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how to use curl for single sign-on website or page

I've already written a shell script but it's not working. I'm getting an empty response whereas it should first return a token and also it should login then register the API. That's the task which my ...
DevOPs's user avatar
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How can I close a browser window from a bash script?

I would like to open and close windows from a bash script but in my two versions of the code it gets stuck when it opens the first window and does not close the current window and then open the new ...
Bambino 's user avatar
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How do I install many lines of packages with apt (from a script)? Does '\' work? [duplicate]

A part of my Bash script looks like this: apt install -y alsa-base alsa-utils apt-transport-https build-essential curl ffmpeg geany gcc \ gnome-screenshot gnome-terminal libfuse2 libreoffice-calc ...
John Smith's user avatar
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mv in script eports "cannot stat"

I'm trying to write a script that adds the last accessed time to the end of the basename. Here is the script: for f in *.doc; do DIR=$(pwd) FILENAME="$f" FILETYPE=${FILENAME##*.} ...
MSS's user avatar
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Creating a script for Windows 11 to gzip some files using 7-zip then move and replace them in another folder

I have the following directory structure: Parent Folder: Project Children of Project: data, rawData Inside of rawData I have: index.html, settings.html, user.html, script.js, style.css and other files....
George Florian's user avatar
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How to execute three terminal scripts in three new tabs from Applescript?

I have the following apple script top execute three commands in different terminals. Is it possible to (1) combine this script to make it more efficient and (2) open in different terminal tabs instead ...
Brigadeiro's user avatar
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When using script for WinSCP it opens another folder

I am trying to automate process of downloading files from SFTP server using WinSCP. But I am having issues with the execution of one part of the code. When the connection is established instead ...
Ivan Aksentijevic's user avatar
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Double-clicking .sh file on KDE fails to run the script

I have a simple .sh script on my Desktop that fixes a minor annoyance with my second display. If I open Konsole, and type ./, it runs perfectly. But if I double click that .sh file - it fails ...
Adrian's user avatar
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Linux RHEL 7 - Shell Script - Can execute command separately but cannot execute inside a script

I have a simple script use to install a package under cust privilege like this (command changed for security) #!/bin/bash patch -i <package-name> << EOF n EOF the purpose ...
TriNguyen's user avatar
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curl only works with -u but not with -n

I can't get where is the error This works like a charm: ~$ curl -u '[email protected]:123' imaps:// -X 'STATUS INBOX (MESSAGES)' But this don't: ~$ curl -n imaps://
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I wan't to configure Windows Powershell Script execution policy precisely

Is it possible to configure the Powershell execution policy to ask the Administrator for authorization each time a Powershell script wants to run? Something like this : Windows Administrator ...
leevmealone's user avatar
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Can I and how to use `script` in a bash script

This must be the most frustrating research I've ever attempted (so far). So, there is script(1). I've been trying to add it to the start of a bash script I have (I was looking for a way to log every ...
João Ciocca's user avatar
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stopping ssh process that is sent to background without corrupting stdout

My script aims to extract a text log file using tail -f and a wireshark trace using tshark. But I don't know if these are the best options for my goal. My script has to ssh into a machine (which I ...
Fixenet's user avatar
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Why is this dot command behaving differently from the source command for the same script?

According to bash man pages and other online sources, the source command and dot should behave in exactly the same way when sourcing an existing script, but that is not what I observe. Consider this ...
shawn1874's user avatar
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Need to iterate Backwards in a linux/unix path

I have a script that would have multiple paths (folder names). Each folder path would have a Dockerfile, but its uncertain at what level that file would exist. Lets say my path is "v1/airflow/1....
Mohammed Ali's user avatar
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exit from entr inside script

After some googling, I found the entr utility to run a command on a file update. I can get it working, but unfortunately, I'm unable to exit from it. The literature about it isn't much and quite vague ...
gamb1t9's user avatar
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Shell script in Mac Automator won't work with folders

I am creating a service in Mac Automator which is basically a bash script to change some dcm files with dcmodify. Whenever I run it on a single file it works flawlessly, but when I try to run it over ...
Almostotalnoob's user avatar
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Reload user's group in a script

I'd like to create a new group in a script, assign the current user to it, reload the user's groups and continue executing commands that require the new group. In this related question I found nice ...
Felix's user avatar
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Powershell: Auto press enter every 5 minutes during script execution

I have a scheduled task running every morning that takes a bit to run (about an hour). During the execution of the script, I notice that the progress bar for it will stall randomly until I focus the ...
DrMoney's user avatar
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How to programmatically disable OSX from charging?

How can we programatically disable OSX from charging when connected to power source? And how can we programatically check the current battery percentage? In order to extend battery life I'd like to ...
GarouDan's user avatar
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Bspwm is not working

I have installed Bspwm from AUR on my EndeavourOS distribution which was initially running the GNOME desktop environment. I followed all the instructions on the Arch Linux wiki for Bspwm. I have made ...
MysticMaestro's user avatar
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windows 10 tries to run shell scripts from "C:\Windows\System32" directory

I have some bash scripts that I wanted to use like batch files in windows 10 by double clicking and let it to finish the job. Problem is it starts the script from windows system (C:\Windows\System32) ...
tansy's user avatar
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4 answers

Run bash scripts without typing the file extension the right way

I'm on Windows 10 and decided to transition from cmd to Git Bash. Say I have a script, I'd like to be able to run it with the command foo and not I found this answer, which works in ...
Verpous's user avatar
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How to always execute a command when a shell script function finishes?

I need to write a zsh function with multiple exit points and execute the same clean-up command at every one of them: function foo { if ... ; then ... run_cleanup return ...
Petr's user avatar
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Running the script does not provide any result

Hello! I am a beginner who is trying to learn bash scripting. I would like to read the user input (hash) using my script. However, when I run the script it just hangs without returning any result. ...
boosh Account's user avatar
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Create desktop shortcut for Safari to a specific web - on MacOS

I'm trying to create a desktop shortcut for Safari that will lead to a specific website when the users will use it. Trying for hours but with no success. Can someone help please? Thanks
Moshe's user avatar
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Is the macOS/Linux shell the same thing as Bash?

sorry if this is a silly question, but are there any differences between Bash and the macOS/Linux shell? (not all Linux distros use the Bash shell right?)
Meester Moo's user avatar
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Escaping quotation marks in a bash script on macOS

I want to turn the following command: $ gdate --date='TZ="America/New_York" 1am' +"%a %F %H:%M %Z" into a script using parameters, such as: #!/usr/bin/env bash gdate --date='TZ=&...
Marek Kowalczyk's user avatar
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/bin/sh: TexturePacker: command not found (while zsh works) macOS Monterey

I have a small Adobe Animate extension that uses TexturePacker to pack sprites onto sprite sheets. I've successfully added TexturePacker to $PATH (/Applications/ so it ...
Taras's user avatar
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3 answers

BASH Loop Through Variables

If i have a bunch of variables in bash, like this: foo_1="path/1" foo_2="path/2" foo_3="path/3" foo_4="path/4" foo_5="path/5" They all start with ...
T1M's user avatar
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Using --my_argument `cat some_file` as argument to some command

I'm running a command with options/parameters based on files.  So I cat the files inside the command.  However, when there's nothing in the file, this is problematic. mkbootimg --kernel "$...
Guerlando OCs's user avatar
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How to define and use global, filenames in a bash script

EDIT: Changed the requirement for dynamically-calculated variable names as I don't strictly need this for my use case, and a solution was provided that works for me. This is probably impossible to do, ...
Theophan's user avatar
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Pipes and file descriptors within bash scripts

Streaming PI camera video to VLC using the following command from bash prompt works OK: raspivid -o - -t 0 -w 1280 -h 720 -fps 12 | cvlc stream:///dev/stdin --sout '#rtp{sdp=rtsp://:8081/}' :demux=...
yannisf's user avatar
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How do i fix my bash script output for checking if user's directories exist

grep -E -v '^(halt|sync|shutdown)' /etc/passwd | awk -F: '($7 != "'"$(which nologin)"'" && $7 != "/bin/false") { print $1 " " $6 }' | while read -r user ...
dabean's user avatar
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How to make apache service run continuously from script file from docker?

I am trying to run apache2 service from .sh script from dockerfile. The 'sh' script contains 3 executable commands which is presented as below: #!/bin/bash export DISPLAY=:0.0 echo "pvw ...
rasunag27's user avatar
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Modify user in openLdap via bash script

Can you please help me put this command into if statement (bash scripting): $ ldapmodify -D -h password: [enter password] dn: cn=vipb,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com changetype: modify add: memberUid ...
Belphegor's user avatar
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PowerShell - Allow non-admin users to disable/enable Tasks

I have a task that triggers every hour, and runs a powershell script. I am supposed to deploy this script along with the task on workstations, where all users are non-admin users, however, the users ...
mully's user avatar
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read in Bash and ZSH

I'm observing differences between zsh and bash when using read on macOS. With bash this script echo "characters" | while IFS= read -d '' -n 1 a; do printf %s "$a-"; done Produces ...
user3589502's user avatar
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BASH - How to combine data from 2 files

I have 2 files with the following data file1: datapoint1name##datapoint1name datapoint1name.PercentUtilization= datapoint2name##datapoint2name datapoint2name.PercentUtilization= datapoint3name##...
user53029's user avatar
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Using sed only on grep lines in file

I have a file which contains something like this: user=a pass=b name=muzi standalone=true user=a pass=b name=muzi standalone=true user=a pass=b name=muzi standalone=...
Shahar's user avatar
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Reject users script help - bash - freeradius

I have this very small script that allows users to access defined hosts, but I do not know how to reject users to access everything else: This part of the script works fine: 318 Huntgroup-Name ...
Belphegor's user avatar
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What is the easiest way to edit a variable in a bash script from another bash script?

I have a bash script which only contains bash variables. for example: #!/bin/bash a="foo" b="bar" I also have another script, which should change the values of the variables of ...
Jaïr Paalman's user avatar
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Why does Bash require closing some statements?

Something I've always wondered but never gotten around to asking. In Bash: if statements require an ending fi case statements require an ending esac do statements require an ending done (which ...
Hashim Aziz's user avatar
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How to display weeks, days and hours in script

This is a follow-up question to a previous question regarding a bash script I wrote to help me more accurately keep track of my vices. I'm now trying to modify the script to display all non-zero units:...
Hashim Aziz's user avatar
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How to make getopts parameter optional

I wrote the following bash script as a budgeting tool to more accurately calculate (and moderate) when I last bought a pack of cigarettes. In addition to -h for printing the output, it takes one other ...
Hashim Aziz's user avatar
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Access positional parameters out of order in a for loop

I have a script which makes use of multiple (i.e. positional) arguments from the command line, and within it a for loop that iterates through these arguments: for i in "$@"; do ... done ...
Hashim Aziz's user avatar
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How to append a carriage return to replacement text in osx bash script

I've tried numerous answers that I searched for here, and for some reason nothing is working I have a bash script which I'd like to use to process a series of files. Here's a simplified example a sql ...
slashdottir's user avatar
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Tar extract a stream of tar files

I've got a binary (lets call it displayFiles) which will get several tar files at once and print the tars to stdout. I then pipe the stdout to tar. This works fine when the binary only downloads a ...
Art Hur's user avatar
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unexpected EOF while looking for matching `"' ubuntu 20.04

Can someone help me ??? i don't know where is the problem ?? ./ line 268: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `"' ./ line 271: syntax error: unexpected end of file ...
Rayen Ben Said's user avatar
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Linux | Upload a .tar.gz file to a FTP-Server with encryption enabled and port changed

First forward I gotta say that I'm a scripting noob and just've started to learn Linux. I need your help with the integrated ftp-client on Linux. I want to write a script that automaticly packs a ...
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