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Questions tagged [blocking]

Blocking is denying access to something. You can block applications, websites, access, or any other number of things. Blocking will stop the item from accessing whatever you've blocked it from.

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68 votes
3 answers

How can I block a program from accessing the Internet? [duplicate]

I really want to know how can I prevent a program to connect to Internet with Windows 7 firewall? I have smart security nod32 business edition installed on my computer. should i do this job with ...
SilverLight's user avatar
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68 votes
6 answers

Disable ALL cookie warnings and hints

What might be an effective way to universally block or auto-accept common cookie warning banners before the web browser shows them to the user? Eg. does a userscript (Greasefire/Tampermonkey) exist ...
Marcos's user avatar
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36 votes
2 answers

Why do some WiFi routers block multicast packets going from wired to wireless?

I have worked with dozens of consumer grade WiFi routers, and they have been really hit-or-miss with this, though it seems to be getting better. Example of issue: A device that can be discovered ...
hooby3dfx's user avatar
  • 478
32 votes
9 answers

How to bypass web URL filtering service to access blocked websites (proxy) [closed]

I'm using network, where services such as Gmail or any other e-mails, Google Drive, Dropbox, all social networks are blocked. Basically my goal is to access simply GMail, but I couldn't find any way ...
kenorb's user avatar
  • 25.8k
26 votes
12 answers

How to Block Doodle in Chrome's 'New Tab' page?

My goal is to block the annoying Google "doodles" (i.e. animated soccer-related promos, etc.) that appear in Chrome when a New tab is opened. Here's what's been tried so far: Use AdBlock Plus to ...
Chad Decker's user avatar
24 votes
3 answers

How to block all ports except 80,443 with iptables? [duplicate]

Blocking all ports(in and out) is easy but it's hard with the word "except". I don't know any rules that satisfies the condition. PS: I know this question is nothing new. But in fact, I didn't find ...
user71169's user avatar
  • 375
23 votes
2 answers

Unblocking at element-level in uBlock Origin

There's one crucial feature from ABP that I haven't found in my (one week of) uBlock0 usage - the “Open blockable items” feature that allows me to allow and disallow at the level of page elements. ...
Sundar R's user avatar
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23 votes
6 answers

allowing local network access while blocking internet access [duplicate]

I have a networked computer that is used as a remote print/scan server (which is shared by numerous users) Is there any way I can block the machines internet access while still allowing it to connect ...
Jon's user avatar
  • 331
22 votes
4 answers

What is the most reliable way to block newsletter sign-up/email-request pop-ups in Chrome?

It is common for me to visit a website and then be presented with a "pop-up" box. This is not a true "pop-up," in the sense that it is not a new browser window that has been created without the ...
rubik's sphere's user avatar
20 votes
5 answers

How to block annoying facebook and other social network widgets

We have facebook buttons, twitter buttons, linkedin buttons, google+ buttons, stumbleupon buttons, younameit buttons. These social network buttons and widgets are creeping up the internets like the ...
Lesmana's user avatar
  • 20.3k
20 votes
8 answers

How can I block all Facebook elements/content

I have no Facebook account. How to block all Facebook elements (not only like-button, but everything Facebook) on the rest of the Internet. I worry being tracked by Facebook. I am using Firefox on Mac ...
Sybil's user avatar
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19 votes
13 answers

How to get past China's Great Firewall and reach blocked sites? [closed]

I wonder if there are any other users who are annoyed like me by the Great Firewall set by the Chinese Government. If so would you please present me an effective way to get on YouTube? Since it's ...
18 votes
5 answers

Touchpad does not respond when I am holding key on the keyboard

I am experiencing strange problem with using my touchpad and keyboard simultaneously under Windows 7. I have HP tx2550ew (convertible tablet), and when I hold some key under Windows 7 (eg. ...
Tadeck's user avatar
  • 338
16 votes
4 answers

How to block div on website permanently using Chrome?

There is one website that I like, but with a comment section that super annoys me. I want to block the div that holds the comments permanently, across pages, in Google Chrome. For a temporary ...
mcbetz's user avatar
  • 388
16 votes
1 answer

What are the IP ranges to block the entire Russian Federation? [closed]

Every single morning the Russian Federation keeps attacking our sites. Every single day I block their IP address and every single day they use a new sub net. I tried: -A INPUT -s -j DROP -...
YumYumYum's user avatar
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16 votes
10 answers

Blocking hover ads

Okay, I am done with hover ads. I am so done with it, I am starting to avoid website which implement them even though I (used to) like those websites. Obviously, it is considerably harder to block ...
wzzrd's user avatar
  • 322
15 votes
5 answers

How to block bluetooth signals?

We're developing software for bluetooth devices. We'd like to test the case when the device gets out of range, but don't want to carry the device to the other end of the office for each test. What is ...
gabor's user avatar
  • 261
14 votes
5 answers

Is there a simple way to detect ISP port blocking?

Is there a way to tell the difference between my ISP blocking traffic on certain ports and my NAT router/firewall blocking that traffic? The sites “Shields Up” and “Can you see me” show my ports ...
Will M's user avatar
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14 votes
5 answers

How do I block a host by ASN? Example - AS16276

There are a handful of especially toxic hosts out there. There is no reason we need to allow any of their IP's access to our servers. Is there a way we can block them using their ASN or other global ...
dhaupin's user avatar
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13 votes
5 answers

Add-on for blocking sites in Google Search [closed]

I want to block Yahoo Answers from Google searches. As there is no option from Google for that, are there any extensions for Chrome or add-ons for Firefox that can block sub-domain results from Google ...
user's user avatar
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13 votes
4 answers

Block specific URL on web browsers

I want to block certain URLs on browsers. I don't want to block whole site. For example, I want to block Google Reader, but not whole Google domain. Is there any way I can do it?
user's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

What is the difference between a disk block and a sector?

I know that a sector is the unit in which a track is splitted, but I had this doubt since I was looking for information about the maximum number of pointers that an inode can support. I found that ...
alberto's user avatar
  • 197
13 votes
1 answer

How SmartDNS Works

If you travel outside the US you'll notice that most of the streaming services like Netflix, Pandora, hulu etc are blocked, usually by the service providers themselves. To get around that, people use ...
Emad's user avatar
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12 votes
4 answers

Blocking only Flash and animated GIF images

What options are there for blocking Flash and animated GIF ads while keeping static image and text-only ads? I'm interested in solutions for Firefox on Windows/Linux and Safari on OS X.
sal's user avatar
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11 votes
5 answers

Blocking YouTube Android app from router

I was wondering, how can I block the YouTube Android app from the router itself? My router (TP-Link TL-WR940N) has a function to block a web address or an IP address. So does anyone know what website/...
Hammodeh Odeh's user avatar
10 votes
6 answers

Blocking Experts-Exchange from my Google results and/or computer [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Is it possible with Google searches to ban any and all results from a domain? The site Experts-Exchange is very annoying. How can I block it from my Google results? ...
user avatar
10 votes
8 answers

How do I block certain websites from being accessed through a browser?

A friend of mine (who is not a geek) asks me how to stop her little brother from playing web games on her computer. She is currently using Chrome and IE, and I have never done that before, even on FF. ...
phunehehe's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

How do I block a device from accessint internet through ASUS RT-AC68U router

I have some internet connected appliances connected to the wireless network. I want them to be able to give cycle end notices to anyone in the house (on the wireless net) but not 100 miles away (e.g., ...
Robert Horner's user avatar
10 votes
4 answers

Blocking * at the OS (Windows) level

For privacy and performance reasons, I'd like to prevent my computer from ever communicating with certain Internet hosts. I'd like to do this at the OS level, not through web browser plug-ins (not ...
Metaphile's user avatar
  • 225
9 votes
4 answers

Unable to block a website through System32/drivers/etc/hosts

I am trying to block social media and news websites on my local machine (Windows 7). I added the below lines into my hosts file: In that ...
Anto S's user avatar
  • 193
9 votes
2 answers

What is Google Chrome's block/allow pattern syntax?

I'm looking for documentation describing Google Chrome's glob/wildcard/pattern syntax used in block/allow lists for content settings. If you're using Chrome, these settings pages are accessible via ...
stewSquared's user avatar
9 votes
5 answers

How to disable / block / suppress a specific JavaScript (without disabling JS)

There's a specific script on a site I would like to disable without stopping the other scripts from working. I am using Firefox with Adblock Plus and Greasemonkey. I already googled extensively and ...
domib_de's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

How can I block websites in Windows 8 without additional software?

How can I block some websites in Windows 8 without using any tools or third party firewalls?
krupal's user avatar
  • 721
8 votes
7 answers

Block p2p downloading in my office?

I work in an education office in a third world country. We pay for internet by the megabyte (no other choice) and have lately been using an incredible amount of bandwidth. This is because the office ...
Andrew's user avatar
  • 121
8 votes
4 answers

Firefox 57 / block Javascript per site

As you all might know, Mozilla is migrating its addon system to WebExtension and so many addons break from version 57+, see more here: In ...
log69's user avatar
  • 163
8 votes
1 answer

Modern Browser with a feature to disable SNI

I want to know if there is any modern client browser which allows disabling the SNI (server name indication) extension of the TLS. I want to know because it seems that my ISP blocks some HTTPS ...
Sourav Ghosh's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Avoid ISP blocking VPN connection

I have rented a Virtual Private Server and I have set up a VPN (of type PPTP) following this simple tutorial. It seems that the VPN server is set up correctly, and the VPS administrators told me that ...
MikO's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Alternative to web of trust [closed]

Are there any alternatives to web of trust for chrome and firefox. Because I found out that Wot doesn't always ask you if you want to access a dangerous site or not. While I was browsing a while ago ...
Wern Ancheta's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Geo-blocking / geo-location. How to disable or get around it?

There are many sites on the web these days that show a different face to you depending on where you are located around the world. For example I'm in Australia and there are a number of US based ...
Ash's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Block access to the Clash Royale by the Wi-Fi router

Modem model [Technicolor TD5336] According to information from the Ubiquiti Networks forum the port is 9339. URL:
lucasbento's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Is there any method of blocking remote control software?

Recently someone using a computer of mine started a remote session with GoToMeeting and allowed someone to control the PC. UAC didn't block the session (they're a regular user). It appears that many ...
user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Block a user from accessing internet on Linux

How do I block a user from accessing the internet under Linux? I'm trying the following: iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 80,443 -m owner --uid-owner $USERNAME -j DROP Is that the right syntax or ...
user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

How to block/avoid a particular IP when connecting to websites?

I'm having trouble connecting to a particular website. I can view it through a proxy, but not from home. So I ran a traceroute: Tracing route to [] over a maximum of 30 ...
mpen's user avatar
  • 12.2k
6 votes
3 answers

Block domain, website, without waiting for localhost (hosts)

There is a related question here. I can use Administrator, install extra software, whatever needs to be done. My problem is: I can't block websites entirely. Like in AdBlock Plus, you add a rule ...
Apache's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Block all ports except SSH/HTTP in ipchains and iptables

How can I block all ports except: ssh (port 22) httpd (port 80) using iptables and ipchains?
user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

Block a URL at browser level

Does anyone have a solution (that doesn't involve editing the hosts file) to block a particular URL from FireFox? Basic back story is that I'm trying to discipline myself. I'm spending FAR too much ...
Mark Henderson's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Stop Firefox from asking to install flash and other plugins

I have absolutely zero desire for Firefox to have flash and any other 3rd party plugins installed for rendering web content. Many times when I view web pages I get presented with obnoxious dialogs ...
Chris Marisic's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers
12k views blocked from my work address is blocked from my work internet. Not by any filtering on the part of the office (it is a shared office building with shared internet.) My wild guess is Yelp banned the range of IP addresses ...
MikeN's user avatar
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5 votes
5 answers

What does the term 'block' mean?

What does the term block mean wrt computer science? I have seen it being used in multiple occassions but never understood what it means. Like blocking I/O? Googling doesn't seem to help me much.
Alfred's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

hosts file and unblocked subdomains

I modified hosts file to block and its subdomains but it blocks only the main domain name. It does not block the subdomains. Windows 7 Starter It blocks ...
ilhan's user avatar
  • 554

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