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Questions tagged [bochs]

Bochs is an open-source emulator of x86 and x86-64-based PCs.

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How to run Bochs in WSL in windows?

I am trying to follow this osdev book from github I am currently using windows on my computer. When I tried to follow the book's linking process, it converts it to an ...
Prakhar Londhe's user avatar
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Why is dmidecode returning "Bochs" for a VM running under QEMU?

In all information I've found Bochs and QEMU are two separate solutions for emulate/virtualize computers. So I got really confused when I got the results below in my Linux-VM running in QEMU. root@...
Svintoo's user avatar
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How to configure Bochs to have 2048 MB of RAM

I'm running Bochs on an x64 Windows PC. Whenever I try to set it to have >1024 MB RAM and start it, it just says "Bochs has stopped working" and crashes. I tried everything. Installing an X64 version ...
JP_99's user avatar
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Can Bochs run OS X as a guest OS?

Simple question: Will OS X (Hackintosh, Unibeast configured to run on a "generic PC platform") work on the Bochs x86 PC emulator? Regardless of terms or rules, does it work? Can anyone confirm it?
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-kernel option like in QEMU for BOCHS

I am working on creating my own kernel using C/Asm. I have always used QEMU as my emulator mainly because I can specify -kernel and it boots the kernel directly without a boot loader. I wish to switch ...
user204336's user avatar
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An error during bochsdbg installation

I want to install bochs which can debug the kernel. First, I download a package, then: tar zxvf bochs-2.4.6.tar.gz<br> cd bochs-2.4.6.<br> ./configure --enable-debugger --enable-disasm ...
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14 votes
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How do I get AVX support in QEMU?

I want to play with the new AVX instructions. I saw that QEMU might have support, so I built it from Git (yesterday). I set the CPU to SandyBridge and I booted Tiny Core Linux. TCL has kernel 3.0 and ...
Janus Troelsen's user avatar
82 votes
8 answers

Can you run a machine emulator (Bochs) inside a virtual machine?

Is it possible to, say, run VirtualBox on Windows 7 with a Linux guest, and inside that Linux machine run Bochs? The reason is that I'm interested in starting OS development, and I've found that all ...
Javier's user avatar
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4 answers

How to do a memory dump in Bochs?

How do you do a memory dump in Bochs? (Either physical or virtual -- but both would be even better!)
user541686's user avatar
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