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Questions tagged [cmd.exe]

cmd.exe, or the Command Prompt, is the default command-line interpreter for many Microsoft-created operating systems.

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Why do i keep getting an java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: when running sbt?

I want to run a bot on windows. I'm trying to run sbt in cmd. I installed sbt and java 22 x64 MSI Installer. I ran sbt but i keep getting an error. I think maybe this has to do with java so i ...
Lily White's user avatar
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Terminal Powershell differences

When I type dir /A into terminal I get desirable output, but when I type the same to Powershell i get dir : Cannot find path 'C:\A' because it does not exist. + CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: ...
konto's user avatar
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Is there anyway to resume "stuck" cmd.exe in windows 10?

For a lack of a better description, look at this screenshot: Sometimes, after an out of memory semi-crash, cmd windows remain in this state. If I click on them, nothing happens. (some of them work ...
Zibri's user avatar
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Batch File Automation [closed]

Need some help in writing a batch script which takes the output of the command "dig +short a 'DOMAIN NAME'" ( the list of domains is in a txt file) and puts the domain names and ...
Biswa's user avatar
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Can you connect to your router, check your connection, and identify the number of connected devices with their IP addresses using the command prompt? [closed]

Describe how to connect to your router, check network connection, and view connected devices' IP addresses using Windows 10 command prompt.
Zubayer Rownak's user avatar
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Windows - redirect stdout and stderr output to a file avoiding unsync

Following answer from this question I've found that using dir > a.txt 2>&1 to output stdout and stderr to a file might be unreliable as stdout and stderr appear to get unsynced sometimes. ...
FamousSnake's user avatar
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Accept a Syncthing device and a shared folder via command line

I am at a company and we would like to know if it is possible to add-accept a remote computer and a shared folder via Syncthing without graphically interacting with the remote machine, but entirely ...
Namik dechezithi's user avatar
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Packages being skipped when installing using winget sequentially

I have a bootstrap script which does a lot of things to setup a new Windows installation. It calls other scripts within that script, including this one which installs some packages using winget: @echo ...
paradroid's user avatar
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Error Ansible for backup script on Windows Server with SCP

I'm writing a script for an incremental backup of a Windows server to a Linux server via SCP with Ansible, I'm having difficulties connecting to the SCP, as it is incorrectly identifying the directory ...
Leonardo Auler's user avatar
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Cannot delete file in Windows 10 [duplicate]

On Windows 10, there is a file [%UserProfile%\Videos\Lorem.mkv] that is less thant 9KB and I cannot delete it. The file belongs to me, I have permissions to it, there are no prompts for entering a ...
TalVik99's user avatar
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A copy of 'Default', 'Sam', 'Security', 'Software', 'System'

I would like to make a copy the aforementioned files - 'Default', 'Sam', 'Security', 'Software', 'System'. all of these are under "C:\Windows\System32\Config" It seems like mission ...
Roni Ked's user avatar
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Change Window Title When Start PowerShell with Sudo.exe

I tried starting powershell with Sudo for Windows from CMD or Batch. Works fine. A PowerShell window opens with administrator rights: rem CMD/BAT sudo.exe start powershell.exe Then, I tried adding a ...
Mr.Key7's user avatar
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I am curious why I have all these connections upon using netstat -b. Can someone tell me if I have someone in my system please?

I am curious why I have all these connections upon using netstat -b. Can someone tell me if I have someone in my system please? C:\Windows\system32>netstat -b Active Connections Proto Local ...
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Explore Regedit.exe to the specified address from the CommandLine [duplicate]

Generally, when we want to navigate to one of the registry addresses, we open regedit.exe then copy-paste the address into address bar, then press enter. For example Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Console ...
Mr.Key7's user avatar
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Starting a program from the CLI with some File Properties Options activated

Start a program from the CLI with some File Properties Options activated I want to start from the CLI automatically a graphical application with a File properties flag setted. High DPI scalling ...
freddie_ventura's user avatar
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Fairly new computer, windows 10 pro, not able to open cmd in a specific path by typing cmd in the address bar of file explorer

I used to be able to do this on my laptop. But now I have a desktop and when I try this, it just shows C:\> instead of being in the path I want it to be in. I have no idea how to fix this or where ...
Starship's user avatar
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3 answers

Is there a difference between combining commands with & and running them one at a time?

Say I want to run multiple, computationally complex commands on Windows command line. Does it makes a difference, performance wise, if I combine them with &: doSomething1 & doSomething2 & ...
overdriven's user avatar
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Save files with the same name in the same folder (in numerical order)

WIN11. AFAIK it's not possible for two files with the same name to be saved in the same location (unless they don't actually share the same name), so I'm looking for a workaround. I have two separate ...
maliebina's user avatar
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Reg.exe Query Only Works In Interactive Mode

In CMD Console (Interactive Mode), I run the command: reg query HKCU\Console\%%Startup The output: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Console\%%Startup DelegationConsole REG_SZ {B23D10C0-E52E-411E-9D5B-...
Mr.Key7's user avatar
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Docker Desktop local Kubernetes not creating pods setup not completed

May-2024 Docker Desktop v4.30.0 I installed Docker Desktop and enabled Kubernetes. I have a config file generated in my .kube folder and it updates certificates when I click the "Reset ...
Scala Enthusiast's user avatar
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How to change user's directory like 'Download' to other directory via command line in Windows?

I know that there is already an answer for this, but that isn't sufficient. In Windows, moving user's directory like 'Download', 'Documents' to other directories can be splitted into three steps: ...
tetratheta's user avatar
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How do I grant permissions to a local Windows group to work with an elevated process?

Is there a way to grant read/write/execution permissions to a local Windows group with PowerShell, enabling non-admin users to interact with a single elevated process? For instance, Docker Desktop ...
V. Pravi's user avatar
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How to Extract Part of Variable After Choice

from How-to: Extract part of...: set "keys= ABCD" echo %keys:~1,1% echo %keys:~4,1% When part of variable extracted after choice, don't worked except using call @echo off set "keys= ...
Mr.Key7's user avatar
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%localappdata% and echo %localappdata% returns two different directories [closed]

I'm having some issues with Windows 10. After fixing my temp INET folder which somehow was pointing at a different account, I've now found an odd issue. If I type echo %localappdata% in CMD, it gives ...
user3714877's user avatar
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Split The Output of PATH Environment Variable

In CMD, when i type PATH, the output: Path=C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\iCLS\;C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\iCLS\;C:\Windows\...
Mr.Key7's user avatar
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How to Fix Error If Variable Contains Double Quotes

Batch Script: @echo Off :: Works ::set "var=C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" ::set "var=cmd "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe"" ::set "var=CMD "C:\Program Files\7-...
Mr.Key7's user avatar
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How to disable the prompt "do you want to stop this program (y/N)" when killing program in powershell

I run my program, I enter Ctrl+C, obviously I want to stop the program. But powershell always asks "do you want to stop the program ? (y/N)". How can I disable this ? I just want the program ...
Genku's user avatar
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Raising a dialog window from a Windows .sys driver from the command line?

I would like to allow the user of my application to directly open the (Windows Control Panel) "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)" properties dialog (see image below), for a selected ...
sdbbs's user avatar
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How to paste encryption password for rclone's "crypt"

I'm trying to restore my rclone configuration and I have the original randomly generated encryption password and salt for one of my remotes. However, when setting this up in rclone on Windows, I can't ...
user9564371's user avatar
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Pipe .exe output to text file

I have a utility exe which opens a new window when I run the exe directly or through powershell. How do I pipe its output to a text file? I have used utility.exe > textino.txt But it creates a ...
srt243's user avatar
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Why does ping show received=5 while LAN cable is disconnected? [duplicate]

I am wondering why ping shows receiving packets even when the LAN cable is disconnected!!! Step 0: Set IP address of Laptop manually in same subnet as Device IP address, same subnet mask, no gateway, ...
HsVz's user avatar
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How a Batch Script recognize the source that executed it?

How does the batch script known the source that executed it? Executed / called from Command line CMD Executed from Batch file (either from the file itself or another batch file) Illustration: @Echo ...
Mr.Key7's user avatar
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Copy and rename batch file

1folder (cover.jpg) 2folder (cover.jpg) 3folder (cover.jpg) . . There are so many jpg file with same name cover.jpg in multiple folders. I am trying to copy and rename all cover.jpg in another folder ...
Silver Lee's user avatar
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Faster Way To Getting Administrator Privileges Within Windows Terminal

As far as I know, the easiest way to get administrator privileges from batch Script is by calling PowerShell. @echo off fltmc.exe >nul || (PowerShell.exe start -verb runas wt.exe '%~0'& exit /b)...
Mr.Key7's user avatar
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limit amount of virtual monitors created at startup (usbmmidd)

I've met a problem setting up a remote desktop - AnyDesk couldn't connect since remote computer had no monitor. And I've found a workaround - I've setup a virtual monitor with usbmmidd that adds a new ...
FamousSnake's user avatar
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Create Task Scheduler with No Triggers Set

I need to Create a Task Scheduler with parameters: No Triggers Available both in AC and DC I learn SCHTASKS /? help, but haven't found what I mean. I tried: SCHTASKS /Create /TN "Test" /TR ...
Mr.Key7's user avatar
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Back from Elevated Admin to Not Elevated

When running Batch Script with Administrator privileges, how to back to not Admin? I tried this example: @echo off :Demo CLS fltmc >nul && (echo Admin& set $A=y) || (echo Not Admin&...
Mr.Key7's user avatar
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Remove Empty Line at Top Command Prompt Start Up Display

This question is a continuation of post Modify Windows CommandLine Start Up Text After I succeeded in modifying the cmd startup display from its origin, so that it looked like this: CMD: Still there ...
Mr.Key7's user avatar
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Modify Windows CommandLine StartUp Text

I want to replace both text Powershell Startup and CMD StartUp below # PowerShell PS C:\Users\Admin> # CMD C:\Users\Admin> with PS > CMD > Like Python Start Up that only showing >>...
Mr.Key7's user avatar
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Strange PSEXEC Output

Windows 2016 server from 2012. Sometimes when I run commands on multiple remote computers I'll get a strange output at the end of the command: psexec64.exe \\<computer1>,<computer2>... CMD ...
David Shader's user avatar
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Getting Two Character Variable Without Pressing Enter (PowerShell/ CMD)

Bash Script: #! /bin/bash read -n 2 -p '2 digit:' ans; echo $ans When i finish input two character, the script continue, without waiting me to press enter. And what I have pressed saves to the ...
Mr.Key7's user avatar
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why is cmd taking like 20 seconds to open up in windows 11?

When I run cmd.exe, it takes ~20s to load, but when run as Administrator, it works immediately. I've tried: closing background apps, with memory and CPU usage being normal looking online, but all the ...
ZombZ's user avatar
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Get String Length - How It Works

I not asking about a problem, only about how it works. @echo off Set str=You Call :$len str len set len Set str=I You Call :$len str len set len Set str=I and You Call :$len str len set len Set ...
Mr.Key7's user avatar
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Is there a new way of initializing dbt on cmd

I tried running this code dbt init. This was the message I got: Traceback (most recent call last): File "<frozen runpy>", line 198, in _run_module_as_main File "<frozen ...
user avatar
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In there some description of all the command processor macros in Windows?

I'm looking for a list of the macro strings known to Window 10 command processor, e.g. %ProgramFiles%, %ProgramFiles(x86)%, etc.
Max Yaffe's user avatar
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How can I make a custom utility library with functions that will be callable from windows cmd?

How can I make a custom utility library with cmd/batch functions that will be callable from a windows cmd terminal? You can make functions in a batch file, for instance: @echo off goto :main :...
Qwert Yuiop's user avatar
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Change Regional Format

What is command to change regional format to other region with Batch script? If in powershell, i do this with: $GID=111 Set-WinHomeLocation $GID
Mr.Key7's user avatar
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Get TimeZone Display Name Batch Script

Batch code: @echo off for /f "tokens=1*" %%a in ('TZUTIL /g') do set TZID=%%a %%b SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion for /f "tokens=1-4" %%a in ('TZUTIL /L') do ( set $U=%%a& ...
Mr.Key7's user avatar
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Convert Output Date to Another Format

Batch code: echo %date%, the Output: 03/04/2024. I need to convert the output to: April 03,2024 In Powershell i can do this with: date -f 'MMMM dd,yyyy' What code i need to do this in pure Batch ? Not ...
Mr.Key7's user avatar
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Can you write a script that contains both bash (or sh) and powershell (or cmd, bat) so the same file can be executed on Win and *nix?

I have a script that needs to run on Windows, Linux and MacOS. I know Windows determines how to run a script by using the file extension, where *nix will use the #!. I'm hoping there is enough syntax ...
David Alsh's user avatar

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