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Questions tagged [bash]

Bash is a free shell for Unix-like operating systems from the GNU Project.

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14 votes
1 answer

Trap on DEBUG signal for the dash shell?

With the bash shell, you can install a trap on the synthetic DEBUG signal. This is useful and will execute your function or bit of code on every shell command. For example: $ trap 'logger -t shell "${...
Cosimo's user avatar
  • 249
11 votes
2 answers

How can I cancel reverse search without losing text typed?

When using reverse-search (Ctrl-R) in the bash terminal , I can cancel the search using either Ctrl-C or Ctrl-G. Both these options will clear the text typed while searching. However, the most common ...
Silveri's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Convert Linux symlinks to Windows symlinks

I've noticed that Linux symlinks don't work in Windows, and vice-versa. Is there any way to convert Linux symlinks to Windows symlinks? Specifically, I want to convert relative Linux symlinks to ...
Anderson Green's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Ignore certain changes in git diff

Is it possible to get a report from git diff or related commands that excludes a certain category of change? I've been asked to review a change where a huge number of files have undergone the ...
jsharp's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Filter tail command through multiple grep commands to separate files

What I am trying to do is filter the output of one log file into separated log files based on a grep filter. tail -f test.log | tee >(grep "Error" > error.log) >(grep "Warning"" > warning.log) ...
Ryan's user avatar
  • 61
6 votes
1 answer

bash autocompletion is slow, freezing my desktop

sometimes when working with a custom kernel, pressing tab in the bash autocompletes at a horrible pace. It freezes the whole desktop. Then comes back after awhile. This is the only quirk that I've ...
user108754's user avatar
5 votes
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Files with long filenames appear as empty

I'm not too familiar with Windows, so please bear with me. I have a folder with several files with very long filenames, that can be listed normally, but if I try to open them with any Windows ...
lhpcw's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Ssh X11 forwarding messes up with default shell

I have a bash specific code in my bash profile: $ cat ~/.bash_profile #!/usr/bin/env bash echo "SHELL: $SHELL" function printfiles() { while IFS='' read -r _file || [[ -n "$_file" ]]; do echo ...
kaligne's user avatar
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5 votes
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How to send trackback to arXiv papers from a Jekyll blog?

Sorry, my question was directed from Academia.SE here by the admins. If there is a better place to ask this question, please let me know as well. I have recently noticed that website ...
Xiaodong Qi's user avatar
5 votes
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emacs term-mode redraws prompt when backspacing inside executables

I am reliant on emacs (version 24.4.1 on Debian) term and ansi-term modes. They normally work just like xTerm for me, but when running an interactive program that has a prompt (like the node.js prompt,...
jimpudar's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

GNU screen is slow exiting

I've set up my .bashrc to automatically screen -DRA (even though it's a local session). screen works fine, except that if I run exit from the last window or otherwise close it from the client itself, ...
Viko Riféo's user avatar
5 votes
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Name a tab in iterm2, even with pane splits

I see there are solutions to name tabs in iterm2 when there is a single pane, but it doesn't work well with multiple panes/splits. So if I have two terminals open in a split under a tab, I would need ...
theicfire's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Ruby commands are turning off tty echo

After running Ruby scripts, almost 100% of the time, the bash command line will appear to be inactive, while in fact it's silently accepting my keystrokes without showing them to me. This has ...
Paul Roub's user avatar
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5 votes
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How to mount SMB share from terminal using keychain?

I need to be able mount a SMB share from terminal, for MAC OS versions (10.7). Is there a way to use mount_smbfs with keychain so I don't get prompt the username/password or have to add it to the ...
Celine's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Launch a WSL script through Windows Terminal: node: command not found

I am trying to run a node.js script in WSL from WT using the syntax wsl.exe <command>. However I can't get it to find Node when launched this way and get the following : PS C:\> wsl.exe -- ...
xShirase's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

How can I run dd as fast as possible?

I'm learning bash, and what with all the confusion around the many, many different ways there are to zero-write a drive or transfer data from/to one (shred vs dd vs pv vs cat vs tee and so on), I'm ...
Hashim Aziz's user avatar
4 votes
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compgen on zsh returns a different result than on bash

I am trying to make bash completions work properly in zsh. I am aware of the need to load these in ~/.zshrc: autoload -Uz +X compinit && compinit autoload -Uz +X bashcompinit && ...
DannyB's user avatar
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4 votes
0 answers

Delay in starting command prompt

There is a weird problem with my command prompt. Whenever I start it, there's a delay. The windows opens quickly as it should, but there is a Blank Time, before the command line displays this message: ...
batchcoding____s's user avatar
4 votes
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Can I push a commit with "--no-verify" from git gui?

I want to commit some files with a suggestive title, but I can not find a no-verify option.I know that I can do it in bash by simply adding "--no-verify" as a parameter but it would be ...
Tamas Bogdan's user avatar
4 votes
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All command line terminals on my PC [Windows 10] run incredibly slow. CMD, Git Bash, VSCode Terminal

So, since yesterday, my terminals have been running super slow. Slow to start up and slow to run commands. Running a command takes over one minute. Takes like 5 minutes to start up. At first I thought ...
Tyranius's user avatar
4 votes
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TAB completion with .bash_history

I usually use PageUp/PageDown to search through .bash_history given a prefix. However, I regularly catch me pressing TAB multiple times before realizing that I need to use PageUp/PageDown in this ...
Sven R. Kunze's user avatar
4 votes
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Can't install linux-libc-dev on WSL/Bash on Ubuntu on Windows

I'm trying to install linux-libc-dev on Bash on Ubuntu on Windows (the Windows Subsystem for Linux). This is to fix an earlier bash error: The following packages have unmet dependencies: libc6-dev : ...
Harmeet's user avatar
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0 answers

Can I create aliases with make?

Is it possible for make to create aliases? Here's what I tried: Makefile aliases: alias hello='echo world' alias holy='echo cow' It doesn't work as-is, presumably because the alias command ...
svidgen's user avatar
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tmux: get names of panes, each current directory and history

my tmux session is a bit broken, by which I mean that tmux ls returns an error like error connecting to /private/var/folders/d0/xbg08_x12lddw3dkht5w462c0000gn/T/tmux-501/default (No such file or ...
Rho Phi's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Remove All Illegal Characters from All Filenames in a Given Folder and subfolders

I Know this was was basically answered and the automator with the shell script (Sanitize Filenames) works great, but I need it to also do all subfolders as well. And if possible trim the file name ...
Tim Moseley's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How to open a local file with a query string appended to it in the default browser?

I want to do something like this from a shell script: $ open 'foo.html?foo=bar' Sadly that fails, as it looks for a file named foo.html?foo=bar instead of foo.html before opening the browser: The ...
Mathias Bynens's user avatar
4 votes
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How can I get bash to perform case insensitive tab-completion for my aliases and functions?

I have an alias like this: alias sshUntrusted='ssh -X -C -c blowfish-cbc,arcfour' But when I type $ sshun followed by Tab, Bash does not complete the alias. I have put set completion-ignore-case ...
FooBee's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to check which stream is used by the command? (bash)

I have an irritating problem: redirecting stderr does not work. I get: iptables: Chain already exists I can't be bothered to check if a chain exists already (pointless, iptables just throws an ...
LetMeSOThat4U's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Problems with bash script, mysql inserts and launchd

I am developing a automated system, which consists of 3 parts: mysql, bash and launchd. Bash script takes folders of work related stuff, zips, archives and puts info about them into database that is ...
Armandelis's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Tab Auto-Completion in Mac OS X when using sftp in terminal

i have been getting very frustrated lately since the readline functionality has been removed from MacOSX and Tab Auto-Completion doesn't work anymore. So i was wondering if anyone knew a good ...
pneumatics's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

How to pass bash variables (passwords) to IRSSI config file?

I'm using IRSSI and I wonder how can I pass my IRC channel's passwords to the IRSSI config file (~/.irssi/config) without writing them directly in the file. In Mutt I've an awk command that queries a ...
user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Grub: Legacy 'ask' parameter no longer supported

I'm trying to change the resolution on my base shell (the Ctrl+Alt+1) shell in Debian so that it supports my ViewSonic monitor. The shell appears really fuzzy when it is displayed on my lcd monitor, ...
leeand00's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Keystrokes and commands for my inputrc — key-combination for “Shift-Space”, remap “Ctrl-PageUp/PageDown” to something without Page-keys

I need to add some things to my inputrc. I'm using bash 4, as OS I'm using debian and OSX. My terminal emulators are rxvt-unicode-256 on debian and on OSX. My new macbook has no Insert/...
fooness's user avatar
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3 votes
0 answers

Is there a good way to write a shell script compatible with both bash and zsh that addresses array elements?

The fact that bash is 0-indexed and zsh is 1-indexed can cause problems. For example the following will work as intended with bash, but not zsh (PS I am aware that I don't NEED to use an array for ...
Stonecraft's user avatar
3 votes
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I wan't to configure Windows Powershell Script execution policy precisely

Is it possible to configure the Powershell execution policy to ask the Administrator for authorization each time a Powershell script wants to run? Something like this : Windows Administrator ...
leevmealone's user avatar
3 votes
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How to automatically refresh the Bash prompt every second?

As far as I can see, the user must press Enter in order to update PS1, PROMPT_COMMAND, etc. Is there some way to automatically update PS1 and have it get displayed on the screen (without messing up ...
Linus Arver's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to have dropdown autocomplete select options in ZSH or Bash?

Is it possible to have dropdown autocomplete select options in the terminal with ZSH or Bash as shown in the image below? Here the regions(i.e. ap-northeast-1, ap-northeast-1 etc) are predefined
Nameless's user avatar
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Different results for power measurement on ubuntu using powertop and energy_uj

I want to measure power usage of the whole PC in software on Linux. I've tried these two methods from here and here: using powertop: rm -f powertop.csv sudo powertop -q -t 60 -C powertop.csv cat ...
K.Mat's user avatar
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Does every Firefox tab have a own ID and how to get this ID by bash?

Envirement: Linux like Ubuntu, Firefox bash Its known programms like firefox have some pids, which can get p.e. on follow way: pidof firefox Its known every firefox window have a own wid, which can ...
Alfred.37's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Can I add a newline into a command from bash's history?

I often stumble across this problem: I type a command that has multiple lines for readability. This is an example: echo "Hello. This is an example of a very long command which is divided into ...
Bowi's user avatar
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Using SSH ProxyJump and SSH Agent Forwarding back to back

There is a series of ProxyJumps I have to do, to get to a specific target system T. The last hop to T does NOT support TCP forwarding at all, causing ProxyJump and ProxyCommand to fail, so that's not ...
GxTruth's user avatar
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Imagemagick file conversion not working?

I am trying to convert a file from .gif to .bmp using this command: convert -coalesce pixels8.gif out.bmp While doing this i get this error: convert-im6.q16: memory allocation failed `pixels8.gif' @ ...
JaydevSR's user avatar
3 votes
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How do I create a file of aliases for zsh like I did for Bash?

I've spent the last few years learning Ubuntu and fallen in love with Bash aliases. I recently got a Macbook Air and I want to use aliases, but MacOS uses zsh by default. I copied my .bash_aliases ...
Aim Fire Ready's user avatar
3 votes
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Bash history limited to 1000 even with HISTSIZE=9999999

On my old notebook (Debian sid) I had this in my ~/.bashrc and it used to work (e.g. history was more or less unlimited and it was being saved on each command): export PROMPT_COMMAND='printf "\...
Lucio Crusca's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

How to setup zsh to append history to a file named dynamically by date

My biggest sticking point moving from bash to zsh is the history configuration. Using oh-my-zsh there is a history.zsh file in #ZSH/lib that I found (I think) can be disabled via unsetopt ...
rsmets's user avatar
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How can I fix the error "Access Denied" in WSL?

I am trying to set up Windows Subsystem for Linux on my Surface Laptop running Windows 10 Version 1909 (Build 18363.836). I am encountering an issue when attempting to create a user account. I have ...
Todd's user avatar
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Screen issue: getpwuid can't identify your account

I am trying to run the static binary screen. I have created /etc/passwd and /etc/group. When I did ls -la /etc/passwd /etc/group I didn't get any errors, but when I am trying to run ./screen I get: ...
Евгений Камнев's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Monitor folder size

Is there a way to monitor and log folder size in Bash/Ubuntu? I'm running some computations and I need to know how much disk space they need. They may create some temporary folders for a few minutes/...
AleX's user avatar
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How to understand what is Shell, Terminal, MinGW, Bash, Git Bash etc?

I'm a still a beginner Python programmer. I know the basics decently and can also use some packages and libraries. I've used Pandas, Matplotlib, Beautiful Soup, Requests to name a few and I want to ...
Arafat Khan's user avatar
3 votes
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Remote control graphical Firefox instance

Is there any way to control regular Firefox instance remotely? I'm not looking for automated web testing or anything else utilizing headless browser. I'd just like to make useful CLI and desktop ...
woky's user avatar
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