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32 votes
3 answers

How can I include only part of an image caption in a table of figures in Microsoft Word?

How can I include only part of an image caption in a table of figures in Microsoft Word? For my dissertation I am writing long captions on all my figures. This makes my table of figures very awkward,...
fmark's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

How to insert caption for multiple figures side by side

I'm working on a Word document, and I would like to put two figures side by side, using the same figure number (e.g. Figure 1) but with a letter for each figure (1a and 1b). What is the cleanest way ...
clabacchio's user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

Change default style of a caption in Word [duplicate]

When inserting a figure or table, you can add a caption. It has some default styling that you can edit in the Quick Styles pane. By default in Word 2013 this is a 9pt italic font. Unfortunately, this ...
Bram Vanroy's user avatar
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10 answers

Microsoft Word is skipping table caption numbers - how to debug?

I have a series of tables in a document. The caption numbers should be Table 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 etc. Unfortunately however, there is one being skipped (i.e. 3.1, 3.3, 3.4...). Perhaps this is because I ...
Lee's user avatar
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8 votes
6 answers

MS Word: Chapter number always showing 1 (but zero in Figure) througout document

I am trying to include Chapter number before Figure numbers for each Chapter in MS Word 2007. Every new Chapter would start with Figure number 1. For example the caption for first figure of Chapter 4 ...
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6 votes
4 answers

Word caption style -- different style for label and number?

This should be a common problem for anyone involved in technical writing. When you insert an image (or table etc.) caption in Word, you get this dialog. You enter your caption, in this case "A happy ...
Theodor's user avatar
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MS word: different caption style for figure and table

I'm trying to add captions for figures and tables in MS word. And I want to use different style on captions for figures and captions for tables. ex) font size 10 for captions for figures, font size ...
enc's user avatar
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3 answers

Word 2010 caption has no number

I am trying to place a Table caption above a table in Word 2010. It shows correctly in the insert caption box, but when it appears on the screen there is no number and no hyperlink colour. The word ...
Theresa's user avatar
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3 answers

How to add text over GIF animation?

I have a gif animation and I want to add a caption over it. How can I do that ?
ychaouche's user avatar
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1 answer

Include only part of a figure caption within a textbox in a table of figures in MS Word

I am writing a thesis paper with long figure captions. I have discovered how to use Style Separator to have only the first sentence appear in the list of figures, however all my captions are in text ...
Kevin's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Image Caption Messes Up Word Wrapping Around Picture

I am using MS Word 2010 and insert a picture and have it wrap around text using the "tight" wrap. The word formatting next to the picture looks fine until I insert a caption, once I do this the last ...
JPM's user avatar
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libreoffice writer figure cross-refencence

In LibreOffice Writer I cannot create a cross-reference to an image, it is only possible to create cross-reference to it's caption. By using the created link in PDF the screen jumps to the caption, ...
pnz1337's user avatar
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Word 2013 - How to add figures to Visio Diagrams in Word Document

I am trying to add a figure caption to a Visio diagram that I have inserted into a word document and I am having some trouble. For example, if I right click on any inserted image in my word ...
Richie086's user avatar
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How do I retrieve a lost caption / text box?

I moved a figure but the caption (in a text box) didn't move along. Now I lost it. It's probably hidden behind some text. When I search for text in the caption, search does find it and directs me ...
gerrit's user avatar
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In Word is it possible to have references to captions in different colour?

References to captions are part of normal text, but they're not exactly "normal". With that in mind, and to ease on what words are captions and what are my "regular" text is it possible to have ...
Rook's user avatar
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Gnu screen: Problems with %F

I'm trying to set region captions to list all windows on active (focused) screen region, and only the title for other regions. For example: caption always "%?%F %w %: %n*%t %?" should display ...
megapctr's user avatar
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Add hyperlink to hidden bookmark in MS Word

I am manually assembling a list of figures for a large Word document. I originally used the "Table of Figures" feature to generate this automatically from figure captions, but I found that I ...
Azura's Starfish's user avatar
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Possible to do Real-Time Closed Captioning using ffmpeg?

GOAL: Real-Time Closed Captioning via ffmpeg 🤞 My setup: Real-Time video from "touchdesigner" shared via "spout" to "ffmpeg" ffmpeg -f dshow -i video="SpoutCam&...
ab_out's user avatar
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How to make Google live caption stay on the screen for a longer time?

Google has a live caption option and when I'm playing an audio or a video and I have the live caption on the screen, it disappears quicker than I'm able to read it sometimes, I would like to know if ...
Menna's user avatar
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Can't add heading number in the table caption

I need to add heading number in the caption of the picture. Everything is fine upto a certain section: But then, the heading number is not showing up: The heading only starts with zero. I don't know ...
Mala Pokhrel's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Microsoft Word 2013 - Hyperlink issues with figure captions inside text boxes

In my document I created a list of figures. When I add captions to the figures, some of them are "captioned" with plain text and in some images (mostly those that are through text) the ...
rpd's user avatar
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MS Word 2013 Captions, Headings and Styles with outline numbers

I have a somewhat large word document with several chapter headings, section headings and sub section headings. It also contains an appendix section. So I've used "Heading 1" for chapter headings, "...
CAD's user avatar
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MS Word Caption & Cross-References & table of figures

When I click on a link of the table of figures, the link lead to the caption text only, not the image above the text. For example if I add a figure: When a click on the link of the table of figures, ...
Ouadie's user avatar
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Setting Microsoft Word completely to another language

When I'm using the English language in MS-Word 2007, it does indeed use a new dictionary, but the automatic caption names are still in my own language (Dutch). For example: If I use insert caption I ...
Marnix's user avatar
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How can I remove the parentheses from equation cross-references in Word?

It is common in mathematical articles to number displayed equations with integers in parentheses: (1), (2), etc., and to cross-reference these equations using numbers without parentheses: Eq. 1, Eq. ...
SapereAude's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to enable page-preaks in tables with captions?

When I add a caption to a table, no matter the table's settings, the table goes to next page. I want instead it to respect the text flow and just go to the next page when needed. If I do not add the ...
Antonello's user avatar
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Is it possible to move all figure captions from above to below in MS Word?

I have a 300 page MS Word document containing around 50 figures. I originally positioned all captions above each figure. Now I need to move all the captions below the figures while retaining the same ...
kandyman's user avatar
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How can I hide part of a caption in the document but show it in the contents?

I have the inverse problem to this user. I have a lot of figures that have the same caption. This makes the figure contents table look pretty repetitive and uninformative, like this: Image of the ...
TheCatsTail's user avatar
1 vote
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Nested Styles in Word

When applying a caption to a figure or a table, I like to format it in the following manner: Figure 1: Caption text. More precisely, I like the style of the text up-to-and-including the colon ':' to ...
LBogaardt's user avatar
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LibreOffice Caption with page breaks?

When I create a writer document with a rather large image, and then add a longish caption to the image, the caption is either cropped or runs over the footer. I'd prefer it to treat it more like ...
Psirus's user avatar
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Printing large set of images with captions and page numbers

I would like ot take a set of ~800 jpeg images, and print them one per page with the following details: 1) One image per page. 2) Page numbers that are consecutive all the way through. 3) Single ...
Thingomy's user avatar
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LibreOffice | Inserting bibliography entry into Figure caption shows `[0]` when using `Number entries` for index type

I am writing a thesis in for which i need to have bibliography at the end. I am using LibreOffice Writer (OpenSUSE Leap 15.2, not sure if it's relevant) I have added Bibliography table/index (...
Nenad's user avatar
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How to remove the caption "Figure" from the Table of figures in Microsoft Word?

In my thesis, I have the following table of figures (it's in French): . As you can see the expression "Figure" is repeated throughout the table ("Figure 1.1", "Figure 1.2"...
Simon's user avatar
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How do I treat a block of text as if it were a figure?

I'm writing an article on software development, and frequently want to insert a block of code that look something like this: public static void RegisterBundles(BundleCollection bundles) { bundles....
ProfK's user avatar
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How to link Microsoft Word Field Codes and References

Sorry if this question has already been asked, I can't find it anywhere on the internet. I have a document that shows many photos, and beneath each photo has a caption, eg: "Photo 1: A picture of a ...
Carlston's user avatar
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Cross-reference between 2 figures - can insert but link doesn't appear to work

Here's the situation: I have a full page flowchart (type PNG created in VISIO) inserted in a Word document. I have inserted text boxes over the flowchart with captions to identify specific steps in ...
Janice Ward's user avatar
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Need table captions and list of tables in Arabic, not roman numeral in Word 2010

I presently have Word 2010 properly incrementing chapter numbers using multilevel lists. When I insert a table and caption it, it is properly named, i.e. Table Chapter#.Table#. The problem is that ...
Vincent's user avatar
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2 answers

How to correct figure numbering in a Word 2010 document

[Using MS Office Pro Plus 2010, version 14.1.7128.5000] This problem is similar to that in MS Word figure numbers are wrong and Control numbering of captions in Microsoft Word, but the solutions there ...
Michael Friendly's user avatar
0 votes
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How do I find and remove invisible/hidden caption in Word

I noticed that my auto-numbering for Figure captions skips one. When I create a table of figures, it mentions the missing one. I ctrl click on it to go there, but I don't see where the caption could ...
ShastaBiz's user avatar
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Remove Tables & Figures from Table of Contents

I do not want tables and figures in the table of contents. However, despite multiple attempts over the last week, I have not been able to do it. I am frustrated. Please Help me.
Polar Bear's user avatar
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Add captions to ffmpeg video slideshow

I would like to create a video slideshow using ffmpeg as described here or similarly. I would like to add an annotation caption of text for each image. This isn't contained in the image metadata but ...
Jack's user avatar
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MS Word 2016: swap labels with number in fugure captions

In MS Word 2016, I'm using "Insert Caption" function for labelling, cross-reference and for the table of figures. The standard scheme of the Caption is "Label" "Number"....
AndriusZ's user avatar
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What's a good way to save captions for images?

I'm saving an image I found on the web to a file. But - the image also has a caption (or some ALT text) which I also want to keep (and it's different than the image title which I use for the filename)....
einpoklum's user avatar
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Have the header row for the table starting from the second page

I am dealing with making some tables which are extended to multiple pages and I want to have the table title on each page. If I add it as the table name, it will show up in the table of contents ...
M--'s user avatar
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MS Word Caption Numbering & List Styles

I am having trouble with some captions in MS Word. I'll describe the situation. For reference, I am using Word 2010. I have a large (100+ pages) document that has many figures and tables in it. I ...
Nukesub's user avatar
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3 answers

How to change image caption in Word

In Microsoft Word, I want to change the caption of an image from the default Figure 3 to 3 Figure. It is possible? I can't find a way to do it. Thanks for the help!
slash's user avatar
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Store caption into image [closed]

I am a newbie about the JPEG format, just knowing that it contains some metadata. 1) Is it possible to save, in a metadata field of the JPEG format, a caption for the image with an appropriate length?...
BowPark's user avatar
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Microsoft Word 2010 - Changing Caption Text

We were using a template for our test case design document, and suddenly our management thought of updating it. After every table, we have a line "Table xx: Steps for Test Case xx". This Test Case is ...
Swanand Purankar's user avatar
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How can I add background box to words in ASS subtitle format?

I want to add a background box to the word being spoken, I have tried different ASS subtitle tags but none seems to output my requirement. Which tags can be used to achieve that? I was trying ...
fady taher's user avatar
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Clicking the cross-reference sends me to the wrong place (below the caption instead of above), how to fix this?

The setting for the position of figures' caption is "Below selected item", so Word knows that the figure is above the caption. However when I click on the cross reference I am sent in the ...
Matteo's user avatar
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