each folder contains around 20-30 text files. I want to do a search with the 7z list command in powershell for certain folder ...
robynChill's user avatar
1 vote
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Unzip a file with 7-zip (command-line) without unzipping contained zip files

I have a zip file that contains many files, including other zip files. I would like to extract the contents such that the extraction contains the files exactly as they are. However, when using 7-zip ...
piccy's user avatar
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Windows 10 batch unzip multiple files with filename the same as zip directory name

I have about 60 files to unzip as you can see below: know the 7zip option, which can unzip all of them, but the problem is, that the file inside doesn't match the zip directory name, which would be ...
Geographos's user avatar
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how to extract one or more archives recursively with one/multiple parts (rar or 7z) and deleting the archives after extraction?

I would be really, extremly happy if someone could help me with this problem. I want to be able to extract one or more files with only one or more parts and then deleting the archive(s). It doesn't ...
ubuntu4life's user avatar
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7zip - don't create zip file if file list is empty

I want to create an archive from *.txt files with 7zip. If there's no match for *.txt, no zip file should be created instead of any empty (22 bytes) zip file. 7z.exe a -sdel *.txt (I ...
Norbert Oláh's user avatar
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7zip CLI switches to achieve the same result then in the GUI

Most of the time I use the GUI for zipping stuff with 7zip. Now I have to batch for about 100 files. The result between the CLI settings and GUI settings is not the same. CLI Settings: 7z a -t7z -mx9 ...
CrazyNoun's user avatar
83 votes
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7-Zip -- 7z.exe | 7zG.exe | 7zFM.exe (which one to use?)

7-Zip has multiple .exe files, which one do I use? Every so often I would forget which way round these were, or would try and use one of the .exe's for the wrong purpose, so thought I would get to the ...
Martin's user avatar
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7z command does not extract individual partition from dmg file

I have a file called BaseSystem.dmg which contains a hfs+ system image as well as other files. flex@flex-ubuntu:~/Documents/MacOS2$ dmg2img -l BaseSystem.dmg dmg2img v1.6.7 (c) vu1tur ([email protected]....
FlexMcMurphy's user avatar
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Archive a directory to stdout with encrypting file names from Windows command line

I have a 1 TB directory that needs to be uploaded as a single encrypted file. There is no free space on a disk. I already have an app to upload a file from stdin but I don't know how to create the ...
Vlad's user avatar
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Batch File command to unlock password protected archives

I'm trying to write a batch file that will unarchive .7z files...extracting them to their original folder. The problem I'm having is adding the password to the code. Can someone help? Thanks! Here is ...
John's user avatar
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How to confirm that 7zip line command matches output from GUI

I use the 7zip GUI very often and I am trying to automate some backup archive generation. Here is the configuration that I can read on the GUI: Archive Format : 7z Compression Level : Ultra ...
Myoch's user avatar
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7zip archive won't decrypt with the password used for encryption

I'm trying to write a PowerShell script that will use 7zip to compress files with encryption individually. $Password = Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter Password:' dir *.txt | ForEach-Object -Parallel { & ...
Rashiq's user avatar
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Unzip and 7z with password, without temporary files

Every now and then, I receive a download link for a 6 GB .zip data archive that I'd like to: download unzip recompress with 7z, with a password I'd like to avoid using temporary files for each ...
Basj's user avatar
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Extract all rar files in a folder and subfolders using 7zip [closed]

I have the following folder structure in Windows: D:\TV Shows | \----Show | | | \----S01 | | | | | \----E01 | | | | | | | \----E01.rar (contains E01.mkv) | | ...
Sean Sadoun's user avatar
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Making 7zip outputting files to a list instead of a 7z archive

I would like to know if this is possible, to make the files a 7zip command line would compress ( "7z a ..." or "7z u ..."), go into a text list instead of an actual archive. Like a ...
Pedro Coimbra's user avatar
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Extract zip files and recompress them into 7zip files [duplicate]

I'd like my zip files to be extracted, then recompressed into 7zip files. Example: Before: $ ls --snip-- After: $ ls 001.7z 002.7z 003.7z --snip-- 997....
twlscnds's user avatar
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Loop extract zip files and handle nested zips

I have a command that will extract all zip files within a directory. The issue is you may have nested zip containers (zip inside a zip). What I would like it to do is go through one run, and then do a ...
SlothLovesChunk's user avatar
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What are the correct tags to use in a .bat file for 7-zip to achieve the same settings as the GUI?

Source for current problem solving: but I cant get anything except -t7z -mx9 -m0=LZMA2 -mmt=1 -md=1024m -v10m to work. I've been adapting Enteleform's code from this answer to a ...
DR4GON's user avatar
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7Zip CLI multipart extraction issue. Proceeding part overwrites existing

I am looking for a way to use 7zip to decompress multipart achives via CLI. So far I have the below which extracts as expected but instead of joining the parts, overwrites the existing contents with ...
David's user avatar
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7zip command line equivalent of these settings?

I have a huge folder (360GB) of log files on a unix system, which I would like to have zipped up with PPMd, more specifically, these GUI settings. I've read through the 7zip instructions but I ...
Cherona's user avatar
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Need Assistance Resolving Windows Batch For /R Infinite Loop with 7-zip

I have part of this script that I use to individually encrypt/zip files recursively in a folder structure. It works, except it seems one particular folder it will go back and start zipping the ...
HTWingNut's user avatar
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extract .rar multiparts with bash

i run this script but this have a problem with extract rar multiparts #!/usr/bin/env bash shopt -s extglob nullglob passw=( passfoo passbar passfoobar banana chocolate whiskey vodka ...
acgbox's user avatar
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When compressing a large amount of files, 7zip stops while only returning "Killed"

Recently a computer of mine died and I'm trying to recover the files (650GB approximately) using a live ubuntu usb to compress the files and then move them to an external HDD. I don't just want to ...
Devyzr's user avatar
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Windows Command Line / Batch File Check if 7zip password is correct?

In a Windows batch file is there a way to check if 7zip password for a zipped file is correct? I'd like to check if it succeeds, continue with the script (with call or goto routine), and if it does ...
HTWingNut's user avatar
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Pass variable to filename in Windows FOR / DO Batch File

I have the following code where I systematically go through and compress each file individually. I don't care what the file name is, but I want it hidden more or less so will just call each file "file ...
HTWingNut's user avatar
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